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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    If Nintendo re-released the NES

    Wrong games. The Zelda GC bonus disc had the first N64 Zelda game plus the never released in the US remix version of said N64 game, which used content that was supposed to be on the N64 disc drive version of the game...
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1610307 "Boss: Coaching jobs are on the line....." Never mind that the New York Yankees have the best record in the American League, and the third best mark in the majors. Never mind that the Yankees have a 2½-game lead on the Red Sox in the AL East heading into the second game of their series Saturday afternoon. Owner George Steinbrenner is fuming -- again. The Yankees have not played well of late and were routed by Pedro Martinez and archrival Boston Friday night. As far as the Boss is concerned, the skies are never clear in Yankeeland. During last night's loss, a clearly frustrated Steinbrenner told The New York Post that all the coaches' jobs will be in jeopardy if the Yankees do not win the World Series this year. He indicated that manager Joe Torre and general manager Brian Cashman are on the hot seat as well. Steinbrenner told the newspaper he is angrier at Torre's coaching staff now than in the offseason, when he said: "I think they better be a little uneasy." Steinbrenner stated yesterday that the coaches are safe through the end of this season, and made it clear how Torre can protect them: "If he [Torre] turns it around and wins everything, what can I say?" Steinbrenner did not name names, but "they know who they are." He has been critical of hitting coach Rick Down, pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre and bench coach Don Zimmer behind closed doors, according to the Post. Many Yankees have struggled at times this season, including Alfonso Soriano, Jason Giambi, Hideki Matsui, Bernie Williams, David Wells, Jeff Weaver and Andy Pettitte, who failed to get out of the third inning on Friday. Though most players struggle at times during the 6-month-long season, these players' troubles have been magnified simply because they are Yankees. Steinbrenner has not been totally pleased with Cashman either. The Boss implored the GM to sign free agent David Ortiz in the offseason, but Cashman already had first basemen Jason Giambi and Nick Johnson in the fold. Ortiz signed with the Red Sox, and has had a breakout season (.294, 25 HR, 85 RBI), doing much damage to the Yankees. Steinbrenner also said that Torre should take a tougher stand with the players when they are struggling. "We can't be hugging players when they are doing dumb things," he told the newspaper. "Maybe the hugging time is over. We need to get tough."
  3. Cut and pasted from Silver Bullet Comic Books' new All the Rage. Some shocking information about the new writer for Detective Comics: http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/rage/index1.htm Boogie Gotham Knights It's my turn to worry the lobbyists and PC crew... Ever heard of Andersen Gabrych? Nah, neither had I. But then again I'm not the target audience for gay cinema. However, Andersen (or Andy as I've not been told to call him) is reportedly going to be the new writer on Detective Comics following Ed Brubacker's imminent departure. Andy (or Gaby as we all think we want to call him) is best known, not for being Mr and Mrs Gabrych's fine son as you might presume, but for starring in a gay vignette film made this very year called Four Play (Geddit? Huh?). Gaby played Gary and that's about as far as I got without ruining my street cred and worrying the bejesus out of my girlfriend. Is this a bad thing? The obvious point is that with a name like Andersen Gabrych you're not that likely to come across that name very often, so it presumably is one and the same man? But what are Andersen's writing credentials? Barring a single issue of Batgirl I drew a blank. So I typed his name into Google and this is what I, ahem, came up with: Naked photos of Andersen Gabrych are available at MaleStars.com. Andersen Gabrych. Birth Place: Chico, California, USA Birthday: 4 September (So it's his birthday the very day I'm writing this - happy birthday Gaby!) Here's a picture off a website of him... http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/rage...s/0309/gaby.jpg But apart from that there's very little. Lots of Hollywood references, and so on, but nothing that indicates he's the new Gerry Conway let alone Ed Brubacker. I'm pretty sure that Markisan will have updates about this when he's back, but remember if in a future issue of Detective Comics Batman pulls out a vial of amyl nitrate from his Bat utility belt, you'd better hope you're over 21 to have bought the book. This Has An "Offend The Puritan White Supremesists In The Deep South, And Gay Rights Proponents" Factor Of Fourteen Out Of Ten ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    In hindsight it was worse, especially since Brock disappeared until the very end of the show (after HHH and UT took over the main event for what was hyped as a "who gets to make Brock their bitch and get the undisputed belt off the worthless sack of shit Lesner") to announce he was leaving for SD. Essentially the WWE said that Brock was not worth anything as a wrestler and that UT and HHH are the "real stars" you are supposed to want to see.
  5. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/new...hp?news_id=7555 - Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have been trying to land acting roles in Hollywood recently, but have had little luck. The word is that Hollywood doesn't really know who Triple H is and isn't interested in putting wrestlers in acting roles right now. Triple H is said to have been surprised that he wasn't accepted in Hollywood like The Rock and Steve Austin have been. Credit: 1wrestling.com
  6. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    To continue the feud and eventually build it up to when Austin finally wins, it is actually a big deal? That was one of the main problems with the nWo. It never got blown off. The nWo just eventually collapsed in 1998, then re-formed, then collapsed, then re-formed as nWo 2002, then morphed into nWo Jarrett/Harris Twins, then collapsed, then re-formed in WWE, then got disbanded by Vince in an interview. The "NWO had no blow-off" thing is really a big urban myth. The entire angle was blown off in 1999's Slamboree. It had DDP winning the World Title and crippling Hogan in the process, sending Hogan away for several months so that he could come back as a babyface that fall. It also had Nash, after spending months ducking Golberg after having Scott Hall taser him in order to beat him and the whole fingerpoke of doom debacle, getting the crap beaten out of him by Golberg....
  7. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    They didn't so much as punk him out as Undertaker threw Brock into one of the corners at the other side of the ring and then HHH and UT started beating each other up while JR masturbated about how great and strong and powerful UT and HHH were and totally ignoring Brock and the fact that he beat Rock to get the title.
  8. JasonX

