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If you want to get technical Steph (who's on SD and not Raw)'s Cobra analogue is Zanya, the spoiled and obnoxious daughter of Zartan who is also the co-leader of the Dreadnoughts along side her father....
BOO! DO NOT DEFILE THE IMAGE OF COBRA COMMANDER WITH MENTIONS OF HHH! COBRAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah, besides, NO WAY that nose would fit behind the faceplate, it would have to bulge out further. Yeah...if anyone, HHH is more like Serpentor... "You will job to me tonight...THIS I COMMAND!" No, Serpentor is Nash especially when you consider how both went down in humiliating ways (Serpentor getting shot in the eye with an arrow via Zartan while looking out through a pair of binnoculors and Nash by walking across the ring). And for the record here are the Cobra/WWE Raw analogues: Cobra Commander-HHH Serpentor- Nash Destro- Ric Flair Zartan- RVD Zartana- Molly Holly Baroness- Victoria Firefly- Lance Storm Dr. Mindbender- William Regal Storm Shadow- Chris Jericho BAT- Maven Copperhead- Chris Harvard Dreadnoughts: Goldust/Booker T/Kane/Hurricane Globulous- HBK Nemesis Enforcer- Batista
A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate......
While similarities do exist towards Hogan and HHH (mainly do to their reputations as backstage cancers) there returns were not similar. HHH's return was heralded as the Second Coming of Jesus and was booked mainly as being the beginning of a new era in the WWE (the Triple H era) whic hwas going to lead the WWE into the future, what with Rock's movie career causing him to no-longer be available full time and Austin ending up finding himself being depushed after openly opposing HHH's rise to power behind the scenes one time too many.... Hogan's return was a quick-fix measure performed by Vince MacMahon to try and boost ratings and if it didn't work, a perfect excuse for Vince to exact petty revenge on Hogan for his role in helping Bischoff nearly drive Vince out of business in 1996-1998. Another difference was the fact that HHH's return was a complete and total flop, what with him spending his first couple of months back making Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho his personal bitches and such with none of the 2000-Period spark he once had. Meanwhile Hogan's return ironically made a huge impact, dispite low expectations by fans towards how he would be accepted back after such a dismal last couple of years in WCW.
I don't get why certain people here are having major cows over the possibility of Kurt Angle playing the heel in the Kurt Angle/Brock Lesner feud. Here are some reasons as to why having Kurt go heel against Brock is a GOOD thing.... 1. Kurt is an established heel. Brock doesn't have that much of a character established yet. It's only LOGICAL that they go with Kurt being the conniving heel champ and Brock the plucky underdog challenger because doing so will give them a direction to take the feud in without having to stretch for any sort of motive for why they are feuding. 2. Kurt is better as a goofy heel with a mean streak than as a clean-cut babyface who apes Stone Cold Steve Austin. and Ken Shamrock. In a federation filled with people like HHH and Undertaker who refuse to let themselves be portrayed as anything less than Godlike, Angle is a welcome breathe of fresh air. His character doesn't take himself too seriously and is very relatable when compared to HHH's heritic routine or Undertaker's bland biker bully routine. 3. A transitional tenure as world champion won't fucking kill Kurt Angle. If anything, it creates a perfect excuse for continuing the feud as Kurt and Brock can feud after WM over how Brock cost Kurt his world title. 4. If having Kurt play the heavy forces the WWF to actually GIVE Brock an actual personality as opposed to having him be Golberg-lite in terms of character, it's worth it as it will make Brock a much more roundeed
Yes it's true, Chyna did indeed reveal on the Howard Stern Show that Triple H likes to perform anal sex, launching a million anal sex jokes at Hunter and Steph's expense from the internet smark community....
I think that's the logic of the push. Sacrifice Edge and Rey to get Albert over so he can get squashed by UT is better than having Matt squash them and build him up even more and have it pissed away by having UT squash Matt like a bitch....
1. RVD being pulled from the PPV could be the WWE's way of punishing him without having to job him out 2. The WWE plans a bait and switch, perhaps having HHH win the belt in the first two falls only to lose the belt to RVD (who makes a suprise appearance at the PPV). RVD beats HHH in the ladder match and wins the belt and HHH avoids having to do a regular job to RVD.
He'd be forced into a feud with HHH that would ultimately revolve around Austin beating up HHH's flunkies (Flair and Batista and most likely Jericho and Randy Orton) while never getting that decisive victory over HHH, who keeps making Austin job to him and having to listen to HHH spin stories about Austin being a crybaby in the back and a wife-beater too boot during his promos..
Undertaker is just as bad as HHH and Rock's useless with his movie schedule dictating when he's available for the fed. Unless Vince decides to ban Rock from making movies until further notice, they should keep him on SD and just split the SD 6 up and send the good ones to Raw while HHH goes to SD for an extra dose of "star power"..
<I'd guess part of it is that he's always had a spft spot for Micheals...> That and the ever-present rumors that HBK has a habit of trading sex for political favors and control over the book from Vince <Mainly...I think Vince's problem is that when an idea fails he doesn't abandon it...he pushes it harder to prove that it can work.> Not to "prove that it can work", so much as "prove that every single idea I come up with is a genius idea and that I'm never wrong"....
