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Everything posted by JasonX
McMahon Upset That SD! Drew Stronger Rating Than
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in The WWE Folder
They should just bite the bullet and ship Kurt Angle to Raw and send HHH to SD. With the fact that SD's quality is directly tied into Kurt Angle being an active part of the show, they should bite the bullet and send Angle to the superior show and give SD to HHH as his personal feifdom to run into the ground. -
Nope, it will end up with X-Pac coming back with HBK and feuding with Randy Orton and HHH. Then Z-Pac will turn heel after the fans reject him and we get yet another round of HHH and HBK fighting like a divorced couple over a mutal friend......
DVDFiles.com has some new info as Paramount has made changes to the artwork for the box set, most notably their decision to include the original poster artwork for Part 6... http://www.dvdfile.com/interactive/drive_i...daythe13th.html
This question is flawed do to the fact that despite all of the shit of 1999, the year was still watchable in the sense that the company was still doing good and riding a wave of popularity that allowed them to hide their flaws in favor of their strengths. A better question for this thread would be "Is this WWE better off today than it was in 2002/2003?".
The popular running theory on DK 2 is that Miller was purposely writing a shitty story and producing shitty artwork for it after DC threw an obscene amount of money at him plus offered to pay his moving expenses for him to do the book. Sort of a "It's supposed to suck because he's mocking the big event nature of DK 2 and the fact that DC gave him all that money to write it and is charging readers $8 an issue to buy it" type farce where everyone loses except for DC and Miller....
Kaine's motives and reasoning were pretty much haphazardly written. The closest to an actual motivation was that Kaine was jealous that Ben wasn't deformed or dating an evil bitch like Kaine was (and who Kaine killed and who Peter later got put on trial for killing early on in the clone saga). As for Kaine's fate; he's currently in hiding and raising Peter and MJ's daughter May while everyone continues to think that the two are dead...
Sadly a lot of the stuff that was clarified in the Spiderman Encyclopedia is now null-and-void thanks to Brian Fuckhead Bendis. Most notably Mysterio and Hobgoblin, who's continuity has been even more fucked up thanks to the recent Masturbatory Marvel Knights: Secret Wars mini-series...
Really? I heard that as part of the lawsuit over the planned E! clipshow was that NBC, in a fit of anger over this, evoked a clause in their contract with Viacom over SNL that essentially nullified their contract regarding airing SNL, which is why SNL reruns aren't on TV...
It should be noted that this is just an ULTRA CYNICAL MARKETTING PLOY since Marvel knows these books won't sell as is, they are putting "2099" on all of the covers to try and trick people into buying them...
Actually, if wrestling gets mentioned it will be in 1998 and tbe WWE. The WWE didn't officially hit it big again until 1998 with Austin, Undertaker, Mick Foley, and the up and coming Rock being the ones who spearheaded the company through that year.... WCW won't get mentioned if only because despite the success of the NWO and Nitro, the company self-destructed before it could fully reap the benifit of the second wrestling boom period. Plus even if they let Jericho and Hogan go at explaining and setting up the segment, they would stick in Michael Ian Black or someone else to make crack comments and mock wrestling as a whole and undermine anything Jericho or Hogan might say....
1. It was indeed Destiny's mask that Spiral used along with her knife to fuck with Dazzler 2. They can always do what they did on the X-Men cartoon and boil down the whole opening arc to Cyclops seeing Dazzler at a club, catching Donald Pierce trying to capture Dazzler, and have Cyclops beat the shit out of Pierce. 3. As for pictures of Dazzler, here are some pictures of her in her various X-Men costumes: Dazzler in her Mark Silvestri designed costume: Here is a picture of the Jim Lee redesign costume that Dazzler wore during the 90s...
Actually she had a masked literally nailed onto her face via a huge knife that was stabbed into her forehead by Spiral. As for the Shatterstar thing, his origin is definately convoluted especially when you take into account the origin they ultimately stuck him with after Fabian left X-Force. It was ultimately retconned that Shatterstar really was a brain-dead twenty-something human named Ben Russell who Spiral brainwashed/gene-spliced into thinking he was a warrior called Shatterstar that hailed from the future. A story that was made even more convoluted with the way that it is shown that Shatterstar's creation came about do to a time-loop where Shatterstar is killed and in order to revive him so as to stop Mojo, Spiral went back in time and proceded to revive Ben Russell and turn him into Shatterstar only to take him into the future to save the members of X-Force....
