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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Marvel's Civil War

    Regarding the Defenders version of Nighthawk; he died a major death in the pages of Defenders but in the late 1999s (1999 IIRC) Marvel resurrected him in a shitty mini-series that basically put out the notion tha the Defenders story's climax never happened and Nighthawk was whisked away in a comatose state all of this time. He wakes up and has deux de machina powers regarding seeing demons have have quickly been ignored. As for T-Bolts, he showed up a couple of issues where the Thunderbolts are forced to work with him after half the team quit on Songbird and they ran the angle where Songbird basically lets him join the team just so they can access his money/countless houses for a place to live in. Of course when this came out when Zemo rejoined the team, he quit. I liked the regular Marvel Universe version of Nighthawk, in terms of him being the rich, obnoxious fratboy super-hero who keeps getting crippled/beaten up/used by people who wouldn't be caught dead near him unless they needed something from him.
  2. JasonX

    WON News and Notes

    Who's the Reds player hugging Rey?
  3. JasonX

    Syndication of HBO Shoes

    Dream On was mainly editted for nudity, which the producers stopped including in the show after the first season because HBO wanted to syndicate the show. TFTC was dealt with twice censorshipwise: all nudity was blurred and minor scenes involving deformities were cut from the Fox and syndication prints (which air now on cable) but Fox opted to just not show the really violent episodes rather than chop them up. As such, the syndication prints are all uncut violence-wise, tying in to the fact that the show was shown late-late at night in syndication....
  4. JasonX

    Syndication of HBO Shoes

    Mr Show was hacked to hell. It's really bad as some of the jokes end up making no sense or just die a horrible death because huge scenes are missing. Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Comedy Central edit of Mr. Show? The few times I caught Mr. Show on TBS, they did quite well in terms of handling it; they ran the entire episode (normally 35-40 minutes with commercials) and left a lot of the major language intact (such as shit and such). They gave it the TV-MA label and aired it at 3:00 AM, which probably let them get away with it mind you. The Comedy Central version was hacked to bits. Compressed for a 30 minute slot and filled with massive bleeps, it was horrific to watch in terms of the show being butchered.....
  5. JasonX


    The final scene, as written, was supposed to show that Videodrome was a weapon and had so completely mutated Max's body and mind that he was now batshit insane and kills himself to "fully become the new flesh". That said, the original script for Videodrome (dramatically altered due to the fact that SFX at the time made a lot of the stuff impossible to pull off/were cut because it would never get past the censors) was that after Max shoots himself, he awakes on the set of Videodrome's torture studio with Debby Harry's character and the Bianca Oblivion character waiting for Max. Both women have stomach vaginas like Max, which they are fingering with their hands to pleasure themselves. They start to finger Max's stomach vagina with it implied that Max's mind has merged with the videodrome signal when Max killed himself. Of course, this only makes sense in the original script, which had a scene cut from the final draft where Bianca and Debby Harry's character are revealed to be aspects of Videodrome that have invaded the real world and are trying to stop the government from using Videodrome to murder people with Max's help......
  6. JasonX


    Carrie is the prototype of the "Teenage Killing Spree Revenge" story. Unpopular kid who gets picked on gets revenge on the bullies who torment her by murdering them all. The reason why "Carrie" hasn't become a major icon in Emo/Goth culture is because in the 1980s/early 1990s, the Feminist Crowd claimed Carrie as their own poster child as countless feminists made the novel/movie their own and for a time, popularized the notion that "Carrie" was all about menstration/having a period and that Carries powers were a metaphor for being able to get pregnant and some equally raunchy Feminist crap about how people who mock the pain women feel when they have their period deserve to be killed crap.
  7. JasonX


    The X-Force Milligan/Allred run was great but the book became unreadable garbage when Milligan killed off U-Go Girl instead of Orphan/Mr. Sensitivity, who was the worst character in the series and up there with Jessica Jones in terms of being the living representitive of "Poochy" in comics. The Not Princess Dianna arc is the only issues of X-Statix run that were worth a damn. The rest weren't fit to wipe one's ass with.
  8. JasonX

