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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Favorite Ham 'N Eggers

    Scott D'Amore, way back in 95, complete with full head of mullet and ugly singlet. He got in Amhed Johnson's face and even slapped him. I laughed at his ensuing destruction.
  2. JST

    Songs that get you pumped up.

    Ministry - No W I'm always a mark for O Fortuna used in a rock setting.
  3. JST

    Often mistaken song titles

    Edit: Humbly retracted.
  4. JST

    New Japan news

    ... Wait, Tomko can do a swanton!?
  5. Jacques was talking with Pat Patterson, and Dynamite was walking by. Once he got within range, Jacques clocked him in the teeth. I think after a talk with Vince, they agreed that Jacques would pay some (or all) of the dental work.
  6. Keep in mind who was slated for the big solo push, before someone screwed up his back forever.
  7. JST

    Who tapped out and who didn't?

    Regarding Foley, are we talking about just the concept of submission or (more previsely) the physical act of slapping the mat? Foley once made himself give up with his own hold, vs Ken Shamrock.
  8. JST

    What seperates Smarks and Marks?

    Who the fock is Kent Jones?
  9. Punching limo windows with your bare fists will do that.
  10. JST


  11. JST

    Dave Coulier

    "Cut! It! Out!" Gold.
  12. JST

    Nacho Libre

    This movie confirmed my official dislike for recent comedies. The "referee" in me was insulted by this thing. Who knew you could win a match by giving your opponent a dropkick, or better yet, pin him on the floor?! The only high points were Not-Penelope Cruz looking hot and Will Ferrell signing a baby's head in the Talladega Nights preview.
  13. Just because they sold it as a toy, it doesn't mean Rock ever had a Brahma Bull belt.
  14. JST

    Clean Heel Wins

  15. JST

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    Old people on Price Is Right that get called to come on down, and they automatically assume they can go on stage. Old people in general.
  16. The Demolition Decapitation was actually a combination backbreaker/2nd rope elbow drop.
  17. JST

    Weird Former ECW Alumni

    Mike Lozansky (that it?) He was briefly shown last year in the "dearly departed" segment during ONS.
  18. JST

    Civil War

    Too late. | | V
  19. I give you the latest underwhelming Halloween flick, which didn't set the world on fire. Well, except the shed at the end if you've seen it.
  20. My bad, I was picturing an actual "leap and do a 360" backflip.