    Edge in 2001

    The fact that his character stayed absolutely the same after his face turn after winning the KOTR? The fact that he should have lost his feud with Kurt Angle and received the shaved head treatment in order to get him the hell away from his tag team persona? The fact that the closest thing to a real and substantial push he received was when he was playing FANBOY! to Hulk Hogan and winning the tag team belts with him?
  9. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    IIRC, Heyman wanted Hogan to work a feud with Chris Benoit (a longtime pet project Heyman had) upon his return but Austin (in super-duper worthless sack of shit mode) refused to do so upon the return of Benoit from his neck injury and then demanded that he wouldn't work with Benoit unless he got to work a top level feud with the Undertaker for the World Title first. Heyman was super-pissed off at this (especially given that Austin had previously told him that he had no problem doing a program with Benoit) and instead demanded that if Austin wanted a filler feud before Benoit, then that he should work with the recently resigned Eddy Guerrerro. Austin went along begrudgingly and around this time he finally realized that thanks to HHH's backstage manipulations and Vince being more concerned with his new pet project Brock Lesner that his time as the untouchable WWE Golden Boy was over with. So, in order to fuel his ego and generally try and stay the big man no one fucks with, he started demanding that the feud with Eddy Guerrerro and Benoit (who was back by then) be totally one-sided with him making the two his personal bitches the entire time and with them not getting any payback on Austin at all. Desperate to make Austin know his place, the WWE decided one day to try and teach Austin a lesson and told him he would lose to Brock Lesner in a match where EG would be special guest ref. Not wanting to let EG get one over on him OR make Brock Lesner look the least bit good by going over him, even under dubious circumstances, ran home like a little girl. Especially since he knew Brock could legitamitely kick his ass in a shoot fight if Austin refused to go along with the script....
  10. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    Brock defeated Buh-Buh Dudley in a qualifying match for the KOTR tournament. As far as I know, Austin was supposed to be in Buh-Buh's place for the job. If this is true, why wouldn't they have had Austin meet Brock in the finals rather than a qualifying match? It would make much more sense. Because the idea was to put over the Eddy feud. Eddy was supposed to cost Austin the match, I believe as the special guest referee. Right but Austin was being such a whiney bitch that he refused to let Brock get the best of him even under that circumstances....
  11. JasonX

