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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Serious Issue with Stats!!!

    *Spirit Breaks all yo sorry asses. Just 'cuz.
  2. JST

    More artyness

    For old times sake, do Tod. Best possible representation of him:
  3. JST

    Dream Matches

    I know basically nobody gives a shit about the Tod character anymore (me included), but in my time, I would've loved at least a match or feud with the big names like Edwin or King; as well as the new names (at the time) who were popping up, namely Wildchild (who I happily bequeathed the No Gravity match to), Dace (got a feeling we could've produced some cheerily violent matches) & either Ejiro or Judge. I would've also loved one more "Who the hell is the better man?" feud with Danny, as to exercize the writing muscles a little.
  4. JST

    SWF: The Music Vol. 3

    I would've used Why Can't We Be Friends? if I stuck around.
  5. JST

    Fun Feuds

    Also can't deny my feud with Annie. Gave more insight into the Tod character, produced some decent matches and gave a neat double-turn and title switch.
  6. JST

    Fun Feuds

    Tod/TNT/Danny - JL Days. Belee dat.
  7. JST

    Favorite dropped storylines of 2003

    Big Show as US Champion.
  8. JST

    Who has Main Evented

    Big Show? I'm sure I've seen him on a Starrcade before. He was also in WM2000's fatal fourway.
  9. JST

    Original DX question...

    What You Looking At? by Uncle Kracker. Which is of course Kid Rock doing 3/4 of the song.
  10. JST


    I'm out of town on the 21st. If the suits would be so kind to give my match to someone else.
  11. Problems are being settled as we speak. I should be good to go next show.
  12. Been having net problems, so if the JL suits would be so kind to assign another marker to the match I was supposed to do.
  13. JST

    IWS Hardcore Heat review

    Correction on CCW, good sir. It's in Quebec, not Montreal. I should know. I work there.
  14. JST

    The old WWF title

    Regarding Warrior and his many belts; I recall a story where he'd often forget his title belt when travelling, so the office would simply have a new one ready for him when he'd show up at an arena.
  15. JST

    SJL Wrath Card - 11/23/03

    I'm still around. I can still mark, y'know.
  16. JST

    Shows you love that...

    "I don't care if you've got a Z on the side of your head, THAT'S NOT LEGAL!!"
  17. JST

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Bret Hart: If I had to give America an enema, I would stick the hose right here in Pittsburgh!
  18. Vince McMahon vs Andre The Giant circa 1989. With Vince going over.
  19. Lion's Den? Don't you mean 'Asylum' ? The Den is the big pit-like cage with a catwalk.
  20. JST

    The destruction of the NWA World Title

    Mark Madden's greatest contribution to professional wrestling is the word "spin-a-roonie".
  21. JST

    SJL WRATH CARD 10-26-03

    Show up in the future?
  22. 10. Scott Keith can eat 12 hot-dogs in 60 seconds.
  23. Hate to disappoint; but very slim. Though if you keep at it and put your face out there, there could be some hope. You gotta have something that sets you apart from other managers; other than the standard "pound on apron and annoy crowds". And Matt, I'm not saying this to annoy you (as is my habit), but if you make it past our trainers, good luck. If so, bring it on.
  24. Become a referee. I'm serious. That way you get to take part in actual matches without doing too much (aside from the obvious refereeing), plus, you'll never know who you get to ref. In my short year-and-a-half career; I've refereed the likes of Sylvan Grenier, Sinn from NWA-TNA & Pierre-Carl Ouellette (the big Quebeccer); and got to meet Rick Martel, Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn. Plus, it's fun as hell to interact with wrestlers during a match. Example: "Hey ref, tell these people to shut up!!" "I would, man! But I can't control the people! One day I will, but not tonight!" Or. "C'mon ref, it's two on one!!" "Hey, I'd LOVE to turn around and warn 'em, but logic dictates that I can't turn around until you're in your corner, so get back there and WAIT - FOR - THE - TAG!!" I can yell out the stupidest of things.
  25. JST

    Where is Scott Keith?

    No no, you got it all wrong. ... He's eating 37 hot-dogs.