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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Ring of Honor 9/21 Results

    Man, if ROH can keep up the event calibre that it has been before, they'll be great! I don't agree with Xavier having the belt over Low Ki, but then maybe it'll work out with a Daniels-Low Ki fued! Shane and London's match sounds quality, and some of the spots I've heard about seemed impossible. As for Togo, I don't know why WWE got rid of him (and Taka for that matter) and kept Funaki. Togo was always the bets of the bunch, so it's good to see him around again. Pity there was no Spanky and Corino, but the replacements sounded like they made up for it. If I can get to a ROH show anytime, I'll be there like a shot, but being in England it'll be real hard to! I'm sure if ROH could get a big arena, they'd sell it out, cause they can definately get more than 400 people to go to one of their shows.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown observations

    I've just seen Smackdown, being in Britain it's on a Saturday night for me, and I think it was a quite good show, although some things spoilt it. Here are my observations... I dunno who the new announcer is, but he seems like he knows what he's doing. He's definately better than Lillian, who's probably only emloyed cause she can sing the national anthem; but then who isn't better at announcing than Lillian(maybe Tazz). What with the new announcer's style, and the new set and silver ring posts, the show seems different from Raw, almost as if it was a different company at times. It sort of feels like wCw at times, only better. Weirdest part of the show...Stephanie saying Billy and Chuck were the best tag team in WWE history. I don't mind Billy and Chuck, but I'm sure there were a lot of great former tag champs rolling in their graves upon hearing that one. Rey Mysterio should be on Unforgiven. He's over with the crowd, yet he isn't getting the push anymore...WHY!?! Lesnar gets more like Goldberg by the day...he even had security! Oh, and Heyman's fake pony tail rulez! Finally Eddie has a bit of credibility for a change. If he isn't kissing his cousin's ass, he's speaking gibberish, which is supposed to be Spanish. Speaking of Eddie's cousin, Chavo's as underrated as anyone in WWE in my opinion. Is it me, or have Stephanie's high pitched squeals as she talks stopped? Final observation...Tazz, what the hell is a tomato? And a Tomato buster... what the fuck!?!
  3. King Cucaracha

    The PWI 500

    I swear these things get weirder every year...for example 25.Matt 'the un-extreme' Hardy 32.Jeff 'biggest push since he won the IC Title' Hardy Kidman, Storm and Mysterio in the 50's, Test and Regal way too high. A.J Styles at 70...Low Ki at 76!!! I know this year's been messed up by wCw and ECW's deaths a year or so ago now, but still this is a bit messed. RVD should have won definately, and Taker second I like but Angle should have been higher
  4. I noticed that no-one was really doing their own full 'fed' on here, so what the hell I'm gonna. It may not be great, but I think it'd be cool to do. So, please read on and I hope you enjoy. ***the background*** After the recent events in the WWE and the continued roster swapping of certain wrestlers, WWE owner Vince McMahon has called for a re-draft. Both Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon will be allowed to draft half the roster (34 men and 6 females) and once drafted, the wrestlers will need permission from the 'board of directors' to switch companies. Meanwhile, it seems Vince may have some serious competition ahead. NWA:TNA owner Jerry Jarrett has recently had a cash windfall after his company's(J Sports & Entertainment) lawsuit against Len Sabal, Jay Hassman, BNP Conculting and K-4 was successful. To celebrate this, he has signed a deal with ROH to 'merge' the two companies together. The combined companies have signed some of the hottest free talent in wrestling, and the two have now decided to emulate WWE and split the group into two 'brands' due to it's excessive roster. Half the talent will work for ROH and it's new weekly Thursday night show, the other half on NWA:TNA which has just secured a weekly Monday night show. In a major development though, over the weeks prior to the draft shows, it had emerged that Vince and Jerry have a verbal deal to make this a freindly promotional war, and that talent swapping could occur if any of the four 'brands' needed new blood. The special draft shows were both eagerly anticipated, with great action expected too... (If only real life could be this great for us wrestling fans huh?) ***WWE RAW (1 AND A HALF HOUR) DRAFT SPECIAL*** Live from Pittsburgh PA JR-Hello everyone, and welcome to an historic night in WWE history. A few months back, the WWE split it's roster for the first time. Tonight after invasions and brand jumping, caused by the chaos of the GMs hirings, we finally get some stability with the re-draft and new fixed contracts. King-And JR, besides that we've got some action tonight...oh boy, Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler, Paddle On A Pole Match! I can't wait! 'No Chance In Hell' begins to play and Vince McMahon struts out with a smug look on his face. The crowd give him a mixed reaction, not knowing whever to boo or cheer him. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone from the timekeeper before turning to the crowd. Vince-Well, so it's come to this. Tonight's events have been forced upon me by Eric Bischoff and my daughter Stephanie's constant one-upsmanship tactics. The war between them and the brands has gotten more feirce until I had to step in. People were swapping brands, making a mockery of the draft process. Brock Lesnar, our beloved Undisputed Champion stayed away from Raw, forcing Eric Bischoff to award the old WCW Title belt to HHH. And to top it all Jamal, Rosey, Billy Chuck, Steph and Eric all got involved in something known as 'promotional self-destruction'. You see, by fighting each other like they did, they were destroying their brands. Which is why I returned to put a stop to it. From now on, no invasions, no brand swapping, no warfare, without mine and the boards say so! King-Vince is laying down the law tonight JR Vince-Tonight, enforced contracts will be signed by every WWE superstar promising not to swap brands without verbal and written notice to the board. But tonight, it has come to my attention that Jerry Jarrett is trying to emulate me. Later on tonight, his company will also split in two, leaving us with four warring brands under two company banners. People have asked me, am I worried about this? Am I worried about the NWA:TNA? Am I worried about Ring Of Honour? Do I look worried? Hell no I don't You see, Jerry Jarrett is just...an amatuer. He doesn't have the knowledge of this game to play it right. As time goes on, his two brands will crash and burn, as my two brands go from strength to strength. And that is a McMahon gaurantee. That's enough about the NWA and ROH, it's time for the WWE! So now, without further ado, step up to the podium, Stephanie McMahon and Eric Bischoff! King-JR, you heard Vince. ROH and NWA:TNA will crash and burn, that's a McMahon guarantee. And you know what you can do with a McMahon guarantee, and that's take it to the bank! JR-I hate to say it King, but I think Vince is underestimating Jerry Jarrett! Anyway, Stephanie's out here now, I guess Vince is gonna conduct a coin toss or something Stephanie and Vince stand at the podium as 'Back in Black' plays and Eric Bischoff walks out blowing kisses to the dis-approving fans. He stands the other side of Vince at the podium on the stage, as Vince checks the microphone attached to it is on. Vince-Thank you. Well seeing as we need to conduct ourselves now in the proper way, in the interest of fairness, I will now conduct a coin toss, with the winner getting first pick, so Stephanie, you call... Stephanie calls heads as Vince flicks the coin. It lands and all three look down at it. Vince-Well, it is tails, so Eric Raw will get first pick this time. Whenver you're ready, you may start the draft off. Vince and Stephanie walk off as Bischoff steps up to the podium. Bischoff-Wait Steph, where are you going. Don't you want to hear this? You'll be very interested in this. I'll even let you in on a tactic of mine. You see, I belive in the philosophy of 'if it isn't broke, don't fix it' so I think I'll go for...Triple H as my No1 pick! Stephanie-Well Eric, move aside, because you see I also have a philosophy. I belive in the philosophy of kicking your fat ass out of the