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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    The Ultimate Mario Bros. Showdown

    Six words to solve your conundrum: Duel to the death with pens.
  2. Notable Arn run-in: Back when Flair wrestled Vince for total ownership of both shows (Austin had just walked out), Brock ran in to destroy Flair. Arn ran in for the save, but doubled back to sell being afraid of Lesnar. Which looked cool.
  3. I never liked the Angle Slam. It looks like a Samoan Drop only if you hold the guy differently. As for favorite, Warrior's Clotheslines/Press Slam/Splash sequence always entertained me.
  4. JST


    What the heck IS a "Nature Boy" anyway?
  5. JST

    Eddie Guerrerro vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Awesome review. I'm gonna pop in my Eddie DVD just to watch that again.
  6. JST

    How Funny Is That?

    In the jungle, a koala's sitting on a tree branch, smoking a joint. He spots a lizard and invites him up on the branch to toke up. Lizard agrees and soon the two become pretty wasted. So wasted that the lizard falls off the branch and into the river. Not one to let a fellow reptile down, the alligator pulls his lizard friend out of the river. As gratitude, the lizard invites the alligator up the tree branch so he can join them. The alligator accepts and climbs up the tree. Once he's up there, the koala nearly chokes and says: "DUUUUUDE how much did you smoke?!?!?!"
  7. JST

    Lame Franchises You'd Re-Invent...

    Knight Rider ...But with a BOAT!
  8. JST

    That show is still on?

    That show can never run out of material for me. I always get a kick out of fat people, dipshits and whiny kids hurting themselves.
  9. JST

    I'm back.

    Fat fuck.
  10. JST

    Champion Vs. Champion

    Did the announcers acknowledge much of the "history" between the Gunns for that one? I only remember Billy & Bart having a staredown as a bit of a nod to older fans.
  11. JST

    Best Promo ever

    I don't have that promo in particular, but I do have Jericho's introductions of the cruiserweight battle royal participants (which led to Dean's comeback). --- DAVE PENZER: "Ladies and Gentlemen, as Slamboree continues, this is the Cruiserweight Battle Royale, the winner to face Chris Jericho tonight. In this contest wrestlers can be eliminated by either pin fall or when their feet touch the ringside floor. And ladies and gentlemen, here are the participants..." CHRIS JERICHO: "Hold on just one second here, David Penzer you unintelligible moronic high voiced dweeb! You know nothing about the sport of pro wrestling and you know nothing about these fine competitors coming out today. So I'm gonna do all the Jerichoholics a great favor. I'm gonna introduce all of the contestants in the cruiserweight battle royale. Let's face it, one of these fine contestants will get a chance at the cruiserweight belt, (they'll never win it), but tonight you're gonna see a great match from a great competitor. Let's get down to the list here..." "Coming out first from (?)(Sounds like Sunchimilko) Mexico, you'll notice his hat NEVER comes off, the master of trick-track, the master of Da Funk, he is Super Calo! Look at those moves ladies and gentlemen. You got about a one in ten chance of winning, maybe." "Next, from El Paso, Mexico, this guy used to be a great bar tender, but it hasn't translated into his wrestling skills, he is the scourge of the illustrious Guerrero family, he is Chavo Guerrero Jr. maybe a two in ten chance of winning." "Coming out next, from Mexico, this is a rags to riches story, from selling chimichangas on the streets to WCW is Ciclope!" "Then we got Damien. He can't afford a mask, he's using paint, but sooner or later he's gonna buy a mask, I'm guaranteein' you that." "Here we go, the winner of the Lou Ferrigno look alike contest, this guy is also from Mexico, El Dandy." "Coming out next is the (?), feather weight pacer(?) champion, El Grillo." "Now this guy pulled up in a nice rusted out '68 El Camino Chevy, he's the ugliest man in our sport today, he's the illustrious Quazijuice Skelerra." "A former champion in many countries, he's gonna rock rock til he drops, rock rock never stop, Marty Jannetty, ladies and gentlemen." "Coming up next from Allentown, PA. He's a lost and lonely soul, his name is Kidman. And Kidman, I've got some Calamine lotion for you after the show!" "This guy's the true shooter of WCW, does he have a chance? No, zero chance, no way, he's Evan Courageous, ladies and gents." "Oh yeah, straight from Minneapolis, Minnesota, I want my Lover Boy tape back, Lenny Lane!" "And of course we've got Psychosis, he's got a lot of hubcaps in his collection, if you need one, he'll procure one for you after the show." "This guy is Silver King, if he wins twelve more matches he'll be upgraded to Golden King." "This guy is Johnny Sinjer? Johnny SSS.... Johnny Swinger? You ever heard of this guy? I haven't. Zero out of ten chance in winning! No chance." "And last but not least, representing Villanos 1 through 62, from the Villano family, he is Villano IV." "Those are your contestants in tonight's battle royale, I'm going in the back for a coffee cause none of these guys will ever ever beat me for my belt!"
  12. JST