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    South Park Scriptorium has an interesting theory as to why the hell the Family Guy writers were portrayed as Manatees. Basically Manatees=MnT. MnT as in Matt and Trent. Basically the Manatees are Matt and Trey, who can't be scared with terrorism and terrorist threats and who will stop doing the show if any "idea ball" is taken from their water tank and damn the consequences.....
  9. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell

    They ran a new promo saying that the show is getting a two week run on Adult Swim, IIRC will air at midnight, and basically hinted that it will be the most cheesy episodes of the series that will air.
  10. JasonX

    Marvel's Civil War

    It's more Bendis, Millar, Heinberg, and Quesada shitting on fans who like characters (IE The New Warriors and Alpha Flight) that the four shits hate. The New Warriors are massacred along with a large amount of civilians by Nitro, the living bomb villain who's mostly known for accidentally giving the original Captain Marvel cancer. But rather than recasting Nitro as a Dr Light type bad-ass and play up bringing Nitro to justice and the heroes being divided between those who want to kill Nitro and those who want to catch him and put him on trial for killing the New Warriors and let the legal system deal with him, the plotline is taken into the direction that everyone blames the New Warriors for being fuck-ups and are blamed instead of Nitro for the civilian deaths Nitro causes. This causes the US government to declare that every single super-hero in the Marvel Universe must reveal their secret ID to the US Government and register under a new Super-Hero Registration Act. In favor of the act is Iron Man and the T-Bolts and opposing it is Captain America and the FF. That said, LITG Rich Johnston has spoiled the ending to the whole series as the whole point apparantly is:
  11. JasonX

    The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

    Conway shaved his 'stache?
  12. JasonX

    Infinite Crisis

    The Byrne Doom Patrol/Resurrection of Elasti-Girl All of the changes to Donna Troy's origins post Crisis The Gentleman Ghost origin story Geoff Johns wrote in Hawkman a couple of years back that is being personally tossed out of canon by Paul Levitz Jason Todd's death (which according to the little shit Winnick, was never supposed to have happened) and resurrection All of the convoluted shit that's happened to Hawkman/Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl's origins The destruction of the entire Post Zero Hour Legion of the Super-Heroes future/replacement with the new shitty Mark Waid version The last two issues of Robin prior to the One Year Gap.
  13. The entire Super Sentai/Power Rangers franchise was inspired by Gatchaman. Super Sentai even did a homage to Gatchaman with the 1991 Super Sentai series "Jetman", which most people don't know, was originally supposed to be the basis for Power Rangers before they decided to use the more marketable dinosaur-centric ZyuRangers Sentai series.........
  14. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Most likely Kav will be sidelined for the time being by TPTB and/or Claudette, who probably figures that Dutch would be a safer bet to run any future investigations involving Lem's death/the ST. Dutch is less likely to fuck things up even worse and I can definately see the writers playing up the notion that Kavanaugh will be emotionally fucked up inside over his role in Lem's death and would step aside while he deals with his guilt. As for Shane, I'm thinking he might just kill himself if push came to shove. Better for his family it may be, since if Shane dies, then his wife and child/children won't have to suffer through Shane going on trial/going to prison and dying there and the public scandal. It's been heavily rumored that FW will be back for a minimum of two episodes next season and that he might be back for the full season if FX has it's way.
  15. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    1. I assume that the explosion must of gotten someone's attention and led to the police showing up. Either that or Shane secretly called in the explosion to the police, knowing they'd find Lem's body in order to speed up the discovery of the body, which would explain why he insisted the three stay put so that he'd have an alibi. 2. Rumor has it that Whittaker signed on for 13 episodes and that FX is pushing producers to move heaven and earth to ensure they get their two remaining episodes out of Whittaker. So Kav will most definately be back next season.
  16. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    It wasn't a heel turn because Shane immeadiately showed emotion that he REALLY didn't want to do it and that he was instantly horrified at what he had done. If they had played it with Shane killing Lem and then calmly walking away with zero emotions, it would have been a major heel turn. But the remorse/guilt Walt Goggins showed with the character's reaction at what he just did brought back the spark that has been missing since the end of season one with Shane. Asshole Shane is dead; Back Batshit Crazy Shane, Welcome Back. Season Six can't get here sooner........
  17. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I can't in good conscience call this season "best season ever" because of the fact that Kavanaugh is consistantly written like a retarded man-child who's incapable of running a serious investigation of the ST. Seriously, the shit he's failed to do that would make perfect sense to a sane person (try to turn Ronnie against Vic, forcing Julian to admit that Vic blackmailed him into recanting his statement that he saw the ST steal drugs from a crime scene, getting Claudette and Dutch to give up their intel on Vic in regards to the Money Train heist and Vic's dealings with Armadillo) is staggering. And Forrest Whittaker's over the top acting isn't helping matters. If the Queen of Over-Acting Glenn Close could fucking tone herself down, why the fuck can't Whittaker?
  18. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Shitload of spoilers, as two very very different sets of major major spoilers have been leaked onto the net regarding the finale these last couple of days. Both may be fake so take each of them with a grain of salt:
  19. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    The ski mask was one of those gimmicky ones where there is a hood sewn inside the ski-maks so that the hood prevents the person wearing the ski-mask from seeing out the eye holes of the ski mask. Regarding Claudette, the big thing towards her survival will be if Dutch doesn't bail on her after their latest fight. As seen in season three, Claudette NEEDS Dutch by her side to keep her from going over the edge mentally in pursuit of her enemies, both real and imaginary. If they don't reconcile (and Claudette reaching out to Billings of all people is not a good sign towards Claudette surrounding herself with wise council given the comments about how he thought Lupis was a mental illness) I can see bad things ahead for Claudette.
  20. JasonX

