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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I said something about that after the rerun of "Help"
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    If you go back to the beginning of this thread someone mentioned what all he's been in the first time they saw him on an episode. OR You could just look up D.B. Woodside at www.imdb.com
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    He was thrown out of a window in Romeo Must Die.
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Wood was in "Romeo Must Die"
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Whoa I think I just saw Amber Benson on The Shield. They didn't show her for long. Nevermind it's not her.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Angel Season 1

    Was Fear Itself shown? I only missed one episode and that was "The Harsh Light of Day" Oh and that list is off because today's episodes were "The Initiative" and "Wild at Heart" Oh nevermind that's the morning episode schedule
  7. 94.5 The Buzz in Houston had Kane on their morning show without his mask on, but they forgot to tell Kane about the webcam so anyone watching the webcam got to see Kane without his mask. Due to the WWE's "stay in character" rule now the WWE was upset about the incident.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Angel Season 1

    FX skips a lot of episodes. This time around though they seem to be showing more episodes from season 4 than the last time they ran through it.
  9. LaParkaYourCar

    Kane's face exposed by Houston Radio Station

    I really wouldn't call it an apology. More of a "whoops we made a mistake.....this is what we did"
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I've read where all this is going and I like it. SORT OF SPOILERS There will be a Spike intensive flashback episode soon along the lines of "Fool for Love" that sounds awesome.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    Kane's face exposed by Houston Radio Station

    I didn't hear the show, but the statement about their mistake they kept calling him Kane.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I loved the Giles flash card stuff with that asian SiT. His pictures were hilarious.
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I thought it was cute too. I sense a relationship brewing.
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I agree. I like the way they do previews now. Great episode tonight. So much was answered that was hanging for most of this season. Wood's involvement, Giles' escape.
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    let me go on record in saying Ashanti isn't that pretty.
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Spike's chip is gone and we got to see how Giles avoided the axe!! Good episode so far.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    Bret Hart on Off The Record (TSN) right now!

    It's good to hear Bret himself say he's not mad at Vince anymore. Hey they even hugged!
  18. LaParkaYourCar

    I know these type of threads are hated

    Well I don't know much about the flaming against him since I wasn't involved in it. All I knew about was the holocaust thread. If the mods say he was warned before I trust them.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    Joy to the world

    There's posting your opinions, then there's posting something you know for a fact will get you flamed. There's no way in hell he didn't know that he would get flamed for that.
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    I know these type of threads are hated

    I think it mostly boils down to all the warnings he was given. Plus there's a difference between "I don't like Pepsi" and "I think the Holocaust is a bunch of BS." He knew very well that would garner flames.
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    Joy to the world

    Yeah, but his Holocaust thread was the ultimate flame bait.
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    Angel Season 1

    I heard somewhere that the phone call does happen during a Buffy episode, but I can't remember which one.
  23. LaParkaYourCar

    WWE Cost Cutting Measures

    If you kill the split you can say goodbye to the Smackdown 6. HHH would jump at the idea of being on both shows.
  24. LaParkaYourCar

    WCW songs based on real ones-?

    DDP - Smells Like Teen Spirit Raven - Come As You Are Both by Nirvana
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    Student loans are for suckers

    I have $50,000 in school loans to pay off.