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We don't know; FX and Shawn Ryan were supposed to decide if they were going to do a sixth season in December, but no word has came out about any plans regarding it. Also of note, with them planning on splitting the extended fifth season in half, they might just save the last eight episodes of the season/series until the start of 2007 and promote them as the sixth season rather than go through the process of signing everyone up for a sixth season.
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Whitaker was crap. So bloody over-the-top, they might as well have put a sign above him saying "I'm going to turn out to be a evil man, so evil that it will make Vic killing Terry pale in comparision to the crap I'm going to be turning out to be involved in". Say what you will about Glenn Close, at least Monica was consistantly written as a realistic person. Makes me wish they could have gotten Andre Braugher instead of Whitaker, since at least he could pull off the whole "charming and manipulative big bad" without coming off looking like a ham. And yes, David Snell made the opening credits this season. And not only got a storyline this episode but the lion's share of the hints that he's the father of Danny's baby (note his behavior with Shane, Julian, and his new partner, his name was twice written on the board, the "check-minus" next to his name on the list, and his name being underlined at the bottom of the board). Agreed. Makes for an interesting change of pace given how utterly hands off he is compared to Acaveda and Rawlings.....
Code for "Kurt Angle was so popular that fans rejected the Vanilla Ice bastardization known as John Cena, so we're shipping him off to Smackdown to spite fans". That said, they should have shipped Triple H off to Smackdown and have him won the belt. He gets an additional title reign that doesn't bury anyone AND can revive Smackdwon singlehandedly with a feud between him and Benoit, with the farce of a "best of seven" angle garbage jetisoned ASAP without even bothering to give the shit angle closure.....
Depends; the college pot smoker can alternate "Bob Marley" with "Phish" or "Dave Matthews Band" or "The Greatfull Dead" as their pot smoking music accessory.
He's playing a villain who's possibly worse than that of the new drug kingpin in Farmington; Forest's character is the Internal Affairs Division agent who's task is to bring down the Strike Team through any means necessary, including doing some of the exact same things Vic has done that has gotten him into such deep trouble to begin with. It's been rumored that Snell will finally make the opening credits this season, though we won't know for sure until the show returns this Tuesday.....
To be fair, all of the current spoilers floating around the internet for season five have Forest Whitaker's character being the sort of evil shit-stirring, pupper-master type bastard character that will keep the show interesting and open up NEW storylines by playing Vic against Lem as opposed to the over-used "Vic Versus Shane" plotline the writers love to use over and over again......
Don't you mean
They were planning on doing it, along with making Jason an early victim of Freddy's; but the studio heads decided against it when they scrapped the script that contained said plotline (Freddy's origin and him being responsible for "creating" Jason) for FvJ in favor of the script that ultimately got made on the grounds that linking the two's origins would make Jason's backstory even MORE confusing than it previously was.....
To find shit to bitch about, since "South Park" is still "that dirty, obscene cartoon" in out-of-touch with reality circles like the Catholic Church.
That was before the changing of the Popes; it's been heavily rumored that the Catholic Church, under newly selected Pope Ratzinger/Benedict, has been pushing a much more aggressive stance from it's protest sections (IE such groups as the League) towards anyone who badmouths the Catholic Church. The cynic in me though thinks that they wouldn't have said anything if not for the scene where Ratzinger got sprayed in the face, and that since they can't with a straight face bitch about that bit of satire now that Ratzinger is a public figure, that they are attacking the show over the Virgin Mary Statue on the basis that the whole Catholic obsession with the deifying Mary will confuse non-Catholics enough to let them get their way regarding banning the episode.....
