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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. Does anything notable happen during Deep Red's credits? Also are you referring to the new Zombie DVD or the old DVD? 1. At the end of Deep Red, the killer is decapitated and the blood starts pouring out of the neck stump during the credits. During the credits you see Hemmings's reflection in the blood and him utterly losing it after watching the killer get decapitated... 2. The Zombie DVD I was mentioning was the AB version. The new two-disc DVD of Zombie/Zombi 2 is totally uncut and features the never seen in the US Zombi 2 opening credits...
  2. All of the Anchor Bay DVDs are uncut with few exceptions. For example, the DVDs for Phenomena and Deep Red are missing footage (most notably Deep Red, which abruptly ends with a freeze frame and doesn't feature ANY of the film footage that runs during the credits). Also the AB version of Zombie is editted to remove one gratuitous T&A sequence. New York Ripper is totally uncut BTW. Ironically, all of the restored footage of the film is from the sex scenes as when the film was released in the US the sex scenes were the sequences that were censored while the violent death scenes were left intact...
  3. <Is DEEP RED known by any other title? I think I've only found a DVD of it once and never again. It's annoying that half of these movies have other titles and I don't know it.> Public domain copies of Deep Red go by the name "Deep Red: The Hatchet Murders". The difference in the public domain copies of DR and the Anchor Bay one is that the AB version contains about twenty some minutes involving the love story between David Hemmings and Daria Nicolodi and scenes of violece that were cut from the US version. But both versions however FUBAR the ending of the film, opting to end the film on a freeze frame and and not show the footage that runs during the end credits.... Furthermore, in Japan Deep Red was repackaged as a "sequel" to Suspiria and was titled "Suspiria 2" overseas and contains the uncensored ending... <Also picked up TENEBRE and a movie called THE CHURCH, which is misleadingly packaged as part of the "Dario Argento Collection," but instead is directed by Michele Soavi and co-written/produced by Argento. Why list it as part of his collection when he didn't direct it? Is this his way of putting over younger talent and giving back to the business?> The Church was supposed to been "Demons 3" but do to legal problems Argento couldn't use the name and had to change it to "The Church". When that happened, Argento kind of lost interest in the film and recruited Soavi to direct it while Argento produced.
  4. JasonX

    Cover of Monday Night War DVD

    Anyone know the DVD's contents?
  5. JasonX

    Steve Austin Interview

    Something FUBARed with my sig pic (which I have now corrected) and I will be looking into it to see what the fuck happened to it to make it change from my french fries sig to the Einstein encyclopedia pic....
  6. spoil away, I have seen Suspiria, I just haven't bought it yet. 1. Suspiria is one of the many DVDs that the PS2 fucks with when when you play it on the PS2. 2. The high point of the film is the double murder that takes place at the very beginning of the film. Very bloody and graphic, it's considered by many to be THE signature Argento death scene as well as the most graphically disturbing death scene ever to be filmed....
  7. In Europe, Dawn of the Dead was called "Zombi". Fulci, before Dawn of the Dead was released, was working on his own zombie film completely and utterly independant from Romero and Argento with the intent of doing a realistic film about zombie as opposed to doing a massive apocalyptic film like Romero. When Dawn of the Dead/Zombi came out, Fulci's financial backers strong-armed him into naming his film "Zombi 2" and against Fulci's will marketed the film as a "sequel" to Dawn of the Dead. When the film got released in the US, the name had to be changed to "Zombie" because the whole fake Dawn of the Dead/Zombi connection wouldn't make sense in America and because Romero's people had gotten wind of the film and making it clear that they would sue if they tried the same trick in America and pass Zombi 2 off as a sequel to Dawn of the Dead.
  8. + Manhattan Baby Regarding Fulci: Don't Torture a Duckling Zombie (AKA Zombi 2) City of the Living Dead The Beyond New York Ripper House By the Cemetery are the essential viewings of Fulci. I wouldn't recommend Manhatten Baby nor would I recommend Zombie 3 (which Fulci had very little to do with). I'd also recommend "Contraband", a crime drama Fulci did during the period inbetween Duckling and Zombi that is pretty good in terms of violence and gore.
  9. Why doesn't Foley like Test?
  10. http://www.411mania.com/comics/reviews/art...reviews_id=2538
  11. JasonX

    Backlash in Edmonton...

    Not only would they do that but they would also more than likely reenact the entire Montreal Screwjob on Chris at the Backlash PPV in such a blatant manner as to make you wonder if the WWE purposely wants to allienate the entire Canadian fanbase to such a point that they no longer give a fuck about the company....
  12. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/new...hp?news_id=8504 It is almost certain at this point that Chris Benoit will be moved to the RAW brand in a few weeks. The move may come as a result of Benoit winning the Royal Rumble and then demanding to face Triple H for the World Title at RAW. Triple H hand picked Benoit for the RAW jump because he feels that he and Benoit can have high quality matches at the tempo Triple H is able to handle. Benoit will not be pushed as RAW's top babyface (that spot is reserved for Shawn Michaels right now) but he will be given a main event program with Triple H and possibly the WrestleMania XX main event spot. WWE management also feels that Benoit will be able to come in and instantly help Randy Orton and Batista, two guys WWE is pushing for main event spots but feel are lacking in the ring. WWE considering moving John Cena to RAW but seemingly have decided on Benoit.
  13. JasonX

    Network TV to change...

