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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    She is a new addition to the series.
  2. JasonX

    Favorite Mad TV skits

    Ike Barinholtz is actually pretty good. As for Josh Meyers, he and his brother are basically interchangable but with the fact that Josh has MUCH better material to work with. BTW anyone know why they stopped doing the Dolemite sketches? They stopped doing them around the time Pat Kilbane left the series even though the rest of the cast members involved with the skits were still around...
  3. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I disagree. The episode seemed to be part one of a two part episode and it ended WAY too abruptly. The only cool part for me was the scene where Julian nearly chocked the life out of one of the cops who nearly killed him at the end of season two. Talk about going mental... Also, am I the only one who is pissed off that they apparently have a big storyline planned for Tevon (crappy spelling) and yet we still don't know anything about Ronnie or him having a storyline that doesn't involve him laying on his back and pretending to be near death?
  4. JasonX

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    Yes he did and was promptly rejected do to the fact that WCW knew that without the deadman gimmick, the guy was useless to them...
  5. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    They didn't neglect Dutch during Season two. If anything he had a pretty solid arc with him fucking up big time and redeeming himself without having to compromise like everyone around him was doing. Dutch's arc in Season two was crucial to the show and the development of the character. It showed that in that in a show where everyone is either morally bankrupt or compromising themselves ethically, Dutch is the moral center of the series and the only character who isn't bankrupt ethically or morally corrupted.
  6. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I had problems with the spoiler tags but I got it working now....
  7. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    SPOILER ----------------- It's been confirmed that Dutch will be involved in the investigation of the Money Train Heist and the numerous dead people involved in the heist and that he'll be paired up with another new character (an FBI agent) to investigate after they find out that the FBI want the whole thing to be covered up do to their ties to the parties running the money train... Also it has also been heavily rumored that the writers will be planning a secondary arc involving Dutch's family but there has been no confirmation about the rumor yet... ----------------- Spoiler
  8. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Ronnie, in traditional "cool background character who's past is shrouded in mystery" fashion, survived the attempt on his life and made it to the end of the season alive and well Furthermore it seems from the promos airing on FX that David Rees Snell has shaved his moustache and now gone for the unshaved beard look, which makes him now look like Wesley on Angel (which is ironic given that in the past three episodes of Angel Wes now looks exactly like Ronnie save for the facial hair)...
  9. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Spoiler Space ------------------------------- There has been no information on Dani so far this season in terms of what they are going to do to her character. Further complicating things is the fact that the show is introducing a brand new female character this season in the form of a love interest for Shane so it may be that Dani, if she reappears, may have her pressence on the show decreased a ton this season to the poin that she's just a bit character. Julien is getting a brand new partner this season and they are rumored to be doing a "rookie cop and the experienced older cop who can't stand the fact that he's been paired with a rookie cop with a controversial past" relationship with the two of them. As for Claudette, the promos seem to outright state that Acaveda won the primary and as a result didn't have to resign and that Claudette is ultra-pissy that she has to wait a little while longer to steal David's job -----------------------------------------------------
  10. JasonX

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Armadillo disfigured Ronnie and then turned himself in to the police before Vic could exact vengence against him. Armadillo then told Vic during his interrogation that if Vic didn't get Ronnie to recant his statement that he disfigured him and let him walk away back to Mexico he would expose Vic's connections to drug trade. Vic, in a shocking move that never got followed up on, then tells Shane that he was going to tell Armadillo to get bent and not make Ronnie recant do to their friendship which apparently is so deep that Vic would sacrifice himself AND Shane (who we'vve been lead to believe up to that point as being Vic's bestest friend on the show). Fearing that they would be taken down alongside Vic despite Vic's assurance that he would do whatever he could to take the blame for the rest of the team, Shane has a disgruntled demoted gang member arrested and given a shank so that he could kill Armadillo. Vic was relieved but but horrified that Shane had framed Dani for allowing the shank to enter the station. Dani ultimately got fired over this offense when Acaveda was forced to fire people at the end of the season. As for the Money Train, it ended up being a success BUT problems happened when the people in charge of the money train turned against each other and started killing each other. Vic and company were ultimately forced to save the sole survivor of the shoot-out but planted a small portion of the money in his apartment so that they could blame it all on him if they get caught...
  11. JasonX

    Average Joe

    Long-haired himbo model who became famous in the late 1980s-early 1990s for being the highest paid cheesy romance novel cover model at the time.
  12. JasonX

    If Russo had Stephanie's job

    HHH would be made the victim of a violent act of revenge and EVERYONE would be a suspect before it turned out to be Jericho, leading to CJ and HHH breaking character and fighting each other Stacy Keibler would immeadiately be retconned into Russo's plan for her to be Ric Flair's illegitimate daughter and end up being traded back and forth between Randy Orton and Flair before Batista (jealous he isn't getting any sex) reveals with Russo that Flair's been sleeping with his daughter... Everyone will hate Trish to the point that Trish is lynched every week by every single female wrestler on the roster
  13. JasonX

    Owens not going anywhere.

