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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. I'm not bitching, just stating that giving away a match the caliber of HBK vs. RVD on an episode of RAW is bad for buisness. And again, don't look for HHH interference anytime soon- if you read the interview, he's gone for at least 10 more days and possiably more. -Dduo Under that logic, the Guerreros, Benoit, and Angle should put on shitty matches and be squashed and treated like jobbers by the hosses of SD every week on TV so that they can do their little circle jerk on PPVs.
  2. JasonX

    Shawn vs. HHH vs. RVD

    Three-Way sucks because you KNOW that: 1. The match is built around HHH and HBK with RVD playing fanboy to HBK's famous wrestler 2. RVD does the job in the match 3. RVD proceeds to be dropped from the feud and sent back to the lower-midcard as punishment for hurting HHH as HBK main events RR and gets his victory over HBK back
  3. JasonX

    Smackdown and Velocity Spoilers

    Because it's his time to get squashed and depushed?
  4. JasonX

    Noble - Nidia

    IIRC the reason why BB and Bob's affair was used to fire her was because the WWF wanted to hurt Bob after it was rumored that Bob had been in contact with Vince Russo in WCW about possibly going there when his contract expired. The fact that BB was a bitch backstage made her getting axed less of a controversial decision in that BB was pissing off the rest of the Divas and firing her killed two birds with one stone
  5. JasonX

    Noble - Nidia

    Scott's DVD fetish has been common knowledge for a while (he even had a DVD section on the old Rantsylvania site before it was rebooted as the Smarks). And given that 411 has expanded to covering DVDs and Movies, Scott has started reviewing his first real love, DVDs, for the site every weekend now that he's apparently finished reviewing all known commercial tapes/PPVs put out by the major feds in the US...
  6. JasonX

    RAW Rating

    It was reported that HHH will be not-wrestling 10 days. PLUS...he may have a broken arm. That could be a great hope. Not really. He can still do backstage skits with a broken arm and 20 minute interviews where he proceeds to bury RVD/Jericho/Booker T as being talentless hacks who are going after a cripple (since HHH refuses to acknowlegde the fact that HBK isn't a real cripple like Droz) because they can't beat him. Even worse, they can bring back the "Main Event Interview" bullshit where the entire show builds towards HHH badmouthing everyone via sattalite and possibly having Batista (as part of his plan to rape the corpse of the Four Horsemen gimmick) do his dirty work while laughs on....
  7. Given how RVD and HHH both got seriously injured in the match, should the WWE retire the Elimination Chamber after one use or make it one of their new gimmick matches that they use on PPV?
  8. Putting Angle on Raw would make the show less of a hell on Earth than it already is. Angle is already a double threat as he's a great wrestler and great when it comes to the sports entertainment end of the stick. Even if he doesn't get another God-push, he'd still bring an aura of fun to the show and easily overshadow HHH much in the same way he overshadowed Austin during their time paired off together and can easily be turned face to feud with HHH if needed....
  9. Here is a simpler way to turn Kurt Angle face and up to the next level: 1. Have Steph trade Angle to Raw behind his back for say Stacy and Test. Play up the subtext that Steph wants Test back so she can start sleeping with him (and if they want to get raunchy, sleep with Stacy as well). 2. Have Eric Bischoff badmouth Angle as a goofball and order him to work as HHH and Flair's lacky. 3. Have Angle booked as constantly upstaging HHH and Flair and generally more entertaining that HHH so that fans cheer for him and not HHH 4. Have HHH turn against Angle, turning Angle face 5. Have Angle beat HHH cleanly and for the belt and in a manner that makes HHH look like Angle's personal bitch and leads to HHH going off of TV for a couple of months immeadiately afterwords 6.Build towards Brock/Angle or Angle/Benoit at WM
  10. Common sense says Raw, given how in the shitters the show has been. BUT, given how the WWE may have to pull an injury angle/sacrifice another person to Brock Lesner to keep him over until they put him in the big money angle with Kurt "I should be on Raw and no-where NEAR SD whatsoever" Angle, they may put Scott on SD, defying logic and reason (much like having Kurt Angle on SD makes zero sense given how his double threat talent is made for Raw)....
  11. And the simpler solution would be to banish HHH via sending him on "sabatical" and gutting the SD roster of it's top talent and sending it to Raw. That means shipping Kurt Angle, Edge, and several others away from SD and put them on Raw and let them freaking sink or swim in terms of saving Raw. Besides, Angle belongs on Raw, not SD and is being criminally wasted with his meaningless little feud with Chris Benoit. Send him to Raw to feud with Jericho, RVD, and Booker T have him do something constructive instead of doing a dumbed down retred of his time spent playing annoying sidekick to Austin via his teaming with Benoit....
  12. JasonX


    And IIRC didn't HHH win the European Title via the fingerpoke of DOOM?
  13. JasonX

    Predict the buyrate

    A running gag that Marvel Comics had going back in the 1960s through the 1980s. Basically if Marvel ever made a mistake in one of their comics involving screwed up art or involving continuity, readers could write in with their theories on how to make said errors make sense or make them not be errors. Letter writers who got their theories published would receive a "No-Prize", which was an empty envelope with a fancy Marvel Comics logo on it....
  14. Perhaps because they: 1. Are all single in real life IIRC... 2. Are young and fit the demographics that Blind Date is wanting... 3. Were on MTV programming, giving them a bit more of a higher profile than say a Brock Lenser or Matt and Jeff Hardy or Molly Holly or Edge... 4. Have had their real personalities showcased on TV so that their respective dates would automatically know that Chris just plays an obnoxious jerk who defines his existence by where he went to school on TV and isn't like that in real life and that Nidia just plays the roll of a trailer park nymphomaniac on TV and isn't like that in real life...
  15. JasonX

    Who was Big Show traded for?

