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Everything posted by JasonX
IIRC they did that already with Road Rules. They filmed an entire season of RR on one of those "Semester At Sea" ships using students from the program and it was a huge bomb....
ACTUALLY I would put Real Worlds 1-6 as the definative RW. RW 1-4 were truly documentary style reality TV with hands-off style presentation with RW New Orleans being given honorable mention in terms of relevance.... RW 5 was the embodiment of a reality series five car train wreck and showed just how utterly bad things can get in reguards to people's sloth and self-absorbsion. RW 6 was the last RW to have the casting people ACTUALLY get real real people of different backgrounds and social groups onto one show and having them actually do a real job instead of some sort of glamorous job MTV bought and paid for, for them. Honorable mention can go for Real World New Orleans for it's Mormon chick storyline and the whole faceless marine running storyline, which gave the series some sense of cultural depth to it.
Speaking of Garfield and Friends, can someone PLEASE find and post the lyrics to the rap theme that was used for the show's final season?
Yeah and that the poll in question was rigged by WCW so that everytime you voted, the Sting/Hogan match received a vote reguardless of whether or not you voted for it....
By 1999, WCW was bleeding so much money that they killed off releasing their stuff on video, especially after a series of spotlight videos that recounted the dreaded "Summer of Suck" bombed. It's also why none of the last two years of WCW PPVs were released on PPV. I would also assume that even if they did put out a Flair VHS set that it would have gotten shitty distribution that would have fucked up people's ability to get their hands on it. Not to mention content issues as to what would get included on it....
Don't forget Undertaker, ruining the careers of everyone who is the least bit over out of spite from losing his spot to Jericho and Benoit two years ago...
OK you are in the WWE marketing department. You have convinced Vince and Linda that their newest CD "WWE Originals" is a piece of shit that should never of been greenlit in the first place. BUT it still has to be released and Vince and Linda's idea to get people who would rightfully avoid the CD like the plague is to include a bonus DVD with THREE matches that would get even the most jaded smark to buy a piece of shit they would never buy or even accept as a gift. What three matches would you chose? My three picks would be three matches that would that would make the bonus DVD serve as a promo DVD for the Ric Flair DVD and the upcoming Mick Foley/Kurt Angle DVD releases as well as being a worthwhile stand-alone DVD by collecting rare stuff that would not be commercially available on DVD in uncut form. First Match would be the first Flair/Steamboat match from the 1989 Superbrawl. This would be a HUGE selling point do to the fact that out of the holy trinity of the Flair/Steamboat matches, it's the only one not commercially available... Second Match would be the uncut, commercial free version of the Kurt Angle/Brock Lesner iron match from Smackdown a couple of month back. Third Match would be the No Way Out '00 match between Mick and HHH which resulted in Mick being permenantly retired. It, like the Flair/Steamboat match, is not commercially available on DVD. What would you guys pick for it?
Thursday, January 08, 2004 MNW Extras Here's the list of extras that's been floating around for a couple weeks now. Two good matches, and a whole lot of really bad ones. -War Games from Wrestlewar 1991 ***** -Sting vs. Vader "White Castle of Fear" Strap Match from Superbrawl 3 ****1/2 -Doomsday match from Uncensored 1996 -***** This is the 8 on 2 match. -Sting vs. Hogan from Starcade 1997 -**** -Nash vs. Hogan "FINGER POKE OF DEATH" match from Nitro. No explanation needed. -Chris Benoit vs. Sid from Souled Out 2000 ***3/4 Benoit wins the title, then takes a walk. -DDP & Davd Arquette vs. Eric Bischoff & Jeff Jarrett from Thunder. Ugh ugh ugh. -Vince Russo 'versus' Kevin Nash where Russo wins the title. UGH -Sid vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Steiner vs. Road Warrior Animal from Sin 2000 (Sid broken Leg match) -Sting vs. Ric Flair from Nitro. Last WCW match ever. If this is true and not BS, this is the GREATEST DVD EVER. Not for quality of content, but for sheer MATERIAL to work with. About time they put WarGames on DVD, too. // posted by Scott @ 7:44 PM Comments by Squawkbox.tv - Comments(2)
You know Roger, he won't be happy until he's been shot by a sports fan who's team he fucked over..... I wonder how George Steinbrenner will react to this betrayal and whether or not the Mets are already plotting out ways to physically assault Clemmens when they face the Astros this year...
I doubt that, mainly do to the fact that Christensen has mainly worked in indie films and will more than likely return to the indie film genre once the Prequels wrap up. BTW you guys need to watch the film Christensen did recently that was based upon the NY Times plagerist scandal? It's a great performance and one that shows that he can act when given a script that isn't written by Lucas and the rest of the pussy yes-men he employs....
They're dedicating a DVD to the FBI? It's a DVD release for an old WWF video from the mid-90s which focuses on the Undertaker circa 93-94....
I haven't been watching the last couple of marathons since they keep rerunning the shit episodes where the theme is "I'M AN UNREALISTICALLY PRETTY, RICH SPOILED, A&F WEARING POUSER ONLY CONCERNED WITH SUPERFICIAL MATTERS LIKE WHO I'M GOING TO FUCK AND WHY CAN'T I BE EVEN MORE UNREALISTICALLY PRETTY?".............
One of the main reasons for the Special Editions were to re-establish the Star Wars brand in the public's eyes on the 20th Anniversery of the first film so that the country would be Star Wars crazy again and ready for the prequels. Shadow of the Empire (the officially recongnized as cannon SW novel that takes place inbetween ESB and ROTJ) was another prequel related project in the fact that the whole promotional blitz for Shadows was done as a test-run for the Episode 1 media blitz...
