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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    Cool Banner

    I decided to pay homage to the coolest poster on here.....I might even make a Guy Stokes one too.
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    Moments of High Drama.

    I can only recall 3 times wrestling made me cry: The Savage/Liz reunion When Liz sent that tape to be shown on Nitro right before Halloween Havoc '96 where she said she still loved Savage and Savage cut an awesome promo saying something along the lines of "Sometimes a man has to take drastic measures and do something he never wanted to do" and the last one being the Owen Hart memorial RAW.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    Bunkhouse Buck Is My Neighbor

    What does his hair look like when he's not wrestling? I remember he always slicked half of it foward and then brought it to a point on his forehead. That would be cool to have a wrestler for a neighbor.
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    This Week's Matches?

    Dude Screech is making the rounds in wrestling lately. Anyone dig up some clips of him wrestling?
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    RAW renaming to Nitro

    My favorite RAW entrance was the Big Red RAW letters with the screen in the middle. I have a thing for simple entrances.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    RAW renaming to Nitro

    When did I say I thought it was better than RAW's? I liked the simplicity of the old WCW Nitro set. The current RAW set I don't like cause of those odd shaped things on the side and the screen always looks off center cause of the shape.
  7. LaParkaYourCar

    RAW renaming to Nitro

    I loved that set. With those metal WCW signs on either side. It was simple yet cool.
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Confidential: not as bad as I'd thought...

    Is it for sure that their will be a OVW show? They need to have an OVW show that introduces us to the OVW stars that have developmental contracts and shows clips of stars that have already moved up to the WWE.
  9. LaParkaYourCar

    More LaParka Goodness

    boy he sure does like his cars
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    I touched up my banner a little

    I was noticing that the La Parka in the car was kinda faded looking so I touched up the cut out of La Parka and trimmed off some extra space on the sides. How does it look now?
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    Jerry Lawler E-mailed me

    I sent this email to Lawler. and no I didn't sign it as LaParkaYourCar as someone thought I did when I sent my email to O'Reiley.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    Jerry Lawler E-mailed me

    Hmmm post your reply if you get one. someone needs to send Lawler an email containing Molly Holly's comments from Byte This Let's see what Lawler has to say about that?
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Stupid fan signs

    When I went to Smackdown on Apr. 16th in Houston I was stuck next to this fat dude and his wife who had this long skinny sign printed out on old printer paper that said, "Bulk Blogan is a Hasbeen" and they had the nerve to ask me to help them hold it up. Then they pulled out a longer one advertising their business.....hello this is a wrestling show no one gives a damn about your business. I can't even remember what the business was.
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    My Current Hates II

    My Hates: Skittles Commercials Stacker 2 Commercials Headaches Insomnia Goldberg....hehehe I had to throw him in there
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Dreaming of wrestling

    Yeah I kicked Neil Armstrong's ass in a wrestling match that also had Angle, Taker, and someone else that I forgot. that same dream I came back out and won a 3 Tier Ring Beer Cooler Match to win the tag team titles. I once had a dream that Vince trapped The Rock, HBK, HHH, and Shane McMahon in a room with spikes on the walls. The walls closed in on all the wrestlers. You could hear awful screams while Vince was laughing an evil laugh. last night I dreamed I was at an outdoor wrestling event at a pavillion that had catwalks people were sitting on to get a birds eye view. Except all the people started jumping off and splatting on the ground. Soon there were waves of people falling to their deaths. One guy even bounced off a wall. But they were all smiling and having fun. Totally disturbing dream. I remember in the dream going, "Oh my god.......oh my god this is horrible." Okay sorry for that dredful dream. Let me lighten the mood. Viva La Parka!!!!!
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Actually the WCW title was created for the NWA champ. Ric Flair was named the first WCW champion when he was NWA champ. Then when Flair left WCW for the WWF the WCW title stuck around but Flair was stripped of the NWA title by the NWA. When flair came back he won the WCW title from Vader. The NWA title floated around WCW for a little while longer until WCW broke from the NWA in 93. Then the Big Gold Belt was called the International Title. They unified the International and WCW titles, but by that time the NWA title was gone from WCW. You're still right the WCW title and the NWA title are not the same thing, but the WCW title I guess you could say sprouted from the NWA title in a way.
  17. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Yeah it starts pretty slow, but man when you get into it.....whoa. That and Sephiroth has to be the coolest video game villan ever.
  18. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Oh Heck no I've beaten this game many a time, but there's always something I missed. The game is so deep you just can't stop playing it.
  19. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Yeah but I was playing a kick ass game. I was right at the part where Cloud tells the backstory of him and Sephiroth. I couldn't stop the game during it.
  20. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    What's with the French mark who just HAD to explain that not everyone feels the same way as the Un Americans to a WWE employ?
  21. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Damn I missed Velocity too.....I was playing Final Fantasy VII and lost track of time. Did Funaki win?
  22. LaParkaYourCar

    Anglesault won't like this

    I agree. I don't like the way he's pushed to pretty much never lose face, but who's fault is that really? The bookers mostly. So really I'm just a little peeved at WWE for their booking woes.
  23. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Dude the Chris Angel dolls look like KISS dolls. oh great and now they've got a Torrie segment.....we want more La Parka.......err I mean WCW champions.
  24. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    La Parka was in a clip and I missed it??? I didn't see it!! Ugh WWE is actually wasting money on this fruit??
  25. LaParkaYourCar

    The One & Only Velocidential Thread

    Chris Angel master magician???? Riiiiiiight.