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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    I hope not because let's be frank: P&S have done a HELL of a lot worse than Sean Penn when it comes to them bashing people who have different beliefs (most notably anti-smokers and Democrats). And let's not forget "That's My Bush", where P&S went out of their way to give Bush a constant blow-job to the point that they literally changed the entire purpose of the show (which was supposed to be mocking politics) when their man Bush got elected...... That being said, I wish that the people behind King of the Hill and the Simpsons would do something towards tearing P&S a new asshole because if these two fuckers desperately need to be taken down a peg and given a good old-fashion public humiliation to humble them......
  2. JasonX

    Tough Crowd cancelled?

    Both were indeed original CC properties and not cancelled shows from other networks.
  3. It's not about ratings right now so much as it is about ratings in the future should Conan jump ship to another network. Leno still is number one in the late night ratings but basically this all boils down to the fact that NBC being terrified that Conan will leave them and take a huge ass chunk out of the ratings of TTS if he goes to another network and run his show at the same time as Leno....
  4. JasonX

    The Rise and Fall of ECW

    Because he was a major player during the early days of ECW and was the one who gave the famous "Extreme" promo that christened the company with it's name?
  5. JasonX


    Actually it is a good argument in that it shows that the show can not survive without at least ONE of the two on the show plus the fact that TPTB have zero ability to properly replace the two when they are both on hiatus in order to keep viewer interest in the show. Granted it can be argued that the show is purposely made to stink with the shitty fill-in hosts during the summer in order to insure that they don't upstage Wilbon and Tony, but even if that wasn't the case it doesn't excuse what has become a very noticable flaw in the show.
  6. JasonX

    Power Rangers: Dino Thunder

    Yost isn't going to appear. The plan, according to the rumors I've heard was for Zeltrax (Mesagog's top underling) to turn out to be Billy but they couldn't come to terms with a contract for Yost to come back. So they aborted that whole plotline (after toying with the notion of recasting Billy) and Zeltrax became a generic character that Tommy knew from when he was working as a scientist.
  7. JasonX

    Does Bischoff add anything to the show?

    Does anyone else remember that aborted angle where Eric kissed Stephanie, and then they promptly dropped it, and never said a word about it ? I remember that and given the rumors of what the kiss was going to lead to (Eric and Steph versus Vince) I'm glad they dropped that whole plotline...
  8. JasonX

    X-men 3 update

    Fuck the Dark Phoenix Saga. Keep Jean Grey dead and have Famke recast as Madddy Pryor, Jean's troublemaking sex-obsessed twin sister. Let Wolverine and Rogue hook up (which is something Singer was heading towards with the subtly of a brick to the head) while introducing Polaris into the mix to hook up with Iceman and give Magneto a reason to hang around. And while we're at it bring back Halle Berry and stick Storm with Gambit so we can keep these two characters together and away from the main plot... As for villains, one word: Proteus.
  9. JasonX

    Identity Crisis note from issue 3

    Two possible takes: Batman was present when they caught Dr Light raping Sue and helped take him down. BUT when the other heroes suggested mind-wiping Light and turning him into an idiot, Batman freaked out, got the shit kicked out of him by the rest of the JLA, and Zatanna raped Batman's mind so that he forgot all about what happened. Batman was there but was against violating Light's mind. Batman ran like a tattletale to Superman but Superman opted to believe the rest of the JLA when they told him that Batman was lying his ass off. Batman quits the JLA in protest and that is why he formed the Outsiders, which also explains why Meltzer featured Katanna and Black Lightning in the first issue, as they will most likely team up with Bats at some point in the series to try and find the killer... As for the killer, I think it's a combination of Trickster/The Piper/Heat Wave. We know Heatwave helped carry out Sue's death and that the last words of Atom's ex-wife make sense if you picture Piper as her killer given how Piper is to the DCU what Sandman is to Marvel Comics when you think of reformed villains. It would also explain the blindfold that the ex had over her eyes as The Piper not wanting to look his victim in the eye while he killed her. The big question of course would be why? My guess is that it might have something to do with their vendetta to bring down Mirror Master (who did rather nasty things to both Heat Wave and The Piper's families and framed them for his own evil actions) with them seeking to frame MM for the murders (since he's the only one who could get into both victims homes without tripping the alarms). Plus he was shown to be coked out of his head right before Sue's murder, which would help the three frame him since he would be too high from the drugs to remember doing the murders....
  10. JasonX

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    Wasn't Ollie loosely associated with the JLA post-Crisis? Not really. After Crisis Mike Grell got complete control over GA and had DC sever Ollie's ties with the mainstream DCU as well as forcibly yanking Black Canary out of the JLI so he could use her to become the poster child for mysoginistic comic writers who regularly rape and maim the female characters they write.... It wasn't until the early 1990s, when Chuck Dixon gained control over the character and behind the scenes power at DC that Green Arrow was allowed to return to interacting with the rest of the DCU.
  11. JasonX

