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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST


    Well, nuts. Looks like I won't be getting my hands on the ROH title belt after all.
  2. JST


    Heh, why not? I did it with Daniels last May.
  3. JST

    10 TV Cliches That Should Be BANNED

    #15 - The Sassy Black Woman Oh, you've seen it.
  4. JST


    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded.
  5. - Spider Man 2, just for the fun of exploring the huge-as-hell Manhattan Island. - XIII, fun little shooter. And it's got Adam West. - Day Of Reckoning. - X-Men Legends. I'm a Marvel fan, but the true mark-out moment was hearing the awesome Tony Jay supply the voice of Magneto. That, and Captain Picard talking trash.
  6. JST

    What's your favourite

    Like just about everyone else, it hit me when I noticed the WWF guys who ran in for the save. "Tazz. The Dudleys. Justin Credible ... Raven. Waaaait a minute. Rhyno. Oh shit." It's criminal how much was pissed away with that angle.
  7. You get the feeling that these weren't the chicks he was hoping would come.
  8. JST

    Favorite rap terms

    The -izzle suffix.
  9. JST


    It's April O'Neil.
  10. JST

    If SWF Characters were Star Wars Characters..

    Wait, you meant him. Bib Fortuna
  11. JST


    I'll venture a guess and go with "while under intoxication".
  12. JST


    Nice flip-flops of doom.
  13. JST

    A kinda old one

    The accountant would've gotten a spot on the show, being put through a table by the Dudleys.
  14. JST

    If SWF Characters were Star Wars Characters..

    Kit Fisto Thank you, g'night.
  15. JST


    Drama building. Did you REALLY expect Stevie to pull off the upset last monday night?
  16. JST

    Mario pianist

    http://gprime.net/video/blindfoldedmariopianist2.php He does the first one blindfolded~!!
  17. JST

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    General rule on Smallville: You don't see a body? Don't presume the person is dead.
  18. That would be worth the price of the show itself.
  19. JST

    Frank Gorshin

  20. JST

    I'm so lucky to not be in jail right now

    Maybe he IS a teacher.
  21. In that case, Match Of The Night.
  22. JST

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    I dunno, I'd tend more towards picturing Torrie having sex. Softens the blow a little.
  23. I predict he would've been 75% more over had he kept 'Roadblack' as a name. Still, not too bright, is he?
  24. Again? I'm not saying the match'll be bad (on the contrary), but these two have wrestled each other damn near everywhere. Wouldn't it have been better to book them against other people? Unless there's a storyline I'm missing out on, in which case do enlighten me.