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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Mike Awesome dies

    Wow. Wonder what Joey Styles thinks of him now.
  2. Colin Mochrie as the Snack Fairy in the sponsor ad was funnier.
  3. JST

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    His last name is Rogan?
  4. JST

    So, I'm looking to buy a gun.

    Desert Eagle. Who's gonna fuck with you when you whip this out?
  5. JST

    Yay or Nay...

    There's only one 80's high school comedy worth your time.
  6. JST

    Move Suggestions

    Then switch the proposed stunner with a snapmare and follow up with a stiff kick on the spine or a low dropkick.
  7. JST

    Van Roth or Van Hagar?

    "In the immortal words of Van Halen ... before that dumbass Sammy Hagar joined the group... I'm hot for teacher."
  8. JST

    Move Suggestions

    Go with the infallible route of yelling "Hey ref, LOOK!", boot the guy in the nards and then apply the move. Psychology? Urr?
  9. JST

    MLK Day Party

    What you swattin' at?
  10. JST

    Australia's entry on Wikipedia

    The joke is Bronson, MO.
  11. JST

    Australia's entry on Wikipedia

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_c._sco...ted_filmography Check out 1995. Going on a week now...
  12. JST

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Judy on Family Matters. ... Ok then, so where the hell DID she go?
  13. JST

    The Youtube Thread

    Don't Tenay and West have a built-in monitor on their table, a bit like the WWE announcers?
  14. JST

    Best writing in video games

    Killer 7, if only for the endless interpretations the messed up story can have.
  15. JST

    So, Lita has a band.

    If that's a La Parka mask the drummer is wearing, this can be forgiven.
  16. JST

    The 2006 Gooker Award Nominees

    While far from possibly ever happening, there's always the chance that someone could wake up and say "Hey, we COULD do something decent with that brand!". And then the new ECW will somehow be run correctly and eventually (given time and chances) will maybe become hot and attract viewers and ratings. Of course, Vince will die before that happens, and as we all know, Vince McMahon will never be killed by any conventional means. However, pissing on a beloved and respected wrestler's memory will not bring him back. Other than Vicky scoring some paychecks from appearing on TV, no other good can come from exploiting Eddie Guerrero's death. I hope this "wins", so that maybe it can somehow send a message to the right people about this type of angle.
  17. JST

    Least Professional

    Wasn't he the one who killed Bruiser Brody? That'd take the cake, I say.
  18. JST

    Best Videos.....

    It wasn't quite The End, but a reasonable facsimile which more than did the job the first year. The following years they kept modifying it for each Armageddon PPV to the point where it's basically unrecognizable since the last one.
  19. JST

    iPhone and iPod

    Mace, hand grenade, sideburns, portable shower, treadmill, miniature shaver...
  20. JST

    Does anyone here collect action figures?

    I have an assortment collection of wrestling, TV, movie and comic figures. I, too, used to get the Marvel Legends, until I noticed a drastic decrease in quality (some won't even stand up). I have a not-so-useful amount of wrestling title belts that come with the wrestlers, so I just put them on movie characters. Like, U.S. Champion Gozer The Gozerian, or Tag Team Champs Michael Myers & Locutus Of Borg.
  21. JST

    Most Professional

    What did Corino say about him?
  22. JST

    TSM Forums Game of the Year Nominations

    Shucks. Well, I WAS going to add Yoshi's Island DS. A "Mario" title with actual replayability. (New SMB having already been mentionned several time)
  23. JST

    Best movies that didn't actually exist

    Beverly Hills Gun Club "I want a bigger codpiece!!"