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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    The one and only 1/13/03 WWE RAW thread...

    No disgruntled workers? Better send everyone but HHH home. Hahahaha did Steiner just cry?
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    The one and only 1/13/03 WWE RAW thread...

    Bench press contest? Didn't they do that with Dino Bravo?
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    WWE wants Goldberg to keep Rock Happy

    I don't think his movie career will go any further than Hogan's did. No matter what he will need to come back to wrestling especially since he's still young. Why wouldn't he come back? He's pretty much going to get a good push every time he comes back so the WWE can play off him as much as they can before he leaves again. I don't mind him......if this rumor isn't true about him not wanting to wrestle anyone but Goldberg. I'm annoyed by The People's Elbow and highly pissed at his mockery of the Sharpshooter, but other than that he can be pretty entertaining when he wants to be.
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    Bret Hart DVD

    I would pay any amount of money for that DVD right there.
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Banner Request

    So Papacita should eat his heart out about a little red X and "user posted image"?
  6. LaParkaYourCar


    Wow Rando........I wonder how many people still get the whole "Mike Sanders' Pony" joke?
  7. LaParkaYourCar


    Oh don't get me wrong Eiker I wasn't trying to knock you or anything. I was just saying who it was that did most of the one word posts.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Man verus Beast...

    Isn't that the time slot that Angel is moving to?
  9. LaParkaYourCar


    The Mission thread was pretty much the TSM Chat room since there isn't one here. Cutthroat and Eiker were the ones who mostly did the one word posts. Atleast Eiker got better and moved on from that phase.
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    UH oh...I can feel the Riley hate coming a mile away in this thread It says they have no luck getting a hold of him so I doubt he's coming back......in that episode atleast. What I'm gathering is that Spike's chip starts acting up in the next couple of episodes.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Here's something fun I found SPOILERS Here's a preview of the episode after the next episode "The Killer in Me" Buffy tries to contact Riley concerning a problem with Spike's chip. With no luck, she and Spike decide to check the Initiative caves for information. They discover some soldiers who give Spike a choice.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    MX's Stolen Banner advice thread

    The majority of those pictures don't work anymore. There's supposed to be 16 pics of La Parka and only 2 show up in thumbnail size.....and NONE of them actually work.
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

    So you want WWE to intentionally f'up once again? I'm sorry, but I don't want them to intentionally f'up, no matter what it is. If he's on TV, IF he's on TV (we don't eve know he's coming yet), then I would hope everyone here would hope for them to make the best of it, instead of trying to ruin yet another angle, which would as a result hurt the product that much more. Part of me thinks the only way things will get better is for them to hit rock bottom (no pun intended). Vince obviously isn't listening to reason. It might just take it getting worse........for it to get better.
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

    I don't know why I'm harping on this one thing anyway. It's not even the real reason I don't like the guy. He was insanely over at one point, but that still doesn't make me like him. You said if he got over you would say "I told you so" you could say it till you're blue in the face to me I don't care for the man's attitude. He's just another quick fix by the WWE. Plus he was worse than an Ex-WCW star.........he's pure home grown WCW talent which means I'd hate to see how Vince treats him after his initial program is over if he stays around.........well maybe I wouldn't "hate" to see what happens.
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

    No, Bret was very much already suffering before that match. While we're at it... ...how about we all list everyone that Goldberg injured. I'm not talking about a little bump that made someone hurt, that happens in every match basicly, I'm talking about something that REALLY hurt someone. Go ahead, list them all please. So you're saying he was pretty hurt before the Goldberg match? Did Goldberg know that? I bet so. Three times in one match on a man he knew was hurt is beyond careless to me no matter how many others he has injured. Besides his matches in Japan has he even been taking wrestling lessons? Frankly the way he wrestled he got lucky that he didn't injure anyone else seriously.
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    Bob Holly Interview

    We don't know how hurt he is. Judging from DeMott's words I'd say he's more hurt than they let us know about. I'm sticking by my belief that he's an asshole just trying to show how tough he is. There IS a difference between working stiff and beating someone. If he wanted to work stiff he could have. Lord knows he could have because he always does. Therefore there was no reason to flat out pummel a man when you know how to work stiff and be careful. He could have worn that boy out by just working stiff alone. If you know how to do it and be safe and you "choose" not to then you are out of line.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    So, who's economic package do you like?

    I'm going to be truthful. I don't know jack crap about economics and until I do I won't try to get all opinionated about it.
  18. LaParkaYourCar


    Especially since he hardly ever posted in the Mission thread. I was a large mainstay of the Mission thread.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    Tell me a movie to rent/download/etc...

    Did someone say "Head"? As in the Monkees' movie?
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    Bob Holly Interview

    No they are not pussies for thinking that. It's not an emasculated opinion. I see a man trying to act big by hurting someone I think it's wrong no matter what the circumstances. I watched the match. Nothing was said or done to provoke it. Holly went straight in and automatically started shooting on Matt. If it happened in an actual match between wrestlers with contracts on WWE TV you wouldn't take this stance.
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

    Please stop calling Goldberg "Goldy" that name is for Goldust. That's another reason Goldberg should have been more careful if Bret was already injured. Because he ended up hurting him 3 times in one match. I don't just blame him for the injury. I hated him before the Bret Hart match.
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

    It's not just him being dangerous it's his whole attitude towards the business. I don't get the vibe from him that he cares what happened in the Bret Hart match. His whole time in WCW he was just collecting a paycheck. He never really cared for the business.
  23. LaParkaYourCar


    Actually Darryl hardly ever posted. He just now got to 1000 posts.......maybe a few weeks ago. He just started the thing and it was pretty funny when it first started. It got bad after a couple of months when people just started posting one word posts.
  24. LaParkaYourCar

    Bob Holly Interview

    Mick Foley always theorized that he was bitter about the Spark Plug gimmick..........what a crock. There are other wrestlers out there who have had worse gimmicks........like Kane for example. Do you hear Kane being bitter about "The Christmas Creature"?
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    Bob Holly Interview

    No it shouldn't be lolipops and kisses, but it also shouldn't be intentional harm. He wasn't upset about the pain he was upset about the violation of trust.