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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    No and as much as I like Angel don't start making comparisons. Whedon didn't invent the idea of prophecies.
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    Feedback for the 11/24 HD~

    Great promos. Jesse Ventura is the ref for PRL/SJ? Cool. Spanish Fly coming out was a bit random, even though he has a history with PRL it still seems odd that he would pick that moment to come out, but it made for a good moment in the PRL/SJ build up as it teased them working together again. Otaku II's promo was good as well. Man they must have busted him hard for him to bleed through his mask. Oh and I was sad that there was no women's match or segment this week.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    OAOAST Title Histories

    Oh I see.
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    OAOAST Title Histories

    I didn't win the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title in June. I won it in October and lost it in October. I think I held it two or three weeks and that's it.
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Feedback for the 11/24 HD~

    First off Happy Thanksgiving everyone...yeah I know at the point I'm writing this Thanksgiving is over, but it's the thought the counts. Now on to the feedback. First off all the Superstars giving thanks had me rolling. Especially Jumbo's "FO MAH POKA DAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHTSSSSSSSSSS!" I've never heard a firework go "Kapslat!" before. Nor do I even know what "kapslat" sounds like. I know what "Kasplat" sounds like though. When I read about the 10 Team Survivor Series Match I thought for sure it would take up half the show. I didn't realize that when one man is eliminated his partner is as well. This was an awesome match. I always loved Survivor Series matches. Zack is going to be a Daddy!!! Poor kid...I joke I joke. Man K.I.D. can talk forever can't she. Poor Josh and poor Scotty. I thought for a second there Krista really wanted to join the Upstarts. I hope all these promos where KID runs down the whole OAOAST Roster are leading to something big, because she's stepping on some major toes. The Josh Matthews/Leon Rodez interview was great. It reminded me of a Rock interview kind of. But the image of Leon wearing the X-Title during sex is too much. I'll feedback PRL's stuff once it's in. Good little match between PK and Rodez, but what's up with the looks from GPX to PK?? Hahahahaha Poppycocks! SJ/PRL has been built up quite well. Like I said last week heel/heel feuds are hard to pull of well, but they're doing it and teasing turning PRL face...has he ever been a face? I hope ya'll liked the Dream Machines implosion segment. I'll feedback the Otaku promo when it comes in. The Main Event was awesome. I love how they were ignoring SJ to begin. I also like how it really seemed that either Alf or Zack were going to win it. And finally Sandman is here and I marked out!!! Great show and I can't wait for the PPV. EDIT: Oh and was this show in Oakland or Canada? Candie said we were in Canada in her promo, but all the other references said we weren't.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Booking for the 12/1

    Oh well it could be fun.
  7. LaParkaYourCar

    Booking for the 12/1

    According to the Tour Schedule this is our first stop in a European Tour. The show is in Madrid, Spain.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    That we probably won't find out until the last book. I don't feel like telling the whole story of what happens post-Goblet of Fire because there's so much detail and subplot, but there's an explaination of what I said before.
  9. Has anyone seen a pic of Sting lately? I found one. Look: He's looking old...but you gotta love that soul patch.
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    They already have enough to cover from Order of the Phoenix as it is. It's the longest of the books so far.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    I don't think it takes away from the focus of anyone. Unless all the fans have ADD. It's good to have something for all your roster so that they aren't sitting around doing nothing, plus it makes for a lot better undercard.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Pictures I Like

    Hey why is that one girl looking away? I'd hate to be stuck at that one. Or is she implying that it's so big it sticks up high in the air?
  14. LaParkaYourCar


    All they did was use the "Hall" or "Theater" setting on the Graphic Equalizer of their audio player. It works well though.
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    Some of the stuff I said was revealed in Order of the Phoenix. The rest is all from the chapter "The Parting of the Ways" in GOF.
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    Vince McMahon Institutes New Drug Policy

    It's already been discussed to death on here that most of us think he's on roids already. Yet I haven't seen anyone get pissed because of it. Stop trying to stir up trouble.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

    I'm sure Kane used to be on them, but he looks like he stopped because he lost a lot of muscle mass.
  18. LaParkaYourCar

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    Smackdown is always taped, so there's no getting around that.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    Well so much for Juventud having heat. He's right back to being CW champ. Doesn't that make him like a 3 time CW champ since coming to WWE? (not counting his WCW runs with the belt)
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    Armageddon main event revealed!

    Why would Edge demand a #1 Contender's Match when he still has the Money in the Bank??
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    Basically all that was left out of the movie.
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    Armageddon main event revealed!

    Well they've already done other Taker Gimmick Matches. Just be glad it isn't an Inferno Match.
  23. LaParkaYourCar

    Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

    Actually Foley stated that he went most of his life without taking pain killers until one time the pain was too much. He tried them and then quickly stopped because he was afraid he would become addicted.
  24. LaParkaYourCar

    Eugene Hospitalized

    Is this guy for real??
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

    When I first saw this thread I thought it was about whether or not Test was using steroids.