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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    WrestleCrap Sums It Up

    Kane, because HHH is an evil, manipulative monster who shouldn't be trusted to tell the truth and who desperately needs to get the shit kicked out of him for his 3 and a half year reign of terror in the WWF, seeing how he never seems to get his come-uppence when he does something evil....
  2. Brock will definately keep the belt till Mania unless HHH pulls a power play and gets the belts re-unified before WM 19 in order to kill off Brock's push so that he goes to the midcard where he can join Angle and Benoit in the midcard workrate patrol. HHH on the other hand relies on a TON of variables. First off, the WWE may decide to make the WM main event Rock vs Brock with Rock avenging his Summer Slam defeat and reunifying the belts. Which would mean that HHH would have to be sacrificed to get the belt to Rock (which I'm sure HHH would agree to in exchange for being Rock's first oppenent after WM). Secondly it's been highly rumored that the WWE migh just say "fuck it" to any long term plans they may have if Austin came back/Golberg signed so that they have them face Brock at WM for the titles. Thirdly the locker-room might finally revolt on Vince, forcing him to make HHH job out the Fuck-All Belt to someone else in order to create the illussion of Vince not up HHH's ass as much as he is.
  3. Anglesault, in that case why are you bitching at Brock when the WWE did the EXACT same thing for Angle??????? He too received the push from hell before being forced into the midcard and forced to job like crazy after being given an unbeaten streak as well? Hmm...Angle doesn't suck? The difference between Angle and Brock is that the WWE if forcing Brock to abandon his wrestling skills and forcing him to play the role of a brutish hoss who can only do power moves and can't outwrestle a guy. Brock is just as talented a wrestler as Angle, who for some unknown reason wasn't forced to become a generic wrestler when he came into the WWE and during his God-Push. Which makes me wonder the following: Is Brock being forced to wrestle like a Hoss because HHH and UT DON'T WANT Brock upstaging them with his superior wrestling ability?
  4. Anglesault, in that case why are you bitching at Brock when the WWE did the EXACT same thing for Angle??????? He too received the push from hell before being forced into the midcard and forced to job like crazy after being given an unbeaten streak as well?
  5. Or HHH turning out to be the REAL killer and that he was framing Kane for the crime in order to turn the fans against him....
  6. JasonX

    Raw....what matches?

    They didn't have Austin manhandle Brock (who was one of the lumberjacks). Brock beat the shit out of Austin while Austin no-sold every other Lumberjack's attack during the match....
  7. JasonX

    Scary thought for HHH haters

    I don't see that happening at all. If UW DID come back for the sole purpose of HHH getting that job back, UW would demand that the match be so convoluted with run-ins and foriegn objects that it would defeat the point of HHH wanting to beat Warrior given how Warrior treated him like a jobber in their match together. HHH would want to squash UW and UW won't let that happen whatsoever.
  8. Even though he's booked in a manner to make him look like shit, Vince seems to likes Kurt and given Kurt and Brock's backgrounds and the fact that it's one thing smarks have been begging for, that's why they are teasing Angle as Brock's main event oppentent at Wrestlemania. But it won't happen, or if it does happen Brock will have already dropped the title and lost..... If Austin returns to the company or they finally get Golberg to sign with the WWF, they automatically get the WM main event spot and be the one who beats Lesner and ending his streak/taking the belt. BUT if that doesn't some to pass, HHH will get the spot. He will either 1. main event Mania and win or 2. Gets to beat Brock and unify the belts BEFORE WM and sending Brock to WM in a meaningless match against some challenger, most likely Kurt Angle because of the fact that it's something people want to see. If the Angle/Brock title main event DOES happen, the following things must happen: 1. Angle has to be pulled from SD and sent to Raw and stay there until WM 2. Angle must turn face 3. Angle must beat HHH for the Fake Belt and keep the belt until WM so he can unify the belts at WM HHH has a vested interest in being the one who defeats Brock and re-unifies the belts and has the stroke to sabatoge Angle so he either doesn't get the chance to do so or make sure that when he faces Brock it's a meaningless midcard match. And Angle also has to deal with Vince getting desperate and bringing back Austin/signing Golberg to be the one who beats Brock. Unless he can deal with these threats, Angle is fucked....
  9. JasonX


