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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    I got this e-mail today!

    I didn't find it retarded. I thought a lot of what was said is something that has needed to be said for awhile. Some people are just afraid to admit that it's true. Now some of it may have been a little overboard, but for the most part I liked it. I know saying everyone needs to learn english is harsh, but it would make things a lot easier.
  2. I don't see how it's being pushed on you. He was using it to make a point in his promo. I don't want to start a debate. I'll just give my view. You gotta ask yourself. What makes someone a "good person" really no one is better or worse than the next. We're all sinners. So if there's a heaven and hell then there would need to be a salvation to get to heaven. Now if there were more than one way to be saved then there would be no point and everyone would make it, but then you come back to that problem of everyone being a sinner and quite frankly we've all done stuff in our lives that would warrant hell if no sin is worse/better than another. So if there is a hell then obviously there needs to be a way out of going there. It needs to be a way that's straight forward and easy for everyone to access. Whatever way you believe that is your choice. I just hope that I'm following the right way.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    I got this e-mail today!

    That's some good stuff. It wouldn't suprise me if George Carlin said that. He's got the balls to make those statements.
  4. My point was atleast when he's talking about his beliefs you won't have to worry about necrophilia.
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Raw from JHawk's Beak is up

    I think it's pretty obvious he's a heel. This whole "I love the fans even if they hate me" thing is pure gold. Man nowdays it seems wrestlers become a lot better once they turn heel.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Miss Smartmarks Contest II

    Of those who were left I can live with Shakira, but I think a lot of more worthy women got done wrong in this tourney. It's hard when someone you don't want to win is put up against someone you REALLY don't want to win or two people you want to win are against each other. Many a good woman lost that way.
  7. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart was the first WWF ladder match in 92 for the IC title. It was at a house show but on a Coliseum tape Smack Em Whack Em. Shawn DID win that one. Nope Shawn lost that one too.
  8. Flair knew that no one can resist throwing him off the top rope!!
  9. Notice this once hot crowd died down once HHH came out.
  10. "HBK is a Believer" What is he going to come out to that Monkee's song now?
  11. Metal Gear 2 on Xbox??? Is it the same game as the PS2 version?
  12. Booker will yell Sucka when he gets to the ring....I hope. Ultra-delayed Suckaaa
  13. What??? What was that? Did Test just call Stacy a testicle?
  14. I'll give Test this much.......now fans can bring signs about testicles and not have them taken up.
  15. JR - "Test should have testicles" (yeah I took it out of context, but it sounds like a shoot comment to me)
  16. What's up with this long permed look for the guy wrestlers now? Orton and Nowinski both have that look going.
  17. Newsflash to Trish.......YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!
  18. RNN!!! His shoulder sling has been chaffing him hahaha!!!
  19. So the other participants will be locked in smaller cages until it's time for them to come in? Sounds cool.
  20. Bischoff forgot to roll both his sleaves up.
  21. I saw Lanny Poffo on some infomercial not long ago so he's not in prison. He looks nothing like he used to anymore. He's bulked up.
  22. Nowinski's new weapon.......a book of Dicken's writings.
  23. Charles Dickens wrote "What does everybody want"??
  24. Tommy Dreamer on TE3!! "Whisper something nice and I'll make ya scream twice" - Steiner
  25. Shouldn't they send Jeff Hardy to rehab or something? He always looks, doped up, anorexic, and sick.