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Everything posted by JasonX
He lost to HBK via a fluke at Mania and has Nash, who has vowed to ruin Chris Jericho's career no matter what he has to do, coming back in the next couple of weeks.........
Digital Bits just listed Fox's upcoming DVD release schedule for the remainder of this year. Absent from this list are the Simpsons Season 3 and Malcom in the Middle Season 2 (both of whom's release dates are still unknown), Buffy Season 4 and King of the Hill Season 1 (both of which have been confirmed for a summer 2003 release), and Millenium Season 1 (which was promised a fall release date by Fox). ---------------------------------- NYPD Blue - Season 2 $59.98 - August 19, 2003 Angel - Season 2 $59.98 - August 19, 2003 Futurama - Volume 2 $49.98 - September 2, 2003 24 - Season 2 $59.98 - September 2, 2003 Family Guy - Volume 2 $49.98 - September 9, 2003 The Shield - The Complete Second Season $59.98 - October 7, 2003 Dark Angel - The Complete Second Season $59.98 - October 21, 2003 The X-Files - The Complete Eighth Season $149.98 - November 4, 2003 King of the Hill - Season 2 $39.98 - November 11, 2003 MASH - Season 5 (Collector's Edition) $39.98 - December 9, 2003 Lost In Space - Season One $79.98 - January 13, 2004
And given that it's WM, I wouldn't expect him to have it ready until like an hour before Raw comes on so that he can 1. Watch it again and 2. So that he can write in in a manner that is totally castrated and devoid of any real criticism so that he doesn't offend HHH or the rest of the McMahon family who think every piece of shit they poop out is gold.....
Golberg feuds with Rock and beats him, as Rock will go back to Hollywood for another six months. Nash reappears Monday on Raw to start another bidding war storyline for him ala Steiner that will be dragged out for months while HHH ducks all challengers and only thinks about Nash being a threat to him (and forshadowing him jobbing the Clique belt) Brock fights John Cena and squashes him as Brock is pushed into the midcard Nathan Jones still gets a God Push despite not wrestling do to his suckiness UT gets his feud with Albert and the Big Show moved into the uppercard along with Shane/Vince/Piper vs Hogan Booker T goes into the midcard hell and reunites with stuttering GD and feuds with Morely/Storm RVD and Kane finally split and feud Jericho continues to feud with HBK and finally gets his big win at the April PPV Benoit continues to find himself not getting pushed and is probably jobbed out to a heel-turned Rhyno Team Angle gets squashed by Taker repeatedly until they do not get over and are broken up
Alien network executives from the 100th episode of South Park who attempted to destroy Earth until Kenny took a picture of them engaging in gay sex and blackmailed them into sparing Earth from destruction.....
Simple: Futurama has been cancelled for about a year and a half (Fox has simply been burning through the backlog of about 40+ episodes that have yet to be aired) while the Simpsons are still in production....
All hail Shatner! Still waiting for TJ Hooker to go into syndication... TJ Hooker's been in syndication for a while, though to my knowledge no stations currently have the show on the air.
Maya Rudolph's pretty good and is probably the best female cast member on the show do to her ability to do just about any part. Horatio Sanz is so-so. He's not horrible but he's not great. He's just there as a background guy and he does that job well. Jimmy Fallon meanwhile is a total and complete waste of space. He's a lousy Adam Sandler-wannabe who has no real talent whatsoever...
BTW who is in the South Park Legion of Doom? I saw LoD standbys Black Manta and Cheetah along with a purple colored Doctor Doom, Professor Chaos and General Disarray, Osama Bin Ladin, and Saddam Hussien. Who were the other members?
I don't think so given that Lem's been written consistantly as being the moral core of the Strike Team and killing him off without any sort of build-up defies logical storytelling 101. At best I can see, provided that the Strike Team successfully carries out the Money Train heist, Lem resigns from the Strike Team now that he's financially set and is assigned to partner with Dutch (who will be partnerless if Claudette gets promoted). Given that the writing staff and the producers of the show are said to be big supporters of Kenny Johnson (the actor who plays Lem), I wouldn't be suprised if they bumped him up to a higher profile spot on the show. Especially if Benito Martinez doesn't come back for season 3....
