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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    I remember she was on "In The House" with LL Cool J and Alfonso "Carlton Banks" Ribero(sp) for I think, 2 seasons. Then, the last time I saw her was in "How High" with Method Man and Redman. Ain't seen her since... She also had a brief run on Days of Our Lives, alongside Patrick Muldoon in the mid-1990s. She played a hospital worker who gets locked in a closet for several months when she stumbled upon a baby paternity-switching plot. Ironically, they later recasted her part and the character ended up being involved in a male rape storyline where she helps another girl drug Patrick Muldoon and rape him.
  2. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    He wants to have kids with his wife but having problems with the wife in the bedroom, do to him being gay. So it's his way of finding out if he's got a medical problem that is keeping him from getting the wife pregnant....
  3. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    - Why couldn't they continue the relationship between Zack and Stacy ( ) ? They were good together. Because the resort episodes were basically filler episodes plus putting Stacy in the school enviorment/as part of the clique would have ruined the character (since her sole redeeming thing was the fact that she saw how fucked up the gang was and was in a position where she could regularly badmouth them about their flaws). - Why couldn't they kill Jeff off ? Nobody breaks up Zack and Kelly. Jeff was a plot device for the writers to break up the two. Notice how quickly he disappeared from the show after he served his purpose...
  4. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Right before his suicide, I was figuring that Tommy was being set up as a lone gunman-type psycho who would eventually shoot Acaveda either right before or right after he got elected towards the end of the season. The suicide seemed forced somewhat, as if the writers wanted to do a montage of everyone reacting to something going on at the Barn. That being said, I was really really suprised that they didn't show the gore from the gunshot wound. Is it just me or is everyone forgetting that Vic had to use a good chunk of the money train loot in a police bust and that not only did the ST get the money stolen from them but also that the money was later found and now sitting in the evidence vault at the precinct? Not to mention the entire sequence at the beginning of the season when Vic outright lied to Ronnie and Lem about Shane taking some of the money to buy his GF her car when he knew for a fact that Shane was paying for said car out of his own pocket? That being said, the most obvious suspect seems to be Ronnie. He was the one who pushed for the money train heist and that as the proverbial invisible man of the ST, he's in a position to poison everyone against each other and not seem to be actively playing the part of the shit-disturber. The scene where he is talking to Lem about Vic being the person who took the money screamed shit-disturber, especially since they've started the angle of Lem being ready to mutiny against Vic but being unable to do anything do to him being outnumbered three-to-one... I also figured out the sperm bank thing though I was personally shocked that they didn't have Julian automatically whip out the muscle magazine to look at as soon as he entered the room. As for how this affects his marriage, the writers seem to be heading towards Julian being the one who ends the marriage after realizing that the sham marriage is only obscuring his real problems regarding his need to accept his sexuality and finally becoming a happy, well-adjusted gay guy complete with his own personal girl sidekick in the form of Dani.
  5. My first article for The Smart Marks is up on the website now. I'd love to hear feedback from you guys about what you think about it.... Jesse Baker
  6. JasonX

    New Worst Episode Ever

    You know, everytime that you think that the Simpsons has recovered from the crap that the show has been mired in ever since the eighth season, they pull out a show like last night's episode. I mean, you would think that they couldn't fuck up a simple concept like Skinner's wedding to Bart's teacher (especially since the episodes dealing with said relationship have been the high point of the series ever since the show jumped the shark in the fall of 1998). Hell, they even had a perfect storyline to use for the wedding (IE Krabappel's first husband who's abandonment of Edna was a huge part of her character in the first couple of seasons) and they didn't even touch it. And I won't even get into the B-Plot where Homer and Marge realize that their marriage is a sham and that they're only still together because of their sense of moral superiority over the rest of Springfield or Matt Groening's masturbatory "I AM SO GREAT AND SO IS FUTURAMA!" cameo.* *Speaking of which, I fully expect to see the show's producers ramrodding more and more Futurama references down viewers throats what with Family Guy being brought back from the dead. Cause you know it's got to be eating Groening up inside that the show he tried to kill has been given a second life while his abortion Futurama remains banished to cancelled TV hell... In short, last night's episode was a huge ass blow to longtime fans as they undid one of the shining points of the series (the Skinner/Krabappel relationship) and further screwed up with the heart of the show, IE that Marge and Homer love each other. In short, it basically was a huge ass "F-You" to viewers who cared about the characters and their development/growth as opposed to the endless stream of bullshit, flavor of the month guest-stars that the show features or Jerkass Homer's idiotic get-rich-quick scheme #14393332....
  7. JasonX

    What are your DVD care tips?

