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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    TSM Poster Tournament IV

    I'm not your boy. I just tolerate you.
  2. JST

    Don't believe the hype

    Nice can of worms I've opened there on the Joe discussion.
  3. JST


    The perks of having a friend who works at the movies is the occasional free movie pass. After tonight I have a newfound love and appreciation for those. What we ended up seeing were 88 minutes of the weirdest damn crap I've ever laid eyes on. 3/4 of this movie is Milla Jovovich killing people with weapons that magically appear in her hands, while either trying to save herself or some ugly kid. She then battles with the least credible villain I've ever seen, basically a well-dressed man with a dumbass nosepiece. I stopped paying attention to the plot when people started admitting to being vampires for no discernible reason. Despite Milla's contractually obligated nudie shot, all the pretty colors and fight scenes in the world aren't gonna save this surefire Razzie candidate for next year. Avoid. Get a rectal exam instead.
  4. JST

    Good wrestling websites?

    Much as he's a target for ridicule, Keith's "Buzz" book is also good for wrestling newbies.
  5. JST

    Don't believe the hype

    I'll dive in shark infested waters... Samoa Joe. Sure, he's big and stiff. Other than that, not a damn thing about him hooks me at all. *awaits stoning
  6. JST

    Good wrestling websites?

    www.obsessedwithwrestling.com Great source for wrestler profiles.
  7. JST

    SCW Results (3/4/06)

    The man sure can milk those 15 minutes.
  8. Strangling Sean Penn. Tell me more.
  9. To clear it up: Plancha is when you get a running start and dive over the ropes to the outside, with or without hands. Tope is indeed a running dive through the ropes. Pescado is a slingshot plancha to the outside, from a standing position.
  10. Is Brian Hebner still employed by WWE? Vince is letting him work the show?
  11. JST

    Obsesesed with Wrestling is gone

    But it worked just fine this morning.
  12. Can't find the actual source for this, so here it is from Keith's blog. Link. Y'know, I can't say I'm surprised. EDIT: Bah, wrong forum. Can this be moved to General?
  13. JST

    The music of Super Street Fighter II

    Is it pretty much the same music? I haven't played any of the eleventy billion variations since the original SF2.
  14. I don't recall the exact participants, but it was a 12-man tag on a throwaway Raw that featured Team WWF vs Team Alliance with an awesome sequence at the end where everyone hit a trademark or a finisher in succession, ending with Big Show nailing a chokeslam on Hugh Morrus (?) for the win. The cool thing is that despite the brawling mess, both men were indeed legal. If I recall... APA, Scotty 2 Hotty, Big Show, ? VS Dudley Boys, Tommy Dreamer, Hugh Morrus, Palumbo & O'Haire
  15. JST

    Forums Tweak/Upgrades

    I'm getting the Acrobat Reader startup graphic whenever I get to the forum's main page at the start of the day.
  16. JST

    Hogan DVD match listings

    Hogan never Booted diva search contestants.
  17. JST

    What type of wrestling fans annoy you?

    Armchair bookers. I usually skip any "fantasy booking" posts or threads.
  18. JST

    A real reason to make fun of me

    No. Just ... no.
  19. JST

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    That'd be Monsoon. Bear in mind, I wrote that entirely from memory so there's a chance I confused the matches.
  20. JST

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Re: The famous Steiners VS Harts tag match, the road agents come out to break up the fight. "Here come the WWF officials to break i--IS THAT PAT PATTERSON, MY GOD DID HE GET FAT!!"
  21. JST


    Re: Flair's back injury Notice how he always bumps on his side? I gotta believe his back is still causing some form of discomfort after all these years.
  22. JST


    I'm 80% positive #3 is Ricky Landell.
  23. JST

    Puroresu comments

    Well at least he's shaving now.
  24. JST

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    Gotcha. Resume thread.
  25. JST

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    Excess is still around?