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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Wes Craven's New Nightmare

    Yes. The plot is that Freddy has somehow found a way to leave his universe and enter a universe based upon the real world and he proceeds to go after the family of the actress who played Nancy in the first film. While this is going on there is the subplot of Englund and Craven talking about reviving the NOES franchise but only if they get the actress to come back and play Nancy again since she's Freddy's "arch-nemesis". It's a mix bag. The reality meets fiction aspect is decent but requires a ton of disbelief to get through. Their treatment of Freddy meanwhile..... The good news is that they give Freddy a new look. He loses the hat and picks up a trenchcoat. The bad news is that Freddy gets his personality sucked out of his skull.
  2. JasonX

    Yet another horror remake - Prom Night

    To be fair though, the entire Prom Night series (there are at least 4 PN movies IIRC) are all totally different films ranging from slasher films to the imfamous Supernatural Possession-themed Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lue....
  3. JasonX

    Should Kurt Angle change his music?

    Angle doesn't need new music. He needs to grow his hair back.
  4. JasonX

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    I wouldn't mind seeing Golberg cripple Austin. Unlike Bret Austin deserves to be on the receiving end of a major injury that kills his career DOA....
  5. JasonX

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    What comments? From his recent interview on Howard Stern: "Steve told Howard that the WWE guys wanted him to lose to some schlub and he didn't want to do it. He said Vince told him the scenario and he didn't want to do it. He said he told them that if they didn't change it he was going to leave. He said it would have made him look washed up if he'd done it."
  6. JasonX

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    Given Austin's comments about the Brock Lesner incident about a week ago, Austin won't be putting anyone over if he comes back for one more match, which is reason enough for Austin to DIE HORRIBLY and get the fuck out off TV forever....
  7. JasonX

    Fox Nearly Sues Itself Over Simpsons

    Difference is that the Simpsons were, in this instance, making fun of Fox News not Fox which apparently is now seems to be considered taboo when it comes to Fox shows making fun of their parent company...
  8. JasonX

    ESPN's "Playmakers"

    <Ozylack is Romo...> Actually Ozylack is more of a Zach Taylor analoge than he is a Romo analogue....
  9. JasonX

    ESPN's "Playmakers"

