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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    While I was at work today, because we were deader than George Washington, I decided to compile a list of possible entries into Legends of WrestleMania that aren't in the game already, according to the various media (except for the first two, as they are almost likely from what I've heard). Except for one on my list, I made the cut-off time WrestleMania XV. -The Big Boss Man -Mr. Perfect -"Macho Man" Randy Savage -The Undertaker (Classic Look) -Eddie Guerrero -Yokozuna -Sid -Ax -Smash -Tully Blanchard (to go with the Arn speculation -Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart -The Honky Tonk Man -Owen Hart (BIG doubtful on him, due to his wife's hatred of WWE right now) -Earthquake -Vader -Mr. T (another big doubtful, but who knows) -"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff -"Cowboy" Bob Orton -Don Muraco -The One Man Gang/Akeem -Hillbilly Jim -Tito Santana -"The Model" Rick Martel -Haku -"The King" Harley Race -The Barbarian -The Warlord -Nikolai Volkoff -Bad News Brown -King Kong Bundy -Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat -George "The Animal" Steele EDIT -Mike Rotundo/Irwin R. Schyster -Barry Windham (if Rotundo look is in game and not just IRS look) -"Ravishing" Rick Rude EDIT 2: -Razor Ramon And managers -Paul Bearer -"Classy" Freddie Blassie -Slick -Captain Lou Albano -"Luscious" Johnny Valiant -Elizabeth -Sunny (though the only WrestleMania she appeared at on the main Mania card was XIV, managing LOD) -Paul Ellering (also LOD manager, but only was there for a promo they did at VIII)
  2. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Don't know if this was posted anywhere here, so I'll just post it.
  3. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    I always chuckle at how they edit out Bret Hart's involvement in Taker/Sid.
  4. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    Rhodes' "Roll the Dice" move is now known as "CrossRhodes". Now DiBiase's finisher neads a name.
  5. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    And of course (depending on if Fatal Four Ways are in the game) there's my idea about match: Andre vs. Studd vs. Big Show vs. Khali. Special Guest Referee: Big Daddy V Wearing a striped sandwich board insted of a striped shirt.
  6. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    And of course (depending on if Fatal Four Ways are in the game) there's my idea about match: Andre vs. Studd vs. Big Show vs. Khali.
  7. ChrisMWaters

