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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    I can't believe it.

    Best quote ever. I love it.
  2. JST

    The Canadian Destroyer

    One could sell the fact that Petey's got super-strong legs, enough to flip a guy over and drop him on his head. Also wanted to show off me watching the move live.
  3. JST

    Best match finishes ever

    I'll be damned if I ever saw Kevin Nash take a rana. I remember the finish, Rey actually simply fell on top of Nash and hooked the leg after punching him a few times. In a clever bit of booking, Rey was put over the heavyweights, only to have Nash himself end that little streak. What a guy.
  4. JST

    Character or Gimmick Spinoffs

    Crash & Molly Holly.
  5. Flyer. Coming off Revolution 2.0, EWR presents Pride War 2005; with what promises to be a loaded card. - Kevin Steen VS AJ Styles in a 2/3 Falls. - Petey Williams defends the EWR championship against Excess. - Damian Steele (comparisons to Samoa Joe have started popping up about him) VS Hell Storm - Franky The Mobster VS The Arsenal VS "X-TreeM" Dave Silva - El Generico returns to the EWR and will face Damian (of IWS fame). - Reality Check (Dan Paysan & Alex Price) defend the EWR tag team titles in a four-way scramble match against Los Tabarnacos, 2.0 and L'Académie De Lutte Du Québec. - Vanessa Kraven VS Fred "La Merveille" Lauzon - Kona & Jake Matthews VS Pee-Wee & Jack-A-Lidster
  6. JST

    Biggest EWR card yet

    It's not the same Damian Steele. Quebec's Damian Steele. Never really knew XPW's Damian, but ours uses more of an old school power moves type of offense. And seeing his size, he's quite believable. Dave Silva drew early comparisons to Low-Ki, but in time he crafted his own identity as a solid technical wrestler that could take it to the air and get hardcore if needed. But he prefers matwrestling over anything. Dave Silva. (the name is different because he's been going by Dave Silva since last winter. Bio was made over a year ago.)
  7. The nWo porno music first debuted during the nWo PSA's, and then became their entrance theme at Hog Wild 96, same show where Hogan won the title.
  8. JST

    Strange Wrestling Exits

    If you want to get more technical: It's called "Loser Leaves Town". Not "Loser Leaves Town And Doesn't Come Back." Show me the fine print that says the loser has to STAY away.
  9. JST

    The Dead Bunny Head on the Floor

  10. From Zero-One Max, a few weeks ago. Available here.
  11. He seems to mention Czech waving his dick around a lot.
  12. JST

    Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

    Also not a shootfight, but a friendly scuffle with some friends. At one point I'm down and this girl tries to kick me. I catch the leg and lock on Kurt Angle's leg lace ankle lock. Damned if that move isn't as effective on TV. Really no place to go.
  13. JST

    Sid Vicious returning to the ring

    Yeah. And give him the mic if you gotta kill some time.
  14. On May 7th will be our next show, Pride War 2005, and it already looks to be a loaded card. Among the matches: - Kevin Steen will face none other than AJ Styles in a 2 out of 3 Falls match. - Petey Williams (winner of 2005 ECWA tournament) will defend the EWR title against Excess. - The return of El Generico~! He hasn't been seen in Quebec ever since he won the Elite 8 tournament and fans have been clamoring for his return. His opponent is not yet known. For those nearby, why not plunk down the 15$ for what will most likely be another MOTYC in Styles vs Steen?
  15. Steen's Go Home Driver: Holds the opponent as if for a slam, then swings him around like Chris Harris' (James Storm's?) Catatonic. Only he catches the legs behind his back and drops the opponent on his head/neck. Also, I'm gonna feel stupid as hell for asking this. What is AJ Style's Pele Kick? I've reffed the guy TWICE and I never bothered to pay attention to what the move is.
  16. JST

    web sites

    http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profiles/index.html A pretty extensive database of both indy and pro wrestlers.
  17. I was sure IDRM was the ugly goth chick he had in his sig a while ago.
  18. JST

    useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed

    Eh, so Jabba The Scott is happy. I don't judge.
  19. JST

    Favorite Old Man Flair Moment . . .

    Two: - Evolution are backstage congratulating Orton on a victory with manly chest slaps. Flair does one of his own, which Randy sells~! - When he went absolutely bonkers after being eliminated by Batista, going as far as threatening to pop security guys and fans in the mouth.
  20. JST


    Well, he SAYS he's 210...
  21. JST


    So we got Homicide vs Franky The Mobster coming up in Quebec this saturday. Now, not knowing much about Homicide myself, I was hoping the fellow smarks would help me bone up on him so I can get a main idea of the guy. What's he like in the ring? Stiff? Charismatic? Robot? What's the finisher? Trademark moves, etc? How's the crowd interaction? That and any additional info that can help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. JST

    Where do I buy a ring ?

    I'm with the majority here. Don't even entertain the notion unless you're seriously thinking about getting in the business.
  23. JST


    Match was a bit odd. Franky was his usual cocky (but face) self while Homicide was just there. He was plenty stiff and intense but for some reason failed to connect with the crowd. Finish saw all three refs get decked. Loudest pop was when he teased the Cop Killah on my colleague, only to have Franky nail him with a boot to the face for the pin. Pictures. Scroll down to Match 07. He says he liked the match and he seemed happy. He's MUCH smaller than I expected. He looked like a child compared to 6'3, 210 lbs Franky. Our flyer made him look like a beast.