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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. Here is the latest news on Season Five of "The Shield", taken from a variety of sources. Season 5 will be 21 episodes, split in half. First half airs in Jan 2006 with no word on when the remaining episodes will air. Rumor is that it will be an even 11/10 split episodewise, though that can change. Also, FX and Shawn Ryan are supposed to have finalized whether or not the show gets a sixth season by the end of December. Ryan has stated that he intends on writing season five as if it is the last season and has hinted that at least one of the core eight (Vic, Lem, Shane, Dutch, Claudette, Acaveda, Dani, and Julian) will die before the season's out, regardless of the show being renewed for a sixth season. Catherine Dent's pregnancy will be written into the show and will be MIA for a bunch of episodes in the first half of season five. No word on who the father will be revealed as being, though it has been stated that Julian will get a new female partner played by former soap star Paula Graces as a result of the storyline. Vic's relationship with his soon-to-be ex-wife will be a major plot point this season as Forest Whittaker's character, after failing to get Lem to turn against the Strike Team, will be targetting Vic's wife Corrine as a possible accomplice to her soon to be ex-husband's crimes as a means to get Vic to turn against the rest of the Strike Team. FW's character will also be laying the hammer down on Acaveda, exploiting the fact that that TPTB will use the downfall of the Strike Team to destroy Acaveda as well (since Acaveda was captain while the Strike Team was running wild) to get Acaveda under his thumb and help the investigation. Also a new possible love interest will be introduced for Vic, in the form of a defense attorney (played by Laura Harring) who Vic will hire to help the Strike Team deal with IAD and their investigation.
  2. JasonX

    OAO Family Guy/American Dad 11/20

    Not really..... Season four is, episode productionwise, the first ten episodes of season four and the Family Guy Movie (which is three episodes and new DVD-only material). HOWEVER, officially season four consists of the ten season four episodes and the first three episodes of season five that aired before the show went on hiatus for the 2005 Baseball Playoffs (Peter's Got Wood, Perfect Castaways, and Junlge Love). The Volume 3:/Season four DVD set will have the following episodes: 1. North by North Quahog 2. Fast Times at Buddy Cianic Jr. High 3. Blind Ambition 4. Don't Make Me Over Disc 2 1. The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire 2. Petarded 3. Brian The Bachelor 4. 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Daughter Disc 3 1. Breaking Out is Hard To Do 2. Model Misbehavior 3. Perfect Castaways 4. Peter's Got Woods 5. Jungle Love
  3. JasonX

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    IIRC didn't Veronica get revenge on Dick for all of his bad deeds at the end of the first season by destroying one of his favorite possessions (a surfboard IIRC)?
  4. Is he even on the show anymore? I haven't seen/heard from Chef on the show in forever <{POST_SNAPBACK}> According to Matt Stone, they've temporarily retired the Chef character on the show so they can focus on other characters but that they do plan on bringing him back either next season or at the end of this season....
  5. JasonX

