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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Jack Bauer Jumping the Shark

    Can to elaborate on this?
  2. JasonX


    Yes. i beleive Charmed was his first big TV role in the states (He's an Aussie). Not really. Said actor was on NBC's big crime show "Profiler" during the late 1990s before joining the cast of Charmed. As for DVDs, it's been repeatedly stated that the show has one of those fucked up syndication contracts that has a clause state that X-Amount of time has to pass before the show can be released on DVD. Luckily said clause expires at the end of 2004 and the company that owns the rights to the show has stated that they intend to release the series onto DVD as a top priority...
  3. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    The storyline though seems to definately heading towards the notion of Vic chosing his family over his work. He definately isn't over Corrine and is seeing how much help his kids need that Corrine is unable to provide by being forced to work/just plain stressed to the point of breakdown. Plus, Vic is ultra-pussy whipped by Corrine and even though he'll put up the brave fight not to become a full-time dad he'll eventually crumble and return to his now sham of a marriage for the sake of the kids.
  4. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    The foreshadowing fairy was back in full force last night. Could they be any more obvious with the direction they are going for the finale with the confrontation scene with Vic and his wife over how she expected Vic to quit work? Even though the writers tend to write Corrine as a queen bitch 99% of the time, she actually makes sense with regards to the fact that it's kind of stupid that the parent that makes the most money be the one who quits work especially if the family are in dire financial straights. Even odds says that this season will end with Vic resigning from the force in order to return home to begin living in a sham marriage for the sake of his kids while the ST either is dismantled or given to someone else to run. Speaking of the ST, the writers continue to expand upon the group falling apart with Ronnie right in the middle of it. If I was a suspicious person, I would think that the writers have some sort of plan for Ronnie with him scheming to turn the members of the ST against each so that he can steal the entire money train loot for himself and that Mara and her mother are Ronnie's co-conspirators who have been recruited by Ronnie to turn everyone against each other. That being said, I hope to god that they let Ronnie have some spotlight time next week when they do their "The Strike Team Implodes!" payoff. God knows that the character's been through enough to deserve David Rees Snell being given a scene in which he gets to bitch out the other characters instead of just being forced to play pull-apart while series regulars Kenny Johnson and Walt Goggins try and fake choke each other to death... And speaking of the foreshadowing fairy, notice how they've set up Vic's little getaway to occur in realtime the same week as the finale. Needless to say, I fully expect that Vic's romantic getaway is going to end badly with him either getting the shit kicked out of him by the dog handler's boyfriend or Vic finding out that his GF doesn't really care for Vic and is just using him for cheap sex, which will so damage Vic's ego that he goes running home to Corrine and begging her to take him back even if the best he can hope for is them engaging in a loveless sham marriage... As for Claudette and Dutch, I was more of the mind that Dutch wanted to talk to Claudette about his cat killing than her new BF. His scene where he talks to Claudette about judging people on random events in one's life screamed like he was going to tell her about the cat in hopes of Claudette not judging him on it...
  5. http://thesmartmarks.com/artman/publish/article_1459.shtml Comments, Feedback, Loose Change?
  6. JasonX