WWE! So my No 1 pick, will be the none over than The Rock!!! The crowd pop and Stephanie leaves as Eric regains his composure and steps back up to the mic. Bischoff-You know what Steph, that's fine. I don't need The Rock. I don't need him, because my second pick, is going to be the man who left Raw for Smackdown last month, and that man is...The Undertaker! Thank you! Bischoff leaves as well as the crowd go wild. ***commercial break*** Jamie Noble w/Nidia vs Jeff Hardy Back from the break, Jamie Noble and Nidia walk to the ring kissing each other all the way. Fink-'The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Nidia, Jamie Noble!' Jamie holds up the middle rope as Nidia gets into the ring and starts flirting with referee Brian Hebner. JR-Well there's the former Crusierweight Champion Jamie Noble....of course all the champions have been stripped of their belts because of this re-draft, so Jamie is now an ex-champion. King-Oh JR, look at Nidia! It's times like this I wish we were still at ringside, but I still can't get my mind off of that paddle on a pole match JR...oh there's gonna be some spanking in the ring tonight JR! Suddenly the lights dim and Jeff Hardy's music plays as he runs out onto the stage with the aluminous paint on his arm and face. Fink-'And his opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing 211lbs, Jeff Hardy!' He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, but as he gets on the turnbuckle Nidia pulls him down and kisses him passionately. Jeff shoves her away, so Nidia tries again, Jeff shoves her down on her ass this time, but Nidia gets up and slaps Jeff right around the cheek! Nidia starts to talk trash(no pun intended) with Jeff, when suddenly 'Lovefurypassionenergy' by Boy Hits Car plays and Lita stpes out from behind the curtains to a thunderous ovation. She quickly runs down, slides into the ring and spears down Nidia! The two start scraping until Noble pulls Lita off. Lita forearms Noble and Jeff begins to punch away at him as Lita and Jeff begin to dominate over Nidia and Noble. Noble and Nidia get whipped to the ropes, and Lita dropkicks Nidia at the same time as Jeff dropkicks Noble, and both the trailer parkers go flying to the outside! Lita and Jeff high five each other before Jeff runs to the ropes and planchas out onto Noble! Jeff quickly gets up and slides in and across the ring to the outside again, runs across the barricade and catches the recovering Noble with a clothesline. Jeff throws Noble back in and springboards from the apron catching Noble in a headscissors takeover. Noble staggers up as Jeff kicks him in the gut and punches him a couple of times. Jeff whips Noble across the ring, but Noble reverses it and Nidia catches Jeff's leg against the ropes, tripping him up. Lita gets onto the apron trying to tell Hebner what happened, allowing Noble to blatantly boot Jeff hard and low sending him crumpled to the mat holding his groin. Noble raises his arms as the crowd start to boo him and chant 'Trailer Trash...Trailer Trash...Trailer Trash' at Nidia. Noble picks Jeff up and snap suplexs him into a position where he can go to the top. Noble climbs up to the top and dives off, landing on Jeff with a Senton Drop...1...2..Jeff gets a shoulder up. Noble waits for Jeff to get up and swinging neckbreakers him...1...2.Jeff quickly kicks out. The crowd try to will Jeff on as Noble places his throat across the middle rope before enticing Lita onto the apron, distracting the ref. Nidia takes advantage and starts to choke Jeff on the rope and slaps him as Noble comes back over. Noble hoists the limp Jeff onto his shoulders and goes for the DVD, but Jeff flips out of it as Noble falls, runs to the ropes but gets caught with a spinebuster...1...2...no. Noble starts to stomp on Jeff, all the time jawing with Lita. Noble again picks Jeff up, whips him across the ring and tries to go for a tilt-a-whirl move, but Jeff flips around and armdrags him over towards the corner. Noble pulls himself up as Jeff runs at him, but Noble quickly steps forward grabbing Jeff and dropping him face first across the turnbuckle...1...2...thr...Jeff gets a foot onto the ropes. JR-No, only two. Man that was close! Noble argues with the ref as Nidia again goes to slap Jeff, but Lita grabs the arm of Nidia as she swings and slaps her! Noble starts stomping on Jeff, but gets distracted by Nidia and Lita scrapping on the outside. As he turns around Jeff is up, and hits him with a DDT. Jeff starts to punch away at Noble before whipping him to the ropes and flapjacking him. Noble swings at Jeff, but Jeff ducks and bulldogs Noble. The crowd cheer him on as he grabs Noble's legs and legdrops him across the groin before going to the top rope and hitting Noble with a missile dropkick. Nidia throws Lita into the barriers as Jeff ducks a clothesline and hits the Twist Of Fate...1...2...Nidia puts Noble's foot on the rope! JR-Damn it! Jeff had the match won but Nidia put Noble's foot on the ropes King-I told you she was a reliable asset at ringsi...wait a minute, Jeff's chasing her! Jeff starts to chase Nidia around the ring, and as she turns a corner Lita clothelines her down and the two start brawling again. Jeff rolls back into the ring and goes for a clothesline on Noble, but he ducks and rolls Jeff up pulling the tights as he does...1...2...no! Noble puts Jeff in the powerbomb/piledriver postition and hoists him up, but Jeff counters with a hurricanrana! Jeff quickly goes to the top rope and calls for the Swanton, but as he dives off Noble moves and Jeff crashes down hard back first. Noble catches Jeff getting up with a kick to the gut and goes for the Tiger Bomb, but Jeff rolls through into a sunset flip...1...2...no, only two again. Jeff and Noble exchange punches, but Noble grabs Jeff's arm in the middle of the brawl and whips him to the corner. Jeff though runs up to the top rope and propells himself off hitting Noble in the head with the Whisper In The Wind. The groggy Noble gets up and Jeff hits him with the Twist Of Fate and goes to the top rope, but suddenly Nidia pushes Jeff off the rope and sends him throat first across the rope, as Noble gets up, and Jeff then staggers backwards into Noble, Noble truns him around and hits the Tiger Bomb...1...2...Lita tries to make a save but Nidia grabs her..3! Noble gets up as Lita gets into the ring and clotheslines her down. JR-Oh God! That son of a bitch! He has already won the match and now he clotheslines Lita! Nidia stomps on Lita and the two work away at Lita, but Jeff gets up and starts to punch away on Noble. Nidia flees the ring and Jeff gest rid of Noble as the Hardyz' music plays and Matt Hardy runs to the ring. Noble and Nidia walk up the ramp as Matt starts to pose, before checking on Lita and shaking a bemused Jeff Hardy's hand and embracing his brother. King-Wait JR, does this mean the Hardyz are back together? JR-I guess so. It certainly looks like it to me. Winner:Jamie Noble by pinfall Backstage Stephanie McMahon is looking through the wrestler profiles when suddenly Kurt Angle barges in and puts his hands on Steph's desk. Angle-Stephanie, I just have one question for you...what the hell is wrong with you!?! The Rock...as your number one pick. You know better than anyone that I'm the best in this business. You know damn well that I was the best wrestler on Smackdown before all of this. And you pick 'The Rock', 'The Brama Bull', 'The People's Champion'...big freakin' deal! I'm an olympic gold medalist for crying out loud! Stephanie-Well Kurt, you know I was debating over who to draft number two for Smackdown, but your passionate speech has helped me decide. You see, you're right I do know you. I was the one who helped you win the HV Title at No Mercy 2000 remember. So my number two pick is now officially...Kurt Angle Angle-Whoooo! Thank you Stephanie, you will not regret this, I promise you you will not regret this..Whooo! JR-Well Kurt seems pretty happy. And now we know that Raw has Triple H and The Undertaker so far, and Smackdown has Kurt Angle and The Rock. And well here comes our boss with his third pick Bischoff-Well as I said earlier, 'If it isn't broke, don't fix it.' And Raw wasn't broke, oh no. So I'm gonna draft another big Raw superstar...So I think my draft pick number three, will be R...V...D! King-Oh boy, Eric Bischoff has just signed up Rob..Van..Dam to Raw! Woah, wait a second. Bischoff walks behind the curtain but Stephanie McMahon barges past him and walks up to the podium. Stephanie-Well Eric, I think now I'll take a page out of your book by signing up a Smackdown star I stole from Raw by the name of