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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX


    Let's put it this way, he got a better send-off than Psylockes... Mystique (driven insane do to some nasty time traveling where she found out that her lover Destiny help the Government kidnap mutant babies and experiment on them and being forced to kill Graymond Creed in order to keep the time and space from unravelling) was able to discover the cure for the Legacy Virus. Unfortunately for Mystique and the X-Men, Stryfe made the cure require a guinea pig inject the cure into one's heart and use their mutant power, activating the cure into the atmosphere and killing the guinea pig. Xavier refused to let anyone use the cure because of this, so Colossus steals it and shot up with the cure, dying while at the same time curing the mutant race of the disease....
  2. JasonX

    Fred Durst and Suicide

    We should be so lucky if Fred blew his face off. Sure, it would be the ultimate attention grabber, but if he did do it, he wouldn't be around the next day to say something stupid as to why he blew his face off. Suicide notes just aren't the same as a ridiculous, lying-through-your-teeth statement that we all love. Oh, and Soundgarden > Pearl jam. Knowing Durst's luck, he'd blotch the suicide attempt and end up like Arseface from the Preacher comic and become even more of a famous musician, not to mention poster boy for overcoming adversity....
  3. JasonX

    And the MTV VMA nominees are.....

    And Weezer's "Keep Fishin'"? I mean...Muppets! They passed up a chance for a live performance of Weezer WITH MUPPETS! That probably wouldn't have happened, what with the band being on yet another hiatus do to Patrick Wilson and Brian Bell launching their respective side-projects this year....
  4. JasonX

    Two New GBA Games Slated for Nov.

    Which version of Double Dragon is getting ported? The arcade version? The NES version? Or the lame Saturday Morning Cartoon version with the Shadow Master being a magic ghost who wears a black suit and has his grey hair in a pony tail?
  5. JasonX


    Chamber got drafted by Xavier to join the X-Men and with Banshee becoming a useless drunk and White Queen having her inner bitch restored after avenging Synch's death at the hands of her sister but way of shooting her sis dead, the rest of the team reluctantly left the school. Husk went off to help the tree-huggers, Skin and Jubilee went to LA (where they tried to break into Hollywood), M went home to check up on her family after the Weapon X team attacked her parents and stole the visiting Leech, and Emma got dragged off into a helicopter by two unnamed X-Men (presumably Cannonball and Iceman) and sent to Genosha to teach and look after Magneto.
  6. Problem is that they wouldn't go the Oz route with Kurt and Brock and pattern their relationship after the Keller/Beecher relationship and turn Brock and Kurt into Billy and Chuck redux....
  7. JasonX

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    It's God trying to tell HHH to change his ways while he still can. Sadly HHH is oblvious to God's messages in the form of injuries....
  8. JasonX

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    HHH isn't like HBK in that HHH doesn't make medical excuses, he just outright refuses to job and demands that they do something else....
  9. JasonX

    Identity of Easter Bunny

    You mean like Torrie, Sable, and Ric Flair? IIRC isn't Torrie's big thing the fact that so long as she does what Vince wants her to (like Playboy) that he keeps Billy Kidman on the payroll?
  10. JasonX

    Casualties of RO

    So far Randy Orton has: Electricuted Goldust and made him stutter obsenities Played a critical role in helping HHH beat Kane, leading to his unmasking and subsequent rampage Beat Val Venus and Tommy Dreamer mercilessly Tossed Mick Foley down a flight of stairs "Single-handedly" allowed Chris Jericho to beat HBK Who or what next to be sacrificed to the "Get RO Over" campaign the WWE is hell-bent on?
  11. JasonX

    The Smark Apocolypse is nigh

    Said theory depends on the SD title situation, since you'd need a heel SD champ for said theory to work and one HHH can snowball Vince into letting him squash. Presuming that Brock is under Vince's protection to such a point that HHH can only hurt Brock by moving him out of his path (like he did when Brock was shipped off to SD and the undisputed championship split), Kurt Angle looks like the most obvious choice for being set up as a lamb to be slaughtered by HHHl. Especially since SD has been, since the split, Kurt's show. And with the heel turn rumors for the main event, I wouldn't be suprised if HHH has already started work on said theory now while he still exist in a state of grace where he can manipulate in plain sight to turn Kut heel so he can get the belt and job it to HHH.... The biggest problem with said scenerio is the time-table for it. WM XX is the logical spot to remerge the belt but there is no way HHH could last until WM as a face without being backlashed like there's no tomorrow. The only possible chance would be if HHH FINALLY took a hiatus, for his wedding and holds off his face turn until October. Then he could do the face turn and injury angle to write him out and set up his return as the triumphant babyface at Royal Rumble, with three months to pray that the fans forget enough about him to allow him to come back and use his "welcome back" heat to pretend that he has "top babyface" heat. And even then you'd need to find a way to trigger the match between Kurt and HHH, without turning the audience against HHH. One could submit they bring the love triangle back four years too late and have Steph heel turn, hook up with Kurt, and form an unholy trio with Vince to destroy Raw with HHH being the lone babyface to save the day.
  12. JasonX


