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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar
I think an intense match can be hardcore mostly no dq matches. The crazy weapons are garbage matches, but without the intensity I just can't call them hardcore.
Austin: Stunner Thesz Press Hot Shot Superplex Vertical Suplex Backdrop body slam mudhole stomping Cobra Clutch (every once and awhile) sleeper clothesline running elbow Top Rope Belly to Back Sharpshooter (sometimes) Second Rope Elbow Attack That's all I can think of
A Hogan book??? How much BS will be in that?
the damage is repairable, if they stop the bleeding now and start repairing. WWE hasn't quite got the concept of keeping those wrestlers you might want to main event someday looking good in the meantime. If you make all your potential main eventers look like crap then you'll have nothing to turn to.
I think he was just talking about Edge, Eddy, Rey, Angle, and Benoit.
Angle: Angle Slam Ankle Lock Rolling Germans German Suplex Top Rope Double Arm Suplex Overhead Belly to Belly Fireman's Carry Takeover Drop Toe Hold Belly to Belly Double or Single Leg Takedown Amateure Wrestling Holds
yeah the main wasn't 4* but it was ***1/2. That's a **** and a ***1/2 match in one show. And I didn't record it!!!
I never ranked the main.......I liked it a lot though. Where was the blown German or the blown bulldog?
I guess people were so enthralled with the matches that they didn't post. I just personally think it's a childish thing to say, but it doesn't matter I don't care what you put in your sig.
There's some women in Joshi Puro that wrestle better than some men in the WWE. But alas WWE fans just don't care about women's wrestling.......or atleast the marks don't.
I'd be hard pressed to say Best Smackdown Ever. I understand that it can apply to some people, but it being in your sig will show it to all people.
that's kind of a stupid quote. Just cause they like puro guys doesn't mean they don't watch WWE. No in fact it pisses me off....unless it's a joke. That was a mean looking German suplex.
Cole can't count.
wow it got quiet all of the sudden. where'd everyone go?
One day it will throw him too high and he'll go shooting through the Smackdown set.
Oooh Nash will be there to meet you when you buy No Mercy tickets. What an incentive to buy them.
So is the main event next or was Angle just cutting a promo?
"what you people are also from San Diego? I bet the INS would have something to say about that" - Angle That's so wrong
yeah what's with that black and white stuff? this isn't the nWo
Oh my God!! Now that's a bladejob!!!! I like the "graphic scenes" warning by Cole.
yeah if it weren't for Bischoff, Book Dust, RVD, Jericho, The Hurri-Kanes, and Rico I wouldn't watch RAW.
Just be glad he didn't stand up after the shots. If it were DDP and this was 2001 he would have just stood up after the second shot.
Hmmm well maybe the WWE will notice the reaction and push some of them.
I guess this is Taker's idea of letting Brock get some heat back. Too little....maybe too late. We'll see.
what's with Taker's music? It sounds okay for a normal song....but bad for a theme song.