Chris Benoit! Hearing this, Bischoff wlaks back out and steps up to the podium. Bischoff-Then my number 4 pick will be a Raw guy who I stole from Smackdown, and that man is 'Y2J' Chris Jericho Stephanie-OK then, I pick 'Hollywood'...Hulk...Hogan!!! Bischoff-Big deal Stephanie. His time has been and gone. My pick for number 5 is the 'Big Red Machine' Kane! Stephanie-Since we're quick firing now, I'm going to pick the man who we've both somehow forgotten up until now, and that man is my star steal from you, and that man is Brock Lesnar!!! Bischoff storms off the stage as Stephanie begins to laugh hysterically. The 5 picks are shown on the titantron as we go backstage to see the four Un-Americans sitting around a table. Storm-Yes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if we were split up. The old adage, united we stand divided we fall. These Americans will try to do to us, what they do to every country that threatens them. Divide and conquer. They'll take two of us away from the other two, cause a rift and watch us implode. Well my freinds that will not happen. Even if we are divided, we will stand tall and fight for every Un-American around the world! The Un-Americans start to murmur in agreement when suddenly The Rock sneaks up behind Lance Storm and pulls his chair from underneath him, causing him to land ass first on the concrete Rock-WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH...WOAH! You can't sit on this, look at this label on the bottom...made in America. The same goes for this table Rock tips the table over sending the other Un-Americans scattering away and their drinks flying to the floor. Rock-Never fear Lance, there is something American that The Rock will gladly give you...his fist! The Rock starts to punch at Storm as the other Un-Americans start to attack Rock. The 4 on 1 attack continues until Booker T and Goldust run to the room and start to fight with Test, Regal and Christian. The four Un-Americans run off from the chair wielding Booker T as Goldust checks on The Rock. JR-All hell was breaking loose backstage there, The Rock got out numbered but Booker and Goldust saved him and sent those damned Un-Americans running like scolded dogs! King-Rock was proving a point back there for America but the numbers game got to him. Believe me though, there'll be hell to pay for the Un-Americans from The Rock! ***commercial break*** Backstage Chris Nowinski, Crash, D-Lo Brown and Mike Awesome are standing around talking backstage about the draft when Crash decides to change the topic of conversation. Crash-Hey Chris, your match is up in a minute, shouldn't you go warm up or something? Nowinski-Crash, I'm a student of the game, I'm a Harvard graduate. I don't need to tra... Nowinski stops in his tracks as Molly and Victoria walk past. He smiles and Molly smiles back before walking off with Victoria[/color] Nowinski-Yeah, she wants me! Not gonna be a virgin for long guys. Nowinski walks off as the three guys start to laugh behind him. They stop as he turns around, but as he goes out behind the curtain they start laughing again[/color] Rey Mysterio vs Christopher Nowinski Chris Nowinski's music plays and he cockily walks down to the ring and gets into the ring. He grabs the microphone from The Fink and looks out at the crowd. He goes to speak but is interrupted by the sound of Rey Mysterio's music playing. The sparks fly and Rey leaps up on the stage as the crowd cheer wildly for Mysterio. He high fives the fans on his way to the ring before sliding in and quickly getting the match underway with punches to the Harvard Graduate's jaw. Mysterio pulls his shirt from out of his pants and throws it into the crowd, but turns around into a clothesline by Nowinski. Nowinski powerslams Rey and then snap suplexs him before getting cocky with the crowd. Rey holds his back as Nowinski picks him up, whips him to the ropes and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sensing his control over Rey, Nowinski starts strutting around but as he turns around, Rey has moved. Nowinski looks around but Rey is on the apron behind him. Nowinski looks confused as Rey springboards in behind him over his head and headscissors him across the ring. A dazed Nowinski runs at him but Rey drop-toe-holds him onto the middle rope. Rey backs up as the crowd go wild, he runs in and hits the 619! Nowinski staggers around as Rey stands on the apron and springboards in...and hits the West Coast Pop!...1...2...3! Rey Mysterio beats Nowinski in a matter of minutes! Rey walks up the ramp as Nowinski goes mad in the ring. Winner:Rey Mysterio by pinfall JR-The Harvard Graduate just got beat in under minutes by Rey Mysterio! Can you believe that King? King-Well I know Chris Nowinski can't. I think seeing Molly must have put off Nowinski! JR-Well that's what lust can do to you King-Speaking of what lust can do to you, I wonder what lust will do to me during Stacy vs Trish....Paddle On A Pole Match!!! Nowinski walks up the ramp as Raw GM Eric Bischoff walks out past him. Bischoff-Alright, Stephanie, you want to play games with me? You want to pick Lesnar. Well my number 6 pick is none other than Edge! JR-WOW, Bischoff has just brought Edge from Smackdown to Raw! On the titantron above Bischoff, Stephanie McMahon appears in her office Stephanie-Eric, whoever you choose, I will make Smackdown better than Raw could ever be. You want to choose Edge? Fine. I pick Eddie Guerrerofor Smackdown. Go ahead Eric...number 7 is... Bischoff-Oh you want number 7? I'll give you number 7. I give you The Big Show! Stephanie-Well now I pick Rikishi! Number 8 Eric? Bischoff-Ric Flair!!! Stephanie-Nice...very nice. Not as nice as Rey Mysterio though. So who's number 9? Bischoff-Oh I see what you're doing. Yeah, yeah well Stephanie, I see what you're doing. You're trying to rush me into bad picks. Well Steph, you don't call the shots...I do! Stephanie-Well OK Eric, that's fine with me! JR-Well King, I'm worried because Stephanie is playing this very cool. Bischoff is under pressure and is getting flustered here, and that means bad things maybe for Raw King-I agree JR, but of course Stephanie is a McMahon. But next up is a good thing for Raw...THE PADDLE ON A POLE MATCH...WHOO HOO JR-And King, I've just heard that tonight's main event is gonna be three of The Un-Americans against Booker T, Goldust and The Rock! What a main event! ***A WWE Live 'The Moments Are Waiting' movie plays*** Backstage Eric Bischoff is backstage with Stacy and Trish. We see Stacy open up her robe and giving Eric a nice view. She walks off as Trish whispers something to her on the way out. Bischoff-Right, now Trish lets see what you've got...come on, I need to see if your underwear is...suitable. Here if you're nervous I'll take the robe off for you... Bischoff moves in on Trish but Trish slaps him before he can touch her robe and walks off. Bischoff holds his face and gets an angry look on his face Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler Paddle On A Pole Match Fink-'Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a Paddle On A Pole Match! The only way to win is to spank your opponent with the paddle! Introducing first, Stacy Keibler! 'Legs' by Kid Rock plays and Stacy Keibler walks out to a huge reception from the crowd. She struts down and throws her leg over the middle rope before seductively getting into the ring. Stacy looks up at the paddle before taking off her robe to reveal a black bra and thong as the crowd go wild. Trish's music interrupts Stacy though and Trish walks down the ring, throws her hat into the crowd and removes her robe showing her red bra and panties. King-Ohhh! JR I love Raw! Let's get spanking! Trish gets in and spears Stacy down as the two start to roll about on the mat pulling at each others hair. Trish pulls Stacy up and whips her to the corner. Trish runs in but Stacy pulls legs up and starts to choke Trish. Trish falls back as Stacy goes to the middle rope and hits Trish with a double axehandle before going to the opposite corner and reaching for the paddle. Stacy is close, but Trish sticks her head between Stacy's legs(for a big pop from the crowd) and powerbombs her. Stacy staggers up and Trish hits her with the StratusFaction. Stacy is down as Trish starts to spank her as the crowd cheer with each spank. Trish then goes up for the paddle when Eric Bischoff appears on the stage. Bischoff-Hey. Hey! Trish Stratus. What's the deal with you slapping me back there huh? Don't you know who I am...I'm Eric Bischoff damn it. And tell the truth, I'm sick to death of you. You're just a tease! Yeah that's right. And to tell the