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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    How the title controversy can't be handled

    That will be horrible too, given how it will keep Raw the weak and impotent show even more than it already is, especially with UT and HHH on Raw monopolizing the upper card for just the two of them...
  2. JasonX

    What is happening to RAW?

    <Okay, Brock Lesnar and his undisputed WWE championship are now exclusive to Smackdown!. First off, how can Steph just make up a rule like that? Last time I checked, she was one of two general managers, not the owner of WWE.> The storyline explination that we were given was Steph is paying Brock (who signed with SD after Vince nullified the draft and declared everyone a free agent) extra to no-show all future episodes of Raw and simply stay on SD, despite the fact that Brock now can/must attend both shows do to the floater status of the World Title. <Couldn't Eric Bischoff just say that Brock is exclusive to RAW? Fucking stupid.> Eric can't do that because Brock is signed with Steph fair and square. The only recourse Eric has storyline-wise are: create a new World Title ala the imfamous fake NWA International Title that WCW had floating around circa 1992-1994, promote the worthless IC title as the top Raw title, or for Eric to hit Steph and Brock with a court order forcing Brock to compete on Raw/ beg Vince to force Steph to play nice and make Brock fulfill his championship duties by being on both shows.....
  3. JasonX

    What is happening to RAW?

    Actually it's because SD's tv contract is up for renewal in about a year's time and Raw's contract has about 3 years going on it. So SD gets all of the breaks while Raw gets screwed over. The fact that Steph is on SD only adds salt into the fans wounds....
  4. They are going to have HHH and UT fight each other in the main event to determine who gets to bury the rest of the undercard/midcard as the star attraction now that Brock's being ghettoized back to SD with the belt. Just watch them do so on the theory that HHH and UT can bring in ratings feuding with each other if they don't have the title to feud over....