Got a link to download the game at?
It was a great episode, but I was kind of pissed that 1. they teased another Strike Team member getting killed only to end up going "PSYCH!" and 2. Didn't show us Lemonhead's reaction to being forced to kill the psycho kid (though hopefully we'll get to see them exploring it in next week's episode)..... As for the finale, it seems that with this week's episode that they are seriously looking at doing a purging of the cast. What will probably happen though will be: 1. Aceveda winning the primary by the skin of his teeth which leads to him winning the election inbetween the season 2 finale and season 3 opener and him coming back next year to annoy Vic and Claudette... 2. Claudette takes the captain's post only to abandon her growing vendetta against when Vic captures the guy who kills her ex-husband. 3. The Money Train heist getting fucked up do to the deaths of several people involved in the heist (who may or may not include Ronnie, depending on if they still plan to write the character or keep him around) 4. The announcement of a massive purging of the police staff in order to leave people guessing as to who will be back next season 5. Vic's family life continuing to fall apart in some shape or manner, like say Connie getting winning full custody in a quicky divorce or Connie arranging for Vic to be barred from being anywhere near his kids until their divorce goes before a judge...
Why the fuck are they bringing it back given that only 1/3rd of their audience HAS MTV2??????? Why the fuck don't they just take their time and effort making MTV2 MADATORY in ALL basic Cable packages FIRST before they do this? Or even better, put the fucking show on MTV and ship all of their bullshit pretty-people shows onto a pay-cable site ala HBO instead???????????????
Simple. They only appear on tv/ppv and spend their time cutting promos on Chris Jericho with the sole purpose of humiliating and burying Jericho and Christian....
I'm thinking more of his ex making a scene at the wedding and exposing Julian right after he says "I Do", which will force Julian to leave his wife at the chapel out of shame of having his secret exposed to his in-laws.....
I doubt it will be a cliffhanger though I do see them leaving some storylines (the "win the primaries or quit" ultimatium Aceveda received and Julian's wedding are the most likely candidate) unresolved until next season. Unless the writers are willing to do something huge and status quo shocking (like say having Vic kill or at the very least wound Claudette to keep her out of his way), most likely the season will end with Vic sacrificing the Money Train Heist in order to prove to Claudette that he's still a good guy deep down and to rewin her trust and laying the seeds for the inevitable Vic/Shane showdown that the writers have been teasing since the first season....
Actually this theory has been floating around but it is NOT a HHH-centric theory..... Ever since SD and Raw split rosters, it has all but been confirmed that the WWE were mainly concerned with making SD the superior show while treating Raw like the bastard step-child on the grounds that since SD only had a year left on it's UPN contract and Raw has 4-5 years with it's TNN contract, that SD needed to be turned into the flagship show so that it would get renewed. Hence why Hogan, Rock, Angle along with the entire workrate-centric wrestlers and the cruiserweights were put on SD while Raw got Undertaker, NWO, women's division, and the hosses with RVD and Brock being the only real talent. Austin was also put on Raw mainly they needed a flagship guy on the show while Rock was on SD. Now reguarding HHH, the only real conspiracy involving him and the split is that he's made it so that Jericho will always be on the same show so that he can manipulate things so that Jericho can never prove that he's more over than HHH. His move to Raw was also selfish but had nothing to do with Raw as he knew that he would not be allowed to squash Brock (Vince's pet project) for the belt so he arranged to have Brock's Undisputed belt split up with him getting the WCW side of the belt, literally handed to him in one of those unintentional shoot moments where he gained the belt via divine right of fucking the boss's daughter who happens to be the head writer. With SD being the BIG important show, Vince was quite willing to turn the blind eye to HHH's antics while working on Raw with the occassional quick fix that only makes things worse and do nothing to solve the main problems on Raw....
anyone else having trouble getting into the site today?
U2 has a VH1 Legends episode, though VH1 cruely gutted it of about 1/3rd of it's content with it's recent update of the Legends special by way of removing nearly all of the info about the Achtung Baby/Zooropa/Pop era in order to cover their last album and to suck Bono off over his social activist work.....