truth again, I hate it! Well Trish, from now on I'm going to make your life a living hell until you prove to me you're willing to be a model employee, whever that takes months...days...or even just...3 minutes! JR-What the hell...wait, from the crowd, it's Jamal and Rosey!!! Jamal and Rosey get in and Jamal imediately powerbombs Trish off the middle rope as Eric Bischoff watches on from the ramp. Rosey throws Trish up in the air and as she comes down she gets hit with an hellacious samoan drop! Jamal goes to the top rope as Rosey drags Trish nearer. Jamal throws the paddle down and dives off splashing Trish! King-Oh my god, the puppies! They just squashed the puppies. What is Eric thinking? JR-Nevermind the damn puppies, this young women may have had every bone in her body crushed because of that damn Eric Bischoff and his cronnies Jamal and Rosey! Bischoff-Stacy...get spanking! Some of the shocked crowd start to cheer as Stacy picks up the paddle and starts to spank the helpless Trish. Jamal and Rosey pull Trish to her knees and hold her as Stacy swings the paddle like a baseball bat and hits Trish right in the back of the neck with it. JR-Oh my god! That little bitch, how cou.... King-Woah JR, calm down. JR-Calm down!?! Trish Stratus jas been decimated, and now those three damn...they're leaving Trish laying in the ring. We need some help out here for Trish! Winner:Stacy Keibler by spanking with paddle ***commercial break*** After the break JR and King are still talking about what happened moments ago. JR-Well Trish has been taken to a local medical facility during the break, we hope she's OK. Oh and here comes that damn Eric Bischoff! Bischoff-Now you all know what happens if you mess with me. Let that be a message to anyone who ends up on Raw...mess with me and you'll pay for it. Now I'm not stupid. As much as I want to, I know that if I draft Jamal or Rosey, Stephanie will draft the other, so I'm just hoping that the random part of the draft is kind to me. Now, as for my number 9 pick, I choose Booker T Stephanie McMahon comes up from behind Eric and walks to the podium as Eric scowls at her. Stephanie-Eric, I don't care about Jamal and Rosey, I care about being the best. So now, I draft a man who as had his fair share off problems in wrestling, and I think he deserves his chance...so I pick Chris Kanyon. Bischoff-You know what, let's get this done with. I pick Lance Storm Stephanie-Eric, I see know you're anxious to know....which Un-American I'll sign. Christian? Test? William Regal? Eric, I'm not that petty. I want to suceed which is why I am drafting Rhyno!!!And Eric, once again, Smackdown will rule over Raw! And that is another McMahon guarantee. JR-What a draft! On paper, it looks pretty even so far. I guess the random draft that happens after the show will determine a lot of who will be the dominate brand. Well coming up next, It'll be three of the Un-Americans against The Rock, Booker T and Goldust. Coach-Well we are moments away from our main event, and I am here with The Rock, and after the events earlier in the night it will be The Rock, Booker T and Goldust against three of The Un-Americans, although we don't know which three wil... Rock-Woah Coach, stop right there. This a momentous occasion! For once, you're right! Coach you're right we don't know who the three Un-Americans in the match will be. Here, you deserve a pat on the back...let The Rock do that. Coach bends over slightly for Rock to pat him on the back, but instead Rock backhand slaps him in the back of the head! Rock-Once again, you state the blatantly obvious. Well Coach, tonight it just doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whever it's the buck toothed, mule faced woodchuck Test...or if it's the testicle less 'pillock' William Regal...or if it's the Canadian love affair that is Christian and Mr personality Lance Storm. You see, either way, the fact of the matter is whichever three get into the ring, byt the end of the night I'm going to take those Un-American flags, shine them up real nice...turn them sumbitches sideways, stick one up each of their asses and give them the salute...before proceeding to lay the smackdown on all their candy-asses! If YA SMELL...WHAT THE HELL! Coach-The hell? I thought it was waht you were..oh From behind The Rock comes Goldust dressed up like The Rock, complete with stick-on sideburns and eyebrow and black sunglasses. 'The Dust'-Coach, know your mouth and shut your role! No, wait a second...that isn't right...anyway...finally, The Dust has come back to Pittsbur... Rock-WOAH WAOH WOAH WOAH!!! Who in the BLUE HELL are you!?! 'The Dust'-I am The Dust, who the hell are you. Rock-You stupid gold freak, you know damn well I'm Th... 'The Dust'-IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!!! Rock-First of all, stop stealing my lines. Second of all, stop pretending that eyebrow is real. And thirdly, it goes like this...FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK....TO PITTS...BURGH!!! Hey Booker, tell this gold freak to stop imitating me. Booker-Rock, ain't no stopping him now.(whispering)He thinks you're his freind Rock-He thinks WHAT!!! Rock looks at Gold-Rock, who gives him a thumbs up. Rock walks off towards the enterance as Booker follows after him. 'The Dust'-What are you looking at jabroni? Wait up Book! The Un-Americans(Test, Lance Storm and William Regal)w/Christian vs The Rock, Booker T and Goldust The Un-Americans music begins to play and the four Un-Americans walk out with Un-American T-shirts on, and Test is carrying the Un-American flag. Fink-'The following 6 man tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Christian, at a total combined weight of 780lbs, Lance Storm, Test and William Regal, the Un-Americans! The four men get into the ring and take turns in waving the flag about as the crowd start booing loudly. The crowd starts a 'U.S.A' chant as Goldust's music plays and he walks to the ring without his Rock imitation stuff on. He gets to the bottom of the ramp and looks back up... [MARQUEE]CAN YOU DIG IT...SUKKAAAAA!!!/MARQUEE] Booker walks down and sets off his fire pyros before waiting next to Goldust. The two start to jaw with the Un-Americans... [MARQUEE]IF YA SMELL....WHAT THE ROCK...IS COOKING[/MARQUEE] The Rock walks out to a thunderous reaction from the crowd. Fink-'And their opponents, at a total combined weight of 794lbs, Booker T, Goldust and The Rock! Rock, Booker and Goldust charge into the ring and the three guys brawl with all four Un-Americans. The referee Earl Hebner is trying to get 5 of the guys out but is having trouble controling them. The Rock helps him out by throwing Christian and Regal out before clotheslining Test out and Hebner manages to get everyone out apart from Storm and Goldust who decide to start off. Storm walks up to Goldust talking smack, so Goldust decides to smack the taste out of his mouth with a series of uppercuts. Storm gets whipped to the ropes, Goldust inverted atomic drops him and clotheslines him down before tagging in Booker. Booker knocks Storm down with a clothesline and drops him throat first on the top rope. Booker backs up and goes for the Sidekick, but Storm moves and Booker crotches himself across the top rope. Booker is in a very uncomfortable postition as Storm runs at him and dives with a side kick to the head knocking him to the outside. Storm distracts Hebner, Rock and Goldust as Christian and Regal work away on Booker. JR-Come on ref, there's a mugging going on outside the ring! Booker is thrown back in and Storm goes straight to work with stomps before tagging Test in. Booker is backed into a corner by Test and Test goes to work with knees and fists before whipping across and clotheslining him hard. Test does the same thing again before hitting a sidewalk slam and tagging Regal in. Booker tries to get up but Regal knees him right in the side of the head. Regal throws Booker to the ropes and forearms him in the jaw...1...2..Booker kicks Regal off. Regal picks Booker up, but Booker hits a spinning heel kick to the side of the head. Regal falls over into his corner though and manages to tag Storm in. Storm dropkicks Booker in the side preventing the tag being made. Booker gets snap suplexed towards the Un-Americans corner and Storm tags Regal back in. Regal wrenches Booker's arm and hits him with a hammerlock back suplex before dragging him up and sending him shoulder first into the post. As Booker staggers out, Storm is tagged in and hits an armbreaker and locks in an armbar. Storm keeps it locked in for long time before releasing it and tagging Regal. regal drop-toe-holds Booker