Probably nothing, since it's been a running fact that when their corporate masters lay the hammer on their skulls, that P&S meekly obey so that they don't rock the boat when they want to do stuff like the "Shit" episode and need TPTB's approval ahead of time; hence why we haven't seen any episodes of Butters being physically abused/Cartman manipulating things so Butters' parents physically abuse him for Cartman's sick pleasure after Comedy Central banned "Jared Has Aides" and banned the two from ever doing an episode where Butters is physcially abused again.... I'm sure, if anything, P&S will let the episode be banned from TV in exchange for a promise that it will make the DVD. Or even more likely, we'll probably see a redux of the "Passion of the Jew" scenerio where Paramount will release a special "Catholic Themed" South Park disc with "Bloody Mary" and the "Do the Handicapped Go To Hell?" two-parter to capitalize on the episode's buzz.
This better not mean Batwoman. My Theory 3. Batwoman Begins: A new female crimefighter takes to the streets of Gotham, but who's behind the mask? Here's a hint: It's not who you think. 44. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That: A new gay character make their first appearance in 52, before moving on to their own ongoing series. 12. Girls Gone Wild: Down-on-her-luck Montoya will see her bed become a revolving door of lovers -- one of whom will make her mark on the DCU before all is said and done. = Batwoman That's been semi-confirmed; partially to keep Gail Simone happy (and keep critical darling Birds of Prey afloat) Barbara Gordon will still be in BoP and keep the Oracle identity even as she regains the use of her legs. "52" is set to reintroduce Kathy Kane (AKA Batwoman) back into the modern day DCU as Batwoman, but with the twist being that Kathy is a lesbian.
sweeeet. their not gonna write-off the DP after John Byrne's pointless little debacle. hopefully Johns can salvage whats left of their legacy. At best, Geoff will go out of his way to publically tell John Byrne to fuck off and kill himself via undoing his Doom Patrol run so the team can go back into limbo with dignity. Given that Geoff was fucking pissed as fuck over Byrne's narcisistic rebooting of the Doom Patrol (since it meant that Geoff couldn't use ANY of the Brotherhood of Evil characters in Teen Titans, let alone the fact that purging all previous incarnations of Doom Patrol basically killed off several storylines Geoff had planned for Changling since the character is tied directly to the Doom Patrol), you are definately going to see Byrne's reboot be shitted upon BIG TIME. I wouldn't be suprised if they denounce Byrne's team as clones created by the new Brotherhood of Evil and use Infinite Crisis to explain away why everyone acted like they didn't know the team and restore the team's status quo to the pre-Byrne state....
Trying to think what happened on Tice's watch: Wizzinator Sex Cruise Tice scalping tickets Anything else?
Maybe I want to be bulemic. Plus it could help you actually eat a buffet out. "Well I'm full. Just a second. *vomit* Alright I'm ready for more." Bulemia also has the big problem in that it destroys your teeth, since stomach acid comes up along with your food and it slowly destroys your teeth over time....
Actually, the plan is that the three Family Guy episodes that make up the Family Guy movie will make up the final three episodes of the season. HOWEVER, they've stated that the entire opening 20 minutes of the Family Guy movie (the movie premire sequence/Channel 5 News Interviews) and the entire last 15 minutes (the wrap party where we see that Peter's incest and Lois fucking Cleaveland as part of a voodoo ritual storyline ideas got the show cancelled and what the characters were up to when the show was off the air) will never see the light of day on the air (though it's been rumored Cartoon Network has been pressuring Fox to let them show the entire movie intact with the censored audio track on Adult Swim after Fox's exclusivity deal with the new season ends....)
Won't happen since Earth Prime and 3 were both destroyed by the Anti-Monitor and not merged into the Post-Crisis DCU. As for the Dick Grayson line, the Golden Age/Earth-2 Dick Grayson was a spineless and complete useless pussy who never once backtalked Batman or tried to make his own way in the world as his own person like the Earth 1 Dick Grayson did; he clung to Batman's cape like a baby 24-7 and later the Huntress's cape due to his being ball-less and impotent.....
