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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Discussion

    He also stuck that "Jesus Loves You" bumper sticker on his tights that one time. That was awesome.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Dusty Rhodes joins the nWo

    I remember Dusty managing Hall during his World Title shot against Sting, but that's about it.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Raw rating

    Yeah, like throwing a shoe at someone. TNA usually have a real hot crowd. I don't have a clue where you're coming from as far as 'it's hard to pop the crowd'. Your arguement about the 6 sided ring sucks too.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Booking, 10/20 style

    No 6-Man from me I'm afraid. I'm gonna have to push that back to next week.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Ring of Honor 10.15.05 Buffalo Results

    The fuck? HIS wrestlers?
  6. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Discussion

    He has an embarrasing mohawk haircut? Wears a trashbag as ring attire?
  7. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    The best thing (only thing?) about the LDV Vans Trophy is the TV show the draw is made on.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown Spoilers for Friday Oct. 21

    Juvi's holding it.
  9. King Cucaracha

    If you could make changes to your character...

    You mean that since he's half-Spanish, 12 hours of every day he's Spanish? That'd be an interesting gimmick. In the middle of a match, and all of a sudden, he changes nationalities. That'd be fantastic. I'd need some sort of amusing, Transformers sort of 'morphing' sequence though. The Doomeister? That Doom Guy? Snoop Doomy Doom?
  10. King Cucaracha

    Spike giving TNA it's first Prime Time Special

    As it's not a PPV, I'd be more inclined to expect a 6 Man Tag (Jarrett/AMW vs. ?, ? and ?) than a World Title Match. Personally, I think it'd be good if they used part of the time to give more exposure to the midcarders who are being used as fodder because of time restraints, as much as give away PPV level/length matches on free TV. Instead of Aries and Strong losing to the bigger names, have Aries vs. Strong and give one of them a win. It could be a good tester for possible future plans too. They can put together 'big' matches without month-long storylines and see who clicks, like maybe AJ vs. Rhyno.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown Spoilers for Friday Oct. 21

    Hmm, decent-ish show. Fuck Chris Masters.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Ring of Honor 10.14.05-Cleveland Results

    Claudio would be brilliant in the WWE. He's not a huge musclehead but he's in awesome shape...he's got an instant, cheap-heat gimmick. He's entertaining. He isn't 'too flippy'. Claudio's probably got a good chance of getting over in the WWE. Him and maybe Cabana.
  13. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    A winner is you. We were atrocious. Terrible match.
  14. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 10-21-05!

    Also, Filmaff
  15. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 10-21-05!

    Seeing as I'm unbooked, again (which, by the way, isn't a BAD thing), I guess I'd best write a promo for once. *Sees show is in South Dakota* Oh, shit, son. Maddix = FACE HEAT~! Definate promo from moi.
  16. King Cucaracha

    If you could make changes to your character...

    You wouldn't really know Maddix was Spanish half the time. Probably that.
  17. King Cucaracha

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/17/05

    "You're a little late on the sound effects, but go ahead." That and "SIC HIM KURT, SIC HIM" was fantastic. If it were just heel Vince around, I could deal with that, rather than the entire McMahon overload. Also, crowd were clinically dead for the majority of the show. And rightfully so. Hell, JBL's music got one of the best pops of the night.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Red/Yellow Hogan or Hollywood Hogan?

    Eh, I was always a Hogan mark as a kid. We never got enough of WCW here during Hogan's heel days, but retrospectively Hollywood Hogan was great. So, face Hogan by default.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Ring of Honor 10.15.05 Buffalo Results

    I'd love it if this was all a work, like the Homicide/Corino fan riot was. Also, UTSU...it's an un-written rule, if you attack a wrestler, you've got shit coming your way. No different from the fan who got destroyed running into the ring at an IWA show. Or any fan who runs into the ring. Or, how about the guy who tried attacking Shane Douglas back in ECW? The only thing I disagree with is Joe having to deal with it because he's the 'locker room leader'.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Ring of Honor 10.14.05-Cleveland Results

    Yeah. Gradually, TNA have stolen all the ROH guys to try and con the ROHbots into buying their PPVs. If you get over in Ring Of Honor, it's a free ticket to TNA nowadays.
  21. King Cucaracha

    I've got a question for you all...

    WM IX. Savage was always intolerable, JR was new to everything and Heenan was the only man on the team suited well to the event. Not as bad as their team at King Of The Ring a few months later, but not great either.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Column @ PW Torch

    Then, why did the WWE have to call Hogan and Savage "The Huckster" and "The Nacho Man" in the Billionaire Ted skits? Or "Scheme Gene"?
  23. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Ditto. Forgot to take him out. I've also got Kirkland on the bench for some reason. I've got to hope for a Darren Bent one-man-show tonight, because only Rooney scored any decent points for me.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Mr. Kennedy is a fucking lame ass

    You don't remember things like: -The Rock calling Kevin Kelly a "hermaphradite" -The Rock talking about sticking _____ up someone's "candy ass" every week -The Rock talking about monkey's nipples -"WHO....in the blue hell....are you?" -"Poontang pie" -The Rock pondering to the crowd way too much. Yeah, he was a face, but the pondering, much like Cena's is now, was excessive. -The pointless "If ya smellll la la la la owwwww" added to his closing catchphrase instead of the simple and to-the-point "Do you smell" from his Corporation heel run in 1998 And other lame shit during most of his face run? I loved all of it, and so did the millions of other Rock fans. That negates any opinion you'll ever have. Seriously, you'd take a promo about monkey nipples over Ken Kennedy? Also, calling someone lame is a lot lamer than anything Ken Kennedy has done.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Just a thought

    I think that was brought up before and denied, as it's hard for newbies to get to grips with 1 commentary team, let alone 3 commentary teams. BUUUUT... King/Pete should stay on the 'premiere' show, Smarkdown. Old School SJL, Annie, Judge and Ejiro, should make one of the shows. Probably Storm, because what could be more family friendly than... CYCLOOOOONE COMET~! and Bobby Riley. Well...maybe not Bobbo, he was kinda gay. Or so the rumours were. But there's three teams that are pre-existing, so people can find old matches for reference.