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Everything posted by JasonX
Early spoilers for the episode hinted that it was supposed to be the much rumored spotlight episode for Kavanaugh, showing the cast from his POV with the Strike Team as evil monsters who need to be brought down and Kavanaugh as the good guy who is out to bust Vic and company for their crimes. What we got instead? Somewhere over in England Alan Moore is saying "Now Shawn Ryan is just making a mockery of Ayan Rand and her philosophies" in terms of showing Kavanaugh as a mentally deranged, die-hard Randian who makes Rorschauch look lucid in comparision. That said, Kavanaugh has set up his downfall. Alienating Dutch by using physical force on him when he explained that he just found out that the ex was mentally disturbed and then pressuring him to put an innocent man behind bars could bite him on the ass bigtime in terms of getting Dutch to side with him and give over what I assume would be the only records that would allow Kavanaugh to bring the Money Train investigation into his investigation. Not to mention the fact that the bitch way that Lem was arrested totally invalidates Kavanaugh's investigation and makes it look like the witch-hunt that Vic has been claiming the investigation is to anyone he's talked about it to about it. And speaking of lost sympathy, given the look in Vic's eye when he was watching Kavanaugh and his wife seemed to scream that Vic was seeing a mirror image of his own relationship with his autistic children, Vic's probably going to be going for Kavanaugh's throat and not stopping until he's ripped a chunk of it out. And speaking of suprises, I'm utterly suprised Antwon didn't offer the fact that he had dirt on Acaveda to Kavanaugh. Hell, I'm suprised that they didn't end the episode with Antwon offering to give him Acaveda instead of the Strike Team on the grounds that Antwon figured bringing down a city councilman/mayoral candidate for shits and giggles would be more amusing to him than being able to kill the Strike Team off one by one in prison.
I thought Dutch's actions were bad. He could have taken over the interrogation especially since it was becoming more and more apparent that Claudette's health was getting worse. That said, am i the only one who liked the way the writers played up Ronnie's man of mystery status? Evil puppet master who covers his tracks so well that IAD couldn't find any dirt on him or good cop caught up with bad cops who ran around who treated him as the fifth wheel they all ignore and who's activities are now threatening to destroy Ronnie? A great way to sum up the character and to give him a great moment of going head to head with Kavanaugh without blinking or backing down or out and out folding down and giving Kavanaugh what he wanted to know..... A nice way to sum Ronnie up since we know nothing much about him and the fact that Ronnie seems to be someone who is always on the outside, manipulating things in a way that makes Ryan O'Reilly's manipulations on "Oz" look like romper room in comparision.
My guess? We'll be seeing a double turn of epic proportions the next couple of weeks where Cena turns bad and HHH turns good, if only to let HHH get to over as a face at WM and further fuck with Angle by turning face at the expense of Cena being booed after giving Angle shit over not being a good heel.
Tavon isn't coming back by all accounts, since the actor is pursuing a movie career at the moment. That said, the easiest way to bring the whole thing up involving Tavon is to have it revealed that Tavon remembered everything about his fight with Mara and Shane and simply faked having lost his memory of the fight and pretended to believe Vic and Lem telling him that he hit Mara to get rid of them out of fear they would hurt him to protect Shane. He then tells Kavanaugh (retcon a connection between the two characters) about what happens and Kavanaugh starts watching Vic and Lem like a hawk, ultimately having the investigatgion of Lem being caught with drugs to him so he can avenge Tavon and explain why Kavanaugh is going after the Strike Team in terms of having a vested interest in the team's defeat and arrest. BTW some new major rumors/spoilers for the next couple of episodes:
Is there going to be an Ironman movie?
JasonX replied to Lt. Al Giardello's topic in Television & Film
My only issue with that would be the Tony Stark moustache. Dillon looks like a huge douche with a 'stache. Tony hasn't had the 'stache since Heroes Reborn. Nowadays he has a goatee instead of a 'stache, which opens up more actors for the part. That said, Clooney is the only person I can fucking see play Iron Man. With the right script, it could wash the taint of Batman and Robin off of Clooney. That said: George Clooney= Iron Man J. August Richards (Gunn from Angel)= James Rhodes/War Machine Ron Rifkin (Sloane from Alias)= Justin Hammer Jet Li= Mandarin -
Also in stunt casting news, Laura Harring (the actress playing the Strike Team's attorny) is going to .