1. It's about a bunch of fucked-up rich people who's lives are fucked up 2. The cast: Will Arnett, David Cross, Jason Bateman, and that's just three names of a great cast of actors 3. It's filled with so many jokes and gags that makes for great repeat viewing in terms of catching all of the funny shit you might miss the first time around.... 4. Shocking, button pushing, "I can't believe they did that!" storylines that no other network sitcoms will touch: Treason, incest, limb amputation, , a fathers who routinely manipulates his children into fighting it out for his own sick amusement, couples reinacting the Abu Graib prisoner abuse as a form of sexual role-playing, etc.... 5. GOB, one of the most hillarious sitcom characters of the last five years
Didn't Rob say that cut was gone and all that was left was the version he released? That and supposedly the original cut is incompatable with TDR, since from what I've read the NC-17 cut of HO1KC has a completely different final act and supposedly has Captain Spalding turning out to be a good guy (and paying off the whole tension between him and the Firefly clan early in the film) and killing the guy who was in the car with him and the girl at the end of the film so as to protect her (rumor is, the NC-17 cut doesn't cut to the surviving girl waking up in Dr. Satan's clutches and instead has Spalding and the guy fighting and Spalding killing him in gruesome fashion and him then telling the girl when she wakes up that nothing happened, rather than upset her further).
House of 1000 Corpes and Devils Rejects were both headed for that until cuts were made. I am not saying they won't get an R rating for the theatrical release, but what I am saying is the clip I posted seems pretty graphic for an American R rating, so I am just hoping it isn't cut out. Ho1KC was given the NC-17 rating before getting an R-Rating upon scenes being re-editted to remove the offending bits; TDR meanwhile was re-editted prior to submission to the MPAA specifically by Rob Zombie to get an R-Rating because the studio putting out the film put it in their contract that they would put out Rob's original unrated/directors cut of the film on DVD when the film hit DVD in exchange for Rob getting the film in theaters with an R-Rating.....
No, he did a film with Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, and Frank Gorshin (crappy spelling) where Julie and Frank try and kill Ward and West because the two were about to find out that the real reason why the sixties Batman show was cancelled; as in the film it was stated that the show got cancelled due to Frank and Julie deciding to become real life villains and get the show cancelled as payback for having to watch West and Ward become the stars of the show.
Really really really bad: The series fell apart though with two massive things: Rather than going the obvious route with Black Canary (30-something second generation hero with sonic scream powers who provides the comic relief ala Samantha on Sex in the City and connection towards bringing in in other DCU characters into the show) they made her a teenage runaway with psychic powers played by a talentless jailbait actress with big tits. And for the show's big bad? Harly Quinn, written like a Hannibal Lector type super-genius who only wore her costume in the final episode and generally lacked EVERYTHING that made Harly such a popular character.
That and IIRC he owns a rather large piece of the rights to the show; supposedly that's why he's involved in the movie remake of the series, since early reports was that the studio wanted to repeat what was done with Startsky and Hutch (take the name of the franchise and basically turn it into a "Let's mock the decade show came out during" farce with little to no connection to the TV series) and Mann refused to allow them to make it into a film unless he was in charge of making the film so as to ensure the property wasn't soundly trashed for the sake of a bunch of lame 80s jokes......
I think, if Brett had stayed the following would have happened: Bret jobs the belt to Austin at '98 WM Bret then goes on to feud with Shawn Michaels during the summer 98, finally beating him for good to end their feud The whole Rock/Mankind/Vince doublecross storyline would not of happened as it did; Brett would take Mankind's role, as we'd see Brett and Vince join forces for the common goal of destroying Austin and the Rock, only to have Brett be betrayed by Vince, the Rock, and Owen Hart, who would take Shane MacMahon's place in that particular storyline. Bret would win then drop the belt to Rock who then drops the belt to Austin. Meanwhile HHH and Shawn finally have it out with HHH kicking Shawn out of DX around January 1999 to set up their a match between the two at Wrestlemania while Owen and Brett have it out in their own WM match. You could easily toss in Mick Foley into the Brett/Owen feud by having him ally with Brett out of disgust over Owen disrespecting his brother and use that to elevate Mick into the upper card. And HHH can be Austin's next opponent when he regains the belt while Shawn and Rock feud to set Rock up to turn face again.