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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Shield Season Three DVD Specs

    Delay or no delay I'm looking forward to the set coming out. One thing good about it is that they've apparently decided to bring back the cast to do commentary ala season one. But the selection of episodes receiving commentaries and who's doing which commentary is extremely puzzling. IIRC doesn't Walt Goggin only appear in two scenes in "Mum"? Also, wouldn't it make more sense to have the season premire (Playing Tight) be the one with the commentary track if they intend on pairing up Chiklis and Michael Jace up for a commentary track? Or in the case of the third disc, why not have the actors do commentary for "Riceburner" instead of "Slipknot", what with the fact that "Slipknot"'s A-Story focuses mainly on Claudette and not the Strike Team?
  2. JasonX


    Regarding Jamie Foxx getting nominated/winning the Oscar for best actor for "Ray", he's definately going to get nominated for it and will most likely win it given that: 1. "Ray" is Jamie Foxx's proverbial coming out party with regards to him being taken seriously as a dramatic actor. So the Academy will most definately take that into consideration 2. This year is a REALLY REALLY shitty year for best actor nominees. Aside from Jim Carey for Eternal Sunshine, this year's batch of best actor award possibles is extremely thin. So Foxx has the added bonus of the fact that he doesn't have that much of a competition this year to keep him from winning Best Actor award.
  3. JasonX


    It wasn't explicitly stated, since at the time DC was doing gangbusters with Death/Reign of Superman so they decided to ape the situation by way of playing it up that Az-Bats was here to stay.
  4. JasonX


    Contrived plot device in the form of Batman's then doctor/girlfriend being a mutant with healing powers.
  5. JasonX


    Bane debuted in the "Vengence of Bane" one-shot, which came out around the time of Batman #484-487. He hung around Batman for a couple of issues stirring shit up (most notably hooking Riddler up with the Venom steroid and saving Azreal from being beaten to death by Killer Croc) before Knightfall happened.
  6. JasonX

    The Death of Superman

    There was also a nonsensical twist where it was stated that him gaining the Electrical Powers and being split in two was part of a convoluted prophecy regarding Earth being attacked by a group of cosmic giants that would attempt to destroy the Earth.
  7. I keep getting the following message popping up during the last month and a half: "eTrust EZ Antivirus real-time protection has found that C:\System Volume Information\_restore{EBECF1E0-8148-4FDC-9ACCE27AA5EF}\RP346\A0209273.exe is the Win32.SillyDI.AB Trojan." Last time this happened, I lost a good chunk of my old hard drive and had to go out and buy a new Hard-Drive/copy of Windows XP for my computer. PLEASE PLEASE help me get rid of this trojan before it does harm to my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. JasonX

    How I would resolve "Avengers Disassembled"

    1. Both #503/Avengers Finale are double-sized issues so it would fit in both. 2. In my version, Hawkeye dies a heroic death saving Hank Pym, hence making up for his shitty (and utterly out of character) actions during the Austen run.
  9. JasonX


    Interesting idea but horrible execution, especially with the stupid ass baby storyline. If JMS had simply established that Gwen (preferably BEFORE she met Peter) had a one time consentual boink with Norman Osborn that didn't end in pregnancy I would have no problem with it so long as the storyline was used to make Norman more sympathetic (IE the good side of Norman's personality actually loved Gwen but that the evil Goblin side murdered her just to spite the good side, leading to Norman revealing that he never told Peter he boinked Gwen because he honestly loved Gwen and didn't want to sully Gwen's good name). And it would even give a tie-in towards the recent revelation in the pages of "The Pulse" which has Norman going batshit crazy and having an imaginary Gwen talk to him.... But as it is, JMS's story is just God-Awful. Just plain God-Awful.
  10. JasonX

    The Death of Superman

    Knightfall was in the works long before the Death of Superman story (which was actually a last minute thing the writers came up with, when they had to scrap at the last minute their original plans for Superman #75 featuring the long awaited Clark/Lois wedding).
  11. JasonX

    How I would resolve "Avengers Disassembled"