and wraps on the Regal Stretch, but Rock quickly comes in and kicks Booker off. Hebner gets rid off Rock as Storm goes for a springboard clothesline, but Booker moves and Storm crashes into Regal. Test comes in, but Booker ducks a clothesline and hits the sidekick before crawling over to make the tag...Regal grabs the leg. Booker pulls himself up, but Regal ducks an enziguri and wraps the Regal Stretch in again...Booker desperately crawls towards the ropes...and eventually makes it. Regal frustratedly kicks at Booker's ribs before backing off the ropes, but Booker ducks and DDTs Regal. Both men crawl towards their corners with Regal tagging in Test...and Booker tagging The Rock to a huge pop. Rock punches away at Test as Storm runs at him, but Rock sidesteps and throws him outside before going back to punching Test. Test misses a shot and Rock DDTs him. Regal gets back in but so does Goldust and an all out brawl starts up. Regal hits a double knee on Goldust and runs at Rock, but Rock moves and lets Regal run into Test. But from behind Storm hits a springboard clothesline on Rock...1...2..kick out by Rock. Storm goes for a superkick on Goldust, but he blocks, spins Storm around into a Booker superkick and rolls him up...1...2...Regal makes a save. Regal whips Booker to the corner but Rock stops him, and whips him back across, and Booker clotheslines Regal out of the ring. Booker follows him out as Test hits a Big Boot on Goldust. Storm goes for the Superkick on Rock, but Rock ducks and Storm hits Test. Storm turns back around and Rock spinebusters him...Rock kicks Storm's arm to the side and throws the elbow pad out into the crowd. King-You know what time it is now JR? It's time for the most electrifying move in sports entertainment and more importantly Ameri...Christian tripped him! Rock looks out at Christian and leaps out chasing him around the ring. Meanwhile Storm staggers up as Booker gets in, and hits the Scissors Kick! Booker drops to a knee and looks at his hand...SPIN-A-ROONIE!!! Booker pops back up and Test boots him right in the face!...1...2...thr..Goldust pulls Test off. Goldust and Test brawl away until Test clotheslines Goldust and signals for the Boot. Test misses, and as he turns around The Rock is back in and hits him with a Rock Bottom!!! Christian charges in but Goldust hits him with an uppercut as Rock pins Tets...1...2...Storm hits Rock in the back. The ref tries to get Christian out of the ring and away from Goldust, and is distracted as Storm hits Rock in the head with a steel chair. JR-Damn it no! 1...2...NO! JR-Rock kicked out! Wait, Test has got that flag! Test hits Rock in the back with the flag and Storm hits him with a superkick...1...2...3! JR-Those damn Un-Americans have won it! Wait, the fight ain't over! Winners:The Un-Americans by pinfall(Storm over The Rock) Booker and Goldust brawl away with Storm and Christian but Regal pulls them out and they escape up the rampway with Test and their flag. King-How do they keep doing it JR? JR-I don't know King, but those damn Un-American bastards will soon get what's coming to them, you can bet on that! Wait, we're hearing that someone is in Eric Bischoff's office...can we get a camera back there? The scene cuts backstage to outside Eric Bischoff's door and the camera man knocks on the door. Bischoff shouts for the camera man to go away, but suddenly Stephanie McMahon barges past the camera man and walks in. We hear Bischoff say 'Meet my newest recruit' and then after a short silence he says 'what's the matter Steph, lost for words?' Stephanie storms out as the camera man peeks the camera throught he door and we see 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner sitting on the couch with Eric Bischoff!!! JR-My god, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner is in the WWE!!! Smackdown is gonna be hellacious, but Raw will be too! Oh the WWE is going from strength to strength!!! Don't miss Smackdown on Thursday! The screen showing Steiner and Bischoff fades to black as the copyright stuff and a picture of Eric Bischoff flash up across the screen. Thanks for reading. NWA:TNA/ROH's show will be up later if it isn't already. I'd appreciate feedback from you guys(e.g great show, good results, could be more backstage stuff, just go away please...lol) and maybe a rating for the show, although it's just an opening show thing. Hope you enjoyed it.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Crash was on Raw with ERIC BISCHOFF(who is a wrestling god btw)
  6. King Cucaracha

    Whoshould get their three minutes?

    That'd be a cool idea. JR can still do the Ross Report, and then have Lawler, JR or maybe both of them on Heat. Bring in the new announcers!
  7. King Cucaracha

    The Wall leaves TNA

    Once again, Vinnie Mac is buying out the competition. He saw Malice could have become a relatively over guy with the right backing, and signed him up, because he can. He did it with Perfect and Hogan from XWF, and now he's probably gonna try and take NWA:TNA apart one by one. At least half the guys won't be going back to WWE(Jarrett, Lynn, Killings, Styles, Syxx-Pac, BG, Hall, Shamrock etc) WWE needs competition if it is to suceed again, and WWE needs to suceed for the good of wrestling.
  8. King Cucaracha

    NWA:TNA/ROH Fantasy Fed

    Hopefully you guys have all read my last fed, the WWE one, well this is the NWA:TNA/ROH one. Again, hope you enjoy cause I spent a lot of time doing this. ***NWA:TNA/ROH RANDOM DRAFT SPECIAL*** Live from Sunrise FL A video montage of some of the best moments from the NWA:TNA and ROH shows plays before we go into the arena and see Jerry Jarrett on the screen. Jerry Jarrett-Hello NWA:TNA and of course ROH fans. For those of you who don't know me, I am the owner of NWA:TNA and as of a few weeks ago, ROH too, Jerry Jarrett, father of Jeff Jarrett. And well, tonight is an historic night, as we aim to become the main challenge to WWE by emulating them. After my recent windfall, I have been able to sign some great wrestlers to permanent contracts. Guys you will see tonight...Masato Tanaka, Steve Corino, Super Crazy and Shane Douglas to name but a few. Tonight will be the beggining of a new era for sure. So it is my great pleasure to announce that the NWA:TNA Commisioner will be none other than Vince Russo. And it is my greatpleasure to announce Ricky 'The Dragon' Stemaboat as ROH Commisioner. The announce team for NWA:TNA will now be Mark Madden and Scott Hudson, and the announce team for ROH will be the legendary Joey Styles and Joel Gertner...so with out further ado, let's get up to the ring because I think we should let our wrestling do the talking...thank you. The opening video for NWA:TNA with 'Tear Away' as the theme plays, and we go up to the arena with Mark Madden and Scott Hudson already at the announce desk. Hudson-Hello there everybody, and welcome to the new era of proffesional wrestling as the merger of ROH and NWA:TNA has occured, and new talent has been signed in droves. Both comanies will get half the roster tonight, all drawn randomly, but did you hear the huge annuncement Mark Madden? Vince Russo and Ricky Steamboat as Commisioners! Madden-Yeah I heard that, but did you hear earlier our main event for tonight? Well for those who don't know, tonight we will see a huge main event. Scott Hall teams with Syxx-Pac to take on Jeff Jarrett and one of the new signings, but we're yet to hear who. Hudson-Well Mark the purpose of today is of course the split in the roster. And there is the tumbler up there. 