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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Yknow how I do stuff...

    Now THAT I have to read.
  2. JST

    Yknow how I do stuff...

    For the masters of the obvious, the striped one is me. And yes, AJ. Morons.
  3. Glad my short moderate career didn't make the list.
  4. JST

    Weddings in the WWE

    You forgot Butcher Paul Vachon's wedding with a run-in from Lou Albano and Dr. D David Schultz. I don't know the details, but it's on the WWF Funniest Moments DVD.
  5. JST

    Wait, what the hell?

    No, that was a subtle attempt at plugging our next show.
  6. JST

    Wait, what the hell?

    You don't mean us, do you? www.elitewrestling.ca Oh yeah, A.J. Styles, sept. 4th. Suckers.
  7. JST

    Favorite stable name ever?

    Double post.
  8. JST

    Favorite stable name ever?

    IWS in Montreal has some pretty cool names. The Fan Favorites (despite being uber heels) The Kid Kamikaze Experience Featuring Kurt Lauderdale (that one's a tag team, but still an awesome name)
  9. The poster for the show is now available.
  10. On september 4th 2004, EWR will attempt for the first time in Quebec City to bring in another big time american indy wrestler to the Vieille Capitale in less than six months in the form of A.J. Styles. It's now confirmed that A.J. will take on none other than El Generico & Crazy Crusher [whom both perform for EWR & IWS] in a Triple Threat Match at "Underrated", the EWR's next offering. Also, EWR Champion Kevin Steen will defend his title against Excess 69 in a 30-minute Iron Man Match. Stay tuned for ticket info and full card.
  11. JST

    The Finisher Thread

    Bah, I used mine on a chair. That kills you even deader. *kicks Edwin in the junk
  12. JST

    The Finisher Thread

    Tod deKindes DVX - dragon sleeper into russian legsweep Spirit Breaker - pumphandle Michinoku Driver Silent Scream - Tazmission I ain't coming back yet, I just don't want ya'll to touch 'em. Maybe if you ask nicely.
  13. New Jersey shan't be disappointed.
  14. Hardcore Heat. Because I was in it.
  15. JST

    Stuff that makes you confused...

    Usually, when one man gets up before the count of 10, the referee will simply stop the count and let the match go on. Unless of course, it's a Last Man Standing match.
  16. JST

    Raven's day off

    "Ver-Saice"?! What the hell is that?!"
  17. Yeah, you don't need a boatload of referees when a promotion holds 8 to 10 matches on one given show. Both IWS and EWR have two officials each. And I'll do the occasional IWS guest spot. Like tonight.
  18. http://elitewrestling.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=637 Translated for your benefit: "Last April, the EWR succeeded in doing what most thought impossible by signing a high caliber wrestler, ranked #20 in the annual PWI 500 list in the person of Christopher Daniels. Revolution 1.0 has been a success on all fronts and now, EWR is proud to announce that for the second time in less than a year, another american wrestler will visit Quebec City next september. In fact, at EWR Underrated, which will take place Saturday September 4th 2004, the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion (ranked 11 in the PWI 500) will be present. Tickets will be available starting next week for this show at the price of 15$CAN. His opponent will be announced at Right To Fight, EWR's next offering on August 7th 2004." -- Expect a picture of me and A.J. in my signature in the next few months.
  19. Good to hear. Dru's quite the scary bastard.
  20. JST

    Building A Good Moveset

    *switches moveset to "Nothin' But Headlocks" in preparation for my new comeback under the name Technical Tod deKindes. Nahhh.
  21. I'm sorry, but most of those just reek of Photoshop.
  22. JST

    The New SWF AIM Screename Thread

    Awww, I'm Of Interest. Despite being on once every two weeks.
  23. JST

    The New SWF AIM Screename Thread

    Awww, I'm Of Interest.