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Everything posted by JasonX
The antagonist in the film Fight Club, Tyler Durden is a devil's advocate/philosopher who creates all sorts of trouble with his beliefs....
Both Awesome and Raven own their respective ECW characters lock-stock-and barrel so Vince buying ECW up won't fuck them over.
I'm sorry but I just can't stand the current direction of Kurt Angle. He's too angry in his promos and is trying too hard at being threatening and evil to the point that he is no longer interesting to watch... Kurt is at his best when he's playing an arrogant goofball heel who's happens to be able to get the job done in the ring despite his airhead personality and is booked in a manner that had Kurt not taking himself seriously. New evil Kurt has zero charisma, totally unrelatable, and is horribly overcompensating by being a super-dick.....
So you want him to be his midcard character. Stupid Angle has no business in the mains anyway. Or something. 1. I want Angle in the main event scene 2. I like how Angle's midcard character was relatable and showcased Angle's charisma. 3. I don't like the fact that Angle's new main event character consists of him being all angry and evil with no real relatability or charisma being shown. He's boring and I want to see Angle given some personality and not be playing a stereotypical evil wrestler who's only characteristic is that he's evil and angry and nothing else..... To make a comic comparision: Old Angle= Magneto, as fleshed out and made human by Chris Claremont who's motive for taking over the world (to spare mutantkind from undergoing the horror that Magneto endured during the Holocaust) was relatable and gave him depth and charisma. New Angle= Magneto as portrayed by Stan Lee Jack Kirby, a one-dimensional evil tyrant who spent his days trying to take over the world because Magneto felt mutants are superior to humans....
In their first run in WCW they were Kane and Kole but when they came back in 1995 they had new names (booker t and stevie ray)...
Evil angry Kurt has zero charisma. If they had given us a good storyline towards why Kurt would embrace the darkside completely and totally ala HHH when he went from dick-jock telling frat-boy to the evil cerebral assassin "The Game" (like having Kurt beat Edge into a coma and declare that he was tired of being treated as a joke) it would be slightly more tolerable. But nothing was given to justify Kurt's change. And as a result angry, evil Kurt is failing so miserably that it's horrible to watch....
According to the backroom gossip, the only definative plans that the WWE has for HHH is that he'll feud with Nash when he returns from his injury and job the belt to him. The fact that Nash's injury is keeping him out indefinately has put HHH's little scheme to keep the Raw Belt only in the hands of the Clique in doubt since pinning everything on Nash making a speedy recovery combine with his Rob Johnson-like habit of constantly getting injured seems retarded.....
Or worse: as HHH could demand that the Evolution get traded to SD so that he could squash everyone on the SD roster after scorch earthing the Raw roster......
Sting basically lost nearly all interest in wrestling after 1996 and kept taking Ultimate Warrior-styled hiatuses all of the time. He also pissed off a good portion of the locker-room when he told his wife about every single wrestler who was cheating on their wife/girlfriend while on the road and stood by while the wife ratting the cheating wrestlers out to their GFs and wives, ending several marriages in the process (most notably the marriage of Lex Luger)....
One could argue that he "made" Mick Foley but on the other hand, The Rock and his "Odd Couple" back-and-forth with Foley did more to get him over than his feud with Austin....
Because Johnny Ace is a bitter washed-up never-was who like Shane Douglas, who still is made at being forced into the ultra-lame blow-job tag team "The Dynamic Dudes" which killed his credibility in the US and forced him to go into exile in Japan because no one would give him a chance to reinvent himself as something other than a pretty boy who kept getting the shit kicked out of him while the fans were screaming obsenities at him. He most likely sees a younger version of himself in Matt Hardy and has privately decided that if it's the last thing he'll do, that he'll ruin Matt's career so that he'll end up a complete and total failure just like him....
Not really. If Austin goes to SD it would be extremely important that SOME of the top talent on SD would have to be sent to Raw to make up the difference. Edge (who should be thrown straight at HHH and his political machine with hopes that he either survives or dies pushwise as a result), Los Guerrerros, Benoit, and etc would need to go to SD as a direct result if Austin is put on the SD roster to give people a reason to watch Raw....