10 men at a time for each company will be announced in between matches, and speaking of matches we're kicking off with a match between the big man Malice and Crowbar Malice vs Crowbar Crowbar walks to the ring with the lead pipe in his hands as the show gets underway with two hardcore guys going at it. Crowbar raises the pipe in the air and gets the crowd going as Malice sneaks up from behind him. Hudson-Wait, Malice came from through the crowd! Malice turns Crowbar around and clotheslines him to the outside as the referee calls for the bell to be rung. Malice follows him out and throws him into the steel barricade head first as the crowd go wild. Crowbar staggers up and Malice presses him above his head before dropping him face first across the barricade. Malice grabs Crowbar's arm to haul him up and then whip him face first into the ring post! The crowd boo at Malice, and as he turns the corner of the ring Crowbar dives at him and hits him with a flying clothesline. Crowbar starts to punch at Malice before throwing him into the barricade and running round to get a chair. The ref goes to the apron to try and tell both guys to get in, but Crowbar ignores him and puches Malice until he's sitting on the chair. Malice is helpless as Crowbar climbs onto the apron, runs across and flips onto Malice, knocking him and the chair over. The crowd pop as Crowbar throws the chair away, gets onto the apron again and dives off with an elbow drop! Madden-That guy is crazy! I can't believe that! Both men struggle to their feet and both start to exchange punches before Malice cloheslines Crowbar and throws him back into the ring. Malice slides half way in, before changing his mind, sliding back out and looking around the fans before pulling out a table! Madden-Oh yeah, here comes the carnage! Malice slides the table into the ring but Crowbar baseball slides into him and grabs the table himself. Crowbar has trouble setting up the table, and as he struggles Malice gets into the ring with a chair...Crowbar tunrs around but ducks the chair shot and dropkicks Malice in the knee before grabbing the chair. Crowbar raises it above his head but the ref grabs it off him as the crowd boo loudly. Meanwhile Malice is back on his feet, and as Crowbar turns around from arguing with the ref, Malice grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him through the table! The ref calls for the bell as Malice stands over Crowbar arms raised in the air. About half a dozen referees pile out from backstage to get Malice away from Crowbar's limp body. Winner:Crowbar by disqualification Hudson-What a chokeslam ride, and what a bad landing too for Crowbar! We may need help for Crowbar Malice walks up the rampway after his win, but as he does Crowbar gets out of the table wreckage and slowly makes his way up the ramp after him. Madden-What is this idiot Crowbar doing? He's just been put through a table, and now he wants some more! Crowbar turns Malice around and punches away at him as the crowd go wild. Malice is rocked back and Crowbar runs back and grabs his lead pipe. Crowbar runs up the ramp and hits Malice in the head with the pipe knocking him down! Malice gets back up and Crowbar DDTs him on the ramp, but as he does the lights go out. Hudson-What the hell, what's going on. Madden get your hand out of my pocket! My wallet's not in that pocket anyway. Madden-Oh thanks. The lights come back on and Crowbar is laying in a pool of fake blood. Malice is standing with arms raised in the air at the top of the ramp and everyone is wondering what happened when suddenly the lights dim and an eiree music begins to play. Two figures come out from behind the curtain, and as the lights come back on we see Malice standing with Gangrel and Vampiro!!! Hudson-Oh my god Gangrel and Vampiro are in the NWA:TNA! What the hell does this...are these three men...oh god! Crowbar's been left laying by these three men. ***commercial break*** After the break Vince Russo is standing on the stage with Gene Okerlund and Jerry Jarrett in front of the tombola. Hudson-Welcome back, and what a start it was...Gangrel, Malice and Vampiro destroying Crowbar. But well Jerry Jarrett is up there by the tombola with Vince Russo, so Gene take it away! Gene-Well thank you Scott, and well it's time for part one of the draw. All the names of the 68 wrestlers under contract to NWA:TNA and ROH are in the bowl. Some of them we don't know about yet so this should be very interesting. New NWA:TNA Commisioner Vince Russo is up here, so Jerry I take it you're here to oversee this. So Vince, without further ado please choose your first ten guys and put them in here. Vince picks out 10 balls from the tombola two or three at a time and puts them in a seperate bowl. Gene is asked to open them and read the names as Russo looks on. Gene-Well OK then...first off is... Gene's eyes widen as he sees who Russo has picked out. He checks with Jerry to see if it's correct before proceeding. Gene-OK, well firstly NWA:TNA has...New Jack! The crowd pop as they hear New Jack's name being called. A 'New Jack' chant starts up as Gene opens another ball. Gene-Well from one crazy guy to another...Terry Funk...Juventud Guerrera...Chris Candido...Vampiro!...Mark Jindrak...OH MY!. Vince, I think this must be right...The Sandman!?! The crowd pop again upon hearing The Sandman's name. Gene-OK I've been told to hurry this up... Madden-Thank god! Gene-Another former ECW star Chilly Willy...and another...The Enforcer C.W Anderson and finally for this section Jimmy Yang Happy with that Vince? Russo-Very. Ricky Steamboat, get your old decrepid ass out here! Steamboat walks out to a great ovation and shakes hands with Okerlund and Jarrett before Jarrett gets a microphone for himself. Jerry Jarrett-Well I see that this is going to take too long. So what I suggest is that You each pick 10 at a time, and we unviel the wrestlers places altogether later on, because we want to get some action out here. Gene-Well OK, Ricky picks ten, then Vince, then Ricky and we unveil them later? Is that right? Madden-WOW, that Okerlund is quick huh Scott Steamboat picks ten, before Russo pushes him out of the way and picks his ten. As they each pick their wrestlers they continue to stare each other down. Once everyone has been picked the four start to walk back but as they do, Russo pushes Steamboat and gets in his face, so Steamboat shoves Russo down on his ass and walks back as Russo starts going mad.# Hudson-The war has started up already! Russo's flat on his ass, and now the wrestlers have all been picked. Jerry Jarrett will announce each brands' roster later on apparantely, but now we're set for action after the break with a triple threat X Division Match! ***a commercial for next week's ROH event plays*** American Dragon vs Spanky vs Elix Skipper After the commercial Spanky is standing in the ring waiting for Elix Skipper to walk down the ailse. Skipper slides in and the two X Division wrestlers quickly go at it with punches and kicks as American Dragon runs down to the ring and starts dominating over the two smaller atheletes. He quickly throws Skipper to the outside before grabbing Spanky and punching him around. Dragon whips Spanky into the ropes, Spanky ducks a clothesline and somersault planchas to the outside onto Skipper. He slides back in as Dragon slides out, and leaps out with a plancha on Dragon, but Dragon catches him and drops him face first on the apron. Dragon drags Spanky in and throws him to the ropes, but Spanky holds on to the ropes. Spanky walks towards him, but Skipper russian legsweeps him from behind. As Skipper gets up Spanky hits a whirling neckbreaker and waits for him to get up. He goes for a superkick, but Skipper catches it and pulls him into a wheelbarrow suplex...1...2..only two. Skipper runs off the ropes looking to hit Spanky with something, but Dragon steps in the way and spinebusters him before turning around and hitting the Dragon Suplex on Spanky. Dragon waits for him to get back up and trips him, before hooking in a move similar to a Boston Crab, but in a Sharpshooter position. The ref checks if Spanky wants to give up, but he crawls towards the ropes. The pain on his face is immense, but he crawls on and eventually makes it to the ropes. Dragon tries to backdrop him, but he flips over, lands on his feet and turns Dragon around, but Dragon hoists him onto his shoulders and samoan drops him...1..Skipper dropkicks Dragon to the outside and goes to the turnbuckles. He pulls himself up so he's in a handstand on the top rope, and then he drops down and spins in mid air hitting a legdrop on Spanky. He drops down to pin him, but Dragon pulls him off and throws him up and onto the table. Madden-Woah, jeez they nearly wiped me out! Dragon rolls back in and grabs Spanky in a double underhook position, but Spanky rolls out and bulldogs him from the second rope. Spanky runs at Dragon, Dragon throws him up in the air but Spanky hurricanranas him on the way back down...1...2...no, only two. Skipper gets back in as Spanky gets clotheslined by Dragon. Skipper stands back and watches as Dragon picks Spanky up, hoists him onto the shoulder and crucifix powerbombs him. Dragon raises his arms in the air, but as he does Skipper kicks him in the gut and puts him in position for the Play Of The Day. Skipper tries to hit it twice, but Dragon blocks it and stands up flipping Skipper onto his shoulders. Dragon walks around with Skipper draped across his shoulders, but suddenly Spanky rolls up Dragon as Dragon falls back on Skipper...1...2...the ref doesn't count because Spanky is pinning Dragon, but Dragon is also pinning Skippe at the same timer. Spanky gets up and argues with the ref, as Skipper