The ideal way to do a GnR BTM would be to copy what they did for the Judas Priest BTM.
<Since there is alot of speculation (not here, but more Buffyverse specific sites) about wheither or not Buffy Summers will survive the finale of her show.> Buffy will survive for two reasons: 1. Killing Buffy has become a cliche on the show 2. It's been heavily rumored that SMG has said that she'd be willing to reprise the Buffy role if the Buffy franchise did what the Star Trek franchises did and go straight to full-legnth feature format <-Star Trek Deep Space Nine I can buy Ben Sisko losing his life after one more saving of the Prophets and Bajor and moving on to a new plane of existance, just seemed a little odd when it happened. Its like the opening of the TNG episode "Tapestry" when Q tells Picard that he is dead, kind of a "What the hell?" reaction from Sisko pretty much summed up my thoughts when I saw it.> Actually DS9 doesn't end with Sisko dying. While the original script for the finale does reveal that he did indeed die, the writers changed the ending at the last minute so that Sisko is instead teleported at the last minute to the alien dimension of the Wormhole Aliens/The Prophets and that when they finish teaching Ben stuff about their species and culture that they were going to return him to DS9 alive and well to be with his family..... <-Babylon 5 John Sheridan's fate had been foretold during the same season that the episode was filmed during. It'd seemed a bit rushed, the whole episode and leaves more questions than answers as the season finale for season 4 IMO actually makes a better series finale.> If you believe the rumors, Babylon 5 was originally supposed to have ended with the revelation that Jeffrey Sinclair was Valen via time travel. This was abandoned quickly and from Season 2 onward the main crux for the show's ending was going to be Sheridan's inevitable death. It should also be noted that "Deconstruction of Falling Stars" (the season 4 finale) was written at a pivotal moment in the B5 franchise history: It was written and filmed right after they finished taping SiL and were told that their syndication company wasn't picking up the fifth season but right before TNT came in and picked up season 5. JMS wanted to keep SiL from being aired in syndication so long as there was a chance to get someone to back a fifth season of the show and DoFS was written as a replacement season finale that would also double as a series finale in case season five never happened. Because of this, Sleeping in Light was for a time considered a "Lost Episode" do to JMS keeping it off of the airwaves until the proper time....
1988, though it does seem like a few years ago. I've made the correction. Thanks for pointing it out to me.....
The Doors was given one of the first "Legends" specials and it's pretty packed in terms of covering their career (and is narrated by Henry Rollins to boot). Eddie and Alex weren't involved in the Sammy and Dave Show because the focus of the S&DS was on Sammy and Dave in terms of their times with Van Halen and out of Van Halen as solo artists.
Weezer would be a really good pick especially given the fact that it would be a good place for the Weezer to set the record straight about the all of the craziness and rumor of an all-out mutiny against Rivers that the band staged during the period of 1996-1999. GnR would be another pick but I can see VH1 delaying any sort of BTM edition until the new album comes out, which means we'll never see it..... Van Halen would also be a good pic for a two-hour edition, especially given the drama that was involved with the numerous changes in the line-up Wilco and Aimee Mann is another potential BTM candidate given their "I fought the record industry to preserve my our artistic integrity and won" story material Pink Flyod also needs a full two hour edition, as the VH1 Legends special only covered up through The Wall and barely touched upon the controversy over the fight over the Pink Floyd name in the late 1980s and such.... As for year themed BMT: 1991 and 1993: To finish up the story of the rise of Alternative and the fall of the hairbands 1988: Metallica goes mainstream with "One", Dirty Dancing Fever, the rise of teenyboppers Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, NKOTB, and the formation of NWA, Nirvana, and the grunge movement 1964: Rise of the Beatles and their effect on Pop Music
Having the new Strike Team member be a rat would work since 1. it would bring Ronnie back and give him a new running gag to play with in the form of Ronnie always bringing up the fact that the foursome can't trust anyone outside the original four and 2. would give the writers the excuse to finally give some closure towards the Terry storyline by having Vic finally confronting the fact that he killed Terry and having him come to grips with it while having to find away to neutralize the rat while not repeating his earlier crime....