    Owens is a class-A Dickface and I'm glad he got fucked over like this. Furthermore I hope he gets traded to a shit team where he'll be trapped in permenant mediocrity for the rest of his prime playing years....
  14. JasonX

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Seattle most definately will sign him, given how it's been said that Brett Boone threw a huge ass temper tantrum when Seattle refused to try and get him last fall...
  15. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...?v=glance&s=dvd The set is supposed to come with commentaries and behind the scenes material, which hopefully will settle a lot of debates about who's supposed to be who's analoge in the series....
  16. JasonX

    Favorite Mad TV skits

    They don't show the first season episodes because of the fact that the first season of Mad TV bombed horribly in the ratings and nearly killed the show right out of the gate. Occassionally they will show some of the better skits (Sex Toy Stories, barbara streisand prison movie, and the early claymation skits) as Mad TV classic segments in later season episodes...
  17. Last week's episode of MST3K will be the last episode of the show we'll be seeing on TV until further notice. Sci-Fi opted not to renew the show and will no longer be airing Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Saturday Mornings. As a result, we will now have to make do with bootleg copies as well as waiting for new DVD box sets containing episodes for our MST3K fix...
  18. JasonX

    A-Rod traded to the Yankees?

    AS, I think you should be more concerned about A-Rod turning into a cancer for the Yankees than anything else. This will not end well my friend and A-Rod's very pressence will more than likely deepsix the Yankees and accelerate their decline into mediocrity....
  19. JasonX

    RIP Mystery Science Theater 3000

    By "The Paper Chase Guy" you mean Timothy Bottoms, who is also known for being the disfigured blind-mute amputee in Metallica's video for "One"?
  20. JasonX

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    The next two and a half months (through Backlash) will be especially important in terms of how things are booked. If they completely and utterly bury Benoit in favor of making the next couple of months be all about HBK and HHH then it will be proof positive that the WWE has it's head up it's ass and that they are just plain incapable of wanting to improve their product...
  21. JasonX

    "Playmakers" sacked.

    Actually, if the Playmakers debacle is any indication, it would be the "edgy" anchors that they would try and get fired and make the network have only the most plain and vanilla anchors report on the NFL.
  22. JasonX

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    1. Lindsey sent Spike a magic box that made him solid back before the winter break 2. Charisma Carpenter left the show do to a combination of Joss needing to cut the show's budget in order to appease the WB corporate heads and Charisma simply being tired of playing the same character for over seven years.... 3. The show's got a brand new big bad coming up Spoiler Space since the spoiler tags are refusing to work for me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After two upcoming filler episodes, they are launching into a brand new arc where Fred gets possessed by an evil parasite demon who claims her body and soul with the unwitting help of Knox and Gunn. The current rumor is that this is to set up the return of Willow, as Alexis Denisof (AKA Wesley) has been pushing for his wife Alyson Hannigan to make an appearance on the show in the wake of SMG telling Joss that she won't follow through with her promise to appear in this season's season finale episode...
  23. JasonX

    "Playmakers" sacked.

    I doubt that FX will pick it up. IIRC ESPN/Disney owns the rights to the show and that I would doubt that they would let someone else produce and air the show if only out of spite to keep the show from being a big hit for another network and giving them yet another black eye for not only being pussies but also for letting a potential hit show/critical darling leave them.... As it stands, we'll be lucky if they actually carry through with their plans for DVDs given that I know ESPN would rather bury the show forever than risk being told they couldn't suck the NFL's cock...
  24. JasonX

    Steve Austin Interview

    http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2003560...4050033,00.html Among topics that the drunken wifebeating no-talent hack lies about: He left the WWE in 2002 because of "health problems" instead of him being a baby and not wanting to do ANYTHING to help get Brock Lesner over when they needed him to. That there is no purposefull burial of midcard talent by scared upper-card guys who are terrified at being outed from their spots. The midcard is kept down because people like Benoit, Guerrero, and Jericho just don't have the tools to be upper card guys and that it's their fault that they are against a bunch of veterens who have Vince so wound up around their fingers that they can job said midcard guys out whenever they feel like it....
  25. JasonX

    Steve Austin Interview

    The shittiness of his heel run, with him burying the WCW and ECW guys on a regular basis coupled with the fact that it took a massive terrorist attack to make Austin put someone over (Kurt Angle) after having him pointlessly going over just about everyone on the roster not named HHH made 2001 Austin's worst year by far..... If Austin had done the right thing and jobbed his ass off in 2001 to get Jericho, Angle, and Benoit over, it would be considered a revival. But as it is, 2001 was the year that everyone got their first look at what a selfish piece of shit Austin was....