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Everything posted by JasonX
Have you never watched Survivor? It's a trademark for all Mark Burnett shows to have a two hour finale and for the first 30 minutes of the two-hour finale being a recap show while the last thirty minutes being a "town hall" type gathering of all of the contestants (though with the Apprentice, I wouldn't put it past them to only invite the cast members who were around at the point in which they re-organized the teams into mix-gender teams, as that was the point in which people actually started watching the show) and have everyone gush in a live setting about how they feel about the entire experience....
Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Television & Film
Pretty silly (especially Wedding In Las Vegas), but I enjoyed 'em (duh). And Zack's parents were seperated in the Ms. Bliss years, not in the TNBC continuity. He had a different actor playing his dad in the Ms. Bliss ep and all. Once they got bought by NBC that continuity went out the window. TECHNICALLY you could consider the Miss Bliss episodes as Cannon, but you'd have to do some mega "replace X with Y" retconning to make sense. IE mentally consider them actually taking place in California instead of the midwest, replacing the generic chick best friend of Lisa and Zach with Jessie, and coming up with some sort of explaination as to where the third male character went to in order to not be around Zach and co. in high school.... -
Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Television & Film
The Hawaii Movie is so-so but has a shitty last half. The Las Vegas Wedding film was just awful and totally unredeemable.... -
Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Television & Film
My take was that they were just seperated/in the process of divorcing and Zack, being who he is, told everyone they were divorced in order to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, said they were already divorced. And that his parents ultimately reconciled before the divorce was finalized... One-Shot characters for a shitty "Very Special Episode"... 1. He was Zack's bitch and 2. Everyone hated Lisa and keeping her stalker around was the gang's way of getting off on Lisa's misery... Low budget for sets Shit writing Because the writers realized how boring Zack and Kelly were together and broke them up after a trial run as a couple. As for Jeff, they let him slide because they knew that if they were in Kelly's position that they wouldn't mind getting laid with an older man/woman.... Because the writers decided to only do one episode revolving around how the principal was a good guy who actually cared about Zack and co. despite being a bitch towards them.... Low budgets for non-principal characters.... -
Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Television & Film
IIRC during the episode whene Belding's wife gave birth, there was a scene where one of the characters commented about how Belding kept his personal life top-secret from the teens, as none of them actually knew he was going to be a dad until his pregnat wife showed up out of the blue one day... Blame shit writing, which basically said that for the sake of speediness, all of the teens belonged to all groups to save time and thinking for the writers to set up the plots. Again, blame shit writing, in this case the shit stereotypes that decreed that Slater was a jock who played on all of the sports teams at Bayside. Like 99.9% of all SBTB episodes, the episode that teased Zack and Lisa getting together ended with them pressing the cosmic reset button and deciding not to become a couple on the grounds that they were better friends than lovers. As for Screech, like all of the other times Zack abused him to the point that he finally grew some balls and stood up for himself, he forgot all about it at the end of the episode after a half-assed and totally insincire apology from Zach and resumed the bitch position. Say it with me again, shit writing. But then again, only Lisa seemed to have an interesting homelife so it makes sense that they ignored that since none of the characters were that well-developed.... -
Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked
JasonX replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Television & Film
TAT, like Elizabeth Berkley, wanted out of the show to go on to do movies and thanks to the fucked up nature of the how the show was organized episode seasonwise, got out of their contracts halfway through the final season, forcing NBC to have to renegotiate a new contract with TAT.... -
Omarosa as a mole would make sense BUT given that it's Omarosa, it wouldn't be beyond belief that Omarosa is actually trying to screw Kwame over out of spite for being eliminated.... As for who wins it, I say Bill will win it because it would seem as if Omarosa's antics will cost Kwame the win do to him not taking appropriate measures towards her for her antics, IE firing her especially since he let Omarosa have free reign to fuck up...
To be fair though, she did do a rather lengthy and memorable run on 90210 and IMHO gave the show new life when she joined the cast. Her first episode, where she basically gets high and runs down how all of the cast members suck donkey balls remains my all-time favorite 90210 moment...
Actually the E! True Hollywood Story special completely and utterly glossed over that period but yeah, it was contract disputes that caused Torrie to be created. Elizabeth Berkley and Tiffani Amber-Thesin both wanted off the show and move on to movie careers but NBC desperately wanted them back. They ultimately got TAT to come back with a contract for a series of Made-4-TV films that she did which is also why SBTB:TCY's pilot didn't have Kelly in it...