    1. Guerwicz's comment to the media about getting married seemed totally like the writers trying to have their cake and eat it to by way of tackling the topic of gays in sports in a positive manner while at the same time keeping things inside the show's universe in synch with real life by having Guerwicz go through with his sham marriage and not coming out of the closet. 2. I'm utterly suprised that they didn't drag out the ending for a couple of more episodes, especially given DH's involvement with the drug buy. Given that Wilbanks and DH are the two main villains of the show, one would think they would tie Guerwicz's storyline into the overall metaplot of DH fucking everyone over by way of Guerwicz exposing DH being behind the drug buy and using that to begin the inevitable arc of DH getting his just deserts for all of the stuff he's done...
  10. Want to bet P&S take the side of the RIAA? I mean they already have proclaimed their total and complete devotion to right wing republicans so I wouldn't be suprised to see them support the RIAA.........
  11. RAW It's late and I'm very tired, and I'll have a whole story about my computer tomorrow and why this is so late as a result, but for now, enjoy the RAW rant posted here before 411 gets it. The SmarK RAW Rant - October 27 2003 - This is a very rushed version, being written at about 2:00 AM on WORDPAD of all things, for reasons too dull and long-winded to get into here, but basically my computer had a total meltdown about two hours before RAW and it involved many adventures getting it up and running again. God bless Microsoft. Anyway, I'm not dead or fired or anything, I just took a much-needed week's vacation to visit my parents last week, and I didn't feel like recapping any wrestling while I was there. My No Mercy thoughts are on The Blog of DOOM, although I taped over the show by accident and thus there won't be an official rant until the DVD comes out. - Live from Fayetteville, NC. - Your hosts are JR & King. - Opening interview: Evolution joins us (minus the groom, of course), to let us know that Goldberg is done, finished, retired, baked like a ham. I made up that last one. Batista actually gives a decent promo on the situation, revealing himself to be the mystery man, and Orton thinks the title should go back to HHH. Well, might as well jump on the winning bandwagon early, Randy. Uncle Eric interrupts and is about to take him up on that offer when Austin interrupts that interruption and decides that HHH gets to face Goldberg for the title at Survivor Series instead. Shows you how important Goldberg is to them when he's not even there to be involved in the decision-making process. Batista gets in Austin's face over this, allowing the Vanilla Jobber Connection to attack Flair & Orton. - Meanwhile, Trish and Lita hang out in their underwear and talk about...um...sorry, got distracted there. - Booker T v. Rico. Rico attacks to start with a spinkick and back kick for two. He hits the chinlock, which Booker escapes from, and Book makes the comeback with some clotheslines for two. Rico goes to the eyes and dodges an axe kick, but a second one finishes him at 1:38. Poor Rico. 1/4* Jericho interupts the celebration for an impromptu Highlight Reel, but it's actually a cunning setup for Team Bischoff (aka Christian & Scott Steiner) to attack him inside a cage. RVD makes the save and joins Team Austin. - Meanwhile, Eric & Jericho conspire against RVD, threatening to steal his IC title. Threaten to steal his pot and comic books and you'd REALLY piss him off. - Mark Henry v. Lance Storm. Mark attacks to start and tosses Storm around for all of 0:51 before Shawn Michaels runs in for the DQ and lays him out. Storm gets to lay on the ground and sell while Shawn slaps hands with the fans. And they wonder why no one gets over. DUD - Meanwhile, John Heidenreich meets Hurricane and reveals the secret of Little Johnny to him, privately of course. It better not be the literal sense of the phrase. - Meanwhile, Lita confronts Christian in a nothing segment. - Meanwhile, Coach bumps into Shane in another pointless backstage bit. - Hurricane & Heidenreich v. La Resistance. It's too bad Sylvain Grenier ruined it for everyone, because if they had STARTED with Conway & Dupree and tailored a gimmick to them instead of building around Grenier's evil French act, they would have had something. Conway lays out Hurricane to start, but gets hit with an inverted vertebreaker. He hits Dupree with a plancha and goes up, but Conway brings him down with a neckbreaker. That gets two. I bet Conway is the next big thing if given a chance -- he moves like the Rock and has that superstar look and attitude about him. Conway gets another neckbreaker, and Dupree gets two. Snapmare gets two. They work him over in the corner and Conway drops a fist for two. Dupree gets a prancing elbow for two. I like that he's worked the taunt into an actual move now. Hurricane comes back with a sunset flip, but Dupree clotheslines him for two. Conway slugs away and pounds him in the corner, and Dupree goes to a neckvice. Charge misses and Hurricane comes back with a DDT, hot tag Heidenreich, who immediately sucks all the fun out of the proceedings by doing the most generic, Nash-like big-man stuff you can imagine and getting two on Conway with a big boot. He dumps Dupree and a Rock Bottom finishes Conway at 5:54. Decent, but too long given the fan's apathy towards the people involved. They need to do something with Conway, though. **1/4 - Shane McMahon v. Test. This is a no-DQ match that was built up as a "mystery opponent" and clearly positioned so the fans would think it's Kane. So instead you get injured Test in a garbage match