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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. Can someone please post a screencap of the unmasked Shark Boy from this week's Raw for me?
  2. JasonX

    Metallica next MTV "Icon"

    The big question is whether or not they acknowledge "One" at the show or just ignore it as usual and rewrite history so that "Enter Sandman" is talked about as being the band's first video. If they take the time out to mention it and line up someone with some talent to cover the song (perhaps Trent Reznor or Billy Corgan) it might redeem the show somewhat. But given the political climate and the fact that MTV are now pussies when it comes to controversial content, I won't put it past them to ignore it......
  3. JasonX

    The Simpsons

    From the rumors that I've heard on the net, this week's episode is going to be part of an ongoing arc involving Krusty, who will eventually become corrupt and has to be brought down by the Simpsons.....
  4. JasonX

    HHH vs. Booker

    After gratuitously and controversially playing the race card, the WWE has no real choice but to make HHH job the belt to Booker. Pure and simple.
  5. JasonX

    The Simpsons

    They did do that, though it was a small Krusty/Bob picture on Krusty's fireplace....
  6. JasonX

    Law & Order

    Reguarding SUV, I would think that the best way to go with SUV would be to have them kill off Olivia and pair Meloni up with someone new who he can play off of. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing them bringing Lee Tergesen onto the show (continuity problems and Tom Fontana be damned) and teaming him back up with Meloni as an onstage pair or bring back Chris Noth (who last I've heard has finally buried the hatchet with show creator Dick Wolf) as Meloni's oncamera partner. As for Criminal Intent, D'Onofrio's character is good but I believe that he needs to be given a better foil than who he has on the show at the moment.
  7. JasonX

    Law & Order

    <Why this Bosswoman, S. Epatha Something is/was always mean with Det. Green ?> Because Green, in his first two-three episodes on the show, fucked up investigations in several cases that led to the guilty parties to be able to get away without being convicted.... <Why all the hate/hatred against Abby Carmichael (Angie Harmon) from the fans ?> Abby was the total oppostite of the the weak-willed, bleeding heart-liberal stereotype that Claire Kincaid and Jamie Ross were. Fans didn't like the idea of there being a strong female character on L&O who could stand up to McCoy and tell him off and not resort to the "YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOUR A MAN!!!!!" type ramblings that Ross and Kincaid always resorted to whenever McCoy out-argued them on an issue.... <What happen after Carmichael (sp?) spoke with... damn, I just saw one episode and his name is now erased from my mind, the DA, "big nose" guy, they spoke about she leaving the office, I think the office got a new assistant, but that episodes arent still out in Mexico.> They replaced her with a blonde bimbo character named Serena Southerlyn (played by Elizabeth Rohm. who's claims to fame include a brief stint on Angel and being the star of TNT's giant flop of an original series Bull). Think of a whinier version of Kincaid as played by a blonde bimbo. <Its me or the former DA big kahuna was so much better than the woman? I know he always thought 1st politics and 2nd law, but still is better than the woman.> Adam Schiff was good but his female replacement Nora Lewin was a good replacement. But Nora's no longer on the show and was replaced by Fred Thompson, who plays a totally obnoxious and unwitty right-wing zealot Arthur Branch. <Its me or the officers in L&O Special Crimes Unity (Youknow, the rape and abuse group) are totally unlikables? Mostly Olivia and her partner, 'cause Munch and Ice T are good fellas.> I agree that Olivia is an unlikable cunt (especially after the episode that revealed that she willfully sent an innocent man to prison for a rape he didn't commit) but her partner, played by Oz's Chris Meloni is decent. <What happen with Benjamin Bratt?> Storylinewise, he quit the force to take care of his dying wife. Real life, Julia Roberts happened. He started dating her around the time thatr Julia had her big comeback and he quit the show in order to begin a career in movies. Unfortunately bad things happen as Julia ended up using her pull to get him the bulk of his film roles and ultimately dumped him like he was yesterday's trash....
  8. JasonX