    So putting DVDs in CD-style binder notebooks is a bad thing?
  8. JasonX

    New Worst Episode Ever

    It's become almost a pathetic running gag amongst Simpsons writers that the opening act of each episode has to be a totally seperate storyline that serves zero purpose except to fill up time in the episode before they start the "real" plot of the episode. Much in the same way it's become a running gag that the writers half-ass the Halloween episodes by doing them at the very last minute and not bothering with any sort of narrative framing story since it takes too much work on their part to try and write a quality Halloween episode....
  9. JasonX

    Liefeld, Nicieza Return to X-Force

    It's actually more of a case of Rob Liefeld having sucked Mark Millar's cock so much that he got Millar (who can do no wrong in JQ's mind) to get him work at Marvel again. Which goes towards the power the dumb fucker Millar has at Marvel in that he can get Marvel to take back the fucker that is Liefeld work at Marvel again... Cable's age and portrayal is a tricky bit. When Liefeld created Cable, he was supposed to be an old guy in his 40s/50s. It wasn't until Ian Churchill started drawing Cable in the fall of 1994, that Cable suddenly looking MUCH, MUCH, MUCH younger than he normally was and the whole "Cable is really young despite his white hair" edict came about since they basically wanted to make Cable young so that they could have him have girlfriends without it being creepy....
  10. JasonX

    El Gran was Paul London

    From what I remember, yeah. It looked rather legit, but his hair was peeking out form underneatht he back of it. Can someone post a picture of him in the mask or a link to the match so that I can download the match and see it?
  11. JasonX

    El Gran was Paul London

    I missed SD so can anyone tell me what kind of mask Paul London wore as El Gran? Did they have him wear the generic Ultimo Dragon masks that they had Rob Conway wear when they had him and the guy now known as "Eugene" wrestle as the Conquistadors last year? Or did they spring for a traditional full face luchadore mask to hide the fact that it was indeed London wrestling?
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfldraft/draft04...tory?id=1787271
  13. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Regarding the cast changes: Only Claudette, Dutch, and Vic are safe given that Vic and Claudette are in the middle of a long-terms storyline and the fact that they need Dutch so that there can be secondary storylines in each episode, not to mention the fact that Dutch is one of the show's most popular characters second only to Vic. Julian seems safe especially since it seems that the writers have realized that they've put the character through so much shit already that they've decided to leave him alone at long last. Dani is safe given that the show went out of their way to push the cosmic reset button on her (giving her old job back and pairing her with Julian). Plus she has unresolved issues with Vic that need to be sorted out and the narc storyline that hasn't been explored by the writers yet. As for the Decoy Squad, they all have temp characters written all over them save for Trish, who I wouldn't be suprised ends up joining the Strike Team next season. As for Ronnie, he's the show's walking deux de machina for Vic's various schemes so I doubt they will get rid of him. Plus David Snell is friends with Shawn Ryan (the show's creator), so I can see David Snell staying in his role or possibly getting his big break at long last next season when the cast shake-up happens... My guess is that Shane, Acaveda, Lem will be the ones who go. Shane will either die as karmic retribution for what happened to Tavon or sacrificed by Vic after the GF fucks them over and lays all of the blame for the Tavon fight on Shane. Acaveda will get elected to City Counsil and be put on "special guest star" status, so as to open up Claudette to her promotion and the resuming of Claudette and Vic's feud storyline... Lem is the big dead man walking casting wise. He's had his screentime/storyline development cut to next to nothing and tonight's ulcer revelation/confrontation with Vic about how he's tired of all of the illegal shit they've been involved in easily set up Lem's possible departure as I can easily see him telling Vic to go fuck himself and skipping town once the money train storyline ends. Especially if he ever finds out about Tavon and the truth behind how Vic protected Shane and his GF....
  14. JasonX

    New Worst Episode Ever

    Because it's more amusing to the hack writers currently writing the show to write Homer as an unredeemable asshole that Marge is trapped with do to her being dumb enough to have unprotected sex with and getting knocked up by Homer than to write Marge and Homer as a loving couple who love each other despite being polar opposites... Basically Futurama and Family Guy debuted at the same time but Fox only wanted to put one of them on their Sunday Night Line-Up (which is the golden goose night on Fox's schedule). The story goes that Groening gangpressed Fox into booting Family Guy off of the Sunday Night Line-Up so that Futurama would get the crucial Sunday timeslot and used his pull to keep Fox from putting it back onto the Sunday night line-up.... Of course this bit of backstabbing eventually came back and bit Groening in the ass, as Fox ultimately moved Futurama to the 7PM-8PM timeslot of doom and resulted in the show being pre-empted like crazy...
  15. JasonX

    New Worst Episode Ever

    Skinner and Krabappel's wedding day finally arrives but Skinner has a case of cold feet. Krabappel gets wind of it right before they exchange vows and ditches Skinner at the alter. Homer and Marge then get dragged into the mess with Homer trying to reunite the couple while Marge is trying to get Edna to reject Skinner's attempts at a reconciliation mainly do to the fact that Marge is angry at Homer for his "Jerkass Homer" antics. So we get a big reveal where Homer and Marge admit that their marriage is a sham and that they never really loved each other but that they stay together simply because so long as they are married, they are morally superior than the rest of the town and can basically bitch out people/boss people around when it comes to everyone else's love life. So Krabappel starts dating Comic Book Guy and he springs the idea of a Klingon Wedding to Edna at the local sci-fi convention. The Simpsons try and break it up (but have time to watch Matt Groening masturbate over how great Futurama is and how everyone loves it) while Skinner shows up dressed up in the Michelle Pfieffer Catwoman costume to fight for Edna's love. In the end she breaks up Skinner and Comic Book Guy's fight and dumps both of them. And in the end, Jerkass Homer suprises Marge with a Klingon wedding as a means to get her to stop bitching him out about what piece of shit Jerkass Homer is...
  16. JasonX