backdropping a lame storyline for Kane. Shane kicks him in the foot to start, prompting Test to run and hide behind Stacy. Shane goes after him and they brawl on the ramp, but Test rams him into the apron and the stairs. Through all of this, Test is yelling "come on, Kane!" until the point couldn't possibly be any more hammered home. Back in, Shane fights back, but gets slammed. Test brings some plunder into the proceedings, but now Stacy interferes, allowing Shane to set up Test for a Van Terminator attempt. Kane's pyro distracts him, however, and Test gets two with a crutch. Test tries a pumphandle, which is reversed into a DDT on a garbage can, and Shane gets two. Back to Van Terminator position, and let's stop and think about this for a second and how stupid wrestling can be -- here's a move where you need to not only position your opponent in a seated position in the corner, pointing in a direction perpendicular to the hard camera, while somehow forcing him to hold a garbage can, while you head to the other side of the ring. This is contrived enough ONCE, but Shane set up the move TWICE in this same match, which is kind of stretching the boundaries of belief, even for the WWE. Luckily for the world, Shane hits the move on try #2, and gets the pin at 6:23. * Why the hell is Shane going over ANYONE? And shouldn't Test get some small measure of revenge for having his foot broken? Oh, wait, it gets better though, as Kane comes out to sneer at Shane, and in response Shane pummels Test and then re-breaks the foot on the stairs. Oh, and the match at the PPV is now an ambulance match, as if the bar couldn't lower any further on this feud. I also want to point out how apathetic and completely silent the crowd was through the entire post-match angle while Shane acted all macho and stuff. - Trish Stratus v. Victoria v. Lita v. Gail Kim. Winner gets Molly at the PPV, although that's not really in doubt. Everyone brawls to start and Lita slugs away on Victoria, who comes back with a sideslam for two. Trish rolls her up for two. She chops away and gets a headscissors, but Stevie sends her into the railing to take her out of the match. The heels work Lita over, but she powerbombs Kim for two. Victoria gets the Widow's Peak on Lita, but Kim turns on her to save, and gets tossed for her troubles. Lita finishes Victoria with a DDT at 2:52. Rush rush rush. 1/2* - The Coach reviews Austin's book in a segment that might have been funny a few weeks ago, but they seem to have given up developing his heel character. - Meanwhile, Cade & Jindrak continue their ELECTRICITY with a backstage interview, that somehow leads to Bischoff throwing Shawn Michaels out of the building. I think Shawn was just scared of the Marines in the front row. - Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak v. Randy Orton & Ric Flair. Orton pounds Jindrak to start, but gets clotheslined. Cade slugs away, but gets clotheslined and stomped down. Flair comes in with chops and a back elbow, and he drops the knee. Orton gets the dropkick for two. Cade comes back and they collide, and Jindrak makes what I can only presume is a hot tag in the minds of the agents alone, because the crowd sure doesn't care about these guys. Backdrops are seen everywhere. Orton gets a cheapshot and Flair rolls up Jindrak, but Maven slips in, pushes them over, and Jindrak gets the pin at 3:15. Nice little bit of continuity from last week, but Cade & Jindrak are like wrestling accountants or something. *1/4 Heel beatdown follows. - Intercontinental title: RVD v. Chris Jericho. Seriously: I had forgotten Rob was even the champion until they brought it up tonight. Chris starts with the chops right away, but a high cross gets two for RVD. Spinkick gets two. Jericho comes back with something JR calls an enzuigiri-like kicking maneuver or something like that, and it gets two. Backdrop suplex and elbows get two. He goes to a surfboard, but Rob escapes. Jericho hits the post, allowing Rob to come back with a spinkick and some abuse in the corner. Northern lights suplex gets two. Jericho bulldogs him, but the Lionsault misses. RVD goes up and whiffs on the frog splash, and Jericho gets two. He goes low to set up the Walls, and now Bischoff distracts the ref while RVD is making the ropes, allowing Jericho to pull him back and get the submission at 4:29 to win the title. Well, that was certainly rushed. *1/2 Austin interrupts the celebration, however, to book a rematch, right now, in the cage. - Intercontinental title: Chris Jericho v. RVD. Jericho attacks to start, but Rob comes back. He misses a dropkick, and Jericho works on the back. Rob sends him into the cage (called loudly by Jericho) adn they slug it out, and RVD gets a spinkick and sends Jericho into the cage again. Rob pounds away against the cold, unforgiving steel and climbs, but Jericho stops him. Rob kicks him down and climbs, but Jericho slams him down and bulldogs him. Lionsault misses again, but he climbs out, only to get stopped by the hair. Bulldog off the top and everyone's out. Jericho climbs again, and Rob stops him again. They fight on top and Jericho goes down, as Rob climbs out at 5:54 to win the title back, giving Jericho a grand total of about 10 minutes with the belt. Match was the usual climbing contest. * All the midcarders run in to fill out the teams for Survivor Series, and they brawl to end the show. The Bottom Line: Definitely a watchable show this week, but not as entertaining as last week's. I like that they at least have a direction for this stuff, although a lot of the choice of who to push is mind-boggling. Goldberg better take lots of pictures with the belt, though. He'll need the memories in a few weeks.
  12. JasonX

