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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Randy Orton

    HELLO? STEPHANIE MACMAHON? We know the cunt is coming back so why not fucking use her for something GOOD for a change and have her be the catylist for Benoit's title shot?
  2. JasonX

    Big WMXX update

    If they can pull a Kane on Edge and use the HHH burial to rebuild Edge's character (like bringing back his mute goth guy ass-kicker gimmick) it would be an acceptable trade-off....
  3. JasonX

    Big WMXX update

    Triple H needs fresh bodies to bury and what better person to bury and humiliate on a regular basis going up to the biggest show of the year than "Mr. Fanboy" Edge? ESPECIALLY since yoiu know HHH will love to kill Edge's career so as to keep Edge from ever eclipsing Randy Orton and Batista, who HHH has christened as his heir apparents to the throne in the WWE...
  4. Bob Holly/Brock Lesner- Given how they keep putting off this abortion, they now have no choice but to do it at RR because of a total lack of time to establish a RR match for Brock HHH/Kane- A totally worthless match do to the fact that we all know UT will cost Kane the title to set up their WM match Xian/Chris Jericho- Because the WWE doesn't have any real faith in Jericho as a top level face Chris Benoit- Stuck in a dead-in feud with the FBI as he waits for the title reign that is always promised to him but never delivered to him. Won't win the Rumble do to the fact that 1. SD won it last year and 2. that they can easily undo the "no-title shot" declaration via Steph coming back Golberg- In the doghouse, will probably not show up at RR at all Randy Orton- Will win the Rumble in order to set up his match with HHH unless the WWE decides to pull the plug on his infernal on-again, off-again push again Austin- Provided that his SD appearance is ignored, will be back after RR. If not, have him go to SD permenantly and stink up SD for a change. Mick Foley- His departure will either not be explained away or will be explained away via HBK in the form of "Mick realized how foolish it would be for him to return and simply walked away".
  5. JasonX

    RR Who's Doing What and Who Scorecard

    But that's just Stevie, what's to say that it's just going to be Stevie turning? Although I like the idea of Stevie as a face, Victoria seems so suited to the bitch heel, that's what she's always been best at, even when she was in OVW (or UPW before that) she just suited the role. There will be NO face turn for Richards and Victoria. The WWE has it set in stone that Trish and Lita are the only two faces allowed in their womens's division and the fact remains Victoria is the only surefire over heel the WWE has in it's womens division that they are willing to back 100% (Molly doesn't count do to the fact that the WWE routinely pushes her weakly only to cut her throat and bury her for months on end)..... And a babyface Stevie Richards would be treat just like a heel Stevie Richards, a pathetic jobber who everyone treats like sht and beats up...
  6. JasonX

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Willow being gay. Despite having a HUGE crush on Xander her whole life and the fact that she was in love with Oz. After Season 4, it was stated by one of the Buffy writers, in a VERY revisionalist way, that Joss always inteded for either Xander or Willow would eventually turn gay on the other and that Willow got picked to be the token gay character when Seth Green bailed out of the show. The writer also stated that Willow's homosexual tendencies debuted in Vampire Willow episode as a means to counter the charges that Willow's sudden conversion to lesbianism was not something the show was building towards naturally with the character...
  7. JasonX

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Then how do you explain Kendra's line: "That's me favorite shirt! That's me ONLY shirt!" given how the Watchers frown upon slayers having normal lives, it makes sense for them to limit clothing owned by a slayer so they don't become clothing obsessed like most teenage girls.....
  8. JasonX