DDTs Dragon. Spanky turns around and Skipper hits him with the Play Of The Day...1...2...Dragon legdrops Skipper. Dragon throws Skipper to the outside and hits a reverse DVD on Spanky...1...2...Skipper again pulls Dragon off. Dragon pulls Skipper in and spinebusters him but Spanky spinkicks Dragon to the outside and goes to the top rope. Dragon gets onto the apron, but Spanky kicks him to the floor and then moonsaults onto him. He gets back to the top rope and hits a 450 splash on Skipper...1...2...3...Spanky wins a great match. Winner:Spanky by pin(Spanky over Skipper) Hudson-WOW, what a war that one was. All three gave us all they had, but in the end Spanky won it, and I see a great future ahead of this young kid! Madden-Yeah if you want action like this, it'll be here in the NWA:TNA! Backstage Ricky Steamboat is talking to BG James. Steamboat-So how's things since you came here then BG? James-Ricky, you know, I feel like I belong here. I get to be myself, I get to be a part of the up and coming federation in wrestling, and most of all I get to work for a boss who appreciates talent like you...if I get drawn with you that is. Steamboat-I hope you are too. Anyway, I have a great opportunity for you if you are. You see, on our fir... Steamboat is interrupted by the door flying open and an angry American Dragon barges in. He walks up to his mentor and Steamboat stands up. Steamboat-What's the matter man? You just had a great match... Dragon-I didn't win though did I? That SOB Spanky pinned Skipper, I wasn't even involoved in the finish! Steamboat-Look, what did I teach you. Take every win and every loss with grace. Don't get boastful, and don't get envious, and eventually...you will become the best. James-Hey kid, that's good advise, I'd listen to him Dragon-Yo, was he talking to you? James-He was until you busted in here Dragon-I can go wherever the hell I want...unless you have a problem with that. James-You know you want to stop being so damn cocky, before someone takes exception and slaps your ass around punk! Dragon-And who's gonna do that...you? Steamboat-Guys, leave it! BG, I'll talk to you later, I have to sort him out...thank you BG leaves as Steamboat and Dragon sit down and start to talk. We then go to Vince Russo's office where he's talking to someone out of shot. He tells him to make sure that Hall and Syxx-Pac 'get what they deserve'. The camera man tries to see who it is, but the door is slammed in his face and then locked. Hudson-Who the hell was Russo talking to? Do you think whoever was in there is the mystery partner? Madden-How the hell should I know? Hudson-Well you're his best buddy, you suck up to him all the time. You always have. Madden-Oh shut up Hudson! Anyway, hopefully we're gonna find out who the mystery partner is after the break, so don't let Hudson put you off and stay tuned! Hudson-Oh would you be quiet Madden! ***commercial break*** Gene-Well folks, I am standing with Jerry Jarrett, and Jerry you're here to announce the rosters right? Jerry Jarrett-Actually Gene, that will be happening just before the main event, but the main event is why I'm here. You see, my son Jeff was set to have a match with Scott Hall tonight, but as you know I decided to make it a tag match. So I'm here to announce that Scott Hall and Syxx-Pac will take on the team of Jeff Jarrett and...Shane Douglas. Hudson-WOW what a tag team match. Scott Hall and Syxx-Pac against Jeff Jarrett and 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas! What a main event to kick us off on this new era! Madden-Too damn right. The Franchise and The Chosen One get to take out Scott Hall and 'Syxx-Pac'! I can't wait to see it Brian Lawler vs Kid Kash Hudson-Well we've got another match before then Mark. And what a match this one should be, two of the most underrated wrestlers in the biz Brian Lawler walks out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans in the National Car Rental Center. He rolls into the ring and rasies his arms in the air to a chorus of boos. He slams his arms against the ropes in anger as we hear 'MY NAME IS KIIIIID!!!' and 'Cocky' by Kid Rock plays as Kid Kash comes out onto the stage. He frisbees his hat into the crowd before running to the ring and sliding in, but as he does Lawler starts stomping away at him. Lawler whips him to the ropes, but Kash rebounds and hits Lawler with a flying forearm. Lawler turns around and Kash hits a spinning heel kick sending Lawler scurrying to the outside. The crowd start chanting 'Jerry's kid...Jerry's kid' as Lawler gets angry. He slides back in but Kash immediately goes to work with fists. He whips Lawler to the conrer and charges in, but Lawler gets a foot up. Lawler headlocks him and goes for a bulldog but Kash shoves him off sturnum first into the turnbuckle and springboards off the ropes into a sunset flip...1...2...Lawler kicks out and rolls to the outside. Kash gets onto the buckles and gets the crowd going with another 'Jerry's kid' chant as Lawler gets angry again. Madden-This isn't fair. The crowd are all distracting Brian and putting him off his game! Lawler tries to quieten down the crowd, but as he turns towards the ring, Kash springboards out and hurricanranas him to a huge pop. Lawler gets thrown back in and Kash high-fives a few fans before rolling back in. Kash kicks Lawler in the chest and goes for the, but Lawler backdrops him. A clothesline knocks Kash down again as Lawler starts to get the advantage. Lawler hoists Kash onto the top rope for a superplex, but as he goes up Kash kicks him in the gut and sunset flips him off the middle rope from the top...1...2..two count. Kash runs at Lawler and goes for a tornado DDT but Lawler blocks it and dumps him onto the apron. He backs up and goes to punch him, but Kash rams his shoulder into the gut, rolls in over Lawler's back and runs to the ropes. Lawler misses a clothesline on him, and Kash hits a reverse spinning DDT before going to the top rope but Lawler dives against the ropes knocking Kash down hard. Lawler again climbs up the buckles, and turns to have his back facing Kash. Both men are on the top rope as Lawler has Kash in a headlock. Lawler leaps off, bulldogging Kash from the top! Hudson-Oh my god! What an amzing move, and Kash is out cold! Lalwer rolls over onto Kash...1...2...thr...Kash gets a foot on the rope!!! Lawler angrily stomps on Kash before picking him up and powerslamming him back down. Lawler goes to the top and dives off with a legdrop, but Kash avoids the contact and as Lawler gets holding his ass, Kash kicks him in the gut and hits the !...1...2...3. Kid Kash wins. Winner:Kid Kash by pinfall Kash walks back up the ramp as Lawler slowly comes around. He gets up and starts going crazy in the ring as the screen cuts to the backstage area with Jerry Jarrett at this desk. Both Ricky Steamboat and Vince Russo are in the room, as well as a bunch of lawyers. Jarrett picks up two pieces of paper and shows the back of them to Russo and Steamboat. Jerry Jarrett-OK, on these pieces of paper are your rosters. I will read the NWA:TNA roster first, and then the Ring Of Honour roster. I expect your lawyers and attourneys to write out contracts for each wrestler on your roster and to have them signed by Thursday night. So now, the NWA:TNA roster. New Jack, Terry Funk, Juventud Guerrera, Chris Candido, Vampiro, Mark Jindrak, The Sandman, Chilly Willy, C.W Anderson, Jimmy Yang...Vader, A.J Styles, 'The Truth' Ron Killings, Jeff Jarrett, Crowbar, Steve Blackman, Malice, Brian Lawler, Psicosis, Big Vito, Scoot Andrews, Disco Inferno, Mike Sanders, De Vito, Gangrel, Jerry Lynn, Nova, Steve Corino, Jushin Liger, Nick Mondo, Doug Williams, Nathan Jones, Chris Hamrick...and Sabu!!! Russo smiles as he looks at the list one of his lawyers has wrote down. He smiles over at Steamboat and waits for the ROH roster. So the ROH roster...one of the roster will be kept secret for reasons brought to me by Vince Russo, so the other members are... Chris Chetti, Roadkill, Joey Matthews, Rick Steiner, Christian York, Super Crazy, Masato Tanaka, Elix Skipper, Syxx-Pac, Shane Douglas, The Blue Meanie, Lash LeRoux, Spanky, Balls Mahoney, Kid Kash, Buff Bagwell, Danny Doring, Low Ki, Bruce, Taka Michinoku, BG James, American Dragon, Chris Daniels, James Mariato, E.Z Money, Scott Hall, Brian Adams, Norman Smiley, Lenny, Tony Mamaluke, Bryan Clark, Julio Dinero, Ken Shamrock and...my star signing...Sting!!! Hudson-Oh my god...Sting!?! Sting is in Ring Of Honour! Jerry Jarrett-Now of course further signings can be made as long as the board agrees, gentlemen...good luck. Russo smiles as Steamboat starts