[Note the following spoiler bars mask MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS for the rest of the season. Read at your own risk if you want to stay unspoiled] Killing Kavanaugh won't be an option for Vic since Kavanaugh
Episode definately felt like a ton of stuff got cut out of it, most notably the lacking of a scene to establish why Kavanaugh was getting paranoid that Acaveda was manipulating Vic and IAD for his own amusement when they've gone out of their way to establish that Acaveda is totally committed (even more so than Kavanaugh) to bringing the Strike Team down. The stuff with Kavanaugh bugging the ST clubhouse right before the start of the episode also seemed rather contrived. It would have made much better sense, in terms of explaining the big triple cross away, if they had Kavanaugh already bugging the place and Ronnie finding the bug back in episode 503 and neutralizing it before the big plan unfurled and they needed it to lead Kavanaugh into their trap. That said, the "bust" and requisite triple cross was quite obvious and the only real mystery was how Vic found out about the bugged trophy and the fall-out regarding IAD's investigation being derailed by it. I'm suprised that they didn't toss in a reveal where Kavanaugh admits that they can't even arrest Lem after Vic punk'd him due to it looking like petty revenge. The Claudette/Danny scene was nice for a lot of reasons, most notably the fact that we've not seen the two characters interact at all outside of crime scenes. As for the baby's father, I'm still holding out that it's Ronnie. His name (Ronnie being short for the six letter, two vowel name "Ronald") fits the TV Guide clue and Danny's comments about the father not knowing he's the dad could be a way to keep Vic off her back regarding Ronnie being the father, for the fact that telling Vic that his nerdy best friend slept with and empregnated Vic's mistress would screw things up in terms of creating an enviroment of akwardness and tension amongst everyone in their tight social circle.
Middle of March, though we still won't know until after the current block of episodes ends if the Shield will come back for a sixth season and the time in which the remaining ten season five episodes will air, let alone if FX will retroactively declare them season six instead of season five part two if an official season six isn't signed off on and won't see the light of day until 2007.
I loved the first season of the show, but the dumb fucks at Discovery had to go and utterly ruin it in it's second season by bringing in the Big Breasted Slut Brigade to "sex up" the show. Cause God forbid they have a hit show that was both geeky and refused to pander to the lowest common denominator geekwise in terms of parading a bunch of pretty girls for guys to stare at.
Some major news from TVGuide.com: The announcement of whether or not there will be a sixth season or if the second half of season five will be passed off as the sixth/final season won't be officially be announced until after the first half of season five finishes airing this spring. Also, they are stating that episode 507 is going to be a major episode in terms of the development of the season with something very very bad happening to . Current rumor has it, .
Got some news about "The Shield" and Spike TV, who bought the syndication rights to the show: Cut and paste from http://www.thefutoncritic.com/cgi/pr.cgi?i...060125spiketv01
It was both for show for Kavanaugh and the wire and to get Lem off his back. Of course, whether or not Lem believed it is still up for debate since right now, he doesn't have much choice but to at least pretend to believe Vic's lies if he wants Vic to help him save his career and life.
The fuck-up makes sense since Kavanaugh obviously is so full of himself and giddy at the fact that he thinks he's got Vic by the balls with one hand and can crush them once he has his fun regarding tormenting Lem via crushing his balls with his other hand. And that is what's going to cause him to fail in catching Vic, IE he's so over-confident that he started out several steps ahead of Vic that he'll piss away what advantage he has over Vic by being too cocky.... Also, more foreshadowing about Ronnie as the father of Danny's baby and we get to see Mara again. Hopefully they've learned their lesson with the character and at least make her sympathetic and not such a bitch this time out.
It's been established in the past that Jay's helmet is virtually indistructable and can reflect any type of energy blast via it's reflective properties. Max Mercury and Johnny Quick. Max was Impulse's mentor in his own comic while Johnny Quick was a character from All Star Squadron who could gain super-speed via reciting a math equation and who was the resident super-speed character in the DCU during the 40s, when Jay Garrick (GA Flash) wasn't available.
I'd rather they have Angle/Edge reunify the belts with Angle as champion, giving them a big time money match. Benoit can fuck around with HHH at Mania and lay down for Hunter as payback for Hunter laying down for Benoit two years ago.
