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Everything posted by JST

  1. Motivated Austin VS Healthy Triple H was a thing of beauty. From the Rock/Rikishi match (where if Rock wins, Trips chooses match stips and vice-versa), to the Zero Tolerance Policy, to the famous Three Stages Of Hell match at No Way Out.
  2. JST

    Random Thought

    The Tod character (hell, if anyone remembers it) was moreless my ideal wrestling character rather than just myself amplified. So again, theory incorrect. Oh yeah, I reffed Chris Daniels.
  3. JST

    Joey Styles

    Favorite quote: (Rey Mysterio Jr. hits an amazing move on Psicosis) "Whoa!!... I'm not sure how to name that, but forget Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff, because "Whattamaneuver" isn't gonna cut it this time!!"
  4. JST


    I tend to skip over most of the mailbag, as it's nearly always "Hi Deal, long time reader, first time writer, ass-kissing, lame question we've all seen before, Sincerely, Joe; Podunk, Iowa."
  5. JST

    How to effectivly kill gimmick matches...

    Just give Vince Russo full carte blanche.
  6. At quick glance, it looks like Bradshaw is taking a giant piss on the troops.
  7. I just love the crowd guy's "What the FUCK?!" expression.
  8. JST

    Most non-sensical promos ever

    Five words: Jake Roberts: Heroes Of Wrestling.
  9. JST

    Transcript of a Piper promo

    Using logic: If I choose three partners, who can't even defeat me, then what chance do they have against the competition? Luckily they went with the safe bet and stuck the Horsemen in there.
  10. JST

    For all you control freaks.

    Ahem! French-Canadian.
  11. http://www.subservientchicken.com/ I spent 20 mins on this thing.
  12. JST

    IWS Know Your Enemies

    Pointless bragging. http://www.syndicatewrestling.com/images/i...2004/iws086.jpg This is me after suffering the wrath of WonderFred.
  13. A little backstory for those who weren't there: After a true classic of a match, both wrestlers are trading blows back and forth. Steen fires off a superkick, but Daniels ducks and the referee (IE, moi ) takes it in the mush. Daniels hits the Angel's Wings, but no count. Daniels checks on me, I'm still out, Steen hits a low blow and delivers his Package Piledriver, and I recover just in time to count the three. And now, Daniels' reactions: http://www.elitewrestling.ca/video/04-04-10PromoDaniels.wmv Still no clue on when the tape comes out. I'll be sure to let you know.
  14. I'm curious who the Question Mark Man is.
  15. JST

    For all you control freaks.

    Elite Wrestling Revolution And our close associates, Internet Wrestling Syndicate.
  16. JST

    For all you control freaks.

    I work for a fed called EWR (don't laugh), but I've worked with IWS wrestlers. www.elitewrestling.ca www.syndicatewrestling.com
  17. April 10th was the night the bar was raised as I had the highest honor of them all; reffing the best fuckin' indy match you will ever see: Chris Daniels, who's work speaks for itself, against Kevin Steen, an IWS regular who's often been mentionned on this very board. Just to give you all a heads up that we'll put this show out on DVD and tape pretty soon. When I get more details as to how to get them, I'll let you know. You all SO need to see this show.
  18. JST

    Chris Daniels VS Kevin Steen

    Nonstop heat. Crowd was just as rabid for both guys, with awesome dueling chants between the Montreal and Quebec section. Mtl: "WHERE'S-YOUR-HOCKEY-TEAM?" Daniels, to me: What the hell is this, hockey?! (does the stick motion) (to Mtl crowd) This is wrestling!! Mtl: Sor-ry! Sor-ry! Sor-ry!... Awesome night.
  19. JST

    Chris Daniels VS Kevin Steen

    Anita no bacon? Zuh?
  20. JST

    Chris Daniels VS Kevin Steen

    I was on fire, man. Personal quote of the night: "Tap out and the pain ends right f'n now!!" - me to Daniels, checking for a submission.
  21. JST

    Bad Workers Best Matches

    Tenta is by far one of the best big guys I've ever seen. Can't really name any other off the top of my head.