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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously Joe,

    Simple: Revenge against George for signing Sierra, who Torre hates..... The rest of this season will be an interesting thing to watch as George Steinbrenner should be fastly approaching yet another trademark "kill them all and let God sort them out" meltdowns. Torre best pray that he either wins another World Series or gives George good enough head to keep him from getting fired from....
  2. JasonX

    WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously Joe,

    Part of me thinks this is Torre's revenge for George trading for Ruben Sierraa, what with the bad blood that exists between Torre and Sierra...... Either way, I'm uber-happy Clemens won't get the win. Traitors like Clemens deserves to be fucked over like this.....
  3. JasonX

    Steinbrenner: "We have to play tough teams and

    Griffey is treated badly because of the fact that during his first year as a Red, Griffey acted like a spoiled, self-absorbed piece of shit who would whine like a little girl at the fact that the local media was refusing to treat him like Jesus ala the Seattle media and over how the media was giving Jim Edmonds more coverage do to Jim having a break-out year with the Cardinals...
  4. JasonX

    Halloween 5 on AMC

    For last year's "Monsterfest" marathon, they bought the rights to the bulk of the Halloween film series. Mainly Halloween 2 (director's cut), 3, 4, 5. FX has the rights to Halloween 1 and H20 while Halloween: Curse of Michael Myers is floating out there in syndication with about half of the director's cut material retrofited into the movie....
  5. JasonX

    Steinbrenner: "We have to play tough teams and

    Or takes a knife and disfigures Jason Giambi while screaming "Take that you whore!" for failing to help lead the team to victory...
  6. JasonX

    Hell in a Cell Referee

    What about Dr Death? Isn't he supposed to be coming back to the WWE soon?
  7. Three Words: Black Scorpion 2K3 Angle comes out and gives a retirement speech telling that he's done everything he's wanted to do and is quitting the business. Steph comes out and tells him that she owns his ass but Angle pulls out his contract and tears it apart and tells Steph that he had Heyman put a clause in his contract secretly to let him quit if he wanted to if he lost the belt. Meanwhile on Raw, bad things starts happening as Evil-Ution finds its members being picked off one by one by a mysterious individual calling himself the Black Scorpion. Black Scorpion debuts at Bad Blood and helps Nash beat HHH. HHH immeadiately fingers Flair as the culprit and accuses him of plotting against him and we get our "Flair/HHH" program as Flair gets expelled from Evil-Ution and refuses to come back when proof is presented clearing Flair as the Black Scorpion. Meanwhile Angle appears on Raw as Bischoff's special guest and annoys Austin to no end, as Austin is given orders not to touch Angle. Finally at Summerslam, HHH and Flair and Nash fight in a three way match and at the end of the match Flair wins thanks to help from the Black Scorpion. Black Scorpion unmasks and is revealed to be Angle, who is now the new leader of the New Four Horsemen. The two beat the shit out of HHH and Nash with the help of Jericho and Xian and HHH is sent packing to SD and the next night on Raw, Angle beats Nash, sending him packing to SD too.....
  8. JasonX

    Kevin Kelly on...

    Not really. Given how Luger did jack shit save be the #1 whipping boy for the NWO during the bulk of WCW's boom period, you could have anyone put in Luger's spot and they would have drawn massive face heat...
  9. JasonX

    PPV Split should be good...

    Forgive me for laughing in your general direction. The only thing happening with the Split is that it's given the old guard EVEN MORE ability to bury the younger guys and to prevent new guys from getting pushed by giving them their own show to monopolize/scorch earth. To say otherwise would be a bold face lie....
  10. JasonX

    The White Boy Challenge

    Booker won't go heel. The IC belt was brought back mainly for him since HHH fucked him over so he won't turn heel.
  11. JasonX

    Flair's turn

    In my opinion, Austin is dogshit who was in the right place in the right time and isn't worth a tenth of the money he drew, but you're free to disagree. Actually Austin vs HHH with Austin heel and HHH face would have drawn if only because: 1. HHH was drawing face heat during the second half of 2000 do to the love triangle storyline and with the proper catylist (say Austin forcing Vince to disown HHH as a condition of Austin turning bad and finally aligning himself with Vince and delivering a series of beatdowns with the help of Kurt Angle to try and cripple HHH) would have worked to make the fans see HHH as a top level face and 2. Vince and Steph would have made sure to keep both looking strong during the feud rather than letting Austin or HHH treating the other like their bitch.
  12. JasonX

    John Cena is fucked

    The Undertaker is scheduled to return to Smackdown in June, and the plan right now is for him to feud with John Cena, although that could change. credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter Now watch Cena be squashed and made to look like shit in order to appease the locker room bully/sack of shit Undertaker....
  13. JasonX

    tomzenk.com off line

    Possible ideas as to why: 1. Zenk was threatened by Vince and the WWE legal department for slander over last week's column (which was a parody piece where Steph dies and HHH is more worried about Vince punishing him than he is over his fiance being dead) and the site is down while Zenk deals with Vince's legal sharks.... 2. Zenk is revamping his site and rant archive and taken it down until he gets everything reorganized 3. Zenk's big tell-all book deal came through and he's taken off-line his website down in order to work on the book, which will keep him from doing a weekly column until further notice...
  14. JasonX