    Avengers Finale Magneto appears, to the horror of everyone. Nick Fury tries to kill him but Magneto has a force-field that keeps Fury at bay. He explains how someone impersonated him after the destruction of Genosha, which leads to some rhetoric between Cap and Magneto over how America created the Sentinels that wiped out the country and how Magneto personally thinks that the thousands that died in NYC don't even rate comparing to the millions that died in Genosha. Magneto explains that he's been working with Professor X to rebuild Genosha/find out who it was that took his form and murdered the New Yorkers and offers to take Scarlet Witch off the Avengers hands so that she can heal with her father and Xavier. Cap gives permission and Magneto flies off, causing Nick Fury to bitchslap Cap for letting Magneto waltz in and take away Wanda. Cap tells Nick that enough fighting has happened today and walks off without a word. The rest of the issue deals with the fall-out: Iron Man and Falcon get She-Hulk out of US Custody and piss SHIELD off in the process. Hank announces that he's leaving the team to help take care of Jan, who's suffered massive internal injuries that will require her to stay in her normal size for a year/year and a half tops so that she can heal properly. Hawkeye is buried. Mach-3 and Songbird show up (to plug the new T-Bolts series) and vow to continue Hawk's legacy by reforming the T-Bolts in his honor. Meanwhile Hank gives Scott Lang's ex-wife a visit and comes into a nasty mess where we see Scott's ex-wife's new husband beating Cassie up while telling her that her dad was a worthless piece of trash that deserved to die. Hank shrinks down and watches as Cassie's mom literally tosses her daughter back to her evil step-father and tells Cassie that she was glad that Scott was dead and that she deserved to be beaten like she was. Hank procedes to grow to his normal size and beats Cassie's step-father to a bloody pulp in a one-sided fight. He then grabs Cassie takes her out of the home, telling Cassie's mom that he's use all of his power to make sure she never sees her daughter again. Cap meets up with Bruce Banner for a sit-down talk. Cap apologizes for letting Bruce take the blame for She-Hulk's rampage in "Search for She-Hulk" and talks about how the Avengers are in ruin: Hawkeye's dead, Wanda's injured/betrayed the team, Jan's injuries forcing her out of the hero business for the time being, Hank quitting to take care of her, Thor leaving the team do to his commitments with Asgard, and now the revelation that Korvac infiltrated the team and serving as members of both genders. Cap tells Bruce that he doesn't know what he'll do now especially given how the Avengers are his only family. Bruce tells Cap to continue the Avengers if the team is truly that important to him. Cap then invites Bruce to come to a memorial dinner that the Avengers are having in Hawkeye and Scott Lang's memory. Bruce says no but Cap basically begs him into saying yes. Iron Man (without his armor on) and She-Hulk return to the remains of the Avengers mansion and find that Nick Fury has gone and got a court order banning the team from returning to the mansion and rebuilding it until further notice. She-Hulk threatens to sue but a completely exhausted Iron Man refuses to do so at the moment. She-Hulk drives Tony to the Wasp's place (where the team has relocated at the moment) and asks Tony if he's talked to any of the other Avengerrs about coming back onto the team so as to keep it going. Tony says no, he hasn't talked to anyone and is just so shocked over the events of the last couple of days that he can't think straight. She-Hulk then announces that she's leaving the team to devote more time to her law career which Tony approves of. The Avengers hold a big dinner to honor Hawkeye and Ant Man's memory at a loft rented out by She-Hulk's law firm. Cap announces that he is going to continue the Avengers with Iron Man's help. We see the Avengers giving both Hawkeye and Scott Lang a fairwell toast as Jan proposes marriage to Hank at the banquet. Hank accepts and the couple gets cheered on by the crowd of heroes. We cut to Iron Man and Captain America at the remains of the Avengers mansion several weeks later. They remember back to old times and comments about how thanks to She-Hulk and her law firm, Jan and Hank have successfully gotten temporary custody over Cassie thanks to She-Hulk's law firm and that Cassie's step-dad's claims of being assaulted have been thrown out on the basis that Hank did so to protect Cassie. Suddenly Wolverine sneaks up on them as they talk about how Jan and Hank have decided to elope in Las Vegas the following week. The appearance of Magneto earlier came to the attention of the X-Men, so Logan decided to go investigate and now he wants answers. However before they can say anything there is an explosion downtown that the Avengers see. Cut to several minutes earlier as Spiderman runs into Jessica Drew downtown and they talk some about how Jessica's powers got re-activated out of the blue. As they talk we see a body being flung right into the two heroes along with a pumpkin bomb. As Spidey drags himself off the ground from the blast crater, he finds that the hero in question is the Luke Cage and standing before the three is the Green Goblin, who's holding Jessice John's dead body (dead because Goblin snapped her neck, which he states) as he declares that Cage and Spidey are going to die just like Alias did for outing him. Cue Cap and Iron Man showing up alongside Wolverine (who openly comments "I'm not an Avenger, I'm just here for the show") as we get to the final page and a generic "The story never ends" blurb along with a plug for people to buy "New Avengers".
  12. JasonX

    GTA: San Andreas

    Liscencing problems: IE Eddie Vedder refusing to let people use his music in compilations/video games and the fact that Nirvana's music rights are shared by a trio of people who can't agree on anything...
  13. JasonX

    The Countdown to Beltran with Yankees Topic

    One problem with Zaun and John Flaherty: Why keep/sign BOTH of them when they'll never get any playing time? I mean, what's the fucking point of having a back-up catcher when that over-rated piece of shit Jorge Posada is the only catcher that the idiots in the Yankees organization will ever let play?
  14. JasonX


    Guy's surviving Rebirth, since Geoff Johns has gone on record as saying that he won't be killing any GLs off in the mini-series. At worse, Guy is going to get depowered so he can be given a new GL ring once the new GL series gets started up.
  15. JasonX

    Florida fires Ron Zook and coaching staff

    Out or curiousity Slayer, where is the Milhouse quote in your sig picture from?
  16. JasonX

