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Everything posted by JasonX
Eddy Guerrero will finally become a main eventer and win the SD World Title Chavo Guerrerro will be elevated ala Owen Hart from jobber/tag partner to bona-fide Upper-Mid Card Player Randy Orton gets another injury that effectively ends his career as a over-pushed main eventer wannabe HHH will open his mouth and say the wrong fucking thing for the last time and as a result will be forced by Vince to be squashed by Chris Jericho for the Raw World Title and begin the end of HHH as he gets jobbed out and treated like shit by the WWE until he leaves the company... Matt Hardy and Edge do a ladder match that ends up elevating both men to the main event level
Or he could do an interview calling Steph a no-talent cunt who only keeps her job dispite being a total and utterly incompetant fuck-up because she's the bosses daughter and compare HHH to the office whore who fucks the boss and gets promoted to the VP slot and then ruining the careers of anyone who is more qualified than him for the spot..... Now THAT would be the fastest way for RVD to get the hell out of the WWE by way of getting fired on purpose...
Ludwig Borgia
Fuck it. Edge needs to start earning his keep after his abortion of a singles push on SD. So putting him in a ladder match where he would be made to bump his long-haired ass off in order to make Matt Hardy into the next big thing is the least he can do for being a stale and boring as shit wrestler ever since he got singled out for a god push by Vince....
This has been in the works for ages. They were supposed to release this documentary at the same time as St Anger but they postponed it for a theatrical release. As for the person who said documentaries don't like this sell, they are forgetting that these kind of documentaries almost always released to limited runs in big cities and make the bulk of their money in the VHS/DVD market. See Wilco's recent documentary for a classic example of this type of surefire strategy...
TECHNICALLY "Cancelled" is the true 100th episode. "I'm a little bit country..." (the "official" 100th episode) was supposed to be the 7th Season premire episode but production problems in regards to the entire 1776 sequence caused the episode to be delayed and "Cancelled" was bumped up to the Season Premire spot. By the time they finally finished IALBC, P&S ended up changing the ending of the episode, by way of adding the entire end song sequence with just about every character from the show's history showing up in the stands at the end.
Unless the McMahon Family are gunned down Kill Bill style by a "Deadly Internet Smark Assassination Squad" consisting of Scott Keith, Jay Bower, Ken Anderson, Chris Hyatte, and Eric S on the day of Steph's wedding day, Wrestlemania 20 will happen. Not even Hogan's absence will stop it from happening... He didn't stay WMXX wouldn't exist...he was saying can they have it without the rock, WWE's biggest name hands down. I'd like to imagine he would at least BE there in some capaticy either it be as a performer, a part of the Legends Ceremony (should there be one) or even just as a Commentator. Given the current rumor that the WWE is seriously considering Orton/HHH as their main WM feud, I think that shows that WM XX will probably suck donkey balls no matter how they try to dress up the show with part-time and old-timey wrestlers. If anything, it will make it even more worse since the WWE would be, in essence serving shit with vomit icing on it and expecting people to eat it. WM XX SHOULD NOT BE a celebration of the past. Fuck the past and the WWE and Vince jacking off about how great he is. They should go the WM X route and use the event to FINALLY put over the midcard guys who have been buried and treated like shit in favor of the old guard and the OVW scrubs and make the midcard guys serious main event people.
Unless the McMahon Family are gunned down Kill Bill style by a "Deadly Internet Smark Assassination Squad" consisting of Scott Keith, Jay Bower, Ken Anderson, Chris Hyatte, and Eric S on the day of Steph's wedding day, Wrestlemania 20 will happen. Not even Hogan's absence will stop it from happening...
So will this DVD contain all of their music videos in full or just short clips from them? If they include the full videos onto the DVD I'll most definatley be buying it but if it's incomplete clips I'll just say no to it and not buy it....
From Scooter's new blog at http://scottkeith.blogspot.com/ Saturday, October 11, 2003 So I'm a big jerk... Speaking of the video card (15000 3DMarks on 2001SE, baby!), it also provides me with another entry in the neverending "reasons I'm still single" list, as my rushing out to Best Buy at 11:00 this morning meant that I was too tired to remember that I had offered to go see Kill Bill with my friend Colleen at 2:00 this afternoon. Of course, by the time I REMEMBERED that, it was 2:30, and I don't have a cell phone. Being the gentle soul she is, she offered to let me off with a punch and a kick. However, I think I should have been more offended when she loudly proclaimed "It's not a date!" in an offended voice when someone else suggested that it might be. So I say we're even. But then, that's probably another reason why I'm still single. // posted by Scott @ 11:16 PM comment
I wouldn't but a KA DVD if it mainly focused on the SD 6- Era Kurt. I want to see his early stuff, back before the WWE decided to castrate Kurt, turn him into a bald, boring, lifeless automaton, and exile him into the gutter that is Smackdown permenantly...
HHH, who else?
Anyone got any theories/ideas as to who the real life pro-football players that the writers are using as analoges for the characters on the ESPN show Playmakers? The only two I can thing of are Eric Olczyk (the token white guy)= Zack Thomas and D.H. Harris= Ray Lewis. Any other ideas or theories?
