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Civil War - Can someone explain this to me? MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS
JasonX replied to a topic in Literature
Basically be expected to spend all of your money on Civil War comics, the crossover is one where the main mini-series is shit in terms of being devoid of all depth and substance, that the mini-series only works if you buy and read ALL of the X-Over titles. So basically you're going to have to buy a shitload of comics to understand and truly "GET" "Civil War": the main mini-series, Wolverine, all three Spider-Man books (Amazing, Sensational, and Friendly Neighborhood...), Fantastic Four, Civil War Frontline, Thunderbolts, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk to get the full story since reading just the mini-series will tell you jack shit about the story.... -
Is it that bad? I've been passing it every now and then in one of my local shops but haven't bothered to buy it. Gimmie the deets. The Jessica Drew Spider-Woman is the main star of the book and the bulk of the storylines involve her working for Hydra, who gave her her powers back in exchange for her spying on the good guys. Oh and Spider-Woman now has phermone powers that let her beat bad guys by making them fall in love with her Bendis fucking up Sentry by invalidating the entire Void concept in a four issue arc that had Emma Frost of all people being the one who beats Sentry while the Faux Avengers stand around The whole Daredevil/Ronin debacle, which led to Ronin being introduced as Echo and an equally pointless Savage Land storyline with Sauron suddenly portrayed as a fire breathing dragon and the equally shitty Sentry arc, done to put off the storyline as Bendis whined and bitched about not being able to get his way Iron Man being a dick at every turn complete with him bringing Sentry and Wolverine onto the team SPECIFICALLY because they kill (a major league betrayal of Avengers policy) The shitty variant covers that Marvel used to artificially inflate the sales numbers for the series in it's first year Cap being portrayed as an impotent loser Oh yeah, and Spidey losing his fucking mask in a massive super-villain fight and not caring that everyone could see his face
Joss is immune from continuity because "he's a star"; hence the current mess where TPTB at Marvel have basically stated outright that they no long care about trying to figure out how Joss's X-Men books fit in with current continuity and are taking a "We'll figure it out later!" approach that basically amounts to them saying they'll let the other writers do whatever they want and retrofit AXM into the timeline after the fact.
Gimmicky cross-over to hype the JSA relaunch. Disagree, if only because it rids us of the bullshit origin for the Gentleman Ghost that was given to the character by Geoff Johns in Hawkman. $10-$25 and that's not counting TPBs and action figures. Countering them in, it's around $40-$70
The "JSA telling Senator Joseph McArthy to go fuck himself" retirement retcon was introduced in the 1970s, when the JSA were appearing as the headline feature of Adventure Comics. It's not Zeb Well's fault, since Quesada and Mr. Mark "I suck JQ's dick and can't tell the truth if my life depended on it" Millar would have done the same plotline anyway just to kill the New Warriors for daring to not suck like JQ's pet project "Shitty Teen Titans Bastardization To End All Shitty Teen Titans Bastardizations" (also known as Young Avengers)
He got shot in the head by Max Lord, who then promptly had Greg Rucka's Mary Sue character Sasha (former love interest to Batman) burn the body. This was after the entire Big 7 JLA save for Wonder Woman and Hal Jordan treated him like shit and Booster Gold never was killed.
IIRC MJ made peace with the black costume not being so bad in the pages of Spider-Girl.
Of course it was shocking since it made absolutely ZERO SENSE. I mean, MM explicitly read his brain, like twice, and declared him not evil. I mean, I can understand them getting away from the BWAHAHA stuff. But most of the characters are at least acting somewhat consistently. Even though I hate them killing Kord, they gave him a nice send-off as a detective only second to Dibny and Bats. The Maxwell Lord shit made exactly zero sense, though. EDIT: wait, they killed Rocket Red too, right? The only possible way to sanely rationalize the ruination of Max Lord is either 1. Psycho Pirate brainwashed him or 2. That Superboy Prime hit the mirror wall of continuity and suddenly reality warps and Max is the evil uber-villain. Of course, the biggest bitch of hte situation is that DC DID FUCKING HAVE a logical alternative character to use instead of Max. Mr. Jupiter, mysterious millionaire/OG Teen Titans financial backer and father of Lilith, the Titan who died alongside Donna Troy in Graduation Day, which actually would have fucking make Dan Dildo Didio's comments about "everything started with Donna's death" making sense. As for Plastic Man, he's currently persona non grata at DC. Golden Boy Brad Meltzer likes Ralph, in spite of murdering/retconning rape onto his wife and hates Plastic Man and Didio is quite open with the fact that the fact that the Plastic Man's ongoing comic series bombing saleswise has soured him on the character. Also, the Rocket Reds are back. The entire team was magically resurrected in Infinite Crisis #6.5 (AKA the Villains United Special) after being slaughtered off in the pages of JLE.