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    The plan was for Flair and Austin to feud under the usual "Evil Owner" angle, with Eddy Guerrerro and Chris Benoit being Flair's main agents to destroy Austin after the utter failure of the NWO to destroy Austin. The plan was to have Austin "elevate" EG and Benoit, but part of the problem was that Austin was refusing to go along with it. In Austin's eyes, the only elevation he wanted any part of of was his own elevation, with Benoit and Guerrerro being his personal bitches to beat up and belittle. So knowing Austin didn't give a damn about elevating these two, the WWE tried to get him to put over Brock, but Austin threw a temper tantrum cause God forbid he putt someone over instead showing human weakness and actually losing for once in his life....
  12. Assuming that only those episodes involving large amounts of foul language will be the criteria for shows being kepted out of syndication, which ones will get pulled? The Shit-Episode is the only one I can think of right off the top of my head....
  13. JasonX

    WrestleMania XX

    Some ideas of what will happen: HHH vs Austin for the Raw Belt: After HHH/Randy Orton fails, expect Vince to go into panic mode by way of having HHH turn heel and having Austin fight HHH for the Raw belt. Expect HHH to go over as way of Vince paying him back for turning heel again Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit for the SD Belt: To counterbalance HHH going over, expect Benoit to turn heel and get the SD title so as to lose the belt to Kurt Angle at WM Rock/Kane: Expect Rock to be the one who beats Kane (who will be protected from HHH's grasp by feuding with Shane) after his return Jericho/HBK in a ladder match for the IC title: Jericho gets the IC belt and feuds with HBK, who's more concerned about Jericho than he is the IC belt. Jericho wins, in order to set up a return match at the next PPV where Jericho jobs back to HBK
  14. OK we keep getting rumors that Kane is going to switch shows and join Vince's side in his impending feud with the Undertaker. Meanwhile HHH is going to turn face and needs decent heels to face inbetween his feud with Rany Orton and the gan-green gang and Austin needs a new person to make his personal bitch after he finishs burying Christian dead in the ground. So I say have have Angle drop the belt to Brock and get traded to Raw in exchange for Kane. Kurt can then go heel and feud with HHH (bringing up HHH's shitty workrate in the process) and give that sack of shit Austin someone to play off of as Austin does everything in his vocabulary to bury Kurt as being unfit to kiss Austin's ass....
  15. JasonX