    Dreamworks vs Pixar

    Yes and no. The two things that would keep such a collaboration from happening would be: 1. Division of the profits for any films they produce together 2. The issue of which studio would distribute said films
  12. JasonX

    John Byrne

    Not really. Byrne has long since been on the record towards the fact that he never wanted to do Alpha Flight and that he only did the book as part of a deal he had with Jim Shooter, where Byrne agreed to write/draw Alpha Flight in exchange for Shooter leaving Byrne alone on Fantastic Four. Nowadays Byrne has disowned Alpha Flight and considers it to be a project he wishes he had never done....
  13. JasonX

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    But he remembers up to his death and such. So why would he not remember WW? Thanks to John Byrne and his Hyppolyta the Time Traveling Golden Age Wonder Woman arc, the entire DCU knows about Wonder Woman and the Amazon via the Golden Age WW's actions well before Diana came out to the world during Legends. Hence why Green Arrow knows Wonder Woman despite his memory problems...
  14. Zombie 2 is indeed the same fiilm that us Americans know as Zombie.
  15. JasonX

    I have a question

    I think that was do to the combination of the fact that he was hiding on the one place Darth Vader would never visit (his homeworld, where his mother was murdered and he was forced to live his childhood as a slave alongside his mom) and possibly Vader, despite being horrifically disfigured/crippled by Obi-Wan, purposely allowing Obi to live so long as he went away and didn't take arms against the Empire. And possibly (depending on how Lucas decides to handle the issue of Leia and Luke's birth/conception) Vader let Obi live on the condition that he protects his kids so that Palpatine never gets his hands on them....
  16. Actually that's the best way to resolve the plotline, since it lets them write Tony and his wife out of the series without leaving them as a dangling plot point.
  17. It has potential so long as: 1. They keep the Injustice League of Euro-Trash out of the show and not make them the secretive puppet-masters behind the plot. 2. They expand Chloe's part so that she gets a lot of airtime as Jack's ally/annoying sidekick who makes Jack's life hell. 3. They kill off Jack's new girlfriend cause she sounds like a real big skank.
  18. JasonX

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Busiek. Again. Alternatively, Fabian Nicieza or Keith Giffen/DeMatthies/McGuire (AKA the guys behing the late 80s JLA and the "Formerly Known As Justice League" mini). Hell, Tom DeFalco would be a good choice. As for major no-nos: JMS: He's wrecked Spiderman with his obsession to make Spidey a magic character and the current God-Awful Gwen Stacy had twins storyline. Keep him away from the Avengers. Mark Waid: Again, keep him away unless Waid agrees to work with an editor who will keep his egotism to a minimum....
  19. JasonX

    New GBA Retro Games

  20. JasonX

    New GBA Retro Games

    Another more realistic reason for Punch Out not getting re-released: They might think if they re-release it sans Mike Tyson (do to the fees required to get Tyson's likeness used) that it might not sell as well or even worse, create controversy with people complaining about Tyson's absence which could create negative buzz for the re-release...
  21. JasonX

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    I offer the following alternative scenerio: Simply have Viacom rerun that night's Daily Show and Tough Crowd or Crossballs on free TV. That's an hour long block plus by putting it on after midnight that would let them get by any standards and practice problems...
  22. JasonX

    New GBA Retro Games

    Basically yes. The Japanese Super Mario 2 (AKA The Lost Levels) was a huge flop in Japan do to it's insane difficulty and Nintendo's American branch were terrified that the game (with it's difficulty and the fact that it was outright identical to SMB1) would be a huge flop. So they had another famicon game (Doki Doki Panic) hacked and turned into a Super Mario Brothers game and released in the States as Super Mario Brothers 2.
  23. JasonX

    Getting Orton Over

    Well at least Benoit gets to slink back to the mid-card with his dignity intact while Randy Orton becomes the lame-duck champion everyone and their mothers were expecting Benoit to be... That being said, the simple way to build Orton up now would be to do an injury angle. Have HHH "cripple" Orton and steal the belt and go around for a couple of months acting like he's the champion and badmouthing RO and after a couple of months have RO come back to reclaim his stolen belt and then beat HHH for good.
  24. It was filler pure and simple to continue the illusion that is the brand split. Plus wasn't this the first time since Mania that the two shows have interacted together?
  25. JasonX

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    The Phantom Stranger (who has more origins than you can shake a stick at) has been referred to in several of his origins to be a former angel who either 1. Left Heaven after Satan's rebellion out of disgust over the whole rebellion or 2. Was cast out of Heaven for not picking a side during Satan's rebellion and forced to wander around for eternity.....