    1...Why did Beast turn into a lion? Because Frank Quitely wanted to draw him as one. The official explaination is that Beast mutated into one as a result of a secondary mutation (which is fancy talk Morrison came up with to explain why certain mutants have more than one powers). Claremont (pissed off that Morrison called dibs on Beast so he couldn't use him in Xtreme X-Men) came up with an alternate explaination, that the walking plot device Sage evolved Beast into a lion in order to save his life after he got stabbed and punched to near death by a mutant named Vargas... 2...Why does Prof. X walk? Xorn, the new team healer healed Xavier while he was possessed by the psychic energy entity Cassandra Nova in an attempt to help the X-Men switch Xavier back into his body 3...Isn't Cyclops dead? He was possessed by Apocalypse, who's pressence made it impossible for any teep to sense him save for Jean (who has a special telepathic link with her husband). Jean and Cable freed Scott from Poccy and returned him to the team during a throw-away mini-series written by Joseph Harris (writer of the short lived Bishop series) which is notably only do to the variant cover Marvel released for the third issue that has Jean and a mutated into Apocalypse Scott naked and humping each other... 4...How'd the Xmansion become a kiddie school? I though it was much cooler being a fake hideout for mutants, but apparently I'm wrong. It happened inbetween X-Men #113 and #114. It's one of the better ideas that Morrison has come up with, turning the school into an actual school with Emma Frost running it for Xavier....
  13. JasonX

    Simpsons DVD Singles

    Fox is putting out two new Simpsons DVDs to go along with the Seaosn Three DVD Set. One is the first Treehouse of Horror Special and the other one is the "Simpsons roasting on an Open Fire" Season 1 X-Mas episode. The selling point though for these $15 DVD singles is that each release will contain exclusive bonus material focusing on individual characters from the show, including a lengthy montage of the spotlighted character's best moments from the series. This is stuff ironically that Groening and Fox initially vowed would be on the Season DVD sets but renegged on ala the promise they made to include all 49 Tracey Ullman shorts on the first DVD set.... TOH1 spotlights Aliens Kodos and Kang while SROAOF features a spotlight on Mr Burns...
  14. JasonX

    Harvey Dent

    Cyclops wasn't really dead. He was possessed by Apocalypse and his mind was so deeply submerged that only Jean, via the psychic raport the two share, could still sense his mind. Ultimately Cable and Jean depossessed him and speared Apocalypse's psychic self, killing Poccy dead and freeing Cyclops for good....
  15. JasonX

    Major News

    Face HHH: rarely jobs cleanly, tries to be "cool" in interviews, berates and rips apart opponents, doesn't like to sell much for his opponents, wins almost all the time clean except sometimes he cheats to win or loses in tag matches. JR also jacks off in the announcing booth while verbally fellating HHH every three seconds, informing everyone to cheer for HHH while he acts like a heel and stuff while also burying Chris Jericho in commentary for doing the exact same evil things HHH does...
  16. JasonX

    Major News

    While I'm all for Brock or Angle to turn heel, why the hell would Trips turn face? What would happen to Evolution? Orton gets the Evo gimmick, Flair, and the spot of Raw's top heel as well as gets to become the ringer who beats HHH for the belt. HHH gets to avoid jobbing the belt to Golberg by playing upon the hard-on that Vince has for RO by way of sweet-talking Vince into letting him job the belt to RO instead of GB, go away for the wedding, and come back as a face with the illusion that he has legitamite heat instead of "Get off my screen" heat. Not to mention that as a face, HHH can kill Kane's newly reignited heat dead in it's tracks by being the one who stops his rampage and gets to ass-fuck Chris Jericho yet again whenever he pleases....
  17. JasonX

    "Mama's Family"