    The situation involving the Jared Stevens Fate is ultra-ultra convoluted. After a two year run, DC cancelled and relaunched "Fate" as "The Book of Fate" which had Keith Giffen as it's writer. Giffen basically jetisoned everything from the previous series and pitted Jarad against Nabu in a convoluted nightmare of a series. This new series lasted about 12 issues before it was cancelled yet again. He disappeared until the start of the new JSA series, in which Jared was brutally murdered by Mordru in order to facilitate the resurrection of the Silver Scarab and his assuming the position as the current Doctor Fate. When we last saw Jared, he was living inside the universe that exists inside the Dr Fate Amulet along with every previous Dr Fate but recent issues of JSA hinted that he may have been just an illusion created by Nabu to fuck with Scarab's head and keep him from looking for his wife Fury...
  7. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I thought so too from last week's promo for this week's episode. But when the conversation changed to Dutch's ex-wife I figured we would learn that beat his ex/turned his ex into an alcohalic. But we got neither as the writers opted not to reveal anything about Dutch's life and spent the entire interrogation plot having the rapist act like a college professor who was drilling Dutch on his criminal profiling knowledge in order to make sure that he knew the material and wasn't just memorizing things. That being said, the cat strangling seemed like it was tacted on for the sake fo a "shock for shock sake". Meanwhile we finally get official confirmation that Lem wasn't involved in the plot to kill Terry back in the pilot episode. Vic's reaction to Lem bringing up Terry's death was priceless as was the way he immeadiately spilled the details of Tavon's injuries ASAP in order to change the subject. Shane is definately dead man walking. It's becoming more and more obvious that he's going to end up chosing Mara over Vic especially given how he seems to not be trying at all to get Mara and her mom ready to lie to the feds. And now that Lem knows that Shane and Mara are responsible for Tavon being comatose, Shane's status in the Strike Team becomes more and more uncertain. And given that Shane knows literally were all of the bodies are buried, I'd be worried too about ending up on the receiving end of one of Vic's bullets too. And this episode officially confirmed another thing I've been saying for awhile, mainly the fact that Claudette is nothing more than a vindictive bitch with a huge ego that says that she's always right and is never wrong. It makes me wonder if the writers are fans of DC Comics series Suicide Squad since Claudette is becoming more and more like Amanda Waller with each episode.
  8. http://thesmartmarks.com/artman/publish/article_1435.shtml With Scott Keith vowing not to review the DVD set, I thought I'd put together a review for the newly released DVD box set starring everyone's favorite snark-filled movie critic Jay Sherman. Tell me what you think Jesse Baker
  9. JasonX

    nWo vs WCW Take Over 97

    The 1997 NWO Souled Out PPV was set up under the notion of the NWO having their own renegade PPV as a means to fuck with WCW since at the time the NWO held the bulk of the belts inside WCW.... IIRC the double-billing of the 1998 PPVs started up around the time that Bischoff was stripped storylinewise of the bulk of his power over WCW and JJ Dillon was introduced as the WCW Commissioner. The plot explaination was that Bischoff (who still had financial control over WCW) added the NWO to the PPV billing as a means to spite WCW...
  10. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    After watching Tuesday's episode I wouldn't be suprised if the photo was always planned on being a red-herring and the video tape of Acaveda going medival on that one suspect's ass being the real smoking gun that gets used on him. After all, Vic is the king of manipulation so I have to think that he was smart enough to make a copy of the tape before handing it over to Acaveda. Especially given the bad blood between Vic and David...
  11. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Personally I would love to see them release it sooner but I guess that before XMas might be better than having to wait until January Wicked! I'm glad they are including Ronnie as a playable character. One more reason for me to possibly buy the game when it comes out... Cool concept but I have to wonder if the game will have penalties that affect the flow of the game depending on what choices you make.
  12. JasonX

    Uncanny X-Franchise Question

    Magneto (who was possessed by the John Sublime/That Which Endures entity) zapped Jean with an ultra-powerfull electro-magnetic pulse that FUBARed Jean's body and caused her to suffer a fatal stroke. The explaination given was that Sublime made Magneto do it since Jean (who had fully tapped into the Phoenix Force and was in full Dark Phoenix/Angel of Death mode) was the only one who could sense that Sublime/TWE was pulling Magneto's strings and could free Mags from it's control.
  13. JasonX