    If Kelsey Grammar knew this would happen, he wouldn't have put up such a stink about the filming location. Kelsey has a fetish for psychotic and mentally unstable women that is well documented by the media....
  10. Anyone think that the WWF will do the right thing and have RVD not only beat Kane for the IC Title before the October PPV but also go on to No Mercy and beat HHH to unify the belts under the IC title? They have to know that Raw is dying a horrible, horrible death with HHH on top and that RVD is ready to be made a top card player. Just bite the fucking bullet and have RVD become the #1 man on Raw with the title to prove it.....
  11. If HHH makes a move to SD, he'll be admitting to the world that he can't draw shit in the ratings and kill off the illusion of him being the company's top draw. Plus, he's got the whole reunification thing in the works where he squashes Brock Lesner and reunifies the belts to look forward to (all the talk of Angle being groomed as the guy to beat Brock is bullshit) and he's got card blanche over the booking of Raw. As far as HHH is concerned, better to reign in hell with knowledge that you'll get about 7 years of total mastery of Earth and every living thing on the planet than to be just another cog in Heaven where you have a higher authority looking over you and bugging you about what you can or can't do because it interfers in another guy (Undertaker)'s agenda...
  12. I'd rather see Brock/Edge than Brock/Benoit if only because watching Brock massacre Edge like a little bitch would be a thousand times more entertaining than watching Brock massacre Benoit....
  13. I say that tonight proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that HHH and UT are a cancer that is killing the WWE dead every day that they are allowed to go unchecked. UT should have been massacred ala Hogan, not be allowed to dominate Brock and treat him like a little girl and avoid losing to him with a cop-out DQ ending. And HHH proves to be nothing but a heat-killing megalomaniac who will kill off anyone who is a threat to his spot as top guy. Fuck you HHH and fuck you UT....
  14. JasonX

    Austin faces 1-year in prison

    IIRC Debra told the police when they first interviewed her that while Austin had abused her previously, that she hadn't reported any of this prior abuse to the police lest it damage her husband's public persona. So technically, Steve enters the courtroom with the presumption that this is the first time he's hit his wife unless Debra purposely brings up the previous abuse in order to specificly hurt Steve by way of painting him to be a psychotic wife beater...
  15. JasonX

    WWE Backstage News

    Why does this news make me think of chair shuffling on the deck of the Titanic? Even if JR moves to SD, it won't make the show any more "hot" and more than likely hurt the show since JR has turned into a soulless shill machine who jacks off to his "Hosses". And sending Micheal Cole over to Raw won't help given his pod person personality and the fact that Cole will most likely fail at keeping Lawler and his old horndog persona in-check and will make Raw even more unwatchable.
  16. Bradshaw is said to have threatened several WCW guys/referees with anal rape during hazing....
  17. The only thing that will happen at SS 02 will be the cosmic reset button being pushed yet AGAIN. Either that or HHH plays the "Book Myself over the great white hope" card (Trademark Kevin Nash, all rights reserved) and convinces Vince to job Brock to him to reunify the belts and be the death blow to the WWF....
  18. JasonX

    WWE thinks..what?

    Any speculation on what the crowd failed to react to that the WWF wanted them to? I am infintely curious at what segments they might be talking about here. The HHH segments are my guess....
  19. JasonX

    WWE thinks..what?

    I see the following happening: Vince keeps going with the current direction till Survivor Series, where the big cosmic reset button will be pushed. Brock vs Kurt gets pushed forward to the October PPV and HHH/Jericho vs RVD/Flair headlines the PPV. The Brock experiment is killed off and the World Title put on Angle (who does a hasty face turn) in order to spare Brock what is to occur next and preserve his heat: The split gets killed off at Survivor Series with Angle jobbing the world title to HHH to reunify the belts. Steph beats Bischoff, who is fired from the WWF as SD wins the Split War. The next night on Raw as both the Raw and SD rosters are put in the ring and Vince, Steph, and HHH do a family reunion thing and badmouth everyone when glass breaks and the returned Stone Cold Steve Austin beats the three up, setting up another round of Austin/HHH leading to Austin beating HHH for the Undisputed World Title at WM while the midcard goes back to being ignored and jobbed out. Austin then jobs the title to Brock on Raw and the belt becomes the centerpiece in a three-way Brock/Austin/HHH feud during the summer...
  20. JasonX

    Observer notes

    This scenerio is the most likely one to happen, God help us... HHH knows that Vince is in love with him because of the fact that Steph is in love with Hunter. Reguardless of how well Brock's reign does, you have to know that HHH has most likely already started pillow-talking Steph into letting him be the one who ends Brock's reign as opposed to Angle or RVD and will be the first person I bet to openly suggest aborting Brock's push at the first sign of trouble (like say after Unforgiven if Brock/UT bombs). HHH squashing RVD and holding the belt for ages ala Honky Tonk Man adds to his political strength if Vince decides not to abort Brock's run as champ and will be the death kneel for the IC title as HHH will treat being IC Champ as being a meaningless title and constantly bitching at wanting to be facing Brock for the belt only to be kept from doing it by his ex-Steph...
  21. JasonX

    Observer notes

    My guess is the following thing happens: HHH lets RVD beat him (not a clean job or at the very least a fluke pin) with the reassurance that RVD will be immeadiately pushed back into the midcard after the match. The issue of RVD owing HHH a return job will be put off so that RVD can get made to look like a bitch by HHH post-match through a post-match beating ala the Shawn Micheals match that will be done to try and cement the appearance that RVD is a loser and can't handle being in the ring with the Game.....
  22. JasonX

    A Serious Question

    Wasn't "Tradition" WCW's counter to the whole "Attitude" campaign put on by WWF?
  23. JasonX