    Wizard spill the beans on DC One Year Later

    Wizard has an article set up as a little quiz with the follwing questions, and mind you, one of the choices from each question will come TRUE! Next year that is. So here it is. 1) Which one of these heroines will give birth in '06? A)Wonder Woman B)Power Girl C) Catwoman D) Oracle Catwoman, since she's doing nothing these days. Plus having a baby would mean making her more of a face than tweener 2)Which one of these heroes will be stripped of their powers? A)Superman B)Wonder Woman C)Supergirl D) Hal Jordan/Green Lantern Wonder Woman, since it was a popular storyline the first time they did it 3)Who wll become Mayor of a crime-riddled city?? A)Wally West/Flash B)Dick Grayson/Nightwing C)Bruce Wayne/Batman D)Oliver Queen/Green Arrow Ollie Queen 4)Who will have Amnesia and become unable to tell friend from for?? A)Martian Manhunter B)Aquaman C)The Atom D)Elongated Man Atom, since Morrison's said to be wanting to write the character 5)Who will take on the mantle as the most powerful hero in the DCU?? A)Booster Gold B)Animal Man C)Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern D)Earth-2 Superman Kyle Raynor, since he's supposed to turn back into Ion 6)Which hero will become a criminal in the eyes of the world?? A)Hal Jordan/Green Lantern B)Superman C)The Flash D)Shazam Shazam, since there is a good story to be told of him having to clear his name of murder 7)Which one of these heroes is the only one who'll be around after 'Infinite Crisis'? A)Wally West/Flash B)Conner Kent/Superboy C)Guy Gardner/Green Lantern D)Dick Grayson/Nightwing Guy Gardner; Wally is supposed to retire, Dick is supposed to become Batman again, and Cloneboy's been dead man walking since he got brainwashed by Lex Luthor 8) JLA won't be around anymore 9)Who's about to become the U.S Military's secret weapon? A)Cyborg B)Wonder Woman C)Red Tornado D)John Stewart/Green Lantern Wonder Woman, working with the Army as their agent 10)Which villian will destroy an entire country and kill millions in 2006? A)Brainiac B)Sinestro C)Black Atom D)Vandal Savage Brainiac, destroying Black Adam's country to establish how powerful his robo-skeleton body is.....
  6. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    An alternate out is that the Maxwell Lord who was running Checkmate was a clone: it was note that Max, in his pre-Countdown/OMAC Project appearances, was revealed to have been resurrected as a cyborg who had no mind control powers. A major plot point since not only was Evil Max fully human, but that he had his mind control powers. With the JLA; indeed it was MM who discovered that Max was behind the OMACs/Blue Beetle's death/Superman nearly killing Batman while under Max's control when he found Max's "psychic fingerprints" all over Superman's brain. I seriously think Joker only appeared to explain away WHY he wasn't in the new SSOSV, IE Luthor saw him as a loose cannon who would ruin his evil plans.
  7. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    In that case, what about Batman's habit of writing down his murder fantasies about killing all of Earth's Super-Hero off? Or building a giant satilite to help him do so? Erasing super-villain memories of super hero IDs/modifying a rapist's mind to erase his rapist tendencies doesn't compare towards Batman's antics. No one died because of what the JLA did. How many people have died because of the litte shit Batman's actions? A hell of a lot.
  8. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    No fucking way. If anything, the mindwipe is DC Comic's way to hammer home that Batman has always been a soulless little shit who deserves WORSE than having ten minutes of his memory erased. Given that Batman is guilty as the Joker is for every murder Joker commits through his steadfast refusal to not kill Joker, he had ZERO right to condemn the JLA for lobotomizing Dr Light since doing so would keep Sue from being raped again/killed by Light. Batman might be willing to let Sue die/be raped again just to make a point about how "great" his ethics are while everyone else's sucks, but the rest of the JLA wasn't and that's why Batman deserved to be mindwiped.
  9. Uh, are you sure you are talking about the new box set and not the old Time Life box set? The new box set is all uncut and uncensored, as it was the only way that Mike Judge would agree to let the set be released....
  10. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Solicit for IC #5: For those not following the tie-ins, in Teen Titans #24-25/Outsiders #24-25, a new Brainiac variation returned and was shown to be working on a new body, IE the George Perez designed metal skeleton body Brainiac had from 1983-1986. When showing it off, he mentioned he'd transfer his mind into it "When Earth has been rendered all but uninhabitable to Superman". Combined with the plot point that white girl Jesus figure Donna Troy was killed SPECIFICALLY because she's supposed to stop Brainiac from doing something that gives him control over the galaxy, makes me seriously think that HE'S the real big bad and that Golden Age Superman is just one huge fucking red-herring who'll quit his crusade when he learns that he's been played by Brainiac....
  11. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Given the rumors that IC will be ending with Batman batshit insane and in Arkham, I don't think Earth-2 Superman will be "offering"; most likely he's going to be using physical force to reboot Batman against his will to his Earth 2 incarnation with Batman literally having his soul and memories destroyed and replaced being the big moment in which we get established that Earth 2 Superman has gone evil on us.
  12. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    The following was taken from K-Box, the Comic Book and Porn Comic Book Message Board I regularly frequent; a guess towards the identity of the real Big Bad, IE the Apex Predator that Pariah warned the SSOSV Luthor about in Villains United #5. Credit goes to Paul Pogue
  13. JasonX

    Jackass 2

    Wasn't it mostly fat bastard Preston and Wee Man skits? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Totally totally different beasts; Preston/Wee Man and just about all of the Johnny Knoxville skits are from the various Big Brother Skateboarding videos. All of the early stuff involving Bam and the Westchester Clique in at least the first three episodes, was from CKY V1 and 2.
  14. JasonX

    Jackass 2

    Only the first bunch of episodes of the first season; which is one of the many, many reasons why it's taken so long for season one Jackass to get put out on DVD, since just about all of the good stuff was recycled Big Brother Magazine/CKY material and MTV doesn't have the rights to release said material under the Jackass banner without Bam/Knoxville's permission, which the two would only grant MTV if they released the uncensored version of said material....
  15. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Probably no-one, since Geoff and company have said that IC #2 is going to be a huge fucking talking heads issue, as they have stated that IC #2 is going to be the issue where every fucking thing from the last two years is finally going to be tied together in a nice little package, complete with them explaining the plot for the entire IC mini-series. Plus, given the George Perez cover for IC #3, I think they would be taking the issue off for killing characters since IC #3 is supposed to be a huge fucking .
  16. JasonX

    TO: Eagles would be 7-0 with Favre as QB

    Teams WILL be afraid to touch him, though. Unless you're hard up for receivers and already in the shitter in terms of team morale, it's a tough decision. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or the owners can all blacklist the asshole and he can be exiled to the Canadian Football/European NFL leagues for the rest of his career. That'll be the best way to deal with the fucker......
  17. JasonX

    House of M #7 is out.