Nope; Ult Cap didn't beat Ult Hulk. He DID act like a total and utter bitch though, in terms of attacking Hulk in his Bruce Banner form, after the rest of the Ultimates beat Hulk and basically sucker punching Banner when he was weak and defenseless and defeated.
Regarding the death of one of the principal characters of "52" (IE Steel, Renee Montoya, Question, Black Adam, Elongated Man, and Booster Gold) it's not supposed to happen until the very end of the series with the characters banned from being used by any writers at DC until the series ends in order to ensure the death doesn't get revealed prematurely. That said, it's been heavily rumored that that either
OK, this is taken from a variety of sources on the internet as spoilers about the upcoming sixth season of the Shield have been making the way onto the net for the last couple of months. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read and to help you hit back button, I'm putting a spoiler space block before I start with the spoilers: SPOILERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . As it stands at the moment, Forrest Whittaker will be back for only two episodes in season six. His first episode back will be episode 602, which will wrap up the entire IAD storyline. Corrine will play a role in Vic's desperate strategy to stop Kavanaugh. By all accounts, Shane will get away with murdering Lem. Part of what helps him will be the fact that Dutch will be confronted with a suspect who has been bragging about killing Lem only to find out that the guy is just a dumb punk who was trying to take credit for Lem's death. Anthony Anderson will also be back for at least one episode in season six, though at the moment he won't appear until around episode 606. He's still in jail by the way.... The El Salvadorians will be in the picture for season six as the big bad, with the Mexican, Jamaican, and Armenian crime syndicates lurking in the background. Claudette will also have a major role in season six in terms of dealing with the various enemies she's made trying to destroy her tenure as Captain as well as her involvement with the Strike Team in terms of trying to salvage the team from it's latest loss. Two new characters join the cast for season six: Clifton Collins Jr. ("Traffic", "Capote") will be playing a Federal Agent (no word what agency he'll work for, though rumor is that it's going to be the DEA). The second one is Alex O'Loughlin (AKA the guy from the crappy "Man-Thing" film); O'Loughlin plays Lem's replacement on the Strike Team named Kevin Hiatt. O'Loughlin shows up in episode 604 and is basically Claudette's hand-picked golden boy. He'll be taking Lem's spot on the team as well as being annointed by Claudette as Vic's successor as Strike Team leader once Vic's forced retirement date comes upon him. While Vic will be receptive to the newest member of the team, even as he tries to get TPTB to think he's truly turned over a new leaf in order to save his job, Shane will be giving Kevin the cold shoulder.
For you directv customers out there..
JasonX replied to MarvinisaLunatic's topic in Television & Film
To be fair, not everyone gives a fuck about HD-TV and because HD-TV is a scam created to steal money out of rich techno-geeks who have more money than they know what to do with and splurge on shit like HD-TV products as a result.... -
Given one rumor floating around, Alan Moore may also be the biggest piece of shit ever for what he's trying to do out of his own narcisistic vileness: It's been heavily rumored that Moore WANTS the kiddie porn aspect of "Lost Girls" to be made public knowledge and for the uber-right wing Christian Conservatives to know what he's doing so they can start burning comics and demanding a return to the castrated kiddie comics of Archie and Jughead and funny animals for pre-schoolers, so as to create a big enough scandal in the public, that DC's corporate owners Time-Warner, will force DC to pull Alan Moore's two most famous works: Watchman and V For Vendetta out of print. Why would Moore want this? Because Moore has a clause in his work on those two projects that says that if they ever go out of print, then ownership goes back to Alan Moore. So Alan is willing to nuke the entire American comic industry to ashes for his own bullshit selfish desires......