    Observer notes

    Did you see Smackdown!? The next feud for Brock appears to be the Undertaker... maybe Kurt after that, but not now. Doubt that we'll get Angle/Lesner any time soon. It's the one big money match that they can do and I doubt that they will hotshot it especially if the end result of the angle is to get Kurt super-over as the babyface slayer of the Brock Lesner monster heel. But given how we have UT/Brock on the horizon, I can imagine that HHH is waiting in the wings to see the match/Sept PPV bomb so he can swoop down and kill Brock's push/win the title ala Nash/Golberg. Squashing RVD can be considered the equivilant of Nash squashing Wrath on Nitro in the fall of 1998, though RVD will probably survive better than Jericho and Angle did when HHH buried them. The best thing for every in the WWE is to do Brock/Kane in Sept and do a big #1 contender match tween HHH and UT for the next PPV title shot. The WWF desperately needs to get their gameplan organized what direction they are going to be going in for the months leading up to WM 19 given how the general plan seems to be Brock having a long ass title reign. They need to decide if Angle or RVD will be the one who defeats Brock as well as lining up the HHHs and UTs up for jobbing duties in order to build Brock up and keeping the political bullshit from overriding the plan so that we don't have to worry about the WWE deciding to abort Brock's reign or take away RVD/Angle/whoever's WM title shot so as to give the ball to HHH or UT or if they sign/come back Golberg and Austin....
  24. JasonX

    The new World Title

    Or the following scenerio: HHH throughs a temper tantrum and gets Bischoff to vow that he'll make Brock honor HHH's #1 contender spot at the Sept. PPV. Steph, on SMD, pimps constantly leading up to the PPV that it's going to be Brock/UT and not Brock/HHH at the PPV while Eric uses his army of lawyers to deliver an ultimatium to Brock: Fight Triple H or be sued into the poor house since Brock, without Heyman's permission made a verbal agrement to fight the winner of the HHH/UT match (you can throw in Eric threatening to get Brock's family's farm taken away from him and Brock being barred from wrestling in the WWE as a result of the lawsuit with Eric making reference to how Ric Flair was exiled off of TV and wrestling for over 6 months in 1998 when he got sued as a possible fate for Brock if he renegs on his agreement) . Meanwhile on Raw, RVD petitions unsuccessfully that the IC Title should be made the top Raw title while getting belittled by Triple H, who gets his ass handed to him by RVD after getting bitched out by the Game. Ultimately on the last Raw before the PPV Vince shows up and declares a compromise: RVD takes on HHH and if HHH beats RVD, he gets to fight Brock and UT for the belt in a triple threat match (if HHH loses, it's just Brock and UT). HHH beats RVD and in the 3-Way match Brock pins UT for the win. After the match, Brock and Heyman confront Steph (who comes out to gloat) and make a startling revelation: That thanks to Steph and Eric's meddling, Brock will no longer appear on BOTH Raw and SD and that Eric and Steph must now pay Brock $500,000 to appear on a single episode of Raw and SD until further notice. Steph loses it and reveals how she wasted all of the reserve MAD money set aside by Vince for SD to keep Brock exclusive to SD for the past month and that she can't pay him that amount. ATM Eric then makes his appearance with a suitcase filled with money makes a downpayment to make Brock Raw exclusive for the next month. Brock, Paul, and Eric leave as Steph throws a temper tantrum in the middle of the ring as the Sept. PPV fades to black...
  25. New World Title: Won't work and will be considered a laughing stock by fans both mark and smark (as seen the last time a bastard version of the World Title was created in 1993 in WCW). Even if it's given to RVD, the thing will be a huge joke because know that HHH and UT would never do clean jobs to put RVD over or associate with what would amount to be a paper title and RVD has zero oppenents for him to fight with. Eric Unifies the Belt and reclaims the WCW Title as the Raw championship belt: Would only work if Bisch gives the belt to Booker T or Chris Jericho (the last two legitamite holders of the belt) and if they actually make fans care about the belt as opposed to simply bringing it back and not giving a f#ck to make people care about the title. And then you have the problem of having of HHH and UT using their stroke to make them the ones who feud over the title as opposed to using it to elevate Jericho or Booker T. IC Title promoted to top title spot: Another huge mistake. The IC title means jack shit and given how nearly all of the guys who have been associated with the IC belt (Angle, Eddy G, and Benoit) are stuck on SD, who's going to bother fighting RVD for the belt? Jericho is the only guy and even they can't elevate that piece of junk belt to top status. Especially when you'll be having UT and HHH bitching like little girls on Raw about how they want to wrestle for the "Real" top title and not the IC belt. The only possible solution to the problem is to have Steph's revelation about Brock being bribed to not appear on Raw either overturned by Vince or have Eric use a deux de machina plot device to get Brock to appear on Raw. Elevating the IC belt/reviving the WCW Title/Creating a new belt only makes things WORSE for the WWE.