    When X-Men 3 comes out, if not sooner; it's been heavily rumored that Peter Milligan (adjectiveless X-Men writer) is going to restore Iceman's powers in the coming months (sometime around X-Men #180-182). I would not be suprised if the X-Men writers all revolt against this. Especially Whedon, who is rumored to be against Bendis politically at Marvel, as Whedon wasn't given any say over HOM's plot and now will most likely have to rewrite all of his AXM V2 scripts from scratch, since he said Xavier would be a major part of AXM when the book came back.
  18. JasonX

    House of M #7 is out.

    Not really; the current rumor going around was that 2006's big X-Over was going to be a Hulk-centric X-Over called called "Planet of the Hulks", last time I checked.
  19. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    I think its more likely they just really want to make their comics compatible with their TV show. Is the post-Birthright Lex younger than the post-Crisis Lex? Originally the post-Crisis Lex was an older fat man, until he had his brain put into a younger clone body. Has used-to-be-old-and-fat-but-now-Im-a-clone-posing-as-my-own-son Lex been wiped out by Birthright as well? So confused... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most writers have been specifically avoiding contradicting the early Post Crisis Luthor stories since the Smallville retcon was imposed; plus writers have, ever since Byrne left the Superman books, distanced themselves from the whole fat and ugly Lex Luthor, opting to draw him less like a fat, bald evil Kojack and more like a younger looking, physically fit version...
  20. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Given that IC is a sequel to Crisis and not Legends (AKA the big Darkseid X-Over), the only possible way Darkseid should appear in IC is if they have him be appear in the final issue, doing a run-in to distract the villains so that the good guys can save the day so that the status quo can be kept in the DCU.
  21. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Actually, Mongul was used because Geoff wanted to rip off the Alan Moore "The Man Who Has Everything" story for the first issue, to demonstrate how fucked up the entire dynamic between Superman, Batman, and WW had gotten. IC is not about fixing continuity, since Dan Dildo DiDio (one of the main brains behind IC) HATES continuity and would gladly see DC become unreadable due to fucked up continuity just to spite comic fans who like continuity. By all accounts, IC is more of "Crisis meets Kingdom Come" in that the theme is how fucked up and dark/depressing the DCU has gotten since Grant Morrison decided that the only way Batman can pull his bitch weight in the JLA is to be the biggest piece of shit possible. Some of the more cynical critics even think that's why DC greenlighted IDC and Countdown, under the notion that if they started killing off turning evl the Giffen JLA members, that it would make people say "enough with the darkness in the DCU" and push for the allegeded "shiney happy people" nature of the DCU that is supposed to come after IC ends......
  22. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Double Post
  23. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Uberboss at DC Dan DiDio has stated that Darksied has jack shit to do with Infinite Crisis and will be MIA during the mini-series. Also, the face under the green hood is Pariah, who appeared in Crisis with his face save for his eyes covered in darkness at various points in the mini-series. As for Birthright, one of the theories regarding the two Lex Luthors currently running around is that one of the two is the Birthright Lex Luthor and the other is the Post-Crisis Lex. As for Birthright, the current policy at DC is that only the "Lex Luthor lived in Smallville" stuff from Birthright is considered canon. Which is a hillarious means to tell Mark Waid to fuck off, since Waid initially refused to include the Lex Luthor in Smallville stuff and DC had to threaten Waid with refusing to publish the fucker if he didn't include it.
  24. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Some things that was brought up on another forum I visit, about the cover: The three ships carrying baby Superman from Earth 1, 2, and Post Crisis The scenes of WW, Superman, Batman from the early 90s that led to them being replaced (or in the case of WW, just a shot of her early 90s replacement Artemis). Replacement characters for the Big Guns (Nightwing, Superboy, Artemis, Donna Troy) plus Guy Gardner (replacement for Hal Jordan). The one thing that makes me wonder is why Wildfire was on the cover; DC has stated that IC won't have any connection to the Legion of the Super-Heroes and the new Legion series. Plus Mark Waid has stated that he hates Wildfire and would never use him in a Legion comic that he's involved with, since Wildfire was the first college age hero to join the Legion and represents the Legion going from teenage clique to college age super-heroes soap opera. Martian Manhunter, Sue Dibney, Ralph, Atom, Dr Light, Donna Troy, the Crisis characters, references to early Earth 2 stories, and even Jason Todd (who's resurrection/transformation into a murderous vigilante is supposed to be finally be resolved in Batman Annual #25, which is supposed to be the final Batman book published before the One Year Gap happens) I can understand. But while I would love to see the Pre-94 reboot Wildfire return, I can't seem to figure out how he'd fit into the current puzzle regarding the plot for Infinite Crisis.
  25. The episode was good until the ending; they really should have pulled a Kenny on Butters to resolve the whole mess: Butter's Parents kill their child only to have Stan and Kyle show up to invite Butters to watch Cartman/Kenny destroy the fortune telling toy. We get the two doing a "Oh My God! They Killed Butters! You Bastards!" moment to end the episode. And next week they can have Butters alive and well and the whole thing swept under the rug like all of Kenny's deaths....