When Bret Hart jobbed the World Title to HBK at the 1996 WM, it was understood and expected that HBK would return the job at 1997's WM and let Bret beat him for the belt. As the weeks went by before WM 97, HBK (who's credibility as champion was dying by the hour and pulling every political trick in the book to prevent Vince from jobbing him out to one of the WWE's hosses at the time) suddenly announced that he had a crippling knee injury/addiction to painkillers on live TV and would be unable to defend the title at the February 97 PPV. So he forfitted the belt and went on sabatical to "recover" from his injury/addiction and during the forfit interview, HBK describes his personal troubles to "losing his smile". Unfortunately HBK showed no real sign of having a bum knee and thanks to the internet (which was fast becoming a place for fans to find out the newest backstage gossip about the behind the scenes goings on in wrestling), it was leaked that Shawn was faking in order to avoid having to lose the belt to Bret at WM 97. The fact that HBK ironically made his big returned to active duty with no sign or mention of his problems at the same time that Bret Hart/Steve Austin was becoming the "BIG" angle on WWE tv that everyone was talking about further ruined HBK's integrity in the eyes of the smarks and as a result "Losing My Smile" became a rallying cry towards the unprofessional manners of HBK...
My guess will be that he'll convince Vince to put Austin on SD the week after Austin returns and then start politicing over how HE'S the reason Raw is getting big ratings... That or he'll insist that Austin has to receive punishment for desertion by way of jobbing at WM to HHH....
No, because Warrior only legally changed his name to "Warrior" to get around the WWE owning the rights to the "Ultimate Warrior" name....
It was a worked shoot that would stand up on it's own if the Austin coming back fell-through. After all, Vince's on-screen persona has had a long-standing grudge against Austin, so it makes sense that he wouldn't invite Austin to the Raw X ceromony. And HHH's character is that of a massive dickhead egomaniac who would walk out if he got passed over for Top Superstar of the Decade Award....
Eddy: Tag Division Angle and Benoit: Yet another six months of jacking each other off in the ring while doing absolutely nothing......
After being given a God-Push by the WWE with absolutely no real character given to him save for a bastardized and castrated version of his heel gimmick, crappy entrance music, and the WWE sacrificing Kurt Angle's credibility (to the point that they are now having to portray Kurt as a one-dimensional bully heel in order to get him back over) by having him play the role of prison bitch to Edge, is anyone else happy to hear that the WWE is finally going to depush/bury Edge at long last?
Nor has he been given a chance to actually prove he belongs in the upper card. No HHH feud, no Rock feud, no UT feud, no Hogan feud, just a midcard feud Angle in a feud that did nothing but killed any chances of us seeing Angle pushed as anything but the dull-as-shit, personality-free evil android he currently is being pushed as. If the WWE wanted to shit and not get off the pot and TRULY push Edge, they need to ship Edge's Canadian ass to Raw and have him kill HHH dead and then dismember the corpse for good measure and promote him as the guy who finally stopped HHH's reign of terror once and for all....
Yet the WWE has NOT pulled the f-ing trigger with Edge to make him an upper card guy. Why hasn't he been feuding with HHH, Hogan, Rock, UT, or Austin in order to solidifying him as an upper-card guy? Yeah he feuded with Angle, but Angle's nothing more than a glorified JTTS when it comes to the upper-card (something that was made totally obvious by the WWE's pussy decision of refusing to force UT into jobbing the belt to Rock and instead ramrodding Angle into a three-way match for the sole purpose of using Angle as a surrogate jobber who gets pinned instead of UT to get the belt off of the crybaby Taker) and only gets a serious push when they turn him into a personalityless android of a heel.... Hell, if the WWE had Edge put into an angle where he beats the UT like a bitch and forces UT to renounce being a heel in order to avoid getting his ass kicked again, then I wouldn't be bitching about Edge. But as it stands, the WWE has sacrified too much and done nothing drastic to Edge to make him nothing less than a glorified Midcarder without the prerequisit JTTS-status that every other Midcarder is forced to have these days....
No, you move Benoit to Raw and salvage the show cause Raw needs something to boost it's appeal to fans and God knows that with Brock and UT in the top face slots Benoit won't be given the Upper-Card face run that he deserves. And given that Austin is going to be going to Raw, you need someone for the wifebeater to feud with....
No, Benoit should be shipped to Raw where he kills the evil beast that is HHH OR if the Kevin Nash/HHH corrupt bargin rumors are to be true, have Benoit beat Nash for the belt and end Big Cripple's career....
Rock has first dibs on Golberg from what everyone's been saying though...
That might work especially if they do the right thing and move Benoit over to Raw. Feed BPP to Benoit at NWO and then have Benoit beat HHH at WM for the belt...
That is what's most likely going to happen. UT will be paired off with Benoit who will be turned heel and given the gimmick of being a bitter never-was who is out to destroy the Undertaker who has won multiple World Titles and is "beloved" by all. And the feud will end with UT putting Benoit "in his place" by literally and storyline-wise, killing Benoit's career deader than the period in WCW where he was jobbed out after sleeping with Kevin Sullivan's wife behind his back...