    Uncanny X-Franchise Question

    Lets set things up: Astonishing X-Men: Cyclops and White Queen running the School with Shadowcat, Beast, and Wolverine as senior staff. It's in this book that we will get the explaination for the return of the costumes (in that Cyclops mandated their return on the grounds that the public will trust them more in spandex than in leather). Emma and Scott are now lovers and Shadowcat is currently hating herself for letting herself be dragged back onto the X-Men team after scorch earthing her bridges with the team when she left them. X-Men: Going back to the adjectiveless title, this book is supposed to be mix of super-heroics and soap opera antics. The title has two major soap storylines going on, one involving Rogue and Gambit (who's pissed at Rogue for activating his lost powers behind his back) and Havok and Polaris and the evil Nurse Annie, who had her son brainwash Havok into forcing him to fall in love with her against his will and dump Polaris at the alter and going insane as a result. Uncanny X-Men: Last year, Chris Claremont did an arc where Storm got the US Government to create the XSE (which is the police force Bishop is a member of in his timeline) and UXM now focuses on this X-Men team. Excalibur: Nothing to do with the old Excalibur book, as the series focuses on Professor X and Angel's attempt to rebuild Genosha. Chuck Austen sucks because he's a below average writer who blames everyone but himself for his writing's flaws. Not only that, but Austen very mysoginistic and writes all of his female characters as either being whores (Husk, Polaris, and Mystique) or unlikable harpies who everyone loves despite the cruelties they inflict upon men (see Stacy X and Nurse Annie). In Austen's defense, he writes Nightcrawler and Juggernaut VERY well and ditched the stupid ass Nightcrawler the priest angle Claremont started. And aside from Northstar, he does give the rest of the team plenty of spotlight time unlike Claremont, in which if your name isn;t Sage or Storm you don't get any pagetime... <-When did Magneto die?> New X-Men #150 -When did Jean Grey die? New X-Men #150 but Morrison created an out for the inevitable resurrection by establishing a Phoenix Cocoon up on the moon. <-Who is Rachel Grey? If she is the same girl who was in Excalibur, why'd she change her name from "Summers"?> Rachel Grey= Rachel Summers. She changed her name to show her contempt for Scott for cheating on Jean/shacking up with Emma on the day of Jean's funeral. <-What's going on between White Queen and Cyclops?> They are now a couple, after engaging in "psychic" fucking for several months. <So, what HAPPENED in the last Morrison arc, exactly?> We see a future where Beast led the X-Men after Cyclops permenantly retired after Jean's death and gets possessed by John Sublime (who is a parasited created from the john byrne Avengers West Coast run who is also know as "That Which Endures"). In the future, Sublime/Beast finds Jean's coccon and frees her and then does some gene splicing to give Sublime/Beast access to the Phoenix Force. Sublime/Beast-Phoenix goes on a rampage until Jean and the future X-Men (including the future Wolverine, the Stepford Cuckoos who are now going by their newly revealed original name "Weapon 13", and the descendants of Beak and Angel) stop him. Sublime/Beast-Phoenix is defeated and Jean leaves earth to go to another dimensional realm where all those who have been touched by the Phoenix Force go to to meet and such. Once there Jean meets with Kid Omega (who we learn is also a potential Phoenix) and is told that the only way to change the future was for Scott to lead the X-Men. And for him to lead the X-Men, Jean would have to give Scott up to Emma. So Jean is able to contact Scott through time and space and tells him to move on. The arc ends with Scott and Emma kissing as they become an item....
  14. JasonX

    Thoughts on HHH

    The reason why Flair gets suck a break and has people like Meltzer whitewashing his various power plays, is do to the fact that he was the lesser of two evils. And when you consider who the greater evil was (IE Dusty Rhodes) you can see why people are willing to give Flair a free pass given what the alternative was That being said, HHH's biggest fuck-up has and will always be the fact that he let himself be his own biggest political enemy. For someone who is supposed to be the most manipulative man in wrestling, HHH should have spent less time banging Steph and sucking up to Vince and being more concerned with making his rivals in the backstage bullshit department (UT and Austin) even more hated than he was. And as for the "It's all Vince's Fault" line, it doesn't hold any water for regards to defending HHH. If HHH actually was fighting against Vince to improve the product and makes things better instead of sucking up to Vince and never outright telling Vince that the things he was doing wrong were indeed wrong, then I could see the point. But that being said, HHH never once used his powers for the good of the company and as a result deserves equal if not MORE blame do to the fact that the only time HHH could be counted on to tell Vince no was whne it came to his own selfish goals...
  15. If Scott could sit through Raw throughout 2002 and 2003 and not complain one iota about the shittiness of the show or of HHH's machinations to make the show suck in order to feed his ego during those dark days, he can be a man and endure watching SD until further notice, or at the very least say fuck it to his "I refuse to bash the WWE when they deserve to be mocked and have proverbial firey hot pokers rammed into Steph's cunt until she dies from both the burns and from the repeated sodomization" writing style and make mocking the WWE merciless fun again....
  16. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    The whole thing got swept under the rug with the focus more or less being put on Vic being upset that the ex's new flame was still in the house. Which is wierd but probably done so that it didn't overshadow the A-Plot.
  17. JasonX