    Grady Little to be fired.

    In defense of Beane's "Moneyball" theories, they did single-handedly raise Oakland from the dead and turned them from being one of the lowest payroll teams in baseball filled with scrubs and good players stuck on a loser team who had no chance in hell of ever being considered a serious contender to being a consistant post-season powerhouse who dominates the AL West, consistantly made the playoffs these last couple of years, and survived crippling defections from their roster (most notably Jason Giambi jumping ship like a cowardly thief in the night to the Yankees) that would have deepsixed any other baseball team...
  13. JasonX

    Where is Scott Keith?

    SUPPOSEDLY SK is back this week and will do both Raw and SD along with a make-up No Mercy Rant but still hasn't posted anything yet on 411 or his mailing list.
  14. JasonX

    Simpsons Trivia

    The War of the Simpsons
  15. JasonX

    80's Strike Back

    Transformers (the overall toy line and not the movie) was in the first ILT80s special and featured Henry Rollins messing around with two rather obscure Transformers (the Autobot Six-Changer Quickswitch and the Decepticon Clone Pounce) and bemoaning the fact that the toy line didn't feature a subset of Transexual Transformers with interchangable male and female genitals...
  16. JasonX

    80's Strike Back

    I recall reading in Rolling Stone Magazine awhile back that George, at least in England, has reinvented himself as a rave DJ. Which kind of explains the face paint...
  17. JasonX

    MTV's Sunday Stew

    Any particular reason or information why you seem to hate Bam Margera that you would like to share with us?
  18. JasonX

    80's Strike Back

    One of the supporting cast members of NBC's show Ed and IIRC one of the head writers/stars of the cult MTV variety series "The State"...
  19. JasonX

    80's Strike Back

    No spotlight for Metallica's One, no one going into the S&M overtones of the GI Joe ARAM toy line, no one talking about the Batman movie, Transformers The Movie, Robotech, Muppet Babies, Calvin and Hobbes, Amazing Spiderman and His Amazing Friends, Star Trek 4, David Letterman/Johny Carson as the ultimate late night one-two punch, SNL's revival from the dead with the legendary 1986-87 season, Clue the Movie, Blade Runner, Legend, Aliens, etc.... Lots of stuff they missed this time around...
  20. JasonX

    Holy Shee-AT

    Batista with hair looks better than bald Batista do to the fact that the hair makes him look like a normal person instead of a muscle-bound freakshow escapee...
  21. JasonX

    Yankees Lose

    I've heard rumors to the effect that while Torre won't be fired, that the rest of the coaching staff will most definately be purged. Torre will then be forced into a position of either staying on in the final year of his contract as a lame duck coach with no real power and no chance in hell of coming back the following season or being allowed to quit and spare George the PR nightmare of firing Torre outright....
  22. JasonX

    Congrats to Paul and Stephanie

    411's Flea of all people had the best and so far only "Fuck the Newlyweds" rant in his Saturday News Update when he pointed out that HHH still isn't out of the woods in terms of fucking his way into the McMahon family and into supreme power over the company. That even though Paul's married Steph, he still has to conceive a child (perferably a male child) with Steph and that Shane and his wife have the lead in that department with Shane and his wife (Marissa IIRC) expecting a child next year and notes that HHH's steroid use will probably keep him from conceiving a child anytime soon.....
  23. JasonX