Austin on SD will do ZERO for SD. Raw needs all the help it can get and they can always move the Raw writers/HHH to SD and import the SD writers and the bulk of the SD 6 to Raw to push Austin to go with Raw over SD. Yes it's a massive overhaul but tossing Austin on SD does jack shit to improve the WWE product whatsoever. SD never rises about into the 4s anyway so why not put HHH on there and let him sink or swim on Thursday up against Friends and Survivor and have Austin, you know SAVE the company by reviving Raw's ratings (which go into the middle 4s and higher when the product is good). Exiling Austin to SD is another nail in the WWE coffin and a BIG one to boot given how they will be doing nothing more than hotshotting Austin's return by having him do jack shit on SD. Put him on Raw with Benoit and Angle and send HHH to SD to make a whole new set of wrestlers his personal bitches for a change and earn those paltry ratings that he's bringing in...
Given HHH has started to use his 20 Minute Interview spots to lash out at his critics and such, when he wins the belt Sunday and show up on Raw in what order will he attack is detractors in his victory promo? 1. The Internet 2. The Dirt Sheet Writers 3. The Wrestlers in the Back 4. Steve Austin, in a futile attempt to lay the groundwork for a HHH/Austin feud when he comes back Heck, I wouldn't even put it past HHH to repeat Hogan's old "Pulling out a copy of the WON and burning it on TV" protest as a way for HHH to feel big about himself and for Vince to use HHH as a puppet to attack his critics who have begged him to kill HHH's God-Push before he kills the company...
Austin wants to go to Smackdown so pretty much HGH will still be taking the spotlight at RAW, the only way HHH is going to stop being the center of attention is by having a heart attack and dying from steroid and painkillers abuse. There is a simply way around that though: Put Austin on Raw and trade HHH for Benoit/the Guerrerros/Angle. Switch writers for Raw and SD Let HHH scorch earth SD while Austin saves Raw in the ratings given how Raw stands to lose MORE ratings than SD ever could with HHH as the center of the universe on the show...
Actually HHH would be the one making the "Austin fears HHH" comments and if Austin DOES succeed in getting put on the SD roster when he comes back, expect HHH to make "Austin ran out on the WWE because of me" to be a regular part of his twenty-minute interview segments...
Well given how Austin is trying to get put on the SD roster, I don't think he gives a fuck about limiting HHH's influence over the company whatsoever.
Actually if RVD were to shoot it would be more likely him shooting on HHH and bring up the fact that HHH is fucking the boss's daughter in real life and ruining the WWE by forcing himself down everyone's throat...
Give them a month without HHH and they will be back in the 4.0s... Until HHH comes back and tanks the ratings again.
Give them a month without HHH and they will be back in the 4.0s... Until HHH comes back and tanks the ratings again.
The only way a heel turn for RVD would legitamitely work is if the WWE TOTALLY and COMPLETELY CASTRATES Triple H in the process of turning RVD heel. I mean, turning HHH into a pathetic loser who keeps getting beaten, who RVD forever belittles, and who is beneath RVD in terms of who's the better wrestler.
He got to make Jericho his bitch in HitC in exchange for jobbing to Hogan...
From www.rajahwwf.com December 3, 2002 Dallas, Texas WWE Smackdown! Tapings - They quickly run down the events of last week's Smackdown!, including Brock Lesnar's suspension. - We're told that tonight there will be a fatal fourway #1 Contenders's match between Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Edge and Eddie Guerrero. The winner will face the Big Show at Armageddon! - Albert def. Rey Mysterio. After the match, Albert beats up Rey and "injures" his knee with a chair. Eventually, Edge comes out for the save but the damage has been done. Mysterio gets helped to the back by officials. - Backstage, Dawn Marie talks to Torrie Wilson, saying that Al is overseas but he isn't the only Wilson who she has feelings for. Dawn says that it's Torrie, she's watched Torrie's every single move and her admiration for her has grown. Her eyes are so beautiful and her body is vuluptuous. Torrie asks if the reason she was engaged to Al just to play him for a fool all over me? Dawn says that she loves Al, but how much does Torrie love Al? She has a proposition: if Torrie does something for her, she won't go through with the wedding. She'll be in Room 357, and she hopes Torrie will join her there. As much as they both appreciate the opposite sex, no one can make a woman feel as good as another woman... - Funaki, Smackdown! #1 announcer, is with Bill DeMott. Funaki says he's a big fan of Tough Enough 3. DeMott tells him to cut the crap, if he has something to say, say it. Tough Enough 3 was just a job, nothing more or less. He's worked too hard for 11 years to be interviewed by Funaki. It's not okay, he deserves better and with that, DeMott lays out Funaki. - Backstage, they take Mysterio to the hospital, fearing that his knee is shattered. - Stephanie McMahon heads to the ring and says she's horrified at what happened to Mysterio but Mysterio and other superstars sacrifice their bodies every night, just like she does. With that, we see a clip from Monday's Raw highlighting the Steiner ordeal. Steph says that she sacrificed herself to bring Steiner to Smackdown! and he'll be here next week to sign his contract. But tonight, she will make another sacrifice. She says she stands by her decision to suspend Brock Lesnar. Lesnar defied