Got these from http://www.spoilerfix.com/angel.php MEGA MEGA MEGA SPOILERS FOR THE LAST SIX EPISODES. Whited out, the spoilers are so highlite to see IF YOU DARE!!!!!! Angel 517 -------------- Angel, Spike, and Gunn go after Lindsey, who is trapped in a hellish dimension based upon the film "The Stepford Wives" that the former Wolfram and Hart attorney has been condemned to by the Senior Partners. Meanwhile Adam Baldwin (from Firefly) shows up as the team's new liason to the Senior Partners and reveals that the SP want Eve handed over to Adam so that he can gain the powers given to Eve by the Senior Partners. Angel 518 ------------- Angel's deal with W&H at the end of season four comes back to haunt him when Connor shows up at his doorstep. The W&H warlock who warped reality for Angel in order to create a perfect homelife for the troubled Connor threatens to undo his handiwork if Angel doesn't get Connor (who's suddenly started to realize that he has super-powers) to kill a rival demon. Angel 519 ------------- A pregnant woman, who's husband has been in an accident and rendered paralyzed and brain damaged approaches Angel about entering an agreement with an evil cult who wants her unborn child to raise as their "Holy One" in exchange for the demon clan restoring her husband's mind. As Gunn finds out that the cult really want the baby as a ritualistic sacrifice, it's up to Harmony to keep everyone distracted until he can stop the signing. But complicating things is Illyria, who is tired of getting ignored by Angel and decides to use the contract signing as a forum for her to make Angel listen to her. Angel 520 ------------- This episode is set to resolve the whole "Buffy/Spike/Angel" love triangle (even though we won't get to see SMG) as well as providing some more Spike and Angel flashback goodness. Spike and Angel head to Italy upon learning that Buffy is dating an evil demon called "The Immortal" who they pissed off when they were last in Italy during the 1890s and who threatened unholy horrors upon Spike and Angel if they return to Italy. Michelle Trachtenberg was supposed to appear in the episode but also backed out at the last minute, so as a result we will be seeing Tom Lenk appear as Andrew again and be Angel and Spike's contact in the episode. In the B-Plot, Illyria starts pissing everyone off by suddenly acting like Fred and making people even more uncomfortable around her. The final straw for Wes is when Illyria calls Fred's parents and has them come to visit her and is able to fake being Fred in front of them. Angel 521-522 ------------------- The ending wraps up the whole "Wolfram and Hart" storyline as the gang is finally confronted by a client who's evil demands lead the team to a moral crossroads. A corrupt Congressman arrives at Wolfram and Hart and demads that Angel and the gang help her get re-elected. However, the Congressman doesn't just want her opponent defeated, she wants to utterly destroy his life. The congresswoman demands Angel kidnap her opponent and rewire his brain so that he becomes a pedophile so that he will rape his kids and create a scandal that will ruin him both personally and politically and get the evil Congresman re-elected. The entire Angel gang basically tell her to go fuck herself but Angel tells everyone to shut up and carry out the Congressman's evil scheme. Meanwhile Angel gathers all of the evil scumbags that the Gang has helped through Wolfram and Hart as we learn that Angel has turned evil and even had a hand in Fred's death/possession by Illyria. The episode ends with a Kamp Krusty-esque "To evil!" toast amongst the bad guys. The spoilers also hint that Angel might be faking and that the whole thing might be a huge con by Angel to lure all of the evil guys and gals that they've been forced to help into a single room and kill them all.
The episode numbers I used are the standard "season/episode # from said season" format. Meaning "522" means "(Season)5(Episode)22". And that for a show like Angel, 22 episodes a season is a standard number.
When it comes to shows like 24 and The Shield I try not to read to much into the preview because just when they seem to show you to much you end up getting a whole lot more. Holy Fuck, what an ending! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not only is Tavon gone it seems, we finally get to see more of Ronnie not only in this episode but also next week's episode it appears! And next week's episode, given the spoilers floating around, should bring the show to a new status quo that is desperately needed given how the show keeps running in circles with regards to the Vic/Acaveda storyline....
One thing everyone here is forgetting in regards to Jersey Girl being a flop. Just about ALL of Kevin Smith's films make the bulk of their money back through video/DVD sales. Bad box office results aren't important so long as the studio gets their money back when the film goes to video/DVD. So Smith's rep is safe for the time being. Affleck on the other hand is more than likely fucked if the film flops at the box office. He's been on a downward spiral and so far he hasn't totally burned his bridges in Hollywood but the more financial flops/barely break evens that he makes will only serve to hurt him more and more and more as time goes by...
Think of the dark comedy potential! Or even the holy shit moment that would come when Acaveda, who's come to somewhat trust Vic and even gave up the ghost of trying to pin Vic for the murder of Terry, realizes that history has repeated and Vic has killed another teammate? Plus there is the serious storyline of what would happen if Lem found out that Vic/Shane were killing fellow Strike Team members. Given how he reacted when Terry died (which was real given how neither Ronnie and Lem know that Vic was the killer) and the fact that he personally gave Vic the go-ahead to bring Tavon onto the team, it could lead to an even bigger storyline where Lem goes after Vic for double murder and a "Strike Team Implodes" storyline that isn't centered around Shane and Vic's annual squabbling...