    HUGE SD Spoilers

    Huge Early Spoiler From Smackdown Taping Posted By Ashish on 03.04.03 We have early word on a major result from the Smackdown taping... SPOILER WARNING! If you do not want Smackdown spoiled for you, do not read this post! Earlier tonight at the WWE Smackdown taping, it was announced that Kurt Angle will defend the WWE Title against Brock Lesnar, but not at WrestleMania. The two will go one-on-one on the March 13th edition of Smackdown. Angle will apparently gut out one final match before having surgery on his neck. He will then be out for at least a year. The plan right now seems to be to have Angle lose the belt to Brock on 3/13, and then have Brock go on to work a new program for WrestleMania. We will have full Smackdown taping results later on tonight. Credit: Mike Johnson & 1wrestling.com
  9. Two of the three different versions of DOTD is on DVD, the only problem is that both are out of print. The good news is that Anchor Bay is set to release a MASSIVE multi-disc set off all three cuts of the film. The bad news is that it won't be out until 2004 do to Anchor Bay wanting to get Day of the Dead out on DVD first do to the fact that DOTD has never been given a US release...
  10. Actually Hank's the cunt of KOTH. Peggy is IMHO the best character on the show and I credit her (and the whole Bobby/Connie relationship) as being the only reason I kept watching the show after it's horrificlly crappy first season....
  11. When the show moved to Sci-Fi they return to Earth and the planet enslaved by the Cro-Mags (a race of high-tech Neanderthals with Slider technology) and Maggie was MIA after a Cro-Mag raid. Crying Man is rescued by Quinn and Quinn finds out he's from a parallel earth and that he's got a brother. They start sliding again and this time all of the episode involve fighting the Cro-Mags. Eventually Quinn meets up with a parallel earth version of himself who is played by a new actor and is absorbed by New Quinn. Crying Man, Army Chick, New Quinn, and Black Scientist Chick then team up and fight more Cro-Mags until the final episode, which has Crying MAn escaping through a portal to the Cro-Mag homeworld...
  12. <Who's The Boss? once Tony and Angela hooked up> Reguarding WTB?, the only reason why Tony and Angela got together was that the writers were told that they had one season left and the writers put them together as a last ditch efforrt to save the show and give it some sense of closure in the event that the new direction failed and the show got cancelled....
  13. <Babylon 5 started out good and got even better with the Shadows storyline and my favorite when they are forced to rebel against Earth, and all the storylines eventually were settled for what was their last season. Then TNT decided to buy the series (it was syndicated) for a fifth season.> That's not true. The fourth season originally was supposed to end with Sheridan getting betrayed and arrested but JMS was told by his syndication company that unless the show sudenly became a ratings blockbuster that they would be dropping the show after the fourth season. So the Earth Civil War arc was rushed and the "History of the Alliance"/Sleeping in Light two-parter was written to wrap up the show. But then TNT came in and offered to air the final fifth season so SiL was pulled from the schedule and a 5th season was produced..... <They couldn't get Christian back so they resorted to killing off Ivanova (which really sucked personally cause IMO she is one of the greatest characters in sci-fi and doesn't get enough credit but again, just my opinion) and replacing her with Tracy Scoggins.> Ivanova didn't die. Marcus sacrificed himself to heal Ivanova (which was planned from the beginning, as the pay-off to the whole subplot about the alien healing machine of death from season one). After Marcus died, the original plan was to have Ivanova take over the station and become involved with the telepath colony and their leader in the exact same role that Lyta had. But then CC quit Babylon 5 and the plan was changed. A new stock footage sequence was added to the third-to last episode of season four which feature the ISN newscaster announcing that Ivanova had been promoted to full-captain as Sheridan's last act as an Earthforce officer and had requested to be assigned to take over a new-fangled Earthforce battleship designed by Earth for a year long shakedown of it's bugs and such. Tracey Scoggins was brought in (and Ivonova's name editted out of the "History" episode) and Lyta replaced Ivanova as the B5/telepath colony go-between and made the telepath colony arc work in a way that Ivanova couldn't have...
  14. 1. Sasha Mitchell got bounced from the show for beating his wife 2. Replacing him with the dude from Perfect Strangers was a GOOD thing do to the fact that Cody was one fo the most annoying characters on TV...
  15. JasonX

    The Shield

    I have no clue. Watching the episode, I thought that they would have given the character a reason for not being around like say having him throwing a hissy-fit that Dutch upstaged him and getting reassigned back to his old spot as punishment by Aceveda (which would have worked extremely well with the duel plotline of Vic being terrified tha Aceveda was going to shitcan him, by having one of his old friends get fired by his superior). My guess is that he's still at the Barn but that we just haven't seen him. Speaking of further unresolved plot-holes: 1. We aren't shown the incident that made Dani and Vic close friends/occassional fuck-buddies 2. We don't know if Vic is the father of the hooker's son. 3. We don't learn anything about Ronnie or how he got made part of the Strike Team. 4. We don't know how Aceveda discovered that Vic was a dirty cop or any of the information required for his "show and tell" field trip with Terry in the pilot... Not to mention the continuity problems involving Terry, who goes from being an cop sent into the group to investigate Vic so that Aceveda can bust him to being a ringer put onto the Strike Force to take over if Vic didn't meet his quota in terms of arrests.....
  16. JasonX

    The Shield

    If the writers don't bring Ronnie back onto the team, I wouldn't mind seeing the writers shipping Dutch onto Vic's team to replace him. Given that we've seen that Dutch can be just as nasty and cruel as Vic when properly pushed, I wouldn't mind seeing a season or have a season devoted to Mackie taking Dutch under his wing only to have Dutch stage a coup-de-ta and boot Mackie from the STRIKE team and take control over it and showing Vic trying to retake control of the team....
  17. JasonX

    The Shield

    <I had one HUGE problem with last night's DAY ONE episode. And that is, in The Shield's pilot it gives the impression that Vic and Aceveda are working together for the first time.> Actually the pilot shows that not only did Aceveda and Vic know each other but that Vic had been at the Barn longer than Aceveda as opposed to them being assigned to the Barn at the same time. It also made it clear that Vic and the Strike Team had been been involved in illegal activities like sponsoring drug dealers before Aceveda entered their lives.... <I thought that no one at the Barn knew Aceveda but everyone had already worked with and respected Vic, regardless of his methods because of his track record of getting results.> Actually the pilot showed that everyone knew Mackie was corrupt (as well as being corrupt LONG before Aceveda came into Vic's life) but that Aceveda was the only one who was refusing to turn a blind eye to it. <Which is why Claudette advised Aceveda to back off of Vic when he made it clear to her that he wanted to take Vic down.> Actually that scene was supposed to show that Claudette respects Vic to the point that she's willing to turn a blind eye to Vic's evil because he made the city safe and to set things up so that when Claudette found out HOW corrupt and evil Vic was that it would give her decision to go after Vic more depth as Claudette would feel utterly betrayed at knowing how evil Vic can be when he needs to be.... <However, last night we see that Aceveda and Vic arrived at the Barn at the same time and Vic even said "Yes sir" to him at one point. I was like, "what happened to the 'I don't havta listen to you, not even on Cinco de Mayo!' Vic that I know?"> That was retconning on the part of the writers. By changing things so that Vic and Aceveda were inititally friendly with each other when they first met, it gives the writers an excuse to play Vic and Aceveda as being willing to be friendly with each other in terms of how they interact with each other as opposed to following what was established in season 1 which showed that the two were so fundementally different in terms of ideology that it takes an a crisis of monumental proportions to get them to work together...
  18. JasonX

    The Shield

    <I am soundly Conviced that Acevedo is out by the season end either by Vic's enforcement or Political means...> I doubt that they will write Aceveda out of the show. Most likely the season will end with Aceveda pulling some sort of trick out of the blue to save Vic and himself but end up as a result just as dirty as Vic or even worse, giving Vic a hold over Aceveda beyond the current "I can embarrass you with my rough-house tactics if you piss me off" grip he has on him.... <Which brings a problem in...Who becomes the New Guy? Obviously, Vic or Cluadette won't get that seat so likely it will be an new person...Do they go back to "At Heads" angle between Vic and the new boss or make it even closer "Alliance"?> I stay that they keep Aceveda and Vic together because they have great chemistry and they've barely scratched the surface of the two working together...
  19. JasonX

    Looks like Goldberg is on his way to WWE

    Perhaps the WWE made Golberg a huge, huge, huge money deal to come in and do a single job to Brock on top of the money he would get for signing with the WWE and his scheduling demands?
  20. JasonX

    Raw Ratings Shoot up

    Actually backstage politics would most likely dictate HHH using everything in his power to get Austin shipped off to SD and not go there himself BUT given how HHH's lack of drawing power has been exposed for the world to see this last couple of weeks one would have to assume HHH would be the one who ends up getting shoved off to SD instead of Austin. I expect we'll most likely see some sort of trade between shows by May (when the Rock leaves) where HHH is shipped off to SD in exchange for the remaining members of the SD 6 and HHH takes over SD and feuds with UT for the World Title while Austin runs wild on Raw and squashing everyone who gets over as a heel until further notice....
  21. JasonX

    SK Raw Rant

    No, basically Widro and Ashish want to have the next mega-pop culture site ala UGO or IGN and as a result 411wrestling becomes 411mania......
  22. JasonX

    SK Raw Rant

    411mania is down at the moments, so here is the rant for everybody that didn't get the recap via the mailing list... --------------------------------------------- The SmarK RAW Rant - March 3 / 2003 "There's a NEW Mania running wild!" - Vince McMahon Okay, so he PROBABLY didn't have 411Mania.com in mind, but he was THINKING it. I personally have no opinion on the new design, aesthetically speaking, and those who have seen my previous attempts at designing a webpage can testify to why that is. But it loads a HELL of a lot faster for me (and many others) which, as someone who's been kicking around since the days of Lynx, is the important thing to me anyway. The Smarks is now gone, although the former page now redirects to my rant archives, and the www.thesmarks.com URL (which is still owned by Don Becker) will soon redirect to his site until disappearing sometime this year. The <a href=http://www.411mania.com/movies>411Mania</a> era of my DVD reviews begins tomorrow with X-Men 1.5, and MASH Season 3 later this week. - So the beat goes on with regards to the book. Positive reviews are pouring in, and here's a couple for your perusal in case you've been wondering whether it's worth your hard-earned dollars to pick up a copy. <a href=http://www.9479.net/story7.html>http://www.9479.net/story7.html</a > <a href=http://www.pwbts.com/messages/16523.htm>http://www.pwbts.com/ messages/16523.htm</a> Both of these nicely summarize the meat of the book as well, in case you've been wondering what the heck it's all about and stuff. And if those reviews whet your whistle enough to drop $15 or so and pick it up, you can order <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0806524375/thesmarks -20"> Tonight in This Very Ring</A> via Amazon or check out your local Barnes & Noble or Borders and probably find it on the shelf, assuming it's not sold out (and that's not my usual non-modesty - people all over the US are reporting that their local bookstores are sold out very soon upon getting some in). And coming next week, an announcement about my NEXT books! Not WCW yet, sorry...but maybe someday. By the way, the oddest comment about the book I've received yet was that there isn't a single semi- colon used in the entire book. Why someone would take the time to notice THAT, I don't know, but just for him, I feel I should clarify that indeed I am semi-colon illiterate and have never quite gotten the hang of using them. I don't think the book suffers TOO much from the lack of semi-colons, but be warned going in, in case you're a fan of any particular punctuation mark - I'm mainly a comma and colon kind of writer. - Speaking of being on the shelf, if Kurt Angle ends up there for a year due to Austin/Benoit/Rhyno neck syndrome, it's gonna be a BRUTAL year and Wrestlemania is gonna suck a lot more than it would have otherwise done. About the only two options I can see is hotshotting it onto Brock this week and building a new feud, or putting it on Benoit and doing Brock-Benoit there instead. Well, no one said being a booker was easy, that's for sure. Well, I guess they can always go the Lex Express route and buy a train to take A-Train on tour around the country on the "A-Train Express" and make him the next big star in the business. Actually, I'd better clarify that I'm KIDDING, in case David Lagana is reading this... - Well, if you don't feel dirty and used enough yet, there's always RAW... - Uncle Eric instructs 3 Minute Warning to take care of Austin on the way in. Yeah, if I was faced down with 2 fat samoans and a hairdresser, I'd be shaking too. - Live from Long Island, NY. - Your hosts are JR & King. - Opening interview: Booker T actually gets INTERVIEW TIME! Last week he won the battle royale, but he didn't get a trip to Disneyland. It's pretty expensive anyway, dude. HHH interrupts right away (just in case he gets over, I guess), along with his one remaining healthy flunky in the form of Ric Flair. Not only is HHH injuring himself on a constant basis, he's now injuring people merely by association, as both Batista and Orton went down at a house show with serious injuries. HHH points out that someone like Booker doesn't deserve a World title, because he's an entertainer, not a competitor. Man, where's D-Lo and Teddy to play the race card when you need them? HHH thinks the idea of Booker challenging him is funny. We go with the stupid "David Arquette and Vince Russo were WCW champion" stuff to really bury Booker. Gee, Hunter, what's that belt you've got thrown over your shoulder and surgically attached, again? Booker thinks he's gonna win the title, but HHH gives him a condescending "good luck" and hints that something is up with the match against Steiner being booked tonight. Hey, HHH starts burying another challenger and bores the crowd in the process, what a shock. Well, never too early to get started. I'm not one to cry racism, but "you people" and "nappy hair" and "dance for me, Booker" seem to be a BIT over the line. - Jeff Hardy v. Christian. Jeff pounds away in the corner to start as JR says "complex" and "conflicted" about a million times. Christian bails and Jeff follows with a crossbody to the outside and back in for two. Christian dumps him on the top rope for two. Christian pounds away and gets the inverted DDT for two. Choking follows, but Jeff fights back with his girlish punches and a dropkick for two. Man, even the Long Island crowd is doing the "Two!" thing now. Jeff gets the Compactor and goes up, but Christian moves, only to walk into the corkscrew for two. You know the great thing about the "Two" chant? You can't exactly stop doing two-counts to dissuade it. Twist of Fate is blocked and the Unprettier finishes out of nowhere at 4:15. Hey, a clean win on RAW, it's a night of firsts. Okayish TV match. *1/2 - Meanwhile, the next line of defense after Austin finishes disposing of the samoans: Lance Storm. Maybe he can read him one of his whiny website updates and lull him to sleep. - Chief Morley v. Spike Dudley. If Spike wins, the Dudleyz are unsuspended. Spike attacks to start and Morley runs into a boot, allowing Spike to stomp on him in the corner and try for the Acid Drop, which Morley counters into a powerbomb. How come Bubba and D-Von were suspended and not Spike? Isn't he a Dudley Boy? Morley's casual pin is reversed for two, but he keeps hammering on Spike and unloads the CANADIAN VIOLENCE in the corner. And what's with the skintone on Morley? He looks like he was one of the kids in "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" that got stuck in the tanning bed. Suplexes and the Money Shot finish at 2:19. So the Dudleyz are still out. Total squash. 1/2* - Meanwhile, Vitamin C meets with Uncle Eric and gets drafted to be the third line of defense. - Trish Stratus & Jackie v. Jazz & Victoria. Jazz dropkicks Jackie for two and pounds away. Sideslam gets two. Victoria comes in with her own sideslam for two. Suplex gets two. Jackie fights her off and makes the hot tag to Trish, who slugs away for two. Jazz stops to argue with Stevie, as Trish's handstand rana is blocked for two. A rollup gets the pin at 3:13, however. Nothing blown, so okay. 1/2* - Meanwhile, Morley joins Storm on the Austin Welcoming Committee. - Meanwhile, the Coach tries to interview the Rock, but you don't just knock on the door without an appointment! Wednesday is better for the Rock. With Coachman gone, he goes for the guitar, but finds Hurricane instead. He questions Rock's hypocrisy, but Rock questions how long he's been sitting in that locker. Rock points out who tossed who out of the ring last week. Hurricane counters with his impression of Booker throwing Rock out, leading Rock to have an argument with the crowd. He stops to answer his cell phone, and it's NOTHING, and apparently he knows Hurricane. "DON'T LAUGH AT THE ROCK'S JOKES!" This is brilliant. Rock quotes the Scorpion King, but Hurricane thinks that it translates to having a small dick. Sometimes it's funny, especially when the heel sells it. Hurricane thinks that Rock is afraid of Austin, and flies away. Rock stops to give encouraging words to Little Rocky (possibly that he is indeed a swell guy) and we're out. Compare the way Rock trades insults with Hurricane while still putting him over, and the way HHH hijacks Booker's interview and makes him sound like a second-rate challenger. I cannot possibly heap enough praise on the way Rock has revitalized his interviews since the heel turn, but I'll try it again: Rock is AWESOME and makes me want to buy another 3 shirts next time they're in town. - Chris Jericho v. Test. Jericho shows us SHOCKING footage of Test signing a girl's boob, leading Test & Stacy to argue about it. Test throws a tantrum and leaves Stacy in the back. Way to control your woman, Andrew! Test charges out and beats on Jericho, and gets a gorilla press. Stacy (actually trying to sell the injury this time around) limps out while Test chokes out Jericho. Test stops to get rid of Christian, and questions Stacy's presence at ringside. Jericho takes over with a backdrop suplex, but walks into a tilt-a-whirl slam. Test gets a corner clothesline, but a powerbomb is reversed to the Walls. Test powers out and powerbombs him for two. Jericho uses the ref to stop the big boot, and Christian sneaks in with a DDT that gets two for Jericho. Jericho undoes the turnbuckle (which you can do in Smackdown, by the way - go to the corner and hit L1), but Test gets Uncle Slam while the ref is distracted again. Jericho goes low and takes him down for the pin with a lazy drop sleeper at 3:58. JR calls it the Breakdown, but it's actually the Flashback, for the 3 people who care. Match was horrendously overbooked. 3/4* Test eats a Conchairto and they go for Stacy, but (guess who) Shawn Michaels makes the save. Jericho FINALLY gets revenge, laying him out with a chairshot. Shawn does one of his awesome "don't blink or you'll miss it" bladejobs and Jericho wants a match at Wrestlemania. Well, no shock there. - Meanwhile, in the parking lot, Goldust arrives, thus freaking out the first line of defense. This new gimmick is death. Goldust isn't seen again tonight. - Chris Nowinski joins us to slag Austin, and the Dudleyz sneak in and hit him with 3D. Well that was pointless. - Meanwhile, Christian & Jericho prep for Austin. - Scott Steiner v. Booker T. JR's funniest line of the week: Calling Steiner "very popular". Steiner chops away to start, but Booker gets a leg lariat and hits him with a knee. Spinkick is blocked by Steiner and he gets the belly- to-belly and stomps away. Muscle pose elbow and pushups don't impress the crowd, but Booker fires back. Clothesline and sidekick get two. Booker gets more chops and a sidekick, but Steiner stops the Spinarooni. Steiner Recliner and HHH joins us, prompting Steiner to release it. Well thank god, he might have KILLED Booker with that devastating submission hold. Booker gets his rollup out of nowhere for the pin at 3:53. Well, we found out that Booker wasn't the guy to get a good match out of Steiner, either. DUD And what's with the cheap win for Booker thanks only to the blessed intervention of HHH? If you're gonna try to make a star, MAKE A STAR. - Meanwhile, Rock sings us the promised song about how Long Island sucks, but Eric interrupts. Rock doesn't want help with Austin, because Rock wants him all to himself. - Hardcore match: The Unlikely Duo of RVD & Kane v. Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow. Maybe they'll finally pull the trigger on the heel turn here. Big brawl to start outside. RVD hits Snow with a quebrada and they head in, where Rob walks into a caneshot from Tommy. Kane gets the flying clothesline, but Snow & Dreamer use the devastating power of aluminum trashcan lids to turn the tide. Kane goes facefirst into one, and Snow uses a little SIGN language (ho, I should be booking this stuff) until Kane kills everyone and Rob hits both of them at once with the frog splash and gets the pin at 2:37. So I guess the on-again off-again dissention is off-again until they need to hotshot a Wrestlemania match between them in two weeks. Totally pointless squash -- why were they even fighting, let alone in a hardcore match, let alone two babyface teams? JR's lame explanation of Morley booking it to mess with them doesn't exactly rock my world. 1/4* - Meanwhile, Austin tries to run over the welcoming committee. Quick, call Mick Foley to investigate! - Main Event Interview: Steve Austin returns, to somewhat less of a reaction than you might think. He just wants to thank us and whup some ass. In that order, presumably. Rock interrupts the promises of raising hell and the people show him no love. Rock warns him that people will turn on him when he becomes "successful" (like the Rock). And the Rock has done it all, except for beating Austin at Wrestlemania. Bischoff interrupts the awesome before Austin can answer, and instead gives Rock a match with Booker next week, where if (when) he wins, he can choose between Austin or HHH as his Wrestlemania opponent. What the FUCK? What does HHH have to do with anything? That just totally killed the flow of the interview. 3 Minute Warning gets called in against Austin and quickly dispatched with the usual. Rock comes in for the staredown, but gets chased off by Austin. The Bottom Line: Kind of a weird and pointless show, with the Rock carrying the whole thing on his back yet again, even managing to overshadow Austin's return. And MAN could Austin's return be anymore humdrum? I don't know what they're gonna do when Rock leaves again, because the stuff with Steiner and HHH is just getting more brutal and self-parodyish by the week. And there's just nothing for good wrestling in the midcard left, even moreso now that Evolution has been de-Evolved by injuries and will likely have to be scrapped again. Without the Rock, these would be absolutely horrible, unwatchable shows, and I hope they realize that and take steps to fix it. Until next week, BUY THE BOOK!
  23. JasonX

    Austin's "welcoming committee"

    Which only happened because of 9-11 and was totally no-sold after the fact by way of Austin not being on Raw and winning it back only about two weeks later coupled with Angle resuming the bitch position with Austin after being made out to being totally beneath Austin....
  24. JasonX

    Austin's "welcoming committee"

    The Best scenerio would be for the "Welcoming Party" being Team Angle and for Austin to at long last do a clean job to Kurt Angle on free TV as punishment for his desertion. That way: 1. Kurt and Brock are on different shows, extending the wait-time for their WM match and allowing for their match's build to be done without butting heads with the building of Vince/Hogan 2. Gets Kurt a BIG win by having him beat Austin cleanly on free tv 3. Gives Angle something to do after jobbing the belt at WM by way of putting him on Raw as well as opening a slot on SD for Austin to go if they still insist on sending him to Raw 4. Punishes Austin for his desertion by having him do a job on free tv to Kurt, who was buried alive by Austin throughout the entire Invasion Angle. 5. Hass and Benjiman can revive and freshen up Raw's tag division and get the belts off Storm/Regal...
  25. JasonX

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    The writers have had her become the new Giles in that she's the one doing all of the research for the gang now that Giles is back in England...