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    <1. Willow knows how to do the spell to give vampires their souls back; she's known it since the end of Season 2, when she did it to Angel. The HUGE question is, why didn't Willow ever cast this spell on Spike, Drusilla, Harmony, or any of the other vampires in the series? > Because the spell Willow learned about from Jenny was not full-proof and that the soul could be lost through the achievement of any form of happiness. PLUS the fact that 1. The spell was pretty dangerous for a then novice witch Willow. 2. Dru was long gone after season 2 3. Harmony was pretty harmless as a vamp and that souling her would just make her life even moe fucked up 4. Spike was AWOL during season 3 and by the time he came back into the gang's orbit he had the chip in his head <2. Same thing: forget the name of it, but the Angel episode where Buffy visited, and Angel got turned into a human by touching some demon's blood. Okay, they explained by the end of that one why Angel had to remain a vamp, but why not find one of those demons, capture it, drill a keg tap into its arm, and then make turning vamps into humans your full-time job? > IIRC wasn't the demon race extremely rare? In that case, it was a simple matter of Angel deciding to keep living his life than to chase down a pipe dream of a cure... <3. The Watcher's Council. I just found the whole concept to be bullshit, period. Here you have this giant, wealthy, powerful, globe-spanning organization, and the best thing they can give to help Buffy is... Giles? Not knocking Giles, but when he first started, he (and even moreso Wesley) were not exactly the first person I'd chose to back me up in a fight. > Standard part of most super-hero formulas based upon "destiny chosen people". There is always a group of people who's job it is to guide and if necessary outright manipulate the chosen one into fullfilling thier destiny and do their job. <4. Another Watcher Council question: why do they expect the Slayer to work for free? They never gave Buffy so much as one dime for her years of service for them. This is especially irritating in Season 6, when Buffy is constantly broke and worrying about money, yet Quentin Travers, with his thousand-dollar suits, can't be bothered to so much as pay for Buffy's rent.> It's heavily implied from what we saw with Kendra and the 70s Slayer that they DO take care of their Slayers. BUT there is a huge catch to the Watcher's generosity in that you have to do as you are told and never, EVER question them. PLUS there was the matter of Buffy's relationship with Quentin Travers. I seriously doubt Buffy would be willing to take aid from Quentin, even if Quentin offered it to her with ZERO strings attached.
  9. JasonX

    90210 on DVD (sort of)

    Degrassi sucks donkey balls. It's "Right-Wing Lifetime for Teens" in terms of pure exploitative garbage that the show promotes.
  10. JasonX

    90210 on DVD (sort of)

    TVShowsondvd.com has some "Good news/Bad News" updates on 90210 being released on DVD. Apparently Artisan (who apparently owns the rights to the show) is rushing out both the pilot episode and the Season Three finale (which is the one where the gang graduates from High School) onto DVD next year. Apparently they are doing these two single episode releases do to the fact that the rights to the series reverts to Paramount in 2005, making it impossible for them to release season sets. They also state that there is a good chance that Artisan will avoid the nasty trouble of securing music rights for these two episodes and remove/replace the music for the releases...
  11. JasonX

    Question about Explicit Contet stickers

    Occassionally albums can slip by and not get stuck with the madatory PA Sticker with one or two curse words (see Madonna's "Bedtime Stories", which has the explitive filled "Human Nature" on it).
  12. HHH will retain at WM in the main event match as he slits Randy Orton's throat and fucks his dying body while screaming "NO ONE GETS A GOD PUSH BUT ME!!!!" As for SD, Brock retains against whoever they put him again, most likely John Cena in an undercard match that has zero heat and serves mainly as the WWE's attempt to kill Cena's heat by having Brock make Cena look like a total bitch in the name of "getting over by losing"....
  13. Just when yoy thought the cancer was gone, the shithead HHH has the belt again. God knows the WWE couldn't see how much better Raw was with HHH without the belt and marginalized to the outskirts of the show but we got to give the whore who fucked his way to the top rather than earn his success get the belt again and crush both Golberg and Kane in the process.
  14. JasonX

    My Country 'Tis of Thee...

    Quick Question, is Bradshaw a natural blonde or did he dye his hair?
  15. JasonX

    Question about Maurice Clarett

    Why the fuck is he so obsessed with getting in the NFL at such an early age? Did he do a bunch of shit that is going to get him blackballed from playing college football and wants to get drafted ASAP before the SHITHAMMER falls on him? Or does he honestly think that he deserves the same undeserved blowjob treatment LeBron James got because he joined the NBA as early as he did?
  16. JasonX

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    1. Hasn't Clemmens always vowed never to play in the National League, do to outright fear that he would no longer be able to purposely hit batters without risking the other team's pitchers hitting him in his fat face with a baseball in retaliation? 2. Hasn't the whole "I want to play in Texas" thing been exposed to be a negotiation ploy by Clemmens to get teams to give him big bucks? I know he used that ploy to get the Blue Jays to splurge on him awhile back...
  17. Randy Orton ? ::Sarcasm:: Randy Orton is more of a "movie of the week" type monster. He'd be more adept to playing fratboy rapists, abusive boyfriends, or drunk drivers than "Freddy/Jason" type killers...
  18. JasonX

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    I disagree. The way things are going for the Yankees, Brown will fail his physical and kill the deal and the Yankees will be stuck with Weaver yet again..... Or even worse, Weaver goes public with the fact that he's being run out of town by the Yankees for Brown and gives a damning interview that humiliates Steinbrenner and the entire roster with Weaver burning every possible bridge imaginable with his fellow teammates and the Yankee management.... After all, nothing says trouble in sports that a disgruntled and highly pissed off jock ranting and raving about how his teammates and club higher ups are all a bunch of worthless fucks....
  19. JasonX