In short, yes. The actually finale is one of the most controversial endings ever for a sci-fi show with Sam meeting a figure who claims to be God, which causes the entire basis of the show being totally turned on it's head towards the true nature of why Sam was leaping back and forth and who was actually deciding the specifics of Sam's leaps.
Jubilee and Boom Boom/Meltdown have totally different powers: Jubilee creates generic fireworks made out of plasma while Boom Boom creates round energy bombs that explode. As for Dazzler, she debuted in the first portion of the Dark Phoenix Saga (UXM #129-131) and didn't join the team until the Mutant Massacre, when she got possessed by Mr Sinister flunky Malice. She joined the team in UXM #214 and stayed on until UXM #251 when she got zapped into the Siege Perilous. She hung around for a couple of more issues before being zapped into comic book limbo. She resurfaced in the pages of adjectiveless X-Men and played a major part in Jim Lee's final X-Men story and would have continued to appear if not for Jim Lee revealing that she was pregnant with Shatterstar, which was a fuck-you to Lee's editor Bob Harras and to his replacement writer Fabian Nicieza, who both hated Dazzler and who had tried desperately to convince Jim not to use her in his X-Book. Needless to say, Dazzler quickly miscarried and was tossed back into obscurity while Shatterstar suddenly started talking about being a test-tube baby...
DBZ manga has some major problems in that the manga cuts out a shitload of character exploration moments that are in the anime. DB manga on the other hand is better than the anime because the pacing and writing is much better PLUS the manga (provided you buy the current printing version of DB) leaves all of the pervert humor in the series...
Look for the names "Mackie" or "Kavanaugh" and you'll find a book that's been FUBAR'ed. To be fair, despite being a class A hack and bootboy for Bob Harras, Howard Mackie has one sole redeeming feature going for him: He's one of the very few writers who actually could write a readable Ghost Rider comic.
Sort of. In Peter Parker: Spiderman #20 they brought Paul Jenkins was onboard to salvage the wreckage while Babylon 5's JMS was hired to write Amazing Spidey. Meanwhile Mackie brought back Mary Jane from the dead but editorial fucked fans over again by having MJ leave Peter immeadiately after she came back. Meanwhile JMS decided to keep MJ gone from the book so he could do his "Magic Spider" story which had Ezikeal (crappy spelling) appearing and telling Peter that he got his powers not from a magic spider. He also deepsixed Spidey's entire supporting cast and made Peter become a science teacher. After the first six months of crap, JMS's ASM improves as he has Aunt May find out Peter is Spidey and starts working to bring Mary Jane back (though it took Kevin Smith threatening to go public with Marvel's "MJ is the root of all evil in the comic industry" dogma to get them to let JMS bring her back and keep the two married). Sadly the villains become more and more magic based as Dr Strange becomes a regular in the title. The only regular Spidey villain who appears is Dr Octopus, who is actually played as being a sympathetic figure by JMS, especially when compared to a previous Jenkin's written Spidey story involving Doc Ock. Meanwhile Paul Jenkins does a lot of non-action stories that the bulk of which involve Peter having flashbacks to Uncle Ben raising him. Towards the end of his run editorial starts making him do more action stories including the return of the Green Goblin in a shit story that ends with Jenkins ripping off Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke" after Jenkins has the Green Goblin put long-time Spidey supporting cast member Flash Thompson in a permenant coma while ending the arc with Peter forgiving Norman for killing Gwen Stacy while Norman pulls out a gun from his dresser drawer and carresses it while starring vacantly into space. Recent stories by jenkins have been ultra crappy as Jenkins fucked up Venom (by turning Brock into a wussy who had terminal cancer and who is at the utter mercy of his hentai-esque costume monster) and more lame stuff with Doc Ock being just a stock villain who is evil for evil's sake.