    triple h face turn

    I get it, I get it, you don't like Orton and think he's worthless. I don't. I think he's worth very much and WILL be a star someday. I'm a HHHater and all, but I don't think Orton should be blamed by association. I think he has OMG... POTENTIAL~! I think my stable idea would work if booked right. The hate towards Orton has also to do with the utter cluelessness and iron-handed obsession by the WWE brass towards controling who the audience cheers and boos. The WWE are utterly obsessed with the notion that they can literally recreate the magic they had when Rock went from most hated man in the company to the heel that everyone paid to see get beaten. They totally forget the fact that this happened only because the fan response was actually acknowledged by the WWE. Rock as an up and coming 3rd generation babyface was hated so they turned him into an arrogant asshole heel who loved to mock the fans than now loved the arrogant and cocky Rock, which the fans ate up with spoons. The WWE didn't help their own case when they killed off the "RNN Update" skits which did indeed get a possitive response because it was taking away heel heat for HHH. Note that Orton also got co-opted by HHH, who probably knows Orton is Vince's newest pet project and that he wants to keep Orton near him to make sure he looks good when Orton fails. The WWE seem to be totally up their asses in regards to pushing and developing people fans want to see. If you get over on your own you are buried and pretty much denied ever getting any real push while anyone who honestly gets a connection with the fans gets their push castrated and their character gutted like Orton did. Before Evo, Orton was been remade into being the good looking, narcistitc preppy/jock who comes from rich and famous parents who felt everyone loved him and was so utterly up his own ass in reguards to his feelings that greatness was his by way of birthright that Orton would react violently the first time he was denied and cry that he deserves special treatment do to his family connections and his personal attributes. Now look at Orton. He's now a personalityless version of X-Pac only without the beard, long hair, and bronco buster move. He exists mainly as HHH's prag who for absolutely NO reasons stated has been selected to be HHH and Flair's heir apparent. Why should we care that HHH and Flair sees Randy as the future of the industry? Because Randy's name was randomly drawn out of a hat to determine which OVW wrestler gets the God-Push as HHH's mini-me? Or because Randy knows which dicks to suck backstage to get this plum spot? With Rock, when he joined the Nation he was given a very logical and thought out reason to join. The predominantly white audiences at the WWF shows were screaming "DIE ROCKY DIE" at him on a regular basis for no good reason and that Rocky turned to Farooq and the Nation as a means to get revenge against whitey for attacking him in this cruel manner. Where is Orton's reason? Why should we care about him and HHH? Especially since HHH and Randy are set to become rivals soon ala Rock and Farooq? Part of the fun of Rock and Farooq's feud was the fact that for months we saw Rock slowly usurp control over the NOD from Farooq because Rock had gotten accustomed to the good life since he joined the darkside. Even taking into account HHH's reasons behind hooking up with Randy (selecting him at random to be the future of wrestling and HHH and Flair's heir apparent) we have yet to see Randy doing anything to establish himself as an individual outside of Evo. Even worse, he's becoming nothing more than a Mini-HHH. complete with Legend Killer gimmick. Nor have we seen Randy utterly subverting Evolution towards being a tool to feed his own personal ego, HHH be damned. He haven't seen Randy so utterly hornswaggle Flair to the point that Flair is constantly telling HHH that he needs to stop thinking about himself and keeping the belt and existing solely to bail out Randy whenever he gets in trouble. We havent seen Randy giving Flair a group of hookers for the two of them to fuck while leaving HHH with an ugly fat hooker or to basically have to pay the big scary pimp a very, very, very large sum of money for the hookers that HHH won't even get to fuck. In short, the WWE are trying to make everyone sheeps and cheer and boo who THEY want you to cheer and boo. They don't give a rats ass about givng us a reason to boo Randy Orton, they are just saying "YOU BETTER BOO RANDY OR ELSE!!!!". And in the end, this will do serious damage to Randy's career.....
  16. JasonX

    HHH's bachelor party

    I'm utterly suprised that HHH is inviting the roster to his bachelor's party at all. Given everything that's happened and HHH becoming more nad more part of management, I'd have figured HHH would have just invited his friends in the Clique and perhaps Vince and Shane an his non-wrestling friends. All and all, I can't help but think that the party will be similar to the birthday party Cartman arranged in the Damian episode of Soth Park: Everyone will be expected to do something down to the letter for the party in exchange for them being able to partake in the boozing and whoring with the strippers. And that anyone who rocks the boat and goes against what HHH has dictated must occur will be harshly punished....
  17. JasonX

    Did the NWO get

    How exactly did the nWo name get on the PPVs, anyway? I've always wondered about that. It goes back towards the original plans WCW had for Thunder at Starcade. Bischoff was going to win his match against Larry Zbysco and claim Nitro for the NWO. The NWO would have complete and total control over the show and basically ban all of the main WCW wrestlers (Luger, Sting, Flair, Giant, and others) from Nitro. WCW, in an 11th hour twist, would be awarded a brand new show from Turner on TBS which would be Thunder and that the two companies would share all of their PPVs, hence the WCW/NWO label. BUT this plan was aborted by Turner when Bischoff arogantly used the last Nitro before Starcade to literally stop the show 30 minutes into the show and literally tear down the WCW set and build the NWO Nitro set from scratch while fans, pissed off that there was no wrestling going on and that they were being forced to watch construction workers work, started filing out of the stands until only 25% of the audience was still sitting in the stands. Furthermore hundreds of viewers all switched channels to Raw, causing Raw to have a MASSIVE ratings increase that led them to be only a couple of ratings points short of beating Nitro that night. So they aborted the plan but do to them already advertising the PPVs under the WCW/NWO label, they didn't change them and simply left it there with no explaination as to why the PPVs had that in their title...
  18. JasonX