Yep. Introduced by Chuck Austen, Sammy was Juggernaut's sidekick until Black Tom Cassidy murdered him in a fit of jealous rage that Juggernaut had picked up a kid sidekick who was further pushing Juggernaut to the side of the angels. That said, Sammy is considered by many X-Men fans to be the only good thing Chuck Austen contributed to the X-Men franchise. So that says something about the character..... FroGG_NeaL wrote: Have you actually READ any of the issues that had Dazzler as an X-Man? Dazzler can turn sound into light, which she can focus into laser beams out of her eyes or fists. Of course, she doens't do that often because it takes all of her energy to convert the light into laser quality lasers.....
Nope. The one time Kitty tried to get Peter to fuck her, Peter flat-out told her no because of the age problem. Kitty would remain a virgin until she fucked Warren Ellis's personel comic book avatar Pete Wisdom back in 1995, in the pages of Excalibur..... Soooooooooo Warren Ellis is a member of the Super Adventure Club? I'm going with Longshot here, but Psylocke sucks too. Anyone read the last few issues of Uncanny (I swear Claremont can't write anymore) where she's back from the dead and now like some super important psychic weapon for some coming cosmic cataclysim? Kitty was legal age when Ellis got ahold of her (Claremont rapid aged her when he wrote Excalibur so he could do a lesbian subplot with Kitty and Nazi Overlord Sat-Yr-9). As for Psylockes, it's Quesada's fault she sucks these days. Claremont wanted to reboot her back to her British body (which was why he killed her in the first place, to rid the world of the Asian Slut Psylockes's body). But Quesada wouldn't let Claremont bring her back mainly out of spite and when he DID let him bring her back, forced Claremont to keep the Betsy in the asian slut body.
Mojo is one of the most disrespected villains in the Marvel Universe. In the Longshot mini-series, Mojo is Satan Incarnate; a creature so vile that his very pressence corrupts and poisons the enviroment around him and who basically engages in widespread crimes of genocide/special enslavement in terms of creating millions of sentient beings who only exist to die for the amusement of Mojo's fellow spineless ones.
Got the details wrong: Longshot and Storm never went through the Siege Perilous. Longshot left the team after a nightmarish dream sequence involving him and Storm that involved dismembered body parts and people having their spines ripped out of their backs. Storm was kidnapped by Nanny/death faked by Nanny Also Rogue went through the SP but not quite willingly, she forced Dazzler to send her through the SP in order to destroy a Master Mold Sentinel which had absorbed Nimrod and Nimrod's powers. Logan ddin't go through the SP because he took a sabatical from the team right before Rogue went through the SP during the battle against Master Mold (this was done mainly to reconcile when Wolvie's "Marvel Comics Presents" and ongoing series fit into X-Men continuity). It also tied into WHY the X-Men (Psylockes, Havok, Dazzler, and Colossus) went through the SP, as they went into the SP gateway to avoid being murdered by the Reavers, who intended to leave their dead, dismembered corpses as a calling card for Wolverine when he returned home.
Nope. The one time Kitty tried to get Peter to fuck her, Peter flat-out told her no because of the age problem. Kitty would remain a virgin until she fucked Warren Ellis's personel comic book avatar Pete Wisdom back in 1995, in the pages of Excalibur.....
Nope; the only changes was Warren Ellis deciding out of the blue during his "so bad it makes Rob Liefeld look like Shakespear" X-Force run, to have Warpath suddenly become like Superman in terms of flying, being outright invulnerable, and stronger than Thor for no other reason than because he wanted a Superman character on the team. Morrison got rid of it all save for the flying powers, though I would assume when Warpath shows up in Uncanny X-Men in a couple of months, Ellis's fuck-job will be treated as if he never happened.....