God I hope so...I never could stand Shane, he acts like a spoiled 8 year old who can't pry his lips off his big brother's ass. I seriously doubt Shane or his GF will die. If anyone has "dead man walking" written on their forehead, it's Tavon. If he doesn't end up on a receiving end of a bullet at the end of the season ala Terry I will be shocked..... As for the girlfriend, I wouldn't put it past them to have her pregnancy turn out to be a false alarm (like in the soaps) and that they will either agreed to break up upon finding out that it was a false alarm or she'll keep pretending to be pregnant/fake a miscarriage and Shane will dump her ass when he finds out he's been played.
Supposedly the book would focus on 1986-1997 with emphasis being placed on the fucked up and scandal-driven nature of the WWE at the time Zenk was a part of the company, the utter stupidity of WCW/NWA during the early 1990s, and finally a section devoted to Brian Pillman in which Zenk would talk about his friendship with Pillman and the highs and lows of Brian's wrestling career.
It's never been stated but two theories have been floating around: 1. Zenk was threatened with a huge-ass slander lawsuit after his last column (which featured a rather disturbing parody of the events surrounding Miss Elizabeth's death with HHH in the Lex Luger spot and Stephanie in the role of Miss Elizabeth) and that Zenk pulled the plug on his column and nuked the archive in order to appease the WWE's lawyers so that they wouldn't sue him. 2. Zenk mentioned several months before the column mysteriously went AWOL that he was working on the mother of all "tell-all" books and that he pulled the plug on the column/archive in order to work on the book and build up suspense for when it comes out...
Actually the problem of Matt Hardy's continual burial is the result of a backstage meeting back during the fall of perpetual sucking 2002. Vince and the creative team were bitching at the Raw roster and the fact that it was their fault as opposed to HHH and the writers as to why the show sucked. Matt bravely spoke up and told these egomaniacs the one thing they hate hearing (the truth) and told them why things sucked and basically told them they were to blame. And Matt Hardy was buried from that day forward.....
I was thinking the same thing. Anyway, Cena and Angle should go to RAW, while Orton, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Christian, and RVD go to Smackdown. RAW should also get Rhyno, and Undertaker. This would be: RAW: Benoit HBK HHH Cena Undertaker Kane Kurt Angle Smackdown!: Eddie Big Show RVD Randy Orton Booker T Chris Jericho Christian One problem I think everyone should take into account with the roster moves: The dreaded HHH/Chris Jericho correllary which says Jericho and HHH must always be on the same roster so that Chris Jericho can be eternally trapped in HHH's shadow and never have a chance to prove that he can be a top level guy...
I thought that was what it was planned to be from the beginning. I thought that was the whole freakin' reason it was called Twin Snakes (yeah, I know about Solidus, but since they didn't expand the game any in regards to that aspect, no reason for the rename). Not that I would want to play MGS2, but since the GC is the only one without a version of it and it is a hit, I'd think making GC peeps wait so long would warrant it, like the GTA double-pack. So either no MGS2 at all, or a really late one. That's really dumb, since MGS2 is *not* aging well. I think people know my mindset well enough to know the answer to that... Perhaps the reason why they haven't released it yet is do to the fact that, knowing what a huge bomb MGS2 was, they are taking their time and actually reworking the entire game to make it actually be a good game...
This means jack shit. After all, all three previous sets were "promised" to be release in May-June but as usual Fox fucked everyone over like gangbusters and kept pushing the dates back by four-five months tops. So them saying Season 4 will be out on June 15 is in truth them saying "S4 will be out five months AFTER we say it will be out". The least Fox could do is copy and modify what WB does for Friends: release a season themed, bareboned "best of season X" disc at the start of the year and then release the actual season set in November/December so that they will have all FUCKING YEAR to get the sets put together....
Knows? I don't think so. He would have been more agressive if he knew. I think he has an uneasy feeling about the whole hting, as well he should, which is probably why he told Dutch to keep him out of the loop. The scene can be read both ways. But in connection to the "don't tell Vic" scene, I think Acaveda is trying to isolate both sides in order to stall things until he's elected so that if Vic gets busted it won't hurt him. I wouldn't be suprised that Acaveda is involved in fucking up Dutch's investigation by leaking to the involved governments about what was going on. It should be interesting to see what will happen now to Vic and Acaveda's relationship and I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't make that a focus of the season premire given how Acaveda tried to fire the Strike Team at the end of season two....
Aside from filming bonus material for the upcoming Party of Five S1 set, absolutely nothing....
Actually CI 2 was supposed to be a pilot for a CI ongoing series but got canned and re-editted at the last minute into a direct to video release when some parents groups learned of the horse masterbation scene in CI2 and threatened to raise hell with Fox...