    TSM Profile: Bam Bam Bigelow

    They did that spot twice. First time was when Taz was TV Champ. It happened in the ring, and the event was in Asbury Park. They had Bam Bam climb out, drag Taz out, and pin Taz...something very rare back in those days in ECW. Fast Forward...I want to say a year or so but I may be wrong on that...later. To build Taz up to face Shane Douglas for the World Title, he faced Bam Bam again. This time they went through the ramp. This time though, Taz survived and locked Bam Bam back into the Tazmission after getting out of the hole.
  8. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Only if we can get "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and "Cowboy" Bob Orton to COMPLETELY recreate the WrestleMania 1 Main Event.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    OK...upper mid-carders... -Well, JYD was an immensly popular upper mid-carder, even though he never got a title. He even fought for the Intercontinental title at WrestleMania 1. Plus, he has the Hall of Fame thing going for him. -"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan is mostly in the same boat as JYD, minus fighting for a title at a WrestleMania (unless you count his appearance in the tournament). Plus, he's still with the company to this day. Also, first Royal Rumble winner -Dusty Rhodes, while not having done too much in WWF back then, is a former 3 time world champion. Also has Hall of Famer. Also has two sons in the company (will be fun to put Dusty against Cody in the game) -Big John Studd: Former Tag Team Champion with Killer Kowalski as The Executioners. Second Royal Rumble Winner, first one to win a PPV Royal Rumble. Also, had the feud with Andre...and is in the Hall of Fame. Just pointing out justification for those people
  10. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    If that note about 38 playables is true...that would leave 14 more playables that haven't been announced in one way or another. As long as we get Savage, I'm good with the roster. Old School Taker I think would be a shoe-in Still want Guerrero, but if they're only using arenas up to Mania 15, I can understand why he wouldn't. As I said, Yoko is a good possibility. And you're taking the name "Legends of WrestleMania" too seriously, YKRG. Sure they could have just called the game "WWE Legends", but they wanted to use the WrestleMania name. Plus, there's a good portions of guys they couldn't use: -Nash -Dudleys -Angle -Booker -98% of the roster in SvR (HBK and Taker being the exceptions) -Benoit due to history So...yeah. ...I just thought of someone else I'd like to see in the game that had two WrestleMania main events: Sid. EDIT: Oh, and they also may or may not be able to use Owen Hart, unfortunately.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Checked WWE.com, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka is in the game. Also, IGN's next ep is up. The ones they mentioned on this show (NEW is next to ones not before mentioned in this thread as officially being in) -Stone Cold Steve Austin -The Rock -"Mouth of The South" Jimmy Hart -Hawk -Animal -"Rowdy" Roddy Piper -Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (NEW) -"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (NEW) -The British Bulldog (NEW) And last but not least... -"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (NEW)....WITH Million Dollar Championship!
  12. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Something someone brought to my attention. Mr. Fuji is in the kimono look, which he only used in the early-mid 90s when managing a certain person. If his "Odd Job" look is in the game as well, the Kimono look could possibly confirm another legend. Could it be that...Yokozuna is in Legends of WrestleMania?
  13. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hmm, if Arn IS confirmed for this game, this will be his video game debut. He wasn't even in the Legends of Wrestling series.
  14. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - February 6, 2009

    Just that Jeff Hardy will be on the show next week.
  15. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Dusty, Studd, and JYD are in the WWE Hall of Fame though. Hence why they got in.
  16. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - February 6, 2009

    They don't count, since the Royal Rumble loss didn't count for him.
  17. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hart Foundation is halfway there already, with Bret Hart in the game. Question is if Neidhart made the cut.
  18. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    If that's true, then that means one fourth of my remaining dream roster is complete. Guerrero is iffy if they're only going up to the WrestleMania XV arena...
  19. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    There's four people I'm hoping for in this game that haven't been announced yet: 1)"Macho Man" Randy Savage 2)Old School Undertaker 3)Eddie Guerrero 4)"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase As long as those for are in, everything will be fine for me.
  20. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - February 6, 2009

    Demolition reference in the 6 Man Tag!
  21. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I just wonder if Andre will have music that they made up or no music like how he really came to the ring back in the day.
  22. ChrisMWaters

    Most Unique Wrestling Entrances

    OK, was doing my Royal Rumble Marathon...currently watching the 2006 Royal Rumble event...and John Cena's "Spaceship" entrance got me thinking... What are some good, unique entrances that some wrestlers have done over the years. Some off the top of my head: -Gangrel & The Brood's "Rise from the fire" entrance -Michaels' zip-line from Mania 12. -The Spaceship entrance by Cena at Rumble 06. -Both Cena and Triple H's entrances at Mania 22 -Dustin Runnels' entrance for his "Se7en" character. So...your opinions on some good ones...maybe some from Japan that I don't know about?
  23. ChrisMWaters

    Most Unique Wrestling Entrances

    I'm debating making a poll of "Best Specialty John Cena WrestleMania Entrance". His Mania XX and 21 entrances won't count. Mania 22-24, however, are the ones.
  24. ChrisMWaters

    Once Great Cable Channels That Have Gone Downhill

    The biggest problem with a new Match Game would be the political correctness though. Something like Gene Rayburn's line to Fannie Flagg here wouldn't fly today. Or this whole segment with Charles...
  25. ChrisMWaters

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    Eh, soft voiced big men worked before. I mean, Lesnar didn't have that deep of a voice, and they were building the promotion...to an extent...around him for a while.