If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG...... Tell me that didn't really happen. That's what happened. Of course, for sanity reasons I also left out the part where Bendis also had Norman Osborn kill a Lois Lane stand-in named after the various actresses who played Lois on film, supposedly as a fuck you to DC over DC telling Bendis's buddy Mark Millar they'd never let him write a Superman book after yet another public bitchfest from Millar regarding how the Superman marriage was evil and how if DC had any balls, they'd give control over the Superman franchise to him so he can erase it from canon....
If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG......
Could one of you guys catch me up on the Marvel Universe?
JasonX replied to haws bah gawd's topic in Literature
He died in 1999, in a mini-series that was supposed to lead to the introduction of the "Infinities" (a bunch of cosmic bad guys mentioned in "Avengers Forever") but the plotline got pushed aside for the "Maximum Security" crossover instead. Galactus was resurrected in the pages of FF and Abraxas was created to replace the Infinities instead as the threat Galactus warned everyone about before dying..... -
Could one of you guys catch me up on the Marvel Universe?
JasonX replied to haws bah gawd's topic in Literature
It's a fancy new bribe Tony Stark gave Spiderman in order to keep him in line as Iron Man's bitch Poccy came back to wipe out 90% of humanity after Brian Bendis depowered 90% of mutantkind. His horsemen were Gambit (Death), Sunfire (Famine), Polaris (Pestillence), and a new character named Gazer as War. Said questions are meaningless given how "most powerful" status can be given out and changed at a drop of a hat and regardless of storyline logic. Let's just say, for lack of argument, that the answer for 3 and 4 is Bendis the Living Ego. Currently it's Scarlet Witch, who's turned into a walking deux de machina device Brian Bendis uses to justify his hatred for all writing other than his own and his own bullshit ego-driven garbage writing. Nope, just the Venom suit. -
DC won't do this for an assortment of reasons: the biggest reason being that the online/digital rights to the entire DCU library are owned by AOL and AOL has no interest in doing "Series Sets" like Marvel is doing or doing ANY sort of liscencing to get DC's back-issues onto the net.
The "External" storyline got killed off when the people in charge of the Highlander franchise threatened to sue Marvel. All of the Externals introduced in X-Force got killed off by Selene, the Black Queen (who was retroactively declared an External) and they had Jeph Loeb have Selene declare that Cannonball was never an External to begin with (which meant that Cable really really sucks when it comes to declaring if people are dead or still alive). Crimson Command, not Captain Crimson..... Both worked for the government (with CC turned into a cyborg) and tried to kill Polaris on orders given to them by Malice. Avalanche ended up rejoining the Brotherhood while Crimson Commando never appeared again. Ironically though, Claremont introduced a new black, female Crimson Commando character who appeared along with a new version of Super-Sabre as part of the Brotherhood team Mystique formed in X-Men #106-109/Uncanny X-Men #388-389, but they only appeared in a Brotherhood training exercise. He came back right before Howard Mackie got rid of the remaining PAD X-Factor members in order to replace them with a lame "XSE" team from the future. Apparently Maddox had a bunch of duplicates running around in the US when he contracted the Legacy Virus and they never got it because they were seperated. The duplicates temporarily lost their memories when the core Madrox died and ran around in fetish gear before X-Factor found them and merged them into a new core Maddrox. He was part of the short-lived "X-Men France" team in New X-Men before winning a small fortune on a reality TV quiz show and opening up the new X-Factor Detective Agency Cannonball, Rictor, and Siren were prominently featured in Morrison's New X-Men run as part of the "X-Men France" team. Warpath and Feral (who Morrison screwed up by having be written as a goody two-shoes furry) were part of the "X-Men India" team. Boom Boom, Cable, and Domino were in "Weapon X" as part of the Mutant Underground group with Domino moonlighting as part of the X-Men China team with X-Force hanger on Risque Shatterstar was running around in Mandripoor as a pit fighter after he and Rictor broke up Sunspot and Skids were part of the X-Men Los Angeles branch. Sunspot later got offered a spot on the Hellfire Club as the new Black King by Sage/Tessa, which he took.