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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    Huh? Look what I found

    It's not gone after all
  2. LaParkaYourCar


    Who's hating on Cena? It seems most of us are getting a kick out of his new character.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    Huh? Look what I found

    Man......Darryl finally got his 1000th post.....after all this time??
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    New Creative Staffer Working With Heyman

    Thing is I think this whole thing is hurting Cena. Looking like a fool at the hands of a comedy character like Rikishi tends to hurt your credibility in the mark's eyes. Now Cena is just "that guy that Rikishi whooped"
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    The fill in the blank game...

    If you eat ______ your ______ will turn ______.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Wait a minute. If that means the Initiative was involved.......Riley isn't coming back is he?
  7. LaParkaYourCar

    News on Vince, Brock, Triple H & Raw

    It wasn't a crushed trachea!!! It turned out to be a swollen throat. They used the crushed trachea thing as a storyline since it was originally thought to be one.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    edge sucks

    Do we really need another anti-Edge thread?
  9. LaParkaYourCar

    News on Vince, Brock, Triple H & Raw

    Regardless of how the "should" have done the match. I'm not going to get all overly......"oh my God HHH kept wrestling" cause it happens all the time. Most of the roster is probably working through injuries on a daily basis. I have a general respect for all wrestlers for that reason. But that doesn't erase the fact that I still think HHH is an asshole.
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    I think it was Danny Doring.......yeah he's not really a young talent, but he was pretty much getting a try out for the WWE which means he needed to look good in his match.......Bill went out of his way to make sure he didn't by not selling a damn thing.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    He wrestled someone on Velocity a week or so ago that he totally didn't sell anything for.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    The most horrific web site of all time...

    Eddy was mentioned either in this thread or another one. He definitely uses them and needs to stop. Benoit might too. The steriods aren't my real problem with HHH so I'm not saying I hate all steroid users.
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Eric reminds me of Randy Orton for some reason.
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    I would have wiped with paper towels before I asked the trainers for toilet paper.
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Good point.......I'm hating him more....that's more what I mean.
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    I'm losing respect for Bill DeMott seing him get on to TE kids one day and no-selling young talent the next.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Super Angle Slam!!!!!!!
  18. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Finally Edge goes to his real finisher. The longer they go......the more Eddy and Benoit look weak for not making it this far.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    He's too light to make it seem like a finisher. He doesn't give it the "freight train hitting you" feel to it.
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Did Tazz just say he has a gash over his head? Over it???
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    Totally off the subject

    This should be in the Site Feedback folder.........not the WWE folder.
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Well so much for Shock TV being dead huh?
  23. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Supposedly they taped them making out.
  24. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Well for tonight yes......unless it takes the last segment after the match.........maybe that's why the match started so early.
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    The One and Only 12/6 SmackDown! Thread

    Geez didn't they just have a commercial break?