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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. I think it's safe to say that the Angle/Benoit team wouldn't last forever. But Edge/Rey as tag champs? Are they going to run with it? Last time Edge was tag champ with Hogan it was just a short term thing. Angle/Benoit was the only thing that seemed to be going for awhile.
  2. Ha I called it. Damnit just have the match end normally. They already used the whole. Come back after the commercial to find the match restarted thing.
  3. Yeah I like having my computer near my TV. Anyone else have a bad feeling their going to do a false finish on this like they did the last time Edge was in a 2 out of 3 falls match?
  4. I have no problem with the Edge-a-cution. He doesn't use it much anymore.
  5. Was Downward Spiral the move that Kanyon uses also?
  6. No Camera Men are safe!!
  7. Edge Haters don't necesarilly say Edge can't wrestle. They're just peeved at Edge's tendency to not put over his opponents work completely. He sells great, but he has trouble finishing it off right. That's my take on it. I think it all comes down to Edge needs a new finisher.
  8. Was I hearing "Edge sucks" chants???
  9. I don't care about his tights. Angle rules!! Spear-o-mania is about to run wild.......well hopefully not, but you know it will.
  10. Angle has worn those tights before.
  11. Damn what did that TV do to Brock? Time for match of the night!!!
  12. What was the point of that? They could have atleast done like they did for Taker and have Matt set up Big Show for a Brock attack.
  13. Man I made a 1000 even on my SAT. Matt Hardy's eating Big Show's nose!!
  14. He scored a 1330 on his SAT's. What did Jeff score?
  15. I love how Cole kept wanting us to look at Al, but Tazz was like no look at Dawn!! Cole has to be gay.
  16. Wait.......this makes Dawn Marie Torrie's mom!!
  17. Oh great now their making light of suicide! Any other taboo subjects left to make light of?
  18. Tazz and Cole are shooting on Al Wilson!!! Ewwwww noooooooo.
  19. "My mother was right. I should have been a lawyer." - Heyman That's great.
  20. Matt Hardy softener of Hosses!!
  21. I wonder if Al Wilson heard Tazz and Cole making fun of him earlier?
  22. MF'er?? When was the last time Shannon Moore has had a match?
  23. Nice front missle dropkick. I don't see how people aren't injured from Rikishi's sloppy Samoan Drop.
  24. Ouch Tazz and Cole are making fun of Al Wilson's lack of charisma.
  25. Well the baby just popped out and stumbled around. Now it's trotting around the field so Taker can come back.