    Original DragonBall dub now on in Canada

    First off, it was Saban that was involved in the first dubbed version of DB not Harmony Gold. And actually Funimation DID redub and recut the first 13 episodes when they brought Dragon Ball back onto tv about two years ago with their new cut/dub being more in line with the original version of the show and taking full advantage of Cartoon Network giving them leeway in terms of content. The big problem though was that Pioneer owned the video and DVD rights to the first arc (episodes 1-13), which kept them from releasing the episodes uncut onto DVD/video. It was why they ended up starting the Dragon Ball video/DVD releases with episode 14 (the first episode of the World's Strongest Martial Arts Tournement episode) rather than at the beginning... So it does indeed sound like that you watched the CN dub of Dragon Ball episode one...
  19. JasonX

    Did the NWO get

    Three ideas for the explosion of members joining the NWO: 1. They ran out of WWF people to join, so they started turning WCW guys to try and keep up the "holy shit, who'll join next?" vibe the group had 2. By the end of 1996 it became apparent that the NWO was going to start having to job in order to protect the top level WCW guys from being made into 100% pussies, so jobbers were made NWO members so that Luger, DDP, Flair, Savage, and the Giant had people to beat up while the Big Four of Hogan, Hall, Nash, and (SYXX)X-Pac didn't have to job or take a beatdown... 3. Since the NWO was so popular, the idea was conceived that giving even the most pathetic jobber (Bagwell) or someone who WCW kept having problems getting over (Big Boss Man) an NWO T-Shirt would magically get them over. Overall, it would have made more sense if they had given the secondary NWO spots to people who deserved it (like Benoit, Jericho, or Eddy Guerrero) instead of WWF cast-offs (Big Boss Man) or jobbers who never got over (Vincent and Bagwell). Especially since these losers, do to their NWO status, were always allowed to go over the WCW undercard despite the WCW side having the more potential in the long run.
  20. JasonX

    Did the NWO get

    Yeah cause NWO elite (Bret, Nash, Hall, Steiner, Hogan) and NWO 2000 (Jarrett and the Harris Boyz (aka Nashville World Order) were mad money drawing angles.... The NWO was tolerable do to the fact that WCW packed both shows with an undercard featuring Raven, Benoit, Jericho, Saturn, Eddy and Chavo Guerrero, Dean Melenko, Booker T, and the cruiserweight division that made up for the closed up and fucked up nature of the upper card. Nowadays the WWE has created the ghetto to end all ghetto with their bullshit brand extension, meaning that the WWE won't give the fans the best undercard possible to make up for the fact that HHH, Undertaker, and Austin jack each other off in the upper card and bury everyone not them out of utter jealousy. I'd rather have Angle, Benoit, Eddy G, and Brock in the undercard and on both shows each week than having them stuck in the ghetto like they are where they aren't saving the company from HHH, UT, and Austin, who have gotten EVEN MORE FUCKING screen time than they had before the brand extension....
  21. JasonX

    Did the NWO get

    NWO was less hated because WCW was able to balance things MUCH MUCH better than WWE has with HHH. WCW didn't do shit like Brand Extension and gave the rest of the roster time on both shows to keep the NWO in check and give people a reason to watch Nitro and Thunder and to pacify them.....
  22. Nash Bridges was a mid-level show for CBS that pulled in decent ratings and received positive press in the media. It was never heavily promoted by CBS but was a strong show for them that brought in the bulk of their male viewership during the late 90s/early 00s....
  23. JasonX

    The Infinity Gauntlet / War / whatever you

    Starlin is both writing and drawing the new Thanos series.
  24. JasonX

    Future Potential Raw Booking Plans

    Angle is chump change compared to the idea of HHH jumping to SD for the sole purpose of killing Brock Lesner off and burying him DOA. Especially since Brock is one of the few untouchables that HHH can't directly squash via manipulation do to Vince being obsessed with getting Brock over. Trust me. Brock will squash Angle for the belt as HHH moves to SD and after arranging for Brock to be made a pussy who can't beat Undertaker will squash Brock like an ant and take the SD belt for his own.
  25. JasonX

    Future Potential Raw Booking Plans

    They can always raid NWA TNA for fresh bodies for HHH's prag to boss around and make them Orton's personal bitches.......