    Best Promo ever

    I have Russo's Bash At The Beach shoot. I'll transcribe. Edit - Aaaand here it is! --- Hulk: Is this your deal, Russo? That's why the company's in the damn shape it's in because of bullshit like this! (Hogan "pins" Jarrett to "win" the title. Russo comes back later in the evening.) Russo: There's only one way for me to do this and that's for me to tell it like it is. Y'know, three weeks ago, I left WCW (pauses to let fans get their cheering out of their system)... three weeks ago, I left WCW and quite frankly I didn't know if I was gonna come back. And the reason I didn't know if I was gonna come back or not; is because from day one that I've been in WCW, I've done nothing ...nothing but deal with the bull-SHIT of the politics behind that curtain. The fact of the matter is, I've got a wife, I've got three kids at home and I really don't need this shit. But lemme tell you the reason why I did come back. I came back for every one of the guys in that lockerroom that week in, week out bust - their - ass for WCW! I came back for the Booker T's! I came back for every single guy in M.I.A.! I came back for the Animals! I came back for Jarrett! I came back for the guys behind that curtain that give a shit about this company!! And lemme tell you who doesn't give a shit about this company! That goddamn politician Hulk Hogan! 'Cause lemme tell you people what happened out here in this ring tonight. All day long I'm playing politics with Hulk Hogan! Because Hulk Hogan, tonight, wants to play his "creative control" card! And to Hulk Hogan that meant that tonight, in the middle of this ring, when he knew it was bullshit; he beats Jeff Jarrett!! Well guess what? Hogan got his wish! Hogan got his belt, and he went the hell home, and I promise everybody or else I'm goin' to the goddamn grave: you will never see that piece of shit again!! (mixed cheers and boos) But I also--I sat out there in the people, just like you and I know you paid good money to come here tonight and nobody is gonna be ripped off here tonight. So Hulk Hogan now has the WCW belt, and Hulk, let's refer to that as the 'Hulk Hogan Memorial Belt', because from here on in; that belt don't mean shit!! (crowd pops) Because there will be a new WCW belt, and as far as I'm concerned that belt still belongs to the one guy that busts his ass week in and week out in the middle of this ring. And you people can love him and hate him but he doesn't screw anybody back there and that's Jeff Jarrett! (crowd boos) Now hold on a minute... Jeff Jarrett is still the official WCW champion, BUT... he will defend that title in this ring tonight! And he will defend that title against the son of a bitch back there who for 14 years has been bustin' his ass in WCW and can't get a goddamn break because of Hulk Hogan! And I'm talkin' about Booker T! (crowd perks up) Booker T and Jeff Jarrett are the two reasons why I'm in this damn stinkin' business to begin with! So tonight, in this ring, for the WCW title, two deserving guys; Jarrett and Booker will compete for the WCW and they'll tear this goddamn house down! And Hogan you big bald son of a bitch, kiss - my - ass!!
  13. JST

    Grand Slam Champions

    Angle became champion when he beat RVD during a Raw, only to be attacked and thrown off the stage by Austin. RVD pinned him moments later to win the title back.
  14. JST

    Best A-Train Matches

    He was called A-Train.
  15. JST

    Gif of girl getting run over

    I should probably change that. Thanks, Carnival.
  16. ...while the guy in the background stares in awe. Who has that gif and can I see it? Thanks.
  17. Cash (first went by the infinitely better name 'Cassius') was the large black guy that used to hang out with the No Limit Soldiers. Not Swoll, but the other bigger one.
  18. JST

    Champion Vs. Champion

    To add to the thread: I remember a few nothing matches on Raw & Smackdown that had the WWE vs Cruiserweight champs facing eath other, namely Matt Hardy vs Brock Lesnar or John Cena vs Chavo Guerrero.
  19. Too late to hope for the Holiday Special getting DVD treatment? Maybe if George gets bugged enough about it...
  20. JST

    Champion Vs. Champion

    Is that really the nameplate on JBL's title belt?? That looks like it's made with a sharpie.
  21. JST

    Help Win This Bet

    Help this band, Jet?
  22. JST

    Help Win This Bet

    Help win this Brett. So what, I'm late.
  23. JST

    Internet revenge

    Daily Bandwidth Allocation Exceeded