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    stopped reading. Gutting a team assures nothing but losing for several years/ What do you call the last couple of years? Let's face it. The Yankees are FUBARed with the current roster of mega-millionaires. Best gut the fish NOW and restock with the fact that it's better to gut now and get it over with than to piss away additional years with a belief that things will magically get better on their own by way of tossing around money before you have no choice whatsoever to rebuild when all of your "stars" are worthless and/or crippled....
  17. JasonX

    ESPN 25 DVD Question

    Can someone please post a detailed list of which Sportcenter commercials are on the bonus DVD packaged with the ESPN 25 DVD?
  18. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...d__fields_close Glenn Close is joining the cast of "The Shield" in season four, playing the role of "Monica Rawling" the new police captain at the Barn when the show starts it's fourth season in the spring of 2005. According to the article, she'll be in all 13 episodes of the season and that her character will have a controversial agenda that will result in her giving Vic even more authority than he already has to carry out her unspecified plans for the Farmington district.
  19. JasonX

    Desperate Housewives

    Anyone watching ABC's "Desperate Housewives"? Great show and one which stars one of my favorite Melrose Place Alumni Marcia Cross as well as Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman as a group of suburban housewives dealing with a neighbor's suicide and other family crisises.
  20. JasonX

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    Same thing can be said about Parker and Stone AND WORSE, given how they do the EXACT FUCKING THING and worse... And if conservatives do stupid things, then it's not funny and is off-limits in terms of mocking.... Again that's ok but you can't fucking pick and chose WHAT bad things you want to highlight in order to make the overall mesage that America still rules if you want the audience to take said message home with them. Except when THEY (Parker and Stone) are the ones being mocked and cursed and stuff. Though I'll gladly eat my words if Stone and Parker are man enough not to retaliate against Sean Penn through South Park by way of not mocking Penn in any way on the show for daring to call them on their shit....
  21. JasonX

    HHH's jab at Rock

    The fact that the Rock got all of his fame and success BEFORE HHH did and got it handed to him by Vince on a silver platter while HHH had to whore his ass off to get the stuff Rock was given? HHH is a very petty figure who's bloody climb to the top was based solely on the fact that Austin and Rock both leapfrogged over him on several occassions to get to the top cf the company. Rock in particular becasue they worked a rather extensive program in 98 designed to make both figures upper card level wrestlers and "made it" before HHH did.
  22. JasonX

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    The main problem is that Parker and Stone utterly and completely pussied out on TMB the moment that Bush got elected. The show originally was supposed to air a month after the election and they said it was going to be just like South Park in terms of no-holds barred mocking of the institute of the presidency. But once Bush got elected they immeadiately delayed the project for over five months and in that time totally castrated it to be nothing more than a bunch of pussy sitcom parodies with Bush and his family plugged into them with ZERO bite.
  23. JasonX

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    I don't know, Parker may be the brains but he's also got a bad habit of coming off like an utter prick in interviews. Stone meanwhile comes off in interviews as a decent fellow who seems to not have become as drunk off of his newfound fame and clout as his partner even if he is a "hanger-on".... As for EricMM: Basketball was crap, Orgasmo was merely so-so, and Canibals the Musical was an utter disappointment IMHO. And don't get me started on That's My Bush. They've only hit gold with South Park. And while the show has definately improved in terms of writing over the last couple of seasons there still are crap in it that makes me wonder what fucking planet Parker and Stone live on.
  24. JasonX

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    It all has to do with the cult of personality that Parker and Stone have created for themselves and the notion that they are never to blame for their problems. Has it been stated that P&S were required by Paramount to get an "R-Rating" for them to even greenlight the release of the film? If they new they had to get an R-Rating then I have ZERO FUCKING SYMPATHY for Parker and Stone. They've been in the game long enough to know what they can and can't do and should have planned accordingly. Perhaps people are aware that this whole thing could end with P&S throwing a temper tantrum and not releasing the film at all if they can't escape the NC-17 rating out of a sense of pure spite? Remember, Parker and Stone are ultra-cynical capitalists at heart (and have even stated as such in interviews) and that they know full-well that they can manipulate their fanboy legions to create a shitstorm for them if they can't get their way. And perhaps they are uber jealous that someone like Michael Moore could get his film a huge box-office haul after his film almost didn't get released and are now waving the flag of "Look at me! I'm being put down by the MPAA!!!!" in hopes of emulating the box-office successs of Moore's film? Especially given how their film is one of those films that are only going to appeal toward their die-hard fanboys and not sell to the casual audience and die a horribly nasty death at the box office, further showing that P&S are nothing more than a one-trick pony who can only be crude and put down other people who they just don't like? So as far as I'm concerned, Parker and Stone can go jump in the lake and drown. Cause I'm sick and tired of them acting like their shit don't stink and acting like they are the only ones in the world to ever be repressed by someone else.
  25. Another problem is of course his obsession with sucking up to HHH (out of him wanting to get in good with the WWE office during 2002, when he was applying for a writing job every 2 months), which culminated in SK literally going out of hsi way to avoiding criticizing HHH during his 2002-2004 reign of terror, which culminated in his unhealthy obsession and unfunny running jokes about him gushing over HHH's hairstyles in every match review that he did....