her authority and he is suffering the consequences. Tonight though, Brock will get to explain his side of the story but not in person rather via satellite. Stephanie leaves. - Crash Holly def. Jamie Noble. After Noble loses, he pouts and says that next week, he will bring his cousin. - Chris Benoit talks of his upcoming fatal fourway match tonight. All he's ever dreamed of is to become the #1 contender. He made sacrifices: his broken neck, his divorce, his kids who he rarely sees. He wants to be WWE champion but three men are standing in his way: Angle, Guerrero and Edge. He's been wrestling for 17 years, and he will use everything he knows to get through them to accomplish his goal since he was three years old: to become WWE champion. - Bill DeMott def. Funaki. Before the match (and this surely won't air), Demott cuts an anti-Texas promo so the crowd boos him when he comes out; it seemed to work. - Backstage, Eddie tells Chavo that it's a big night for the Guerreros. When Chavo becomes the Cruiserweight champion, he'll be so proud. And after he wins the fatal fourway, he'll be the #1 Contender. Chavo says he knows Eddie can beat the Big Show. Eddie asks Chavo if he realizes how proud the Guerrero family, especially Grandma Guerrero, will be if all this happens. Eddie says they need to focus and tonight they will start dominating and there will be no stopping them. - Brock Interview. He says that he deserved what happened but that doesn't mean he hasn't learned from his mistakes. He will punish Heyman and his puppet, Big Show. They will find out what happens in stealing his prized possession; like Tazz said - he got raped for the title. As for Stephanie's accusation that Brock Lesnar screwed Brock Lesnar...at this point, Big Show's music hits. Heyman grabs a mic and asks him if he can call him Brock since they're so close. He's wanted to talk to him face-to-face - that title was taken away because he's just like a petulent child who keeps defying his parent. He needed a spanking and who better to do it than his client, the new WWE champion - The Big Show? Lesnar asks Heyman if he's done and Paul says he's hardly done. As much as he respects Stephanie, she was wrong - Brock didn't screw Brock. We screwed Brock Lesnar and we did it with malice and force! Not only did they screw Lesnar, they liked it! If they could turn back the clock to before Survivor Series when they came up with the plan, they'd do it all over again. Heyman says that he doesn't want Brock to lose his temper again so just sit back and enjoy the suspension, while watching the fatal fourway match to see who faces Big Show at Armageddon. Brock says that Show vs. either Angle, Benoit, Eddie or Edge sounds like one helluva match and he can't wait to see it - in person! - Raw Retro: Shane buys WCW. - Billy Kidman def. Chavo Guerrero to retain the WWE Cruiserweight title. - Mark Loyd interviews Edge and says that we haven't heard any updates on Mysterio's situation yet but he'd like to get his thoughts on his upcoming match. Edge says that when he woke up this morning, his only goal was to become the #1 Contender, but after what Albert did to Mysterio, his focus has shifted a little bit. Tonight, he will use the match as an outlet for his aggression that he has for Albert. - Hip Hop Challenge: Rikishi def. John Cena, I think. The rules are each man gets to do his thing and the audience would decide. Cena went first and spewed out a little rap, Rikishi followed it up by saying Cena is worse than Vanilla Ice, an Eminem wannabe and some other stuff including sucking up to the fans. Cena and B Squared didn't like it, so they beat Rikishi up but he fights back. - Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero & Edge in a fatal fourway to become the #1 Contender. All through the show it sounded like it would be a fatal fourway, but it ended up being an elimination match. Before the match, Edge got attacked by Albert, but made his way back for the match. Eddie got eliminated first, Benoit was out second. In the end, Kurt Angle pinned Edge to become the #1 contender. After the match, the Big Show assaulted Kurt Angle and the show ended with his music playing.
He's not wasted money so much as being wasted creatively. This free-agent crap has him doing jack squat, just showing up and beating up lower-card wrestlers, not wrestling, and with no direction whatsoever...
1. One of the reasons why the shoot angles in WCW failed were that they had the announcers yelling "He's shooting! He's breaking script!" every other second. 2. They failed to base the angles on storylines and cannon in order to make them make sense or at the very least sense in the storylines. Classic example: the "shoot" fight between Golberg and Nash. They failed to use the period of the fall of 1998 through early 1999 to establish why they hate each other. Plus they totally misused the term "shoot fight" in that they said that all of the other matches were scripted but this one was going to be "real". If they had Nash and Golberg saying "We're going to have a match and all bets are off, none of us are going to hold back, and we aren't going to use weapons or have outside interference, just the two of us fighting until the other one quits or surrenders" it would have been more bareable that the crap they ultimately used... It's all about context and not hitting people over the head with the it...
Depends on how they have HHH say it. If they have him give an interview and say that he "married" Steph to gain power over the company and the ability to fuck over any of his fellow wrestlers and that he still has said power even though he's "divorced" from Steph, it would work.