    The Vault Series

    The only thing from his WCW run which would deserve being included would be the post Halloween Havoc 96 debut, where he tears Hogan a new asshole in a dueling promo battle with him....
  15. IIRC the lowest buy rate for a WWE was somewhere inbetween KOTR 95 and WM 98.....
  16. If the WWE braintrust has a brain in them, they won't ever make any sort of announcement/storyline explaination about giving each brand their own PPV on TV or on their PPVs. If they do so and make it publicly known that they are going on this suicidal course, they will be totally and utterly fucked. If it is something they want to succeed, just never acknowledge the PPV split on TV. Period.
  17. JasonX

    Who should get the next MTV Icons show?

    You're telling me that Enter Sandman, One, Sad But True, The Unforgiven, Nothing Else Matters, Wherever I May Roam, Hero of the Day, King Nothing, Until It Sleeps, Fuel, Memory Remains, The Unforgiven II, Turn the Page and Whiskey in a Jar didn't all have videos? 90% of them got heavy MTV air play. That's not even including the MI2 video. Regarding Metallica's videos: Enter Sandman- Heavy airplay and considered to be the band's signature song in the mainstream One- First video by the group, received massive airplay despite it's length and taboo subject matter, though it gets routinely ingored in favor of Enter Sandman and Turn the Page as the band's signature vdieo despite being the only video Metallica has comercially released... Sad But True/Nothing Else Matters/Wherever I May Roam- Did get decent airplay but rather bland videos The Unforgiven- Something of a follow-up to One in terms of epic scope, got a lot of airplay with it's grandeous and arthouse video which relied heavily on symbolism and such. Hero of the Day- Campu video, didn't get much airplay King Nothing- Decent video got no airplay Until It Sleeps- Wierd goth-lite video that got a ton of airplay Fuel- Didn't get much airplay but the song was given a big push as a single Memory Remains/The Unforgiven II- Lots of airplay though MR was a better video than TU2. Turn the Page- Extremely over-rated video that got overplayed Whiskey in a Jar- Got zero airplay but the single did suprisingly well for itself given the very little support it received by the label.... I Disappear- Good song, generic video which was given a decent push by MTV but was hurt very badly by the fact that it came out at the time of the big Napster controversy which hurt it's success..... Out of these videos, the Black Album got the most airplay in terms of videos even though ES and The Unforgiven are the two most rememberable of thes videos. One is sort of the bastard stepchild of the Metallica videos in that it gets overlook a lot by everyone, especially MTV despite getting a God-Push when it debuted. The Load/ReLoad videos were basically forgetable save for Memory Remains. UIS looks like a Marilyn Manson video and Hero of the Day is way too campy when compared to their other videos. And Turn the Page is one of the most over-rated videos of all time IMHO....
  18. JasonX

    Who should get the next MTV Icons show?

    Def Leppard won't get one, but what about Bon Jovi? They were big in the 1980s and were able to crossover from being just another hairband to being a Top 40 Mainstay, not to mention the fact that their last couple of albums have done tremendously well despite the fact that no one at the studio thought they would sell as well as they did.
  19. JasonX

    Who should get the next MTV Icons show?

    REM has a development deal with MTV to produce a TV series loosely based upon the band's early days. That might be something that would help them possibly get an ICON special....
  20. Best bet is to look on the net for the region 2 DD DVD. Paramount owns the US rights and have said that they have no plans to release it on DVD......
  21. JasonX

    Robert Smigel cartoons

    What the devil is that pic from your sig?
  22. Billy Gunn is supposed to be coming back to the WWE on the Raw brand. Billy is a former IC title champion. The WWE is doing an IC Title Battle Royal open to any Raw brand former IC champions. My horrible theory: Billy Gunn is a suprise entrant into the Battle Royal and wins the belt, getting yet another God-Push to punish us for begging them to bring back the IC title....
  23. JasonX

    Shows on MTV

    I perfer reading the TVw/oP recaps of Fraternity Life than actually watching the show, do to the recapper pointing out with a sledgehammer the gay subtext of what goes on between the Brothers and the Pledges, the recapper's hillariously nasty "What items are they going to sodomize the pledges with tonight?" speculation he indulges in whenever they turn the cameras off whenever the hazing gets started, and their take on the one pledge's relationship with his anti-frat, manipulative, and somewhat psychotic girlfriend....
  24. JasonX

    Shows on MTV

    You can catch Daria on Cartoon Network I believe Daria is not on CN but on the pre-teen channel "Noggin" where it has been editted and censored so badly by the nimrods in charge of Noggin that you'd think it was Sailor Moon.....
  25. JasonX

    TNN's cartoon lineup

    Besides bringing in a new and randy toy comercial/running gag (My Little Ass and The Wrinkly Old Cock donkey and rooster toys) the new series, being put together by series creator John K will supposedly be exploring the gay subtext of the Ren and Stimpy characters far beyond what he was allowed to do on Nickelodeon in the early 1990s...