So in the week since the "Kurt Angle wins the SD tile" spoilers hit, any news on what the fuck his status is regarding the roster split? Given how popular he is and how there was a huge improvement on Raw when he got drafted to the show last spring, can we hope and pray that Vince is giving Kurt the same sort of "floater" status ala Rock in regards to Kurt being able to go back and forth between shows as he pleases regardless of being the SD champ? Or has he been permenantly exiled back to the ghetto that is Smackdown, for the crime of ruining John Cena's run as champ and forcing Vince to give the little shit Edge the belt?
Logic would dictate that Ronnie beats the shit out of Vic upon finding out about Vic killing Terry from Lem, leaves town to deal with the shock that his best friend is a murderer, only to have Vic track him down and having a quasi-fourth-wall breaking heart-to-heart with him over whether or not killing Terry forever condemns him to being a monster who is undeserving of friendship, love, or sympathy. Ronnie returns to LA, reluctantly agrees to continue working alongside Vic so that they can save Lem's ass from Kavanaugh and deal with the situation involving Danny and their baby. But most likely? Lem will threaten to tell Ronnie, which will essentially make Lem own Vic's ass lock, stock and barrel under the notion that Ronnie would turn on Vic in a heartbeat if he knew the truth about what happened to Terry. Vic will then save Lem's ass from Kavanaugh and IAD and Lem will use his blackmail leverage against Vic to literally tear control over the Strike Team away from Vic in order run it as a legitimate force. This pisses off Shane, who along the way assumes Vic would give control over the team to him. Along the way, Vic is taken off the forced retirement list and has to deal with Lem running the team as a legitimate, non-corrupt force and placate Shane over him getting past over without telling him why.
If that's true, fuck the WWE and fuck Raw since if Kurt Angle isn't on Raw, I have ZERO reason to watch Raw anymore.....
Why would Angle be allowed to compete for the Smackdown World Championship if he's still going to appear on Raw? Angle still being on Raw is still not confirmed. Since the spoiler about him winning the belt also included a comment that he was being "moved back to Smackdown due to lack of depth on Smackdown", we don't know if he'll still be on Raw after this upcoming Raw (or if he'll even be on Raw, if they move his match with Shawn Michaels to the Rumble).
That's because the last time the WWE approached Sting about joining the company, Sting told them that if they wanted him they'd have to hire Lex Luger too.
If that's the case, it makes me pissed as fuck that they didn't give Kurt the Raw belt (given how his pressence has single-handedly kept Raw fromt going into the shitter this past year) and go the more obvious route of having Edge show up on SD and using the money in the bank title shot to beat Batista. At this point, I hope they do say "fuck the brand split" and keep Kurt on both shows since shipping him off to SD will make Raw utterly unwatchable and worthless. Let Kurt be on both shows, tormenting Edge and Cena and culminate in him beating whoever has the Raw belt at No Way Out '05 and reunify the world title and hold it for a while, going back and forth between both brands and generally dominating the company as their top guy......
The word on the street is that basically, it's all Jason Mewes's fault that we are getting another J&SB-Verse film. Mewes had a nasty, nasty drug habit that got him in legal trouble around the time Jersey Girl was being made and it's been heavily rumored that in order to get his friend to go into rehab and stay clean, that Smith promised to Mewes that he'd put together a new J&SB film for the two to work together on. As for it being "Clerks 2", that is tied to what Mole to the People said: Smith is a one-hit wonder regarding his own little J&SB-linked franchise and him doing a "Clerks" sequel is a sign of desperation in terms of him strip-mining his early work for the sake of being still able to get work......
Agreed, but only in the sense that they really should have spent an episode, before having Lem be busted by IAD, where Lem and Shane reconciled and dealt with the way their friendship went to shit in the last two seasons. Having them magically make-up off-camera is a big cheat and would make for a worthy secondary plot at the very least. As for Army, since they opted to not make him be the Judas Goat for Shane's multiple fuck-ups last season, him walking away was the perfect ending for the character's arc in that here's a guy, with the worst possible person as his mentor, who ultimately was smart enough to get the fuck out of town rather than stick around and press his luck regarding being inevitably stabbed in the back by Shane and Vic. As for Tavon, he was supposed to come back last season but the scheduling problems caused them to abort the plotline. According to the rumors floating around,