Actually Schindler's List has never been aired with commercials in it. When NBC bought the TV rights to the film, Spielberg put a clause in the contract saying that they could never cut it up and air it with commercials as well as them having to show it completely uncut. Hence the reason why they only showed it twice on NBC and why they had to get to get a big name sponsor to foot the bill for airing it without commercial breaks like they did....
<Trammell was slated to make $2.5 million last year, but left the New York Yankees after just 22 games for personal reasons. He was placed on the restricted list and reached a settlement with the team last month.> Anyone know what the personal reasons where? Or is "personal reasons" code for Trammell finding out he was only acquired by the Yankees in order to keep him from being snatched up by NY's rivals and him wanting out so that he could play instead of being stuck on the bench doing jack shit???
Greedo Shoots First The entire Jabba sequence with it's gratuitous Bob Fett appearance and not to mention crappy dialogue that makes Jabba look like an idiot New alternate ending song for ROTJ The new CGI version of the Sarlac Pit (complete with a ton of new CGI tentecles)
But what clips? Which ones in particular?
I am having trouble seeing the trailer so can someone list what clips they show in the preview? Cause part of me is really really scared that they will pull a bait and switch and make the entire set be a "fuck you"/loving valentine recap of the entire Invasion angle complete with interviews between Austin, Vince, Steph, and Undertaker as they all circle jerk about how great the Invasion was and how they produced the "biggest and most successfull angle ever" with it as well as Austin getting blow jobs from everyone about how he saved the WCW and ECW guys and helped get them over (whcih he didn't and instead buried so far into the ground they never recovered) and how Kurt Angle was a talentless bitch who's unfit to tie Austin's boots.....
Vancomb Lady. One of the most evil and funny characters ever to appear in a sketch comedy show and the show's breakout non-celebrity parody character.... And let's not forget Nancy Sullivan's hate-mongering country-western singer character, who in one of the show's most hillarious sketches praises Eminem's ability to reach millions of white kids with songs condemning gays and unwed mothers and talks about doing her own album of hate-core rap songs ala Eminem.....
That would only work if you also slit JR's vocal chords, as you know that he would make said action sound less like a selfless act of goodness and more like Jericho being a retard or Jericho going to extreme legnths to bullshit Trish with JR even going as far as saying that CJ and Xian were acting in cahoots...
Wrestlemania 20 will be a disappointment of epic proportions, usurping Wrestlemania 9's spot as the worst WM ever. HHH will keep the belt for the bulk of 2004, with the occassional month long reigns for HHH's BUTT buddies Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton. Randy Orton will continuing to be pushed down everyone's throats to the point that audiences boo the fuck out of him whenever he's in the ring. As a result of this, online fans will coin a new phrase "Randy Orton Heat" to give a name for the type of suckiness and reaction Orton illicits from the audience. Angle will phased out of active duty and into a full-time road agent/booking position with the SD roster Kevin Nash will get a job as booker for Raw and aside from tormenting those wrestlers he hates will use every dirty trick in the book to discredit and ruin Angle's position in the booking comitte. Chris Jericho will face Triple H and lose again. Then, to add insult to injury, Trish Stratus will dump him and Steve Austin and Jim Ross will spend multiole episodes of Raw humiliating Jericho nonstop via JR's commentary and Austin's 20 minute promos which permenantly result in Jericho being labeled a loser and chocker in the eyes of the fans ala Lex Luger. Matt Hardy will be continued to be buried and not used and will end up going down the same road as his brother in order to try and get fired Golbereg will no-show Wrestlemania 20 after his planend match with Rock changes so that Rock beats Golberg like a bitch without any post-match respect showing between the two. Bret Hart won't be at WM20 do to Vince or one of his family members doing/saying something stupid that pisses off Bret The Kurt Angle DVD will be a total and complete disappointment do to the WWE concentrating solely on the post name-change content. Unlike the Ric Flair DVD, the Mick Foley will be promoted like crazy by the WWE. The DVD will also kill any chances of seeing any more ECW footage used as a result of the WWE fucking up the handling of Joey Styles by way of the WWE releasing it with Style's pressence/commentary intact and are sued by Joey Styles as a result for copyright infringement. Chris Benoit will not win any world title. He MIGHT win the US title provided that Vince realizes that Big Show has it and hasn't done anything with it John Cena will continue to get pushed but in the role of Brock Lesner's punching bag. Edge will return and join the Raw roster where he will be made into Triple H's personal bitch as payback for all of those shoot comments Edge has made about HHH over the years....
Uhm... wasn't that an actual movie? Am I missing a joke here? It was during the show's first season, they did a bunch of horror movie parodies for their Halloween show and one of them was a "Jason in Space" parody where Jason sneaks aboard the Apollo 13 ship and kills the astronauts on said flight.... Years later, there would actually BE a "Jason in Space" Friday the 13th Film called "Jason X" though Jason X was set in the future and had Jason kill off of the entire cast of Andromeda...
Mad TV underwent serious retooling after the first season, as they ditched about 95% of the cast and replaced them with new cast members do to the fact that the show did extremely poor in the ratings during the first season. The ratings rebounded towards an acceptable level after said retooling, which helped save the show from cancellation....
Fear is that Benoit would politically have a better chance at beating Lesner for the belt thna facing HHH, who could fuck Benoit over just because he can by refusing to job let alone having enough influence to castrate Benoit and make him look like an utter and complete fool during their fued. Not to mention making it look like Benoit requires outside help/could only win via a fluke...
Comedy writer who from 1997-1999 hosted a talk-show recap show called "Talk Soup" on E!. John Henson used the show to mock the trashy talk-shows of the day with his sarcastic witt and deadpan humor as the show became a huge hit. Sadly he left the show after being offered a development deal at ABC that went absolutely no-where, causing him to fall out of the public eye...