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Emphasis on storyline has made the product look like shit. No, shit storylines and the WWE fuckheads refusing to listen to fans with regards to who they want to see is what has made this thread a downer and led to us shitting on SNME in this thread as a waste of time/oppertunity for Vic and co.
  21. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Actually, I'm thinking Kavanaugh is going to either end up killing himself out of shame of failing to bring Vic and company down or become a huge but no longer seen on camera thorn in the LAPD's side in terms of sending all of the dirt he has on Vic, the Strike Team, and Acaveda to the media after TPTB kill the investigation, in order to ruin their lives by having everyone's dirty laundry made public As for Lem: One ambiguous word spoiler:
  22. JasonX

    Infinite Crisis

    Current speculation/rumor seems to indicate that Superboy Prime's new look ties into the rumored ending for Infinite Crisis that involves
  23. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Aside from the Lem/Vic and Corrine/Kavanaugh bits and the writers going the "So obvious everyone missed it" route of Vic threatening to spend every breath he has making sure the LAPD and Acaveda suffer alongside him if he gets arrested/goes on trial for his assorted crimes, it was a bad episode. They totally pissed away two moments that should have been made bigger/more important (Vic being ambushed by Terry's brother and Danny being confronted by Corrine) and the drug money plot was boring in terms of "Form Team Voltron" storylines. That said, Acaveda is definately in the driver's seat in the craziness going on right now: it's pretty obvious Kavanaugh will go after Acaveda regardless of him helping bring Vic down and yet by helping Vic, Acaveda will keep Vic from taking him and the rest of the LAPD down with him in with the mother of all PR nightmares. As for Kavanaugh, he's definately letting Vic get to him. But then again, Kavanaugh's entire investigation has been one huge fuck-up in terms of him letting his love of mind games and manipulations distract him from going after Vic. Now Acaveda is vowing to openly stop the investigation and Kavanaugh still can't see the forest from the proverbial trees in terms of Acaveda aiding Vic to stop Kavanaugh just to spite Kavanaugh.
  24. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    It's not 8, it's 10. What's in stone: 10 additional and unfilmed/not yet written season five episodes that have no official airdates yet. No word yet on how these episodes will be marked (IE if FX will call them season six even though technically they are season five episodes). What's in the cards: Word is that Shawn Ryan (show creator) might be willing to do one additional season for the show after season five. Now, rumor has it FX MIGHT have the remaining 10 episodes filmed over the summer for airing during the fall (mainly because the success of Nip/Tuck's third season airing in the fall has opened the door for FX to air it's programs at the same time the networks air their new fall season shows). Alternatively, they might not air them till Jan/Feb/March 2007 and still do a new/final season in 2008.
  25. JasonX

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    New MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR spoilers. AVOID IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S COMING UP FOR THE CHARACTERS AND THE SHOW! In the last three episodes of the season there will be major events changing the Shield universe: