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Everything posted by JasonX
With the show ending, Anya probably won't die, as Emma Caulfield has gone on the record as saying that season 7 was going to be her last, reguardless of whether or not the show got renewed and with the show ending, the writers have no real reason to give Emma an elaborate death to write her character out of the series.. As for Xander, given the spoilers that have hit the net for the final set of episodes Xander won't be in any position to give any real help in the final battle it doesn't look like...
<Claudette... DAMN, she musta run out of her anti-bitch pills because she's on the warpath.> That's because (as stated on the Season 1 DVD commentaries) they are building up a Claudette/Vic showdown which is based upon the fact that Claudette and Vic's working relationship is based upon the fact that Claudette is the only cop in on the show that Vic actually respects/wants her respect and the fact that Claudette, while she respects Vic's ability to get results, deep down knows that he's evil and should be stopped... <I think that this up coming episode isn't just some random "we ran of idea's" flashback episode... there's a reason for this. Remember the discussion on why this only has 12/13 episodes? Because each one needs to count. I'm willing to bet money that we find out something deep about Claudette or someone else on the police squad... it just doesn't make sense otherwise.> My guess is that the whole purpose of the flashback episode is to retcon Vic's history to make him less evil and more of a good guy vigilante-type. The previews seem to make it look like Vic only became corrupt AFTER forming the Strike Team as well as hint that Reed Diamond's character was just as evil as Vic is....
No, Dani is going to eventually get tired of the Arab Widow's attempt to ruin her life and call in Vic, who will then lay the smackdown on her and after some "friendly persuassion" will make her leave Dani alone...
A WWe anime based cartoon? That actually sounds interesting. I'll watch it at least once just to see how much anime influence it has. Also...what the hell is korean animation. Yes i know it's "animation made in korea", but I never knew korean animation was a certian style. "Korean Animation" is basically a term used by animation studios when they want to do a cartoon that is stylisticly the same as Japanese Anime. The term came about with during the US run of Voltron, as the company that owned the US rights to Voltron wanted to get more episodes of the Lion Voltron team and asked the company that owned the Japanese rights to the series to make new ones for them. The Japanese company, instead of using their own resouces to make the new episodes, subcontracted a Korean Animation studio to do it for them in the same style of the Lion Voltron series
Can you post a link for a video clip of the Rock opening 20 Minute Interview/Heel Turn?
Fuck no. The only time Austin was putting Angle over was when they were doing the ambiguously gay duo gimmick. Austin fucking buried Angle 12 feet under the ground and then pissed on the grave. Every time Anglesault bitches about Brock "burying" Angle he's further showing his ignorance as Austin buried Angle worse than Brock ever could. Fuck, Austin buried Angle worse than HHH did cause at least Angle was salvagable after HHH fucked him over....
I can see it now: HHH: VINNNNNCE, I want you to make Rock my bitch ala Austin when he heel turned last year! Vince: No. Rock is going to be a solitary heel and feuding with Austin. In fact you're not going to be on Raw tonight so that we can have Rock give the rubes the hard sell for his WM match with Austin AND set up your WM match with Booker. HHH (whining al Cartman on South Park): BUT VINNNNNNCE, I NEED TO LEECH OFF ROCK'S HEEL HEAT OR PEOPLE WON'T THINK I CAN DRAAAWWWW.... Vince (suddenly enraged): SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BLUE-COLLAR PLEBEIAN OR I'LL FORBID MY DAUGHTER TO MARRY YOU! HHH (in a meak tone, as if Vince has seriously hurt him and put in his place): Yes sir.....
Anyone else receive Keith's NWO 2003 PPV Rant or this week's Raw Rant via the Smark Mailing List yet? It seems that Kieth hasn't sent them out yet....
A list of reasons why Austin should not be sent to the SD roster: 1. Switching and Rock on the rosters would be meaningless given Rock's only going to be in town for 2 months, rendering the assignment of Austin to SD and swapping Rock to Raw meaningless 2. Raw needs star power. BADLY. 3. SD is building new stars and lets be honest, I highly expect Austin to once again be pulling political crap to keep from putting over the midcard guys while the Austin fanboys are crying out that he is when he's simply burying them ala Angle in the fall of 2001 or Jericho in Feburary 2002. 3. You can easily ship any talent you want Austin to feud with to Raw rather than overturn the applecart even more than by sticking Austin on SD. And you can get rid of the deadweight on Raw as a bonus too (like say trade the Evolution for Team Angle)....
But it wouild make more sense to ship the SD talent to Raw to fight Austin instead of shipping Austin to the SD roster. Raw needs help and this way things can get better instead of more worse (especially with the split PPV plan coming soon)...
Again, if they go though with this moronic plan I would most definately expect SD to get gutted in order to boost the Raw PPV roster. Especially if and when SD gets renewed and the WWE stops devoting all of their attention on SD and refocuses on salvaging Raw ..
If they do this, expect that SD and Raw will undergo serious revamping in their rosters because in the current state, they will have to send some if not all of the good wrestlers from the SD roster to Raw to get people to buy their PPV....
That's a given consequences of ending the split, but they are already doing that which you fear as it is WITH the roster split, so it's not like the world will suddenly come to an end. It will simply continue it's slow and ultimate descent into oblivion... On the other hand it lets us see Brock, Angle, Benoit, and company on both shows which outweighs the continued bullshit of HHH and UT IMHO....
Best thing to do is for the WWE to simply ship HHH and the Evolution off to SD (where they need heels) while shipping Team Angle and the SD 6 to Raw so that Angle and Brock can prove whether or not they are capable of carrying the company by way of pulling Raw out of the rating shithole that HHH put the show in... And as for Rock, unless he's willing to return to the WWE for at the very least 6 months, don't deserve to have the company built around him. Just job him out and send him off to do Johnny Bravo or Spy Hunters or whatever movie rolls Rock's been offered to do...
Switching Rock and Austin is a huge freaking mistake even if Vince found some way to blackmail/gangpress Rock into returning to the ring for a signifigant (like say an entire year) amount of time. Austin needs to come to Raw and kill off HHH and the Evolution. THEN you can start shipping Angle, Edge, Benoit to Raw in some sort of "Evolution for the Smackdown 6" type trade which must lead to the WWE forcing Austin to job 24-7, on both PPV and free TV to the now Raw 6 until they are all considered top guys.
I sure hope not. Ending the brand split will kill WWE. No, the brand split is what's killing the WWE. It needs to die a horrible death since it's been a huge, complete, and total flop...
But O'Haire ALSO got sent down to the WWE version of Camp X-Ray where he was literally deprogrammed and reprogrammed from the ground up so that he would fit the WWE mold of what a wrestler should be (mainly limited to the shitty "WWE Main Event Style"....
With the WWE consumed with the notion of star power being the driving point of this year's WM, does anyone think that the PPV is going to personify a watershed moment where the WWE, like a bunch of utter retards, puts all of their cards into the basket of the old stars ala WCW? Will it be remembered six months down the line as being the WWE's version of the imfamous series of "Age In the Cage" matches that WCW main evented during theird downward spiral????
They are ditching the Goldust gimmick? I thought that they were simply adding the Tourette’s syndrome to the Goldust gimmick, not retiring it and starting from scratch with a new gimmick...
But isn't Johnny Ace being groomed for JR's "talent development" spot? It's disheartening to know that as long as Johnny Ace holds power, people like Mike Sanders and Matt Hardy will have a hard time moving up the card, and in Sander's case, won't even have a job (at least with the WWE, that is.) What does Ace have against Sanders? I thought it was Heyman that had it in for Sanders not Ace?
Side note, has Dave Meltzer or any of the other newsletter folk ever officially confirmed something that Scott Keith's been talking about in his mailbags lately, that the whole "Austin wanting to work with Eddy and Benoit and elevate them" was a lie, that Austin was being forced to feud with them after demanding that Vince book Austin in yet another Austin/Undertaker feud?
So that explains why HHH has taken an interest in beating up Tommy on Raw, payback for joining the booking committee and making him look bad do to the fact that Dreamer is pretty much willing to put other people over while HHH only gives a damn about himself....
No, what they were talking about would be a mysoginist gimmick and not a wife-beater gimmick.
By "Emotional Problems and tourette's syndrome" it would make more sense for it to be "Goldust breaks character ever couple of second and gets into even more trouble with HHH and the Evolution by way of blabbing out how HHH is sleepin with Steph to stay champion or how HHH is a pathetic cripple who desperately wants to be Ric Flair but can't carry the Nature Boy's Jock Strap".....
Taz, Rhino, bWo, Triple-Threat, Three-Way Dance, Stairway to Hell, etc. Actually Shane Douglas owns the rights to the Triple Threat name....