I'll give you Stacy X, but Casey wasn't the one who fucked up Nightcrawler. It was Chris Claremont who fucked up Nightcrawler by way of making him a priest during his second X-Run. Casey simply inheritted Priest Nightcrawler...
Along with the piece of shit Chapter One, the reboot was Marvel's attempt at letting Howard Mackie and John Byrne destroy the Spidey franchise on the basis that Marvel editorial believed that Spidey had to have a totally shit life in order for this book to sell and that MJ was the anti-christ who scarred away comic readers. Some hightlights of the reboot's shit nature: Peter's life turning to shit and him losing his home, all of his personal possessions, his friends, his wife, and ending up homeless and sleeping on the streets Sandman turns evil again and reveals that he's been faking being good all this time (which was so negatively received that Marvel rushed out a back-up story that retconned this retcon so as to have the Sandman be brainwashed into being evil again) Mysterio running around in the Spidey books at the same time he was killed off in Daredevil, with Mysterio claiming that he faked his death in DD and not to mention Mackie spoiling the fact that Mysterio dies in DD before the issue even came out Howard Mackie ramrodding Gwen Stacy's obnoxious cousin Jill into the Spidey books as a new love-interest to Peter and having her be portrayed as a complete and utter stalker Mary-Jane suddenly turning into an utter bitch so that (and this is the god's honest truth) when they blew her up in a plane crash that fans would cheer her demise The utterly unlikable John Byrne created Spiderwoman III, who was immeadiately trying to force Spidey to fuck him days after MJ died JJJ turning into a one-dimensional asshole who not only hated Spidey but also treated Mary Jane like shit (leading to a tasteless scene where JJJ makes a joke at the fact that MJ was dead upon hearing the news.... The Green Goblin that Norman Osborn was using as a stand-in turning out to be a shapeshifting clone of Harry Osborn, who dies immeadiately upon being unmasked. Carnage running around naked and covered in red paint And most importantly a shit main storyline involving a generic Senator who everyone including the various Spidey villains are trying to kill because he is supposed tto be a mass murdering monster that dragged on for months on end before finally being mercy-killed as a part of the equally shitty Maximum Security X-Over.
BTW I'm utterly mortified that there is no Steve Seagle and Joe Kelly-love in this thread. They produced some extremely great X-Books durng their brief stint on the titles...
Waid actually did write the X-Men. He wrote X-Men #51-57 and two issues of X-Men Unlimited (XMU #10 and 11, which are UBER-RARE BTW) that are required reading since they have major league impact towards the events of the X-Books at the time and make for confusing reading if you read the core X-Books without having read them.... He ultimately quit the book do to editorial problems but not before being the one who came up with the notion of Onslaught being Professor X....
Sinister is an evil Dr Mengella-type scientist who is obsessed with studying mutantkind. His obsession with Jean and Scott breeding comes from him needing a super-strong mutant to kill his former boss Apocalypse, who gave Sinister his powers only to get backstabbed in return. X-Cutioner's Song was supposed to be the arc that revealed who Cable and Stryfe were as well as being the first meeting between the X-Men and X-Force. Sadly editorial stopped Lobdell from getting the original ending (which had Stryfe revealed to be Cyclop's son) from being published. At the end of the arc Stryfe died but not before a container (which was said to contain a collection of Summers Family DNA from the future) was opened by Mr Sinister, unleashing a deadly plague upon mutantkind that was called the Legacy Virus...
The whole "Nightcrawler as a priest" idea was bad, frankly. And I still maintain that Austen wasn't that bad a writer, but 'net opinion is very, VERY vocal against him. Casey's run was a lot worse, and the Austen hate helped hide the fact that Morrison's later stuff was also not good. I disagree. Casey's run was MUCH better and improved once he stopped writing while hitting the drugs (his own admission) and started his Vanisher/Mystique storylines, which were pretty cool. Plus, Casey actually wrote Angel as being a competant figure as opposed to being a quasi-homophobic idiot leader with a thing for jailbait....
Or what about him doing the story of Havok being brainwashed/mentally raped into ditching Polaris at the alter and then defending the bitch and her evil son when Polaris came calling to beat the shit out of the two for trying to steal her man?