    It was revealed that Al Snow signed with Raw during the grace period after Bisch and Steph took over their respective shows where the two could circumvent the draft and sign away other wrestlers from each other...
  16. JasonX

    Vince's "stamp of approval"

    Something no one has mentioned (and shame on you guys for forgetting about it): The WWE's television contract with UPN for Smackdown expires at the end of the 2002-2003 television season. The TNN contract for Raw doesn't expire until 2005. So Vince is basically sabatoging Raw and building Smackdown up as the BETTER show in order to get ratings up and UPN to commit to a second multi-year contract for the show. As far as I know, Raw's future is secure until 2005. Vince has purposely let it go to hell from the very moment that they finally decided to pull the trigger on the Promotional Split so as to make Smackdown THE show to watch, even though by doing so he's going to probably piss TNN off so much that he'll probably not get a new contract for Raw come 2005 and/or get forced to take a very, very low TV deal with the Viacom Networks as opposed to the sweetheart deal he got when the WWE jumped ship to TNN a couple of years back... It's that simple....
  17. JasonX

    Why does the WWE hate us

    The comic industry....
  18. If Austin came back, most likely he would be exiled to Smackdown or HHH would be forced to pull a behind the scenes power play and move to Smackdown where he will scorch earth that show and all of it's roster...
  19. Except: Raw is a show run by heels (Triple H to be precise) and where the forces of good are routinely defeated, humiliated, and slandered with murder and necrophillia accusations that they are not allowed to refute with any real zeal. SD is filled with tweeners and has a champion who's opponents are people who deserve to get their asses kicked. Not to mention the quality issues, where Raw sucks donkey balls. If anything, Raw needs to start elevating new top face talent, steal off SD's top talent (IE Kurt Angle, who needs desperately to be yanked from SD and his going no-where angle with Chris Benoit and put on Raw to help dilute the HHH God-Push) and castrate HHH's God-Push before they can resume the all out name-calling and such. Until then, keep it simply between Bischoff and Steph and not with the other wrestlers and announcers...
  20. JasonX

    New WWE Signee

    I fear that they will put him in a Flair/Steiner feud and drop RVD back to midcard hell. But if they jetison the Kane feud, they can move RVD back into battle against HHH for SS in November and revive Flair/Steiner.... Or they could revive the Steiner/Flair connection from the last days of WCW and have Steiner beat HHH to near death, usurp control over the Fuck Belt and reunite with Flair and call HHH a fanboy sucking off Flair like he sucked HBK and Vince in order to stay on top of the WWE....
  21. JasonX

    A what if of sorts

    To expand on that: After squashing Benoit and Jericho like jobbers under the illusion of elevating them, HHH and Austin's alliance explodes with HHH turning face and Austin playing the roll of chickenshit heel who can't do anything right and who probably takes in Benoit and Jericho so that he can humiliate them and bury them even more than Austin did with WCW and ECW during the Invasion angle. Kurt Angle possibly joins Austin like he did when HHH went down as Austin's dorky but not totally buried sidekick who fights Rock for Austin (since Rock is "Beneath" Austin) while Steph turns tweener and gets tons of camera time for herself playing everyone against each other... Meanwhile Rock feuds with Kurt Angle and UT while doing nothing of note with promises of a big money rematch with Austin for the belt at the 2002 WM. But it never comes as HHH gets to strip Austin of the World Title and proceeds to challenge Angle, UT and Rock to a Fatal Four-Way Match which ends with Angle jobbing to Rock so that he gets the title without going over UT and HHH.....
  22. JasonX

    Oh good lord

    If (and it will, trust me) this backfires and the WWE gets hell for it, watch Gerwitz be fired as a token sacrifice to shut people up who complain about it....
  23. JasonX

    RVD needs a manager

    No, RVD will turn out to be a former drug dealer who sold rat poison to his customers....
  24. IIRC Steph said that if asked by Hunter to marry him, she would say yes...
  25. JasonX

    WrestleCrap Sums It Up

    Back in 2000, HHH basically pissed away his only chance at becoming a top-level face in the WWE. If he had gone ahead with the Double Turn with Kurt Angle where he is dumped by Steph and replaced by Kurt as Steph's lover, HHH would have become the next big babyface in the WWE and would probably lead the company as their top face what with Rock going into movies and Austin turning heel. But HHH, who had started dating Steph in real life, vetoed the plan because it would put Kurt right in the middle of Steph and HHH's real life rommance and complicate HHH's plans to use Steph to cement himself as the most powerful man in the locker room. And he's not a tweener. The girls in the shower was typical Horsemen decadence that HHH is trying to get going for himself and the Shawn Michaels debacle was HHH playing the part of the abusive boyfriend to Shawns' abused boyfriend....