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    I'll take it over "Gurantee losing now but hopefully be better in five years" Where to begin at mocking and belittling you and your lack of logic and reason....... The Yankees, under the current roster format, has reached it's zenith and is now crashing and burning because of the fact that after so many years the signs of weakness are showing and that the copetition is getting MUCH MUCH stronger. The Yankees NEED, NO HAVE TO rebuild. Their time has come and gone and it's starting to show that the team's dynamics can't keep up. Better to junk the whole thing and rebuild with certain surviving members of the roster as the lynchpen for a 2-4 seasons worth of rebuilding and come out stronger and economically slimmer than throw money at the problem like a retard. Signing and trading for every free agent/big name player possible (and some just to keep others from getting them) is counterproductive. You gut the farm system and load up the roster with a bunch of overpayed albatrosses who more than likely won't be worth the money your paying them but can't be gotten rid of because their salaries make it impossible to trade them away. FURTHERMORE you speed up the decay of the roster by fostering a revolving door mentality where paychecks and ego are more important than winning and loyalty.
  20. JasonX

    South Park 12/9

    Butters works best in small doses actually. It's been proven that when P&S over-use Butters, the character loses it's charm and ends up being used as the perpetual victim character which is really bad..
  21. JasonX

    South Park 12/9

    Pip got his spot taken from him by Butters. Which works since the writers are more willing to let Butters inflict torment on others than they were with Pip (who was WAY too wishy-washy IMHO)....
  22. JasonX

    South Park 12/9

    I pray they don't. Both Wendy and Token are perfect straight characters for the more crazy/off-the-wall characters to play off of. Especially Token, who is great as the voice of reason when faced with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman's utter stupidity...
  23. JasonX

    Ok...WTF is that???

    I don't either, I want him to be kept far far away. I'm...just saying what's going to happen. Cause RAW needed to SUCK once again. And nothing says suck like Druggy McCrackhead missing moves, falling alseep in the ring, and basically looking like he is strung out beyond belief. He makes Scott Hall look like Shawn Michaels 2003. RAW was just recovering from that worthless rail missing coke sniffer and they want to bring him back. Sad and a true sign that this company has no clue where in the hell they are going. God, the fat chick demographic is still buying his ugly ass shirts so why does Dopey need to return again? ACTUALLY, do to the fact that the WWE will never give Jericho a real push as a top babyface, CJ and a returning Edge (who needs to return to his heterosexual life partner Xian if he won't fucking change his image/gimmick and act like a main event wrestler instead of the wrestling equivalent of the Simpson's Comic Book Guy over on SD) and circle-jerk with Matt Hardy and Xian while Randy Orton and HHH fight it out in the feud no one gives a fuck about over the Raw Belt....
  24. On Raw: Xian and Jericho are trying to pretend to be good guys in order to bang Lita and Trish Matt Hardy is now on Raw and officially dumped Lita Kane stole the Nathan Jones's original "Evil Genius Heel" gimmick Golberg is champion and HHH is his bitch Austin is finally gone, Mick Foley has taken his spot, and Randy Orton has stolen credit from Jericho (who spearheaded the removal of Austin as Co-GM) for getting rid of Austin On SD: Bob Holly has come back as Brock Lesner's stalker and is in line for a big money match with Brock for the world title instead of Benoit or John Cena John Cena is now a babyface after refusing to join Brock's new heel stable that consists of him, Nathan Jones, A-Train, one of the tough enough guys, and Big Show Eddy Guerrerro and Chavo are fighting like a bunch of girls over who's the weakest link of their team Vince had Kane help him bury Undertaker alive Angle is hurt again and won't be back till the start of the new year IIRC...
  25. JasonX

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    You know, given the fact that a LOT of the Yankee's problems for this upcoming season seems to revolve around the notion of what will happen to Giambi health-wise, it makes me wonder why the fuck the Yankee's don't trade the fucking Judas and recoup something that will help them this upcoming season. After all, Giambi being signed has been a pretty miserable failure for both parties. Giambi has failed miserably at being a high class whore who in exchange for wearing "Yankee Whore" pinstripes gets a free World Series ring and that the Yankee's attempt to tear the heart out of the Oakland line-up by stealing their star player has failed miserably to permenantly sink the team back to the basement of the AL West. And now Giambi's got injuries and will require a massive amount of juggling on the part of the Yankees in regards to their line-up as a result. They should immeadiately start working on shipping him to a new team in exchange for 1. prospects and 2. players to fill into the line-up's gaps so as to avoid a massive game of musical chairs on the part of the team's management....