    Actually "The Wire" was a big hit with critics and did extremely well when HBO did a recent reairing of the first season in order to hype the show's second season...
  14. JasonX

    Aliens vs Predator

    The Aliens can hold their own against the Predators because of sheer numbers and the fact that the Predators just don't take the Aliens seriously as a threat, causing them to get overconfident and get massacred......
  15. JasonX

    WWE Wrestling Euphemisms

    Anytime Jim Ross says something out of line, mean, cruel, or spitefull about Chris Jericho The boss's daughter's husband has a vendetta against him, my best friend hates him, and the fans love him despite everyone in the office doing everything they can do to destroy his career and humiliate him. So I won't even bother hiding my contempt for him and treat him like shit.....
  16. JasonX

    When the Expos move

    1. Putting a team in San Juan is a move that would make the team even more undesirable to play for. 2. It would be financially risky to try and put a team there since no one knows if the team would make money or worse, go even further into poverty. 3. Markets like DC would raise holy hell over them being screwed out of a MLB team and more than likely sue MLB and the Orioles owner who is always ranting that he'll use all of his power and money to deny DC a MLB team....
  17. Potentially Big WWE Spoiler Posted By Ashish on 01.15.04 If you wanna know, read on... Right now it appears to be a near lock that Chris Benoit will soon be moved to the RAW roster. Dave Meltzer says it is as close to a lock as an angle that hasn't been shot yet can be. WWE is also discussing moving other wrestlers around. Credit: WrestlingObserver.com
  18. JasonX

    Jersey girl trailer......

    Actually most Smith fans ARE looking forward to Jersey Girl on the grounds that since it's Smith's first "serious" film, it will supposedly finally make the mainstream media look at Smith as a "brilliant" film director.
  19. JasonX

    WWE Not High On Remaining OVW Crop

    Don't blame Cornette for the fact that the WWE takes a huge, steaming shit on the wrestlers in OVW when they get brought up to the WWE. It's squarely to blame on Vince and the creative team being worthless shits who can't do anything right because of their ego demanding that everyone has to wrestle the blandest way possible and gives shit gimmicks to anyone who doesn't have a famous daddy who Vince once pushed to the moon during the 80s...
  20. JasonX


    It's not a Yankees thing. It's the fact that Clemmens is a Class-A Dick and over-all a TOTALLY untrustworthy piece of shit who will stab the team he is with in the back at first chance he gets. And now he's playing for my beloved Astros and it's obvious, that that he's going to fuck over the Astros too before the year is up. Clemmens is the most evil piece of shit in baseball. And his treatment of the Red Sox, Blue Jay, and Yankee organizations are proof of him being an untrustworthy fuck who will stab his team in the back at the first chance he gets.
  21. JasonX

    Aliens vs Predator

    Awesome. This is what they should have fucking done for the Freddy vs Jason movie posters....
  22. Using the three-disc format from V1: Disc One: ------------- The Ric Flair/Lex Luger Feud Ric Flair/Sting Clash of the Champions match Ric Flair/Steamboat Chi-Town Rumble PVP match Disc Two: -------------- Ric Flair/Randy Savage Feud Ric Flair/Mr. Perfect Feud Ric Flair/Vader Feud Disc Three: --------------- Ric Flair/Hulk Hogan Feud circa 94-95 Ric Flair/Randy Savage Feud 2.0 (96) Ric Flair/Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman angle Best of Flair on Nitro promo collection This would take things up to 1996 and fill in the various holes in the first DVD set....
  23. JasonX


    Then what the fuck was all of Roger's threats to the Hall of Fame towards him boycotting the induction if he didn't get inducted into the HOF under his Yankee cap?
  24. JasonX

    NASCAR will use playoff-style points system

    TECHNICALLY Nascar has gotten the mainstream audience. People like Jeff Gordon and Tony Stewert have been used to bring in new viewers (Gordon bringing in the teenybopper crowd while Stewert bringing in street-cred with the mainstream media). Not to mention the way that Nascar's been scrambling to turn the entire Earnhardt family into the modern day version of the Andretti Family, complete with Dale Junior as a teenybopper version of Michael Andretti...
  25. JasonX

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    They actually explained why Wes knew Spike in one of the earlier Season 5 episodes. Spike and Wes met early in Wes's career as a Watcher and fought each other to a draw, with both sides swearing Vendetta against the other. Sadly the writers never followed up on this revelation as Spike and Wes never made referrence to their rivalry again...