to glare straight at him. Madden-Well it's pretty obvious that NWA:TNA has the advantage after the draft, just look at our roster compared to ROH's. Hudson-Well anyway, up next, it's Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall teaming up to take on 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett and 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas, and it should be a war! ***commercial break*** Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett and Shane Douglas Tornado Tag Team Match Shane Douglas's music plays and he walks out for his NWA:TNA debut with his gold robe on. He gets into the ring and jaws with a member of the crowd before grabbing a microphone. Douglas-Shut the hell up! Tonight, I have arrived back in the big time. I am here tonight, and now I find out I will be on the ROH show on Thursday. So you get a double helping of Franchise this week! That's the good news. The bad news is I have to make my return in this shit hole you call a town. Well the place doesn't matter, the fact that you pieces of trash don't respect me enough doesn't matter either. What matters is that I have the best partner I could hope for in Jeff Jarrett. And together, we guarantee that those two slapnuts, the scrawny flea-bag Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall will get their asses FRANCHISED! Hahhahhah!!! Hudson-Well this is actually an elimination Tornado Tag, so both members of the team have to be eliminated for the other team to win. 'The Chosen One' plays over the P.A system and Jeff Jarrett walks to the ring with his guitar over his shoulder and his typical smug look on his face. He argues with fans on his way down, when suddenly Syxx-Pac and Hall runs up from behind Jarrett. Hall starts punching Jarrett as Syxx-Pac slides into the ring and goes to work on the Franchise. Hall and Jarrett brawl away up the ramp and Hall suplexs Jarrett hard on the steel rampway. Hudson-These two guys Hall and Jarrett have been warring with each other since day one of NWA:TNA, and they're not letting up here! In the ring, Syxx-Pac kicks away at Douglas in the corner before hitting a jumping spinkick that knocks Douglas down. Syxx Pac backs up and goes for the Bronco Buster, but Douglas moves and Syxx-Pac goes crashing groin first onto the bottom turnbuckle. Douglas slides back in and catches the injured Syxx-Pac with a vicious clothesline as Hall rams Jarrett's head into everything on the stage that he can. Douglas suplexs Syxx-Pac hard in the middle of the ring as Hall walks down the ramp having laid out Jarrett. Meanwhile Douglas is stomping on Syxx-Pac in the corner, so he doesn't see Hall coming from behind him. Hall turns Douglas around and punches away at Douglas as Syxx-Pac pulls himself up and joins in the beating. Douglas is whipped to the ropes, and gets hit with a double flapjack by Hall and Pac. Syxx-Pac starts to kick Douglas again as Jeff Jarrett rolls into the ring with a guitar. He turns Hall around, but the ref pulls the guitar away, and Hall clotheslines Jarrett. Hall punches Jarrett in the corner as Syxx-Pac does the same to Douglas on the other side. Hall and Pac look over at each other, and whip Jarrett and Douglas into each other and then clothesline them both down. They give their opponents a crotch chop for a crowd pop and then clothesline them down again. Hall picks up Douglas as Syxx-Pac kicks away at the floored Jarrett. Syxx Pac runs at Jarrett, but Jarrett stun-guns him across the top rope and back suplexs him before hitting Hall in the back with a double axehandle. Jarrett and Douglas double team Hall but Syxx-Pac hits them both from behind with a double clothesline and then spinkicks Jarrett down. Douglas pokes Syxx-Pac in the eyes and runs to the ropes, but Hall catches him coming back with a boot to the face. Hall then picks Douglas up and goes for the Sack of S*** but Jarrett pushes Syxx-Pac into Hall and Douglas falls on top of Hall...1...2...Hall kicks out. Douglas misses a clothesline on Hall as Jarrett misses one on Syxx-Pac, and Douglas and Jarrett end up clotheslining each other. They get up and Hall punches away at Jarrett and Syxx-Pac tries to suplex Douglas, but Douglas boots Syxx-Pac low and hits him with the Fisherman Buster...1...2...3. Syxx-Pac is eliminated. Douglas celebrates but doesn't see Hall standing behind him, and as he finally turns around hall boots him in the gut and hits him with the Outsider's Edge...1...2...3...Douglas is gone. Jarrett tries to punch Hall as he turns around, but Hall ducks it and punches Jarrett. Jarrett fights back and goes for a high cross body, but Hall catches him and hits the SOS...1...2...no! Jarrett pulls himself up off the ropes as Douglas and Syxx-Pac brawl on the outside. Jarrett turns around into a kick to the gut and DDT by Hall....1...2...only two. Hall hits a running clothesline on Jarrett and gives the signal for the Outsider's Edge, but the ref is distracted by Douglas on the apron. Syxx-Pac tries to pull him down, but doesn't manage to as Hall gets a low blow from Jarrett. Jarrett swings and misses with his guitar and Hall boots him in the gut, grabs the guitar and smashes Jarrett over the head with it! Hall covers but the referee is still distracted by Syxx-Pac and Douglas. Hall gets up, but from behind someone runs into the ring... Hudson-Wait a minute! It's Tazz! WWE Smackdown commentator Tazz...why is he here? Madden-Tazzmission! Yeah! Tazz has the Tazzmission on Hall as the ref is still distracted. Tazz lets go off Hall and he falls into The Stroke by Jarrett...Tazz runs around the ring and takes out Syxx-Pac as the ref turns around...1...2...3! It's all over! Tazz gets into the ring and wraps the Tazzmission on Hall again as the crowd go wild Douglas throws Syxx-Pac into the ring post and Vince Russo walks down to the ring. Russo gets in the ring and Tazz lets go of the hold to embrace Russo. Hudson-I thought Tazz was a WWE Smackdown commentator! Madden-Well obviously not Hudson, otherwise why would he be here? Wait, I get it! Tazz is here beating on Hall...that was who Russo must have been talking to in his office, that's the guy Russo was hiding from Steamboat. Russo has an insider in ROH...Tazz is gonna be doing Russo biding in ROH...yeah, I love it! Hudson-My god what a night. Whatever you do, don't miss ROH Torture, this Thursday night! What impact will Tazz have on ROH!?! We'll have to wait and see! The scene of Russo, Jarrett, Douglas and Tazz in the ring fades to black as the show ends. Well there's week 1 done. Not the best, but pretty good I suppose. Thanks for reading anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback from you guys(e.g great show, good results, could be more backstage stuff, just go away please...lol) and maybe a rating for the show, although it's just an opening show thing. Hope you enjoyed it.
  9. King Cucaracha

    Unforgiven Predictions

    World Heavyweight Championship (Champion) Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam RVD, maybe thanks to an interference by HBK(JR-oh my god, HBK is out of the wheelchair...it's a miracle! etc) Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle Angle. I hope they don't go old school style the whole match, cause the crowd won't get into it. Booker T, Goldust, Kane, and Bubba Dudley vs. The Unamericans Un-Americans need to win to keep up their heel reputation. Intercontinental Championship (Champion) Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair Flair wins and then Jericho goes nuts for weeks over being Champion for only 6 days and every beats him each week on Raw(even Stasiak) Jamal & Rosie vs. Billy & Chuck Jamal and Rosey are getting the huge push with their gimmick, so I think they'll win. Bischoff will bring out an old/fat/ugly/all of the three lesbian just to rub it in, but then someone stops the HLA and beats on Bisch out of jealousy(he is god! ) Eddy Guerrero vs. Edge Edge WWE Championship (Champion) Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker Lesnar. They've swapped the Undisputed Title around too many times already this year, and they wouldn't give Lesnar such a short reign, no matter how much most fans hate him. Women's Title (Champion) Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus Trish should win this. Why they're not putting Rey Mysterio in I don't know, because he's the best thing in the WWE at the moment. JR has said that we might have Chavo vs Rey on Heat, but what's the point of that? If they do have this match, they should put it on the PPV. But if it were me, I'd put something memorable like Chavo vs Rey vs Noble vs Kidman for the Title.