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Everything posted by JasonX
The hate between the two was entire HHH's fault. He saw how easily Chris Jericho got over when he debuted in the WWE and was furious that he couldn't do the same thing even with Vince making his upper-card push THE top priority of the company. This, coupled with the events of KOTR 96 and Summerslam 98 and their retrospective catapulting of Austin and Rock to super-stardom, caused HHH to decide that he would use everything in his power to bury CJ deader than Elvis in order to ensure that CJ never would be able to eclipse him as being the bigger star......
The only way they should meet again is if HHH jobs CLEANLY to Chris Jericho no ifs, ands, or buts...... Which given HHH's obsessive hatred and utter jealousy towards Chris Jericho for being able to get over without having future daddy-in-love ramrodding him down everyone's throats nonstop, will never happen.
HHH/Randy Orton for the Raw Belt Kurt Angle/Brock Lesner for the SD Belt Golberg/Rock in Golberg's last WWE Match (cause Austin's a worthless, wife-beating cripple who should go away and never return)
As of today, it's all but been outright announced on Raw that HHH will get the belt back at SS with the only reason as to why HHH even dropped it was do to him getting married/going on honeymoon. Most likely GB will spend his transition period as champ feuding with Chris Jericho, who will be blamed for not getting Golberg over even though the WWE will most likely be booking Steve Austin to literally castrate CJ's push as top heel just to spite CJ and make him look bad. This will then be used by the WWE to justify GB dropping the belt in a way that allows them to not directly blame GB for being to blame.... The big if in all of this is of course is how will they carry out HHH's face turn. A repeat of last year's face turn (which was simply HHH going away as a heel and coming back with everything being booked to the point of anal-retentive micromanagement to make HHH out to be the returning babyface) will kill HHH's face turn instantly. But it will probably happen with Randy Orton assuming the Stephanie McMahon role and will flop horribly with Randy Orton (who the WWE seriously thinks is the next big thing) taking all of the blame for not getting HHH over.
Chris Jericho finally make Austin kill himself after making him admit to being a useless and narcisistic piece of shit?
And after he's done with that, ITS KICK WHAM PEDIGREE for him. Ship him to Raw....yeah right. I'd rather see Angle dominant in the mid-card and actually accomplishing something (saving Raw from mediocrity) than doing jack shit on Smackdown where he's floundering on a show with barely enough top level guys to feud with.....
Simple way to rebuild Angle: Ship him out to Raw in exchange for Kane. Angle can come in as Austin's secret weapon against Jericho and Christian, who have been bitching about being played against each other by Austin or just generally ignored by him and not given PPV matches. We can then get to see Angle work against Raw's midcard and get Angle to single-handedly resurrect Austin's dead and worthless character through the various backstage skits they can do where Austin's being a crybaby cunt and Angle the goofy voice of reason who can't understand why Austin's being a baby...
It's going to be an ultra-cheap way to try and create fan interest for the Undertaker by teasing him returning to the deadman gimmick (which UT has said he's through with and will never return to) but instead pulling a bait and switch and having him return as the redneck biker he currently is...
HHH will definately get the belt back from Golberg, if only to completely kill off all the babyfaces on Raw so that he doesn't have any real competition when he does turn face after SS. And Orton won't get the belt. He's literally being set up as a Judas Goat who will take the blame for HHH's face run bombing (and it will, most definately). HHH knows that the WWE is high on Randy, which is why he's become associated with Orton so that he can keepl Orton under his thumb and sacrifice him so as to discredit him in the WWE's eyes if it becomes necessary to do so to save his ass....
How many fucking times do you have to be told that Golberg is the LESSER FUCKING EVIL?
BP has been on a steady downward spiral ever since they brought Michael Rappaport onto the cast, continued doing "shock for shock sake" storylines (the Vice Principal arranging for a riot to break out to ensure students who were complaining about the status quo at the school were put in their places and the smart alecy office assistant who got knocked up), and kept getting rid of secondary student characters who were interesting and replacing them with boring replacements. Sending it to Friday seems to make it seem that Fox wants the show to die, especially given the night having a history of being the dumping ground for unwanted shows by Fox...
When the hell did Helmse get into a legitamite backstage fight Goldberg and Buff Bagwell and why?
It's still castrated rantings as Scooter has yet to tear into HHH the way he tore into Nash or Hogan during their time ruining WCW or show any real venom or emotion in his attack. It's all false sarcasm (and bad false sarcasm to boot) or "Isn't HHH smart? He fucked over another midcarder who happened to get over!"...
That's because HHH is a sacred cow to Keith, who hasn't truly torn HHH a new asshole in one of his rants since last fall....
I doubt we will see Affleck and Damon do Good Will Hunting 2 to revive their respective careers. Most likely we'll see Affleck do several more ultra-patriotic adaptations of Tom Clancy novels to salvage his career....
The Confidential History of Pro Wrestling
JasonX replied to RavishingRickRudo's topic in The WWE Folder
How? His contract bankrupted the WCW and turned WCW's utopian locker room into a world of chaos and anarchy as everyone decided if Bret could get big bucks, then they could get away with murder. Bret Hart was also, in this piece, stated as the reason why Hogan was such an ass backstage from December 97 onward, as Hogan believed that Bret Hart was going to steal his spot in the main event and bury him, so as to make all of Hogan's antics in the back seem more like Hogan valiantly trying to save himself from the evil Bret Hart.... -
- As reported earlier, both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have gotten the acting bug recently and have been trying to get noticed in Hollywood. Both have had little success. Interestingly enough, last winter, Triple H met with Warner Bros. about getting a role in the new Looney Tunes film. That role ended up going to Goldberg. Credit: 1wrestling.com
You forgot to add in the 5p-7p showing of the original British "Tales From the Crypt" film from the 1970s.... Fuck Sci-Fi Channel!!!!!!!!! Despite them advertising it in TV Guide, they aren't going to be showing the 70s TFTC movie, instead showing episodes from the HBO TFTC tv series..... Fuck Sci-Fi Channel for getting my hopes up like this......
It's not that big of a "F-You/Bad Thing to Do Politically" thing that Jericho is not attending the bachelor party, as it has been stated several times that Jericho has been given explicit permission by those involved with the party that he could miss it do to the fact that his wife's due date for their child is supposed to be same day as the party.
You forgot to add in the 5p-7p showing of the original British "Tales From the Crypt" film from the 1970s....
OR (as stated in a recent post on CRZ's board)
It all depends on what type of stupid thing HHH does and whether or not he can stay in Vince's good graces while the marriage goes to hell. If he can somehow stay in Vince's good graces after the end of the marriage Vince might keep him around and continue giving him a big push so as to avoid being accused of burying HHH just because his marriage to his daughter ended on a sour note....
Keep Heyman away from SD. Put him on Raw and have him be the third announcer where he can carry the King and JR's sorry asses and make fun of them.
Nope. They had Golberg end that angle and now Rodney Mack's main purpose is to carry sack of shit Mark Henry's sorry ass as part of a tag team...
Yeah and I was ultra disappointed that they ignored the comic, which had Destro look like Craig Biggio from the Houston Astros....