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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    Pictures I Like

    Hahahaha nice Dork.
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    I've seen commercials for it all over the place, so you must not.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    Hey Fishywa

    Pope's Croatian Faucet! That's your new name!
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    Pictures I Like

  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    Looks like the link I provided goes to the main page of that website now, but anyone who's seen the promo knows what I'm talking about. If you haven't here's a transcript: (Luger comes out of a room looking upset. A fat little man who looks like Oliver Humperdink's cousin walks up) Interviewer: Mr. Luger, Mr. Luger I saw what just happened out there with Ron Killings. I just want to ask you...I mean...what are your plans for the next show Superbrawl Saturday. Are you gonna take care of Ron Killings? Luger: What kind of disgusting dispic...dispicable *sighs* lack of respect does that Billy Whats-his-name show booking a match for the Total Package Lex Luger on Superbrawl.........Super Saturday.....WHAT IS IT, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED!!!! Interviewer: Superbrawl Saturday. Luger: Superbrawl Saturday!? Can he afford to pay me to wrestle Ron? I DON'T KNOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!! I'm one of the biggest legends and stars in this....GOD!!! (At this point Luger gets mad at his t-shirt and pulls it off over his head) AND YOUR T-SHIRTS ARE TOO TIGHT TOO BILLY!!!! AND YOU BOOK A MATCH WITH ME AGAINST RON KILLINGS!? LOOK AT ME! I'M A TOTAL PACKAGE. I'LL RIP HIM APART. I'M PISSED NOW!! (Luger walks off as the interviewer looks totally baffled.) Interviewer: I don't think I....(in the background Luger fiddles with the door and yells "AND THE DOOR'S LOCKED TOO!") (The interviewer burst into laughter.) --------- Really it's even funnier with Luger's facial expressions. See.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    I remember that. What was the point of that? To show that smoking is bad by having The Giant smoke on his way to the ring?
  7. LaParkaYourCar

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    Speaking of things that made you go WTF. Has anyone of you ever seen this. EDIT: Dangit...well whenever it starts loading it's Lex Luger's "I DON'T KNOOOOOOW!!!" promo.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    Why not? Peter Jackson did. I demand Harry Potter Extended Edition DVD's!!
  9. LaParkaYourCar

    Interesting line from the torch

    Someone already posted that Duke.
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    It's a packed house in Hardcore Discussion!

    Or you could see it if YOU'RE a fan.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    It's a packed house in Hardcore Discussion!

    Harry Potter of course. I'm a big Potter fan.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    It's a packed house in Hardcore Discussion!

    At the very top there's some links that say "Outline, Standard, Linear" you clicked on Linear, click on Standard.
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Pictures I Like

    La Parka wearing glasses over his mask makes that pic!
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    Oh how could I forget the time that Kane projected his daydreams onto Live Television.
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Eugene Hospitalized

    That flower pot has now been given a push on Velocity.
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    Another mindgame

    I think my eyes are broke. When I look at the dots the moving dot still looks green to me instead of pink. EDIT: Nevermind that's only after I've seen the green dot. If I start out looking at the dots it's pink.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    Eugene Hospitalized

    Yeah but that's only for 90 days isn't it? After that he could join.
  18. LaParkaYourCar

    Eugene Hospitalized

    Hmm this might actually work in Dinsmore's favor. If he gets released he can go to TNA where he can finally drop the retard character, which could make for quite a debut promo. "I just wrestled as a retard for the last couple of years! I came here to finally be myself!" From what I've heard of his OVW stuff he's actually quite a good wrestler and in TNA he wouldn't have to do hokey moves from the 80's anymore as opposed to actually wrestling.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    I bet GOF will become your new favorite. It's my favorite of the books. Don't get me wrong I'll probably love the movie (I haven't seen it, just heard what they cut out). The thing is it's not always what the cut out, but also what they change. And from what I've heard they've changed a few things.
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    Harry Potter Movies

    You read the book and you'll really see how much they cut out of this movie. It's almost unrecognizable.
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    Feedback Feedbag (w/poll)

    Feedback on PRL's stuff: Both the promo and the match did a great job building SJ/PRL for the PPV. It's not always easy to make a heel/heel match work, but they're doing it and teasing PRL as a face in the process. The Vitamin X promo was good as well.
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    Eugene Hospitalized

    "very most probably exactly" Geez...who wrote that?
  23. LaParkaYourCar

    The World According to Student Bloopers

  24. LaParkaYourCar

    Any serious thoughts about the nuclear option?

    When I first read the title of this thread I thought you were suggesting Nuking the WWE roster.
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    Hey Fishywa

    La Parka Your Car = Carry Polka Aura A Koala Purr Racy A Royal UK Car Rap