    Chris, Rick, and Nancy

    So, when are we going to see this angle be rehashed on Raw? It makes sense in regards to the storylines as Benoit has beaten Evo and humiliated Rick Flair's golden goose HHH on two seperate occassions. So it would make sense for Flair to step up to the plate and use his old tricks to get revenge on Benoit by pointing out the fact that Benoit has Flair's sloppy seconds. It would make for a great storyline, give EVO a dominant heel leader while HHH is on hiatus, and give the WWE the perfect excuse to air more vintage Flair clips by having them have Flair show clips of him and Woman running around together as part of a mind-fuck against Benoit....
  17. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    To be more exact, episodes 305-310 are one huge arc detailing the rape and aftermath of said rape on Acaveda and that after a brief lull in action in episodes 3011-314, the show will have an explosive season finale where the whole rape storyline returns and causes massive repercussions that will permenantly change the status quo of the series, as Shawn Ryan has stated that not all of the cast members will return for Season 4 as a direct result of the endings he's established to the various storylines this season....
  18. JasonX

    Austin offcially gone from WWE

    So it's ok for Austin to fuck over Owen like that but it's bad if the Kliq does it? Talk about being in denial....
  19. JasonX

    Backlash notes from Meltzer

    Yes, but only because this is in Canada. Alberta, no less. Edmonton, no less. Boy, will that acquire some heat... *Tries to comprehend it* Don't be surprised if a riot breaks out. Or worse... Speculation mode on ------------------------ We get the repeat of the FINGERPOKE OF DOOM, with Benoit being arrested for some petty crime while HHH and HBk have a one on one match that ends with HBK laying down for HHH and letting HHH win and then the two w/ EVO beating up Benoit (who arrives at the arena just as the match ends) while no one in the locker room coming out to save Benoit.....
  20. JasonX

    Austin offcially gone from WWE

    With the sole exception of that brief period where Austin and Angle were paired up and doing skits where Austin was being tormented by Angle's very pressence, Austin's entire heel turn was a complete and utter failure. His matches as a heel sucked as the logical things (IE jobbing Austin as a heel out to make a brand new batch of babyfaces, such as Jericho and Benoit) were abandoned to have Austin keep pulling his shit where he was being dominant and unstoppable. And lets not forget Austin's part in burying the WCW and ECW wrestlers during the Invasion..... 2001 was the year Austin turned into a huge sack of shit and lost all usefullness as a wrestler.....
  21. JasonX

    Austin offcially gone from WWE

    Let me be the first person on this thread to sing: DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! WHICH OLD WITCH? THE WICKED WITCH! DING DONG, THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD!!!!!!!! So long Austin. You haven't been worth a shit since Wrestlemania 2001. You've ruined numerous careers and become the very imbodiment of a wrestler who put himself as being moe important that the well-being of the company and your fellow wrestlers....
  22. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Sunday at 9PM IIRC... As for the episode, it was kind of disappointing but not horribly bad. It seems that the writers are abandoning Julian self-destructing in favor of Vic taking Julian under his wings and mentoring him which is a much better plotline. Meanwhile it was pretty obvious that the whole B-Plot involving Shane was the writers attempting to undo the bad taste of "Jerkass Shane" by having Shane involved in a plot that didn't require him being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. As for the money train/rape storyline, I have a theory that Vic and company are going to get caught by Acaveda trying to get the list from his safe and be forced into the mother of all blackmail schemes, as Acaveda will force Vic to hunt down and execute the two guys who raped him with no questions asked. Vic and company will do so, only to find the picture and use it against Acaveda once he gets elected at the end of the season so as to put Acaveda under his thumb once and for all...
  23. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    Since they were ripping off "Risky Business" in that episode, probably so.
  24. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    Misss Bliss was a decent character if only because she had a brain and didn't take shit from the kids. And devoting stories around her kept the plots rather grounded as opposed to the out of control, fuck realism plots of SBTB...
  25. Sort of. You're thinking of Katrina, who's main strategy for all of the challenges was to whore herself out to the people her team were interacting with. When she finally decided not act like a hooker and try and come up with an idea (which was a really, really bad idea BTW) and got laughed at by her male teammates, she started crying sexism and how the men were treating her like a whore instead of as a vital part of the team. Her bitching got so bad that even Amy started to complain about Katrina and her double-standard view of using her sexuality blatantly and then crying sexism when she didn't get her way....