    <If The Harper's Neighbor, Iola Boylen(sp?), lived next door her whole life, why wasn't she ever featured let alone mentioned the first couple years?> Blame NBC for the continuity gap, as Iola was retrofitted into the show's backstory when NBC raided the cast when CBS cancelled the show during it's down time before being revived in first-run syndication. She was created as a sidekick character for Mama when the show got cancelled and Rue McClanahan (who played Mama's sidekick and sister Fran) was snapped up by NBC for Golden Girls. So she gets introduced and becomes Mama's sidekick and Fran gets killed off off-screen in order to explain away Rue not being part of the cast anymore when the show was revived in syndication...
  18. JasonX

    Friends spinoff

    If Ross and Racheal get together then the writers are cowardly idiots. They've done that already and had the arc end naturally (with the two having their relationship end horribly) in the first couple of seasons. The only way to truly end it is Ross and Racheal getting married and Racheal dumping Ross at the alter. Bring the stupid retred of this storyline back to the way it ended the first time around with Racheal and Ross's relationship getting fucked up and the two being forced to end their relationship again...
  19. JasonX

    Friends spinoff

    Actually Courtney Cox and Jenifer Aniston are the ones with the best Post-Friends futures. Kudrow and Perry are iffy while Schwimmer and LeBlanc are SOL post-Friends...
  20. Before anyone says anything I must say that I have nothing, zero, nada to do with this monstrosity.
  21. From his Raw Rant: <I guess the best way to sum it up is to note that if you like Kane, you probably like the direction they’re going with the show, and I’ll leave it at that. The problem is that HHH has already destroyed all the top babyfaces, so there’s no one left on top for him to be programmed with. Personally I’d have Austin trade Kane to Smackdown for Chris Benoit, which gives you a top babyface on RAW for HHH to get a few PPVs out of, and a new unstoppable monster for Brock Lesnar to slay. Plus Kurt Angle has historically gotten better matches out of Kane than anyone else.> That is really really stupid given that Kane being moved to SD would totally ruin his current storyline and force Kane back into the orbit of UT (who Kane should be totally kept seperate from in order to keep UT from sucking the life out of Kane's heat for his own vile selfish purposes). And Benoit can still get over/pushed on SD. Just fucking bury Big Show again and push Benoit as the grand-shit disturber in the Angle/Lesner love affair instead of Big Show....
  22. JasonX

    New pics of Scott Keith have surfaced...

    Well there is the porn store clerk he mentioned a couple of months back that he was too shy to go in and talk to (supposedly because of her occupation, though we now know the real reason why)......
  23. JasonX

    Scott Keith's Fantasy Booking-Arama

    Where did you find that? http://wienerboard.com/thread.php/id=13577
  24. JasonX

    Scott Keith's Fantasy Booking-Arama

    Keith has posted a response on the thread: Originally posted by Madlock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That’s a retarded idea. Right now Kane is pulling in numbers. He’s making people talk about RAW again. Why waste a perfectly good storyline by sending him off to Smackdown and feeding him to Lesnar and Taker? That’s it, let those two kick his ass, killing his heat in the process, and call this one Failed Kane Push #215. Why? So Benoit can have his little run at the top and fulfill SK’s wet dreams? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only "numbers" that matter are buyrates, and guess what, the next one he could headline is Summerslam, and HHH-Goldberg is already programmed on top of that one. And what people are talking about RAW? People talked about Vince getting his ass kissed and that "pulled in numbers", but it sucked, too and didn't lead to a match on PPV. The fact is that there's no strong babyface to put Kane against on RAW in a money-drawing position, and right now is the time to make money off him, before he cools off again, as he's always done. The only possible match on RAW that this is leading to is Kane v. Austin, and it's not medically feasible. Hence, strike while the iron is hot and send him to Smackdown where you have several babyfaces who are either already main event caliber (Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar) or physically big enough to present a viable threat to Kane (Rhyno, Billy Gunn, A-Train, Hugh Morrus). And I don't know if you watched wrestling in the 80s, but there was this guy called Hulk Hogan, and he did okay "killing the heat" of heels just like Kane for months on end, making them upwards of $10,000 a night. When you've got a hot heel, you put them over midcarders and then feed them to your top babyface in a big money match. Heat doesn't last forever and no one gets out of RAW alive anyway.
  25. JasonX

    New pics of Scott Keith have surfaced...

    Bad mental image moment there: "I'm Scott Keith and I wash myself with a rag... that I then use to sodomize myself and pretend that it's Chris Benoit's dick up my ass...."