    Scooter's lattest brainfart

    Given how Keith killed his credibility as a recapper in 2002/2003 with his castrated rantings that had him going out of his way to not badmouth Vince, Steph and Hunter, it makes him sound like a total geek if that is really true...
  18. JasonX

    Thoughts on HHH

    Or how about this theory? HHH knows that Benoit and Eddy Guerrero were going to get the belts with Benoit being a lame duck champ for him and EG being one that the company was going to let run with the belt for a yet to be determined time. So HHH has decided to use all of his political pull to do everything humanly possible to make Benoit look like a million bucks so that he eclipses Guerrero in terms of crediblity. Why you might ask? Because Benoit is just babysitting the belt for HHH while EG is going to be running around with the SD belt for who knows how long. So he's going to do everything to make Benoit's run be as memorable and important as possible so it totally overshadows Guerrero's. Of course HHH has something else going on in his favor, mainly Vince and his SD sucks/Raw rules logic and obsession with getting Bradshaw over. So HHH doesn't have to openly do anything to damage EG directly since Vince is doing his dirty work for him without having to make HHH get his hands dirty sabatoging Guerrero...
  19. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    The DVD releases are fucked up in the fact that they aren't following the traditionally accepted season structure with what episodes they collect with regards to their "seasons". From what I've seen of the DVD episode list, the Season 3/4 box set collects half of the traditionally recognized third season and random filler-episodes from season four... As for extras, the second set has selected commentaries by executive producer Peter Engels and several cast members (which ones I don't know)...
  20. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Maybe after he kills the guy, the gathering of evidence uncovers the phone. My guess is that whatever Aceveda does exactly will be used as a bargaining chip by the Strike Team. We'll make your evidence disappear, if you make the investigation of the marked bills go away. Agreed. The phone most likely end up as the deux de machina for the money train plot as Vic will get ahold of it and use the picture to get Acaveda to help make the investigation towards the missing money go away as well as to re-establish Vic's evil bastard side by having him essentially threaten to ruin the life of Acaveda (who's been Mackey's enemy since day one).
  21. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Acaveda's wife didn't bug me that much. She could have been an even bigger bitch or even savagely bashed Acaveda for disgracing her and the family name (since in rape is considered a violation of an entire family in latin culture). That being said, I wouldn't be suprised if Aurora ends up doing a three-sixty next week and becomes utterly supportive of David in this crisis, with all of the messy scenes of her coming to terms with her husband's violation and David having to relive the rape in order to tell her about it taking place off-camera for the sake of speeding up the plot...
  22. JasonX

    Eddie Murphy RAW UnCut?

    Out of curiousity, is Raw the EM comedy concert with the Sodomy Honeymooners bit?
  23. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    No but he'll probably have to choke Mara's bitch mother though... That being said, this episode smelled of cosmic reset button pushing. Claudette's demotion, Vic and the Strike Team being given back their former autonomy, and the removal of the Decoy Squad. Line of the night had to be the response to Dutch calling out Acaveda over his treatment of Claudette. Anyway, next week's episode looks to be the best one of the season. And it was great that they used a clip of Ronnie as their token "OMG Acaveda's snapped and going on a killing spree" reaction shot....
  24. A haphazardly put together fantasy episode with past guest stars. A group of utterly forgettable immortals from earlier in the show's run gang up on Duncan and hold his friends hostage if he doesn't surrender himself to them so that they can kill him. The whole thing though is just a set-up for an "It's a wonderful life" homage where Roger Daltrey's character shows Duncan what life would have been like if he had never been born. Basically both Daltrey's character and Richie would be dead, Amanda would become a black widow-type with no real goodness inside of her, Horton would have completely taken over the Watchers and murdered Methos's wife, causing him to reform the four horsemen of the apocalypse and inflict horrible suffering upon humanity. The only one who makes it out ok is Tessa (Duncan's GF from the first couple of seasons) though she's stuck in a loveless marriage and utterly depressed all of the time.
  25. It was the show's creators, in a final episode cameo appearance...