    Scott Keith's RAW/SD reviews

    Scott did do two quick and dirty reviews for the shows for his blog though: Raw: ---------------------- Anyway, no RAW or Smackdown recap this week, as I've decided to take a break from reviewing while I'm on vacation. I thought RAW was a really strong effort (boring promos from Austin and Kane aside) and the tag match in the middle, RVD's sloppiness aside, was strong stuff too. But BATISTA? I was at least hoping for Kevin Nash so I could make fun of him some more. Oh well, maybe next time. Smackdown: ---------------------- Man, did Smackdown kinda blow tonight or was it just me? Matt Hardy does a job to Zach Gowen and disappears completely, Big Show gets vaulted back to the main event after crushing the red hot Eddie Guerrero, and Eddie loses the tag titles to the BASHAMS? I believe one of the defenses of Eddie doing the job this past Sunday was that he was still the tag champ and he didn't need both belts. Well, now he's got no belts, and doesn't appear any closer to the main event. Oh, and Benoit v. Angle again, yay. The handicap match that ended the show was not only overly long and derivative of Vince Russo at his worst, but really bad and plodding to boot. And why does Brock Lesnar have to do a job to Undertaker to set up a match against Vince McMahon? And why make your top heels do multiple jobs to over-the-hill Undertaker in the same match, again to set up a match against Vince McMahon? Haven't they learned their lesson yet? Oh yeah, forget I asked. He's still supposed to be doing a rant for No Mercy but it probably won't be until next week when he returns from vacation.....
  24. JasonX

    WWE news from the Torch

    The reason was that the plan originally was for Orton to beat Mick Foley at Summerslam and to then build towards a RO/HBK match at SS but this plan got shot to hell when plans for Mick to return to the ring as a wrestler fell through.....
  25. JasonX

    Scooter's Quick and Dirty

    Scooter's on vacation and won't post his NM Rant until the end of the week. BUT he posted a mini-rant version of it on his blog site http://scottkeith.blogspot.com/ which leads to him getting torn a new asshole in the comment box: ---------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 20, 2003 No Mercy thoughts I did catch No Mercy tonight, although I probably won't end up doing a rant until later in the week, as I kind of feel like taking a vacation from reviewing wrestling along with my vacation from work. It was an okay show, but there was some stuff that REALLY bugged me -- for instance, the ludicrous nature of building the main event around a chain when we had already seen a chain used as a weapon earlier in the evening, along with a chair, the gold medals, a lead pipe, a belt, a club, the STEEL stairs and a pair of brass knuckles. Not to mention needing 4 guys and a foreign object to beat Undertaker is getting stupid. QnD results: - Tajiri pinned Rey Mysterio to retain the CW title, with another retarded "fans running in" angle that's just gonna encourage drunken morons. Match was okay, if a little low-key (not to be confused with Low-Ki), and was ***ish. The lack of involvement from Jamie Noble was odd, after the hard sell was put on the Nidia angle. - Chris Benoit beat A-Train by submission to the Sharpshooter in a booking move I've been saying they should make for months now. The move is already over huge and will get a guaranteed pop anywhere, and I'm glad someone finally tapped to it. The usual Benoit-Train match, aside from Benoit nearly dying as a result of a botched press slam. ** - Zach Gowen pinned Matt Hardy with a moonsault out of nowhere in a finish that I don't get the point of at all. It helps no one and the only people who don't seem to get that Zach's 15 minutes were up 3 minutes ago are the WWE. About *1/2 - The Bashams beat the APA in a god-awful tag match that dragged on forever until Shaniqua and her new boobs did a run-in finish. 1/2* - Vince McMahon beat Stephanie when Linda threw in the towel, as they added about 18 different stipuations to the I Quit match and then booked a finish that meant no one said I Quit. Because god knows it's fine for A-Train and John Cena to quit, but Stephanie has to look strong. The match was horrible, but the crowd was into it. It really makes me wonder why Vince can't TEACH the other guys in the promotion how to be an effective heel like that, instead of having to do it himself. DUD - Kurt Angle d. John Cena by submission in a great match with another finish that helps no one. There was absolutely no reason for Cena not to go over here, and the longer they go without elevating anyone, the more impossible it's gonna be to do it because everyone gets painted as a loser. **** - Big Show pinned Eddie Guerrero to win the US title clean with a chokeslam in a boring match. Oh, but Eddie gets "elevated" by feuding with Chavo now. The window is officially closed. * - Brock Lesnar d. Undertaker to retain the Smackdown title in a dull, long main event with an anticlimactic finish and 4 guys running in to beat Undertaker. 20 minute main events are NOT a smart idea for this guy at this point in his career. And we get another one next month, against Vince. ** Overall, I'd have to call it thumbs in the middle, with Angle-Cena barely saving it from a thumbs down..