IIRC it was Bruce Hart that was going to be the evil Hart Family Member Brett was going to feud with but that Brett hated Bruce and wanted Owen to get the spot instead and convinced Vince to give Owen the mega-push as his brother's nemesis instead...
and why was that? Before the Decepticon's launched their suprise attack on Autobot City in TFTM, they had sent the Stunticons and the Combaticons to attack Autobot City. The Autobot Gesalt teams (the Aerialbots and the Protectobots) were there to stop them and that by the end of the battle all four teams were badly damaged, hence them not being in the TFTM...
It'd be gold, though, if they have both Chioda and Patrick forget how to do anything. No counting, no telling the guys to break a hold, no getting knocked out by an errant spitball... Go backstage and have the interviewer ask them what happened: "I don't know how you guys do it on (insert show name here)" Fresh take on the out-dated ref screwjob finish. -=Mike ...Either that or insist that they're pretty sure that "It takes a six-count to win a match on (insert show name here), right? IT DOESN'T? (expletive)!" That might work in Patrick's case, as a cover for him fucking over wrestlers who's matches he refs on SD but not in Chioda's case. It would be just another excuse to have Austin be a bully by having him beat up Chioda for trying to bring back rules and codes of conduct from SD to Raw.
He seems to be part Kyle Brady (ultra-religious white player).
Because Jordan playing for the Lakers would distract the media from Kobe-Gate, not to mention that getting Jordan to play on the Lakers would boost Jackson's stock as a coach if he pulled it off...
The closest thing to an episode that fills the gap between Season 2 and the Movie was the Japanese produced Transformers special "Scramble City" which was only released in Japan. And even "Scramble City" didn't show much, as it only addressed why the hell the Constructicons were the only Gesalt team around in TFTM...
1. Rhino stated that the alternative to two sets per season at $60 each would be to charge $150 per seasons if they released Season 2 and 3 as one big box set each. 2. Season 3 is set immeadiately after the Movie. The cartoon never gave the movie any real build-up, as they just magically skipped ahead 20 years after Season 2
<One positive thing that could come out of ending the brand extension is less McMahons. I bet the reason why they're on TV in the first place is because they feel the shows need more star power.> The brand extension has only fueled the McMahon's obsession with themselves on TV. They monopoloize even MORE time and take the credit for the ratings increases while blaming just about everyone else for the ratings dropping... <Of course, this would effect pushes of younger guys who are at the cusp of the main events, but really, there aren't that many pushes going on in the first place.> The solution is to totally divorce the main event to the bullshit guys (HHH, Austin, Rock, and UT) and give the midcard exclusively to Benoit, Angle, Jericho, and company to rule after killing the split. That way you have the top workers on both shows and doing their own thing while HHH and the rest continue their circle jerk games.....
<Let's say RAW and Smackdown's ratings drop below a 3.0, how long do you think it will take for Vince to panic, and end the brand extention?? > Not yet unfortunately. Vince seems to be deadset about keeping the brand extension just to spite the critics who know what a crock of shit it is and has been and will continue to be, mainly do to the fact that after the XFL failure Vince doesn't want to be seen as a two-time loser. It will be the first thing to go though. <Do you think he would do this first before firing Brian Gewirtz and some of the "Hollywood" writers??> He would probably end brand extension and fire Gerwirtz at the same time to create the image that old Vince is back and ready to make things better. But in the end Steph will still have a key roll in the booking process and that Vince will just replace Brian and co. with new Hollywood writers or worse, Kevin Nash. <Or do you think Vince will try to shock us with another over the top angle in hopes of bring some viewers back?> Yes. He'll probably do some sort of crazy angle (I'm betting on HHH and Steph breaking kayfabe on live camera and admitting they are married in real life and reunite them) to bring viewers back as opposed to the more popular incest theory.... <If both shows fall below a 3.0 rating I think we might start to see some changes, or at least I would hope so.> As it stands, 3.0-3.9 has been established as being Vince's core audience, the ones who stay through all of the shit and split-roster bullshit, and "I'm Fucking the Boss's Daughter And Can Do Whatever I Want!"-Mania. So long as the numbers don't drop below 3.0, expect Vince to do jack shit.
By now we all know that Rush is a "racist"
JasonX replied to kkktookmybabyaway's topic in Television & Film
Speaking of Playmakers: Did they ever reveal the connection between the guy that the token white guy and the guy he crippled? There was definately a gay-subtext going on with the two in the pilot and I was wondering if they expanded on it or gave some sort of alternative explaination as to why token white guy knew the other guy as closely as he knew him. Was that Adam Busch (Warrne on Buffy) as the evil assistant coach from hell a couple of episodes back during the half-time episode? And given that most of the guys are analogues for real life football players, who the hell is the assholing sex-obsessed Quarterback is supposed to be an analogue for? -
She wanted the film buried, he thought it was cool.... I heard it was the other way around, with MM going as far as actually hiring lawyers to try and keep Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (or TCM4 or Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, as it went through a ton of different names before settling on TCM:NG) from getting released....
I believe it is the whole "Everyone loves this new remake/sequel that a certain number of people rebel against what they see is a hivemind mentality by way of saying that they like the original film/first installment" mentality. This is something that is fairly common amongst movie buffs. I know that when Silence of the Lambs hit theaters and became a run-away hit that a lot of movie watchers dismissed the film and instead would loudly proclaim that "Manhunter" (the 1987 film version of Red Dragon, the